

The Study of the Energy Metabolism of the Match-play and the Menstrual Abnormity of the Chinese Women Handball Players

【作者】 丁轶建

【导师】 曾凡星;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 运动人体科学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 针对中国女子手球运动员备战北京奥运过程中所遇到的“体能”和“月经异常”问题,对她们的比赛能量代谢特征及月经异常的生理学特点进行分析,旨在探索女子手球专项能量代谢特点,进一步阐明女子手球运动员月经异常的生理学原理,为女子手球训练提供一定的科学理论依据。研究一:中国女子手球运动员比赛能量代谢特点的研究本研究以18名中国女子手球运动员为研究对象,在实验室测试最大摄氧量、无氧阈、无氧功等指标,在运动现场应用遥测心率技术测试中国女子手球队不同位置运动员在进行国际和国内比赛时心率变化的特点,结合血乳酸和运动特点,分析比赛能量代谢特点。主要结果和结论如下:1.手球比赛是非周期性、持续性和间歇性交融的混氧运动,场上队员比赛时平均强度在无氧阈强度上下,主要进行的是有氧运动,但无氧运动占一定比例,负荷强度可以达自身极限,存在一定的个体和位置差异。成为优秀手球运动员须具备高水平无氧爆发力和较强的有氧能力。各位置手球运动员能量代谢系统需求有差异,对有氧能力要求最高的是边锋,其次是卫线和底线,再次是守门员。2.中国女子手球运动员整体有氧能力较好,但无氧爆发力和无氧耐力较差,从位置能量代谢需求特点分析,边锋的最大摄氧量水平较低。运动员赛后乳酸水平不高,有的下半场比赛心率下降,可能是产生“下半场体能问题”的原因。3.国内比赛能量代谢特点与国际比赛相似,推测通过国内高水平的对抗赛也可以达到专项体能锻炼的目的。研究二:中国女子手球运动员月经异常的生理学研究本研究通过测试中国女子手球队月经正常和月经异常运动员的运动机能、FSH、LH、E2、GH、Leptin、T、C、Ca、ACTH、体脂百分比,以及四周训练对Leptin、T、C变化和IFN-γ、IL-2、IL-4和IL-10的mRNA表达的影响展开分析,探讨女子手球运动员月经异常的生理学特点。主要结果和结论如下:1.月经异常和月经正常的手球运动员VO2max、相对VO2max、Pmax、相对Pmax和平均无氧功无显著性差异,表明月经异常运动员与正常运动员运动机能无显著差异。2.月经异常的运动员比月经正常运动员的体脂百分比、Leptin、GH、FSH、LH、PRO、E2明显降低,而ACTH、C、T无显著差异,表明月经异常运动员HPO轴受到一定程度抑制,其原因与体脂百分比、FSH、LH、PRO、E2、Leptin、GH水平偏低有关。此外,大负荷训练会使月经异常运动员Leptin升高,而对月经正常运动员的Leptin的影响较小,推测血液内Leptin过高或过低是导致运动员月经异常的重要原因。3.四周训练使女子手球运动员机体细胞和体液免疫功能激活,但大负荷训练后到恢复调整周结束时机体免疫稳态出现了逐渐失衡,Th1/Th2平衡出现向Th2方向增强的趋势,月经正常和异常组无明显差异,提示要注意大负荷训练期之后的过渡期和调整期运动员预防免疫功能的失衡,预防URTI。4.经过四周训练,月经正常和异常的运动员的T、C均无显著变化,推测运动员的恢复机能受到月经异常的影响较小。综合分析,我们认为在当前女子手球体能要求和训练体系下,虽然月经异常运动员较多,但月经异常运动员的运动机能和机能变化受月经异常影响有限。

【Abstract】 Aiming at the physical capacity and menstrual abnormity problem the Chinese women handball players encountered during the preparation for the Beijing Olympic Games,we analyzed their energy metabolism of the match-play and menstrual abnormity,to explore the handball special characters of the energy metabolism and clarify the mechanism of the menstrual abnormity of the women handball players,in order to provide some scientific grounds for the women handball training.PartⅠ.The energy metabolism character of the Chinese women handball match-playThe 18 women handball players were taken as the subjects,and their VO2max,AT,30s power were measured in the laboratory.The heart rate variation of the different-positioned handball players during the international and domestic games was measured twice for the national team,and the lactate after the first half and after the full time of the game was also measured,to explore the characteristics of energy metabolism of the handball games.The results and conclusions were as follow:1.The handball game was one kind of mixed activity with short intermittence,fluctuant intensity,diverse movement,flexible playing time.The average intensity during the game was around AT,so the main activity belonged to the aerobics,and the anaerobic activity account for a small part of the game,but the intensity was high enough to reach the individual limit, different individually and position related.It is speculated that a very strong explosive power and a medium aerobic ability is necessary to become a good handball player.The physical requirement differs from position with the highest requirement for the aerobic ability for the wing then the back player,and the GK.2.The Chinese women handball players had a comparatively good aerobic ability,but not good anaerobic ability.Based on the positioned requirement for the energy metabolism,the wing had a comparatively lower Vo2max.The low Bla level after the game and the decreased heart rate in the second half may be reasons to limit the players’performance.3.The characteristics of the energy metabolism of the domestic game were similar to that of the international game,so we speculated that the high level domestic game can be a training for the physical ability special for the women handball players.PartⅡ.The physiological analysis of the menstrual abnormity of the Chinese women handball playersThe physical capacity,FSH,LH,E2,GH,Leptin,T,C,ACTH,Ca and fat percentage of the handball players were determined.The changes of the Leptin,T,C,IFN-γ、IL-2、IL-4 and IL10 mRNA expression during one of the typical training cycle of four weeks were also checked to explore the causes and the influences of the abnormal menstruation.The results and conclusions were as follows:1.There was no significant difference in the VO2max,Pmax,the average anaerobic power between the players with or without normal menstruation,which meaned that the physical capacity show no significant difference between the two group.2.The fat percentage,Leptin,FSH,E2,PRO,GH of the menstrual abnormal players were significantly lower,but the stress hormone,testosterone were normal for the MA players.It signified the HPO axis of the menstrual abnormal players was inhibited which might be related to the lower fat percentage,Leptin,FSH,E2,PRO,GH level.Besides,the 4 weeks training induced the leptin of the MA players to increase,we speculate that too much higher or lower leptin is a very important cause for menstrual abnormity.3.The immunity homeostasis variations were similar in the normal and abnormal menstrual players.The training activate the cell mediated immunity and humoral immunity,while after the high load training until the ending of the tapering period the immunity homeostasis came to imbalance,with the downward of the ratio TH1/TH2.It reminded us that the players immunity imbalance after the high load training till the ending of the tapering period be forseen to prevent URTI.4.T,C level didn’t vary significantly for both groups during the training cycle which may signify that the influence of the menstrual abnormity on the recovery system was limited.In conclusion,under the current women handball physical ability requirement and training system,there exist many menstrual abnormity players,but the influence of the menstrual abnormity on the physical capacity and condition is limited.


