

Study on the Operational Mechanism of Chinese Competitive Basketball Reserve Talents Cultivation

【作者】 唐建倦

【导师】 武国政;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 如何在科学而深入地总结我国培养竞技篮球后备人才历史经验的基础上,扎根于国情实际,坚持科学发展观,从理论上前瞻新型竞技篮球后备人才培养的理想模式,在实践上提供创新的思路与方法,是提高我国竞技篮球整体水平、科学培养全面发展的后备人才的急迫和重大课题之一。为此,本文借鉴并引入了在自然科学和社会科学研究中作为重要范畴并被广泛使用的“机制”概念,确立了关于“中国竞技篮球后备人才培养运行机制”的研究主题,认为以“运行机制”作为审视竞技篮球后备人才培养历史、现实与未来的出发点,并以此建构竞技篮球后备人才培养理想模式,可能是深化研究如何培养竞技篮球后备人才的一个重要路径。基于此,本文以我国竞技篮球后备人才培养运行机制为研究对象,综合采用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查、实地调查和数理统计等研究方法,旨在通过运行机制这一中观层面理论与实践的研究,深入解读我国竞技篮球后备人才培养的过去与现在,并为科学建构新型人才培养模式提供理论借鉴。探讨的思路循着“中国竞技篮球后备人才培养体制的建立及现状——后备人才培养运行机制的特质——后备人才培养运行机制目标模式的重构——后备人才培养运行机制的改革与完善”展开。论文的主要内容如下:一、从理论角度分析了人才在培养活动中的自主性逐渐增强与培养重心由国家向集体、个体下移的发展趋势;二、对中国竞技篮球后备人才培养体制的生成与发展现状进行了总结;三、探讨了计划经济时期和转型期以来竞技篮球后备人才培养运行机制的特质;四、考察了美国培养篮球人才的目标及其运行机制,认为其培养模式具有一定的借鉴意义;五、对新型人才培养运行机制重构的思路、现实条件和路径选择进行了探讨,并构建了运行机制的目标模式:适度的动力机制、利益协调的整合机制、全面灵活的激励机制、多维统一的控制机制和制度健全的保障机制;六、就运行机制的完善与创新在目标制定、“体教结合”模式和赛制优化几个重要方面进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 How to take root on the base of scientifically and deeply summarizing the experience of cultivating athletic basketball reserve talents and current situation of our country;persisting in scientific development view;theoretically expecting new and ideal pattern of cultivating athletic basketball reserve talents;practically providing innovative mentality and method,which are the most important and urgent tasks of improving the whole athletic basketball level and scientifically cultivating develop comprehensively basketball reserve talents.Therefore,this article has introduced and profited from the concept: "mechanism",which widely used and took as an important category in natural sciences and social sciences research.It also established research theme about Chinese athletic basketball reserve talents cultivating operation mechanism.It thought "operation mechanism" as the starting point to carefully review the history,the reality and the future of cultivating athletic basketball reserve talents.According to that,maybe it is an important approach to deepen research how to cultivate athletic basketball reserve talents to set up an ideal pattern of cultivating athletic basketball reserve talents.According to this,this article takes the operation mechanism of our country athletic basketball reserve talents cultivation as the studying object.Based on operation mechanism,this research is between macroscopic and microcosmic and combined with theory and practice,It comprehensively used documents,expert interview,questionnaires, investigation and statistics to deeply investigate the history and the reality of our country athletic basketball reserve talents cultivation, and also provide theoretic reference for scientifically establishing new basketball talents cultivation pattern.The investigation will follows the approach:the establishment and the present situation of Chinese athletic basketball reserve talents cultivating system---the special characteristics of reserve talents cultivating operation mechanism---the reconstruction of reserve talents cultivating operation mechanism target pattern---reformation and perfection of reserve talents cultivating operation mechanism.The primary content of this article are as follows:(1) theoretically analyzed reserve talents’ self-determination will become stronger and stronger and the trend of cultivating pivot expend from the government to collectivity and to personality;(2) mainly summarized the production and development of Chinese athletic basketball reserve talents cultivating system;(3) discussed the special characteristics of reserve talents cultivating operation mechanism after planned economy period and transition period;(4) referred to American cultivating basketball talents’ target and operation mechanism,whose pattern will enlighten us;(5) emphatically discussed the idea of new talents cultivating operation mechanism reconstruction,the present conditions and approach choosing,and established operation mechanism target patter:moderate power mechanism,harmonious interests conformity mechanism, comprehensive flexible prompting mechanism,multi-dimensional uniform control mechanism and perfect systems safeguard mechanism;The seventh chapter discussed several important aspects about operation mechanism perfection and innovation.


