

Study on the Development of Sports Broadcast in New China

【作者】 张矛矛

【导师】 孙葆丽;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 从1951年新中国第一次进行体育赛事实况转播,到1955年新中国第一个广播体育节目诞生;从2002年中国第一个体育广播专业频率出现,到2008年中国广播全方位报道北京奥运会,半个多世纪以来中国体育广播全程记录了中国体育发展的每一个脚步。本文对新中国体育广播的发展历程进行回顾和梳理,对体育广播的发展现状进行归纳和分析,对体育广播的发展战略进行预测和探讨,不仅填补了体育广播理论研究的空白,更加促进了体育广播今后的发展。本研究主要采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、个案研究法和逻辑分析法,对中国体育广播的发展历程、发展现状和发展战略进行系统的归纳和深入的研究,研究结果表明:1、新中国成立以来,中国体育广播在社会发展的各个历史阶段,在体育事业、广播事业和社会生活三个重要因素的影响下,自身呈现出不同的特点,反映时代风格,并在满足社会所需中进行功能和定位的调试,以求得自身的发展。2、中国体育广播专业频率在申办北京奥运会成功的背景下诞生,并随着奥运会的筹办和举办而不断成长和成熟,它的出现是中国广播频率专业化发展以及体育事业蓬勃发展的产物,符合社会生活所需。目前,中国体育广播专业频率在节目设置和频率风格上各具特色,在探索中不断前进,但是也遇到了专业化程度不高、收听率偏低的困境。3、北京奥运会是中国体育广播的发展的加速器。在北京奥运会的广播报道中,不管是体育专业频率还是综合频率的体育节目都以奥林匹克精神为指导,充分发挥广播优势,各尽其责、各具特色地完成了奥运会的报道工作,并积累了发展经验:即深挖自身特色、延伸广播产品、强化内部联合、拓展外部合作。体育广播奥运报道在得到了受众广泛认可的同时,也为其奥运后的发展留下了一些思考,比如如何在节目中充分发挥广播媒体自身传播特点,如何树立品牌、培养受众收听习惯等。4、奥运会后,市场经济的发展和产业结构的调整、社会结构的变化和受众结构的调整、08年灾难报道和北京奥运会中广播媒体地位的全面提升、广播媒体技术的进步以及体育事业的腾飞都为其发展提供了难得的机遇,但同时中国媒体领域不同层次、行业内外、新旧媒体的激烈竞争又成为其发展必须面临的巨大挑战。奥运后的中国体育广播只有充分认识到广播媒体在传播体育信息中的优势和劣势,扬长避短,按照体育的规律办体育广播、按照广播的规律办体育广播,才是其发展的长久之道。

【Abstract】 From 1951,the basketball match was broadcast over radio for the first time in New China,to 1955,the first sports radio program appeared, to the first sports professional radio was born in 2002,to the radio broadcast the Beijing Olympic Games successfully in 2008,the radio broadcasts have covered the full process of the development of sports in China during the past half century.The review of the development of sports broadcast in China,the analysis of its current situation and make prediction of its development strategy are of great theoretical and realistic significance for its further development.The paper is aimed to give a systematic and in-depth study of the history,current situation and development strategy of the Chinese sports broadcast by the methods of literature research,expert interview,case study and logic analysis. Then we make a conclusion that:First,since the founding of New China, the Chinese sports broadcast showing various characteristics,reflecting the style of times has developed under the influence of three major factors:sports development,broadcast industry and social life,in respective historical stages.It has tried to make adjustments in its orientation and function to meet the requirement of society in order to achieve its own development.Second,China’ s professional sports radio appeared after Beijing won the bid to host the 29th Olympic Games and has grown up along with the preparation of the Beijing Olympic Games. Its appearance is the result of the flourish development of Chinese sports industry and in the trend of the specialization of radio broadcasting. At present,China’ s professional sport radios have formed their own styles in their programs and frequencies.But they also encounter some difficulties such as relative low level of specialization and listening figures.Third,Beijing Olympic Games is an accelerator for the development of sports broadcast in China.During Beijing Olympic Games, the radios promoting the Olympic spirits and giving full play of their advantages of broadcasting have completed the reports successfully and accumulated lots of experience such as making full use of its broadcasting advantages,extension of broadcast products,strengthening internal contacts and expanding external cooperation.But there are some problems left for further consideration such as how to give full play of their characteristics of broadcasting and how to establish their own brand and guide the audiences to form their habits of listening.Forth,after Beijing Olympic Games,the social development has provided some opportunities for the development of sports broadcast in China such as the adjustment of industrial structure,the changes in the structure of audiences,the promotion of social influence of radio after the disaster and Olympic reports in 2008,and the flourish development of the sports industry in China.But at the same time the fierce competition among different medias is the great challenge it should encounter.So after Beijing Olympic Games,the sports broadcast in China should be full aware of its characteristics in broadcasting sports massages and foster its strengths and circumvent weaknesses,in order to find its own ways of sustainable development following the law of the development of Chinese sports and broadcast industry.

  • 【分类号】G229.2;G80-05
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】746
  • 攻读期成果

