

A Study on the Theories and Demonstration of DCTT and Special Physical Ability System for the National Athletics Volleyball

【作者】 盖洋

【导师】 葛春林;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 体能训练的根本目的是提高运动员的身体能力,以能更好地完成技战术的要求,适应项目不断变化、发展的需要,并取得优异的运动成绩。我国的一些学者从不同的角度对于排球运动员的体能训练进行了深入的探讨,但是,还存在着诸多的问题。我们认为,体能训练的组织必须要为技战术指导思想服务,要充分重视技战术和体能的相关关系,严谨的分析两者间的相互影响,从排球的技、战术特点出发来组织训练工作。为此,本文采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法、统计分析法、测试法、观察法和逻辑分析法等,对于世界和我国排球技战术的发展特征、技战术运用特点进行了分析,并对于新时期我国排球的技战术指导思想进行探讨。并在清楚了解运动员体能状况的前提下,结合技战术特征和指导思想,对于优秀排球运动员的体能训练体系进行了深入探讨。研究结果如下:1.揭示了技战术指导思想对于体能训练的指导意义。对于竞技排球技战术指导思想的制定正确与否是可以影响一个国家的排球队一个周期甚至一个时期的运动成绩和竞技排球地位的。正确的、灵活的、可持续发展的技战术指导思想是取得优异运动成绩的有力保障。继承→批判→创新的道路才是排球技、战术发展的必由之路。2.分析了我国男、女排的技战术运用特点,创新性地提出新时期我国竞技排球的技战术指导思想。通过对我国男女排和世界主要对手比赛中技战术运用情况,认为我们在坚持“陕速多变”战术特点的同时,还要根据世界排坛发展的特点,重视创新与发展的问题。为此,本人试提出“技术全面,战术灵活,重视速度,突出专位,发展纵深,强调整体”的新时期我国竞技排球技战术指导思想。3.对于我国优秀运动员的体能状况进行了分析本文从运动员的身体形态、身体机能和运动素质三个方面以及国家队和各省市队的体能训练现状的调查来进行研究。并以此作为组织体能训练的重要依据。4.建立了优秀排球运动员的体能训练理论体系优秀排球运动员的体能训练理论体系中包括训练内容体系、训练方法体系、训练周期体系和训练目标体系四个方面。5.对于一些运动员的体能训练方案进行了实证研究对于优秀排球运动员体能训练方案的实证研究,主要应考虑研究对象的运动员竞技生涯发展目标的规划、本队的战术指导思想和战术风格、身体形态、专项位置、年龄、素质水平和伤病情况等几个方面,而各方面又包含若干指标。

【Abstract】 1.It announced the meaning to public the skill military tactics instruction thought’s instruction toward physical trainingFor tournament the volleyball skill military tactics instruction thought of establishment exactitude or not is can influence a nation of volleyball brigade a period even a period of sport result and tournament volleyball position of.Correct of,vivid of,can keep on the skill military tactics instruction thought of development is the emollient guarantee which obtains excellent sport result.Inherit→judgment→the creative road is a volleyball skill,military tactics development of necessarily from it road.2.Analyzed an our country male,the skill military tactics of the female row usage characteristics,the skill military tactics which put forward a lately period our country a tournament volleyball of creative sex ground instruction thought.Pass men and women row and the skill military tactics in main opponent game in the world to make use of a circumstance to the our country,think the characteristics that we also want to line up an altar a development according to the world at the time of insisting the military tactics characteristics of "quickly and much change",value innovation and development of problem.For this,oneself the lately period our country tried to put forward "technique overall,the military tactics is vivid, value speed,outstanding particularly,develop Zong deeply,emphasize whole" tournament the volleyball skill military tactics instruction thought.3.Carried on analysis to the physique condition of our country excellent athleteThis text carries on a research from 3 and the inquisition of the physical training present condition of national brigade and each city brigade of body appearance,body function and sport character of athlete.Also use this as the importance basis which organizes a physical training.4.Built up the physical training theories of the excellent volleyball athlete systemIt includes to trains contents system,trains method system and trains period system and train target system 4 in the physical training theories system of excellent volleyball athlete.5.Carried on a substantial evidence research to some physical training projects of athletesFor the substantial evidence research of excellent physical training project of the volleyball athlete,mainly should consider the research object’s athlete a tournament the career develops the programming,this brigade of target of thought and military tactics style,body appearance of the military tactics instruction,particularly item position,age, character level and harm condition condition’s etc.be a few aspects, but everyone’s noodles have already included some index signs.


