

Study on the Practices of the Olympic Education in Primary and Secondary School of Beijing

【作者】 张蕾

【导师】 葛春林;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 奥林匹克教育是北京筹办2008年奥运会的重要组成部分,关注北京奥林匹克教育实践的进程不仅是奥林匹克运动发展的需要,更是回应北京学校教育改革发展的时代诉求。研究奥林匹克教育与学校教育的相互关系,探寻学校奥林匹克教育的价值和实效性具有现实意义和理论前景。本研究以符号互动论为基本分析工具,结合质的研究方法,研究资料主要采用田野工作的实地调查获得。个案和大量案例综合运用的目的在于借还原“故事”,铺陈北京中小学奥林匹克教育实践的鲜活场景,从对其细节分析中,推导出学校奥林匹克教育的基本定位及实施效果、主要特征、影响因素和策略选择,初构奥林匹克教育结构模型。研究结果运用“扎根理论”法建构。结论是:1、奥林匹克教育给学校带来了发展契机。个案北京市海淀区羊坊店中心小学和其他中小学的实践诠释了适时抓住奥林匹克教育契机,可以有效地彰显学校特色、提升办学品质、促进学生综合素质提高,为学校发展注入活力,是学校发展的“催化剂”之一。2、奥林匹克教育活动具有“符号性”和“互动性”特征。借助创造和使用“符号”,“主体间性”的互动关系得以体现。体育是互动的基础,德育是互动的实质。奥林匹克教育示范学校促进了互动机制的形成。“同心结”交流活动拓展了互动时空,促进了多元文化交流。3、北京中小学奥林匹克教育的主要特征是:生动的实践性、鲜明的体育性、浓厚的区域性、丰富的创造性和开放的时空性。4、奥林匹克教育为学校、家庭和社会间构筑了良性互动的平台,促使和谐师生关系和平等家校联系的建立,以及开放的社会联动机制的形成。使得教育者有机会重新审视办学理念,促进教育时空的开放和特色办学的创建。5、奥林匹克教育实施过程中,学校、家庭和社会影响效应不同。优化教育环境、整合社会资源是学校奥林匹克教育的外部支持力量。满足学生需要是提高奥林匹克教育实效的内部因素。6、奥林匹克教育正由决策者“任务驱动”的外在形态,逐渐内化为学校教育者主动的“教育选择”。将奥林匹克教育的价值追求渗入学校办学理念和文化建设之中,融合教育思想、整合教学资源、契合学校管理,是推动学校教育可持续发展和学生全面发展的有效路径。7、以生命、环境和责任为主题,初步构建出学校奥林匹克教育结构“三元模型”。凸显奥林匹克教育对促进人与人、人与自然和人与社会和谐关系建立的积极作用。

【Abstract】 The Olympic education is an important part of the pre-work of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games,therefore,great efforts should be paid to the Olympic education in Beijing schools since it is not only necessary for bringing about a successful session of Olympic Games,but also for meeting the urgent demand of educational reform needed for modern education.Study on the relation between implementing the Olympic education and the routine work of the schools and investigating the values and effects of the Olympic education in the implementing process are of great practical importance and theoretical significance.This study used the symbolic intefactionism as the basic analytical method,combined with the qualitative research.The data used in this paper mainly collected from field investigation.The comprehensive study of the individual case along with the description of great amount of other cases aims at reconstruct the original“story”,gives a vivid landscape of the practices of Olympic education in primary schools and secondary schools of Beijing and deducts the adequate position and the concrete effects of this specific education,shows the main characters,the influential factors of it and suggests the choosing tactics in implementing this education.Based on the above work,we got the preliminary model of Olympic education in primary and secondary schools and by using“grounded theory”to construct,we have the following conclusion:1.Olympic education gives the developing chances for schools.This could be shown in the case of Yang Fangdian Center Primary School in the Haidian district and other schools of Beijing,where they highlighted they school characters and merits through promoting Olympic education and enhanced they school grade.These cases proved that Olympic education can promote the enhancement of the comprehensive merits of the students, imbue vigor to the school development and could be considered as one of the“catalyst”of educational development. 2.By creating and utilizing“symbol”,the interacting relation of the“intersubjective”established in the Olympic education activities. Physical education should be considered as the carrier of interaction and the moral education the core of interaction.Olympic Education Model Schools promoted the formation of interaction and the“Heart-to-heart”Partnership Program there expanded the time and space of interaction, inspired the exchanging mechanism of poly-culture.3.The main characters of the Olympic education in primary and secondary schools in Beijing are:vivid practices;stressing on physical education; strong characters in districts;abundant in creativity and open in time and space.4.Olympic education provides a positive interaction platform for schools,families and the social communities.It promotes the establishment of a cordial relation between teachers and students and the links between schools and students families.It also do favor of the formation of an open social interaction mechanism gives the education performers the opportunities to reexamine their educational conceptions and in favorable to the formation of time and space openness of education and with it the formation of schools with merits and characters.5.In the process of the implementing of Olympic education,schools, families and social communities will have different parts to play. Upgrade educational environment and make full use of the social facilities will give supports to the school Olympic education from the outside and to satisfy the various needs so as to realize the desired goals of the Olympic education is the key factor from the inside.6.Olympic education is now in the process from the exterior spur given by the authorities to the“educational option”gradually actively accepted by the educational performers.Combining the pursuing of the value of Olympic education with the routine educational conception and cultural construction,accepting the new educational notion,making full use of the educational facilities,reforming the administration of schools are effective ways to give impulsion to the sustainable development of school education and the comprehensive development of students. 7.Take life,environment and responsibility as topics and construct the preliminary“Three Factors model”of Olympic education which will exert positive influence in promoting the harmonious relation among people and between man and nature and also man and society.


