

On the Sports "Pseudo-environment" Constructed by the Mass Media

【作者】 马希敏

【导师】 陈伟;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 “拟态环境”一词自1922年由美国的沃尔特·李普曼在其《舆论学》一书中提出后,逐渐成为了传播学的重要术语。现代体育与发达的大众传媒携手,形成了丰富的信息空间,但体育活动本身的存在形态已被大众传媒改变。媒介体育以图像、音响、文字、色彩等系统符号作为形式构建出了一个基于现实体育基础上的“拟态环境”,本论文将之称为“拟态”体育环境。根据“拟态环境”理论,媒体展示给我们的体育“现实”只是相对真实。人们关于体育的观点与态度在很大程度上是根据媒介体育中描绘的形象和信息塑造的。通过上述研究得出以下结论:1、大众传媒构建“拟态”体育环境的过程实际上也就是“把关”的过程,“把关”行为受到几个层面价值观的制约:其一,政治层面上意识形态的制约;其二,经济层面上“受众市场观念”的制约;其三,传者层面上新闻价值观念的制约。2、大众传媒为我们构建的“拟态”体育环境具有符号性、超真实性、跨文化性、符号意义的特点。3、体育传媒娱乐化的倾向与当今消费主义的社会大背景紧密相连。大众传媒与市场的结合,必然地形成了消费主义意识形态以及被动的文化行为。论文认为,消费主义搭上全球化的列车登陆中国,中国的体育传媒出现消费主义倾向,这是目前“拟态”体育环境最显著的表现。体育越来越成为一种娱乐体验,它被大众传媒盛大地包装、推广、展现,在文化工业流水线上成为一种商业产品、流行文化。4、大众传媒在构建“拟态”体育环境的时候,主要存在着六种问题:信息倾斜、女性歧视、信息污染、新闻策划与新闻炒作倾向、娱乐化商业化倾向导致了“拟态”体育环境与现实体育环境的疏远与背离;全球信息传播系统带来的全球化趋势对“拟态”体育环境构建也有深刻影响。5、大众传媒延展了人们对外部体育信息的获取速度和范围,但是“拟态”体育环境的存在对于受众对信息的把握也具有负面效应,体现为两点,一是对体育精神的偏离,体育的“原生态”和传统功能价值定位发生了嬗变;二是构筑了体育文化直接交流的屏障。我们自认为同现实环境保持着直接或间接的联系,而实际上无时无刻不在同虚拟的符号——媒介环境打交道。6、关于如何提高“拟态”体育环境的现实真度性,就受众来说,提升自身的媒介素养,获得更多的解读控制权;就传播者而言,应促进“拟态”体育环境的整体优化。

【Abstract】 The word "Pseudo-environment" was advanced in the work Public Opinion written by the famous American Walter Lippmann in 1922.It has gradually become an essential term of journalism and communication,which is closely connected with our life.Meanwhile,the mass media has in every aspect pentrated into the society,therefore,we live in the media formed by the mass media,which is called "Pseudo-environment" by hippmann.The modern sports and the mass communication have formed the strong message space.Media sports Constructed "Pseudo-environment" by system sign such as characters,image and audio.In this thesis,we call it "Pseudo-environment" of sports.By the viewpoint of "Pseudo-environment",the media demonstrated "the reality" is only relatively real.They possibly extremely approach the realistic environment,but is not "the copy" or "duplicate writes" to the realistic environment.Such ultra-realistic,commercial media sports does affected our way of getting true sports information.The "Pseudo-environment" of Sports is shown in several the following aspect.There is "Stereotypes" of feminine sports image in Mass communication.There is Yellow Press in sports media." News Planned" has prevailed in the sports news.The media and enterprises began to maliciously scheme,which lead to a large number of’fake affairs.This affairs cause our "Pseudo-environment" of sports to be falsified,thus estranged and even deviated form the acturlenvironment.Moreover the globalization tendency also has the profound influence to the "Pseudo-environment" of sports.Since 1990s,sports media starts to appear the entertainment tendency in our country.Comsumerism followed the globalization and began to spread in China.Just like the product in pipeline,media sports is produced with a set of strict procedure.Behind the procedure is the consume culture,which is characterized by creating and stimulating people’wants.The first part of this paper is introduction.The second part mainly analyzes the character of the "Pseudo-environment"of sports.The third part is to discuss causes for the"Pseudo-environment"of sports.The fourth part and the fifth part puts forward the phenomenon of the unbalance of sports media ecology.The sixth part is to discuss the adjustments of sports media ecology.

  • 【分类号】G206.3;G80-05
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1101
  • 攻读期成果

