

Research of Biomechanic Characteristic of Lower Limbs Motion in Jogging

【作者】 胡宗祥

【导师】 刘学贞;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 运动人体科学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本研究借助QUALISYS红外光点运动分析系统、Kistle测力台系统、Footscan足底压力测试系统、以及Mega肌电系统等多种生物力学测试方法,对慢跑运动中下肢动作的运动学指标、动力学指标、足底指标压力指标和肌电指标进行了较全面研究。并在此基础上对造成跑步损伤的力学问题进行了分析。研究结果如下:1采用较平的脚着地姿势可为后继背屈缓冲提供了更大的运动空间,增大着地时足底接触地面的面积,使冲击力在足底产生的压强降低,从而减少对足底的损害;适当增加足在着地前的跖屈幅度,更有利于缓冲冲击力。2在慢跑健身时应适当穿软底鞋,可减少着地时地面对足部乃至人整体的冲击;穿鞋跑和光脚跑对足部受力的影响主要在着地阶段。3无论是穿鞋跑和光脚跑,第2、1、3跖骨所受的冲量和压强都比较大,尤其是第2跖骨最大,而跟骨和第5跖骨所受的冲量和压强相对要小的多。由此可见第2、1、3跖骨区域尤其是第2跖骨是慢跑慢性病尤其是疲劳损伤多发的地方。4下肢各肌肉群在脚着地前后具有较大的活性,而在离地前活性减小。在整个动作周期中,脚触地动作要比离地动作更重要。5在慢跑的下肢动作技术中,肌肉的发力主要是在缓冲阶段,蹬伸过程的动力很大一部分是来自缓冲阶段肌肉储存的势能和惯性。6缓冲阶段,膝关节是缓冲动作最主要的部位,蹬伸过程踝关节所受的外力比较大

【Abstract】 With the methods of Qualisys infrared light spot kinematic analysis system,Kistleri strength testing system,foot base pressure distributing system and Mega EMG system,this reserch made a comprehensively study into the kinematic,dynamics,foot pressure and EMG quota of the waist and leg action in jogging.Based on the datum, the mechanics issue of running injury is analysed in the same time.The results are indicated as follows:1.The touchdown posture of comparatively level foot can provide the bigger movement space for the cushion of the successor back bending, increase the touchdown area of foot step,lighten the intensity of pressure produced by impact at the foot base,thus reduced the harm to foot base.The wider scope of foot expanding and bending,the more advantageous to the buffer of the impact.2.When jog fitness it is advisable to put on the soft bottom shoes,which reduces the impact of the ground on the foot and even the whole body; The influence of running in shoes or barefoot running on the foot stress is mainly on the touchdown stage.3.Regardless of running in shoes or barefoot running,the amount of impulse and the intensity of pressure on the 2nd,1st,3rd metatarsal bones are ralatively great,especially the 2nd metatarsal bone the greatest,while the amount of impulse and the intensity of pressure on the calcaneum and the 5th metatarsal bone are comparatively small.Thus it can be seen that the jog chronic diseases,fatigue damageespecially freqyently occur to the 2nd,1st,3rd metatarsal bones region and the 2nd metatarsal bone in particular.4.The muscle groups are comparatively active before and after the foot touchdown of the ground;they becme less active before the foot clearance of the ground.The action of touchdown is more important than the action of clearance during the movement period.5.In the lower limb movement technology of running for fitness,the muscles generate strength mainly in the cushion stage.The potential energy and the inertia stored up during the cushion stage contribute a lot to the power of pressing and expanding process.6.The cushion stage,the knee joint is main spot of the cushion movement; while the ankle joint stands more external force during thepressing and expanding process.

【关键词】 慢跑运动学动力学足底压力肌电
【Key words】 joggingkinematicdynamicsfoot base pressure distributionEMG

