

Study on the Competences Structure and Post Training System of Chinese Athletic Coaches

【作者】 李继辉

【导师】 袁作生;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 教练员的执教能力和水平是影响和制约竞技体育发展的一个重要环节,提高教练员素质已经成为世界各国提高竞技体育科学化训练水平的主要途径。虽然近些年中国竞技田径运动在某些项目的技术水平和比赛成绩处于世界领先地位,但是中国竞技田径运动的整体水平与世界体育强国之间的差距显而易见。深入研究我国田径教练员的素质结构、岗位培训体系及两者的相互关系,对提高我国田径教练员的执教能力、实现以人为本的培训理念、促进我国田径运动的均衡与可持续健康发展都将起到积极的推动与促进作用。同时也将对其它竞技体育项目相关领域的理论与实践研究,提供有益的参考与借鉴。本文对我国高水平田径教练员、优秀田径运动员、体育类院校专家、田径运动管理者进行问卷调查,结合个案研究、逻辑推理、数理统计等研究方法进行资料的整合与统计,构建我国田径教练员素质结构、提炼其核心素质结构,并且在此基础上构建合理、完善的田径教练员岗位培训体系。本研究认为,我国田径教练员的素质结构由“显性素质”包括两项二级指标、十项三级指标、四十九项四级指标和“隐性素质”包括六项二级指标、二十六项三级指标构成。核心素质的重要程度依次为:执教理念、心理品质、专项训练能力、指挥比赛能力、专项经验、敬业精神、运动训练基础理论知识、运动医疗保健知识、管理队伍能力、“其它”、哲学和思维科学知识等十一项要素,并区分为核心层和保障层。我国田径教练员岗位培训体系由培训的战略目标制定、需求分析、组织与实施及效果评估四项关键要素构成。以中国田径运动的均衡、可持续发展及教练员综合素质的全面提高为战略目标,明确的教练员培训需求为重点,关注师资选聘、培训内容模块划分、有效培训形式等组织与实施各项细节,构建科学的培训效果评估方案,是完善我国田径教练员岗位培训理论体系与实践研究的核心环节。我国田径教练员的素质结构与培训体系之间形成了“房型结构”的保障与支撑相互关系。政府相关部门组织的教练员岗位培训工作及其它教练员培训、学习活动是实现教练员执教能力全面提升的支撑;教练员要努力实现培训成果的转化,通过指导运动训练实践活动,最终帮助运动员取得优异运动成绩并促进其身心的全面发展,发挥教练员的训练保障作用:教练员对各项核心素质的选取及其重视程度,将形成其个性化的执教风格。

【Abstract】 The coaches’ executive capability and level are key aspects to influce and restrict the development of competitive sports.Enhancing the coaches’ competences is the main approach to improve the level of competitive sports and scicetific training in many countries.Although some events of Chinese Athletics are in the advanced position all over the world in rcent years,the disparity of the whole standard between China and some great power country is obvious.Study on the Chinese athletic coaches’ competences structure,post training system and the relationship between them throughly is very important to improve the athletic coaches’ executive capability,promote the continious and exuberant development of Chinese athletics and realize the people oriented training recognition.This study will benefit other events’ relative theoretical and practical research.Using documentary research on the Chinese sport universities’ experts, advanced athletic coaches,excellent athletes and athletic governors,combined with questionaire and interview,case study,logical organum and numeral statistics,the data was analysed and conformited in order to compose the Chinese athletic coaches’ competences structure,kernel competences structure,and the consummate post training system relatively.The apparent Chinese athletic coaches’ competences are composed of two items of second rank,ten items of third rank and forty-nine items of fourth rank.The concealed competences are composed of six items of second rank,twenty-six items of third rank.It can be concluded that the important degree of kernel competences of Chinese athletic coaches are with eleven factors:training recognition,psychological characters,special training ability,direct competition ability,special experiences, career respect spirits,sport training knowledge,sport medical treatment knowledge, team management ability,"others",philosophy and thought knowledge.It is divided into kernel and sustaining parts. Chinese athletic coaches’ post training system is composed of tactic establishment,requirement analysis,organization and implement combined with effect evaluation.According to the tactic of equilibrious continous development and the enhancing of the integrated competences of coaches,pay attention on the explicit coaches’ training requirement,specify the organization and implement details like lecturers,training contents,training modalities,forming the scientific effect evaluation project,all these aspecets will consummate Chinese athletic coaches’ post training system theretically and practically.Chinese athletic coaches’ competences and training system form the "house model structure",the relationship between them are sustaining and supportive.The post traing from government combined with other training activities will play the supportive role to improve the coaches’ executive capabilities.The coaches should try to carry out the training harvest and the athletes will acquire the better performance and whole development throuth coaches’ training activities.The coaches play the sustaining role.The selection of the kernel competences will form the coaches’ individual training style.


