

Measurement of Team Trust for Basketball Athletes and Its Antecedent and Consequence

【作者】 于少勇

【导师】 武国政;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 研究目的:编制篮球项目团队信任的测量量表,探讨团队信任与其前因及结果变量之间的关系。研究对象:以篮球项目中团队信任、团队信任的影响前因、球队绩效及其关系为研究对象,以我国大学高水平篮球运动员为样本来源。研究方法:访谈法、问卷调查法,数据主要通过探索性因子分析、结构公式模型、多元线性回归和典型相关处理。主要研究结论:1.篮球项目团队信任是指运动员群体对教练员能力、仁爱心和公正一致性以及对队友和球队组织能力、公正一致性的正面预期、判断、信赖和支持,认为被信任者在做任何行动或决策时都会将运动员自身的利益纳入考量,而不会让运动员的利益受到损害。2.篮球运动员对教练员信任量表包括能力、仁爱心、公正一致性3个维度共计10个条目,分别从属于情感信任与认知信任范畴。运动员对队友信任量表包括能力和公正一致性2个维度共计8个条目,属于认知信任范畴。运动员对球队组织信任量表包括能力和公正一致性2个维度共计11个条目,属于认知信任范畴。3份量表的信效度均符合心理测量学的要求。3.本研究确定的篮球项目团队层面信任的影响因素包括目标明确性、组织保障性、沟通有效性、教练员行为4个方面,分别对团队信任具有程度及方式不同的预测作用。4.球队绩效以球队平均比赛每场得失分比、球队成员合作行为和球队平均每场比赛助攻次数3个指标来衡量。典型相关分析显示,团队层面运动员对教练员的信任、运动员对队友的信任、运动员对球队组织的信任、团队整体信任与球队绩效之间具有相互影响的正向关系,球队绩效对团队层面信任的影响偏大,各变量之间的影响力度和作用方式各不相同。

【Abstract】 Purpose:Develop the measurement tool of team trust,and study the relation between antecedent and team trust,team trust and consequence for basketball games.Objects:Team trust,antecedent,consequence,and their relation,taken the top players of China’s university basketball as the sample source.Methods:Specialist interview and scale test,the datum was analysed by Canonical Correlation,EFA,SEM and Linear Regression.Results:1.Team trust of basketball ball teams means a positive expectation or judgment athletes of collective ball teams made on the ability, benevolence and consistency of coaches:made on ability and consistency of other athletes and organization.The team trust thought that the trustee would consider the interests of the players when they do something or make decisions,and would not harm the players own interests.2.The final trust scale of athlete-coach including 10 items which belong to ability,benevolence and consistency three main factors,and in the field of affective and recognize trust.The final trust scale of athlete-athlete including 8 items which belong to ability and consistency two main factors,and in the field of recognize trust.The final trust scale of athlete-ball team including 11 items which belong to ability and consistency two main factors,and in the field of recognize trust.There scales satisfied the features of the games and psychological measurement.3.The antecedents include definite aim,organizational security, effective communication and coach behavior which can forecast the team trust in different ways.4.The consequence include average ratio of team score of gain and loss in every match,cooperation behavior and average assist of the whole team.The team trust and team performance influences each other,but the influence of team performance outweights the team trust.

【关键词】 篮球团队信任结构方程模型典型相关
【Key words】 basketballteam trustSEMcanonical correlation

