

Study of Chinese Ancient Sport Culture under the Context of Body-thinking in the Pre-Qin Period

【作者】 刘媛媛

【导师】 熊晓正;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本研究在身体观成为当代学术研究重心的背景下展开讨论。从先秦儒、道、医三家身体观基本理论入手,以中国古代体育文化为研究对象,从社会伦理、万物自然、人体生命结构三个层面对中国古代体育文化进行探索。本研究所得出的结论如下:其一,先秦时期,在不同的思想背景和治学传统下,形成了儒家社会化身体观、道家自然化身体观、医家实体化身体观;儒、道、医三家身体观各有千秋,合力筑造了中国古代先秦身体观的理论大厦。其二,儒家从社会伦理的角度来认识人的身体,从社会价值层面对中国古代体育文化的价值取向、手段选择原则及在此基础之上形成的文化特征进行了社会化的干预;道家从万物自然的角度来认识人的身体,从个体行为层面对中国古代体育文化的价值取向、手段选择原则及在此基础之上形成的文化特征进行了自然化的干预;医家从人体生命结构自身的角度来认识人的身体,从身体运动规律层面对中国古代体育文化的价值取向、手段选择原则及在此基础之上形成的文化特征进行了实体化的干预,有必要强调一点的是,这三者并不是截然分开的,而是侧重于不同层面对中国古代体育文化施加了影响,共同构成了中国古代体育文化诞生成长的丰厚土壤。其三,从现实关怀和时代意识的角度而言,无论是儒家从社会道德层面入手所形成的身体观,还是道家追求自然大道所形成的身体观,甚或医家切实关注身体自身所形成的身体观,古人这些明确针对人的身体而生发的意识与认知是影响中国古代体育文化的重要因素,诞生在这一片身体观土壤中的中国古代体育文化一方面有其不符合时代发展的元素,另一方面也在社会伦理层面、万物自然层面及人体自身生命结构层面对当代体育文化有所补足,对体育文化研究的进一步开展有着深远意义和可借鉴的价值。

【Abstract】 This essay carries on the background of the body-thinking that become the academic focus at present.In short,specific to this study,the body-thinking refers to the people’s awareness to human body in the Pre-Qin Period in ancient China.The study starts with the basic theory of Confucius,Taoism,and TCM(traditional Chinese medicine) body-thinking in the Pre-Qin Period.Make the research on the values, the principles of means,and the characters of ancient Chinese sport culture from the three levels of social ethics,natural living things and the structure of human body.The conclusions as the follows:Firstly,in the Pre-Qin Period,the basic theory of Confucius,Taoism, and TCM body-thinking is different,separates into the socialized body-thinking,naturalized body-thinking and the materialized body-thinking,cultures the ancient Chinese sport culture at different level.Secondly,the Confucius body-thinking puts emphasis particularly on social ethic,and make social intervention on ancient Chinese sport culture.The Taoism body-thinking focus particularly on individual behavior,and make natural intervention on ancient Chinese sport culture. The TCM aims at the physical structure,and makes incarnate intervention on ancient Chinese sport culture.However,they are not independent of each other but merely have effects on ancient Chinese sport culture in deferent aspects.Moreover,they build the basic theories of the ancient Chinese sport culture.Thirdly,in view of present concern and time conscious,the basic theories of Confucius,Taoism,and TCM body-thinking are the important factors that influence the ancient Chinese sport culture.The ancient Chinese sport culture that is original from body-thinking in the Pre-Qin Period is valuable to the sport culture at present age from the level of social ethic,nature law and human body itself.


