

Research on Foreign Experts Administration Mechanism for Olympic Games

【作者】 段炼

【导师】 刘玉林;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 为规范各项目运动管理中心引进外籍专家的行为,提高引进和使用效益,优化外籍专家引进和管理模式,充分发挥举国体制的作用,最大程度的挖掘外籍专家的潜力,为我国体育项目在奥运会上取得更好成绩提供强有力的政策保障和技术支持,对我国国家队备战奥运会引进外籍专家的管理进行综合研究。本研究依据人力资源管理理论、目标管理理论和动机理论,运用文献资料法、调查访问法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法和问卷调查法,通过对我国备战奥运会的外籍专家管理机制进行研究,主要结论如下:1、为备战奥运会我国有12个运动管理中心聘请了外籍专家33位,分别在23个项目上指导国家队的备战工作。在对备战奥运会外籍专家的管理过程中,语言、经费、管理体制、对项目规律的不同认识成为项目运动管理中心遇到的主要问题。外籍专家不仅促进了备战奥运会的工作,也促进了我国潜优势项目和落后项目的发展和突破。2、备战奥运会外籍专家来中国的动力主要有北京奥运会的吸引力、世界竞技体育的职业化发展、奥运会的高薪激励和人才分布的非均衡化,我国的“举国体制”也是吸引外籍专家来华执教的一个重要因素。3、引进备战奥运会外籍专家的主要目的以提高队伍成绩,获得好的名次;在引进备战奥运会外籍专家过程中要有明确的指导思想和指导原则,全面考察外籍专家的思想品德、执教能力、执教经历和声望和跨文化交流能力等综合素质,建立严格的引进程序。4、我国备战奥运会外籍专家监督机制的特点是强调宏观监督、重视集体监督、重视领导层的监督、监督工作缺乏制度化。对外籍体育专家监督的原则是以宏观监督为主,辅之以微观监督的原则;以制度监督为主,辅之工作监督的原则。完善备战奥运外籍专家监督机制的对策是更新监督观念,建立完善的备战奥运会外籍专家监督制度,明确备战奥运会外籍专家监督的组织机构,建立宏观和微观相结合的监督层面和建立及时的监督反馈和沟通渠道。5、建立激励机制要遵循系统原则、人本原则、适度原则、持续改进原则和互补原则等。同时外籍专家激励机制的建立要物质、精神激励双管齐下,因势利导,让他们融入团队,达到制度化与人性化管理和谐统一。6、备战奥运会外籍专家评价指标体系包含了5个一级指标,22个二级指标。5个一级指标包括队伍和个人的比赛成绩、外籍专家的职业道德、外籍专家的训练水平、外籍专家与中方教练员及管理人员的合作关系和外籍专家指挥队员参加比赛的能力,它们的权重分别是0.23、0.18、0.21、0.17和0.21。随着国际间体育人才的交流,备战奥运会外籍专家对我国竞技体育的发展做出了一定的贡献,但是对备战奥运会外籍专家的管理还存在一定问题。在今后的工作中,对项目运动管理中心引进外籍专家要加强科学管理,合理布局,有计划的聘请备战奥运会外籍专家。对引进的备战奥运会外籍专家,要加强管理,不断完善监督机制、激励机制和考核评价机制,对备战奥运会外籍专家的使用达到效益最大化。

【Abstract】 In order to prescribe the conduct of importation foreign experts of the sports management centers,promote the benefit of importation,optimize the management model,bring out the best of the experts,give play to the system superiority of the whole nation,set up the scientific platform for experts,establish the evaluation system,provide the policy support for the best performance of our competitive sport in the Olympic Games,the comprehensive research of Chinese national teams importing foreign experts for 2008 Olympic Games was made in this paper.According to the theory of human resources management,objection management,motion management,the methods of documentation,investigation and visit,logical analysis,statistics and questionnaire have been used in the research of foreign experts imported by Chinese national teams and get the following results.1.There are 33 foreign experts imported by 12 sports management centers and 23 events for the purpose of 2008 Olympic Games.During the process of experts’ management,language,finance,administration and the event discipline are the main challenges faced by the sport centers.The foreign experts not only promote the preparation drive for 2008 Olympic Games,but also make the development of the disadvantage events.2.2008 Olympic Games,the professional development of the world competitive sports,high salary stimulation for 2008 Olympic Games and the unbalance of the capability personnel distribution are the main reasons of the experts serving for Chinese sports.The principle of Whole Nation in the field of sport is another reason attracting the foreigners to China.3.The main objection of importing foreign experts is for enhancing the performance of China’s sports teams.There are direction thoughts and principles for the importation.The comprehensive examine of the experts’ thought,training level and experience and the exchange capacity in the different cultures should be conducted the strict importation process be set up.4.The characters of the supervision for the foreign experts are stressing the macro supervision,collecting supervision and leader’s supervision.The system supervision is absent.5.The basic principle we importing foreign experts has the characters of integrity,humanity,programmatic and etc.The stimulating mechanism of teamwork, financial combining with mental stimulating,and the rule and personality administration will be set up.6.The valuable system of the foreign experts has 5 first-level and 22 second-level standards.The percents of the 5 first-level standards are 0.23、0.18、0.21、0.17 and 0.21.With the upcoming of 2008 Olympic Games,there are not any concrete stipulations on the work of experts importing,instead of some experiences.At present,there is any research on the work of importation and administration of experts,so this paper is meaningful from the theoretical and practical point of view.

【关键词】 奥运外籍专家引进管理
【Key words】 Olympic GamesForeign ExpertsManagement
  • 【分类号】G812.13
  • 【下载频次】285

