

Research and Practice of the Controlling in Training Procedure of National Women’s Waterpolo Team

【作者】 雷鸣

【导师】 金季春;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 为更好的完成我国国家女子水球队2008年备战任务,实现竞技能力状态转移的目标性、可控性,采用访谈、录像分析、比较分析、数理统计等方法,以控制论、管理理论以及运动训练理论为依据,设计并实施了国家女子水球队2005-2006年度训练过程的控制。运动训练过程控制是指施控主体为使训练结果符合预期目标而对运动员竞技能力的转移实施干预的活动。管理者、教练员、科研人员、医务人员组成的复合型教练团队,与运动员共同构成施控主体;受控对象是运动员的竞技能力;施控模式由状态诊断、目标确定、制定计划、组织实施、检查评定几部分组成。水球项目对运动员的综合体能要求较高,世界优秀运动员的平均年龄在25岁左右,技术方面表现为突出的支撑能力、快速多变的传球技术和多样化的射门手段;战术方面体现出积极主动创造机会的意识、内外平衡的阵型结构、全面的对抗能力和多变的战术体系;心理方面表现出明确的战术动机、强烈的求胜欲望、敏锐的观察分析能力和坚强的意志品质等特点。我国运动员年龄偏小,比赛中体能不足,基本技术薄弱,战术能力低下,自信心不强,训练负荷水平偏低,与世界女子水球强队存在较大差距。为缩小与世界强队之间的比分差距,笔者设计、筛选了体能、技战术能力、心理能力年度训练的主要内容,为制定训练计划提供了依据。在训练的组织实施中,体能训练始终保持较高的负荷水平,技能训练以全面掌握技术、提高快攻能力、培养阵地攻防能力为主,心理训练则重点培养运动员的水感、球感和战术意识,并通过赛前诊断实施有效干预。训练过程中,采用多指标相结合对训练负荷进行动态监控,通过加强运动队管理为训练的组织实施进一步提供了保障。通过对训练过程的有效控制,国家女子水球队实现了预期目标。2006年两次国际性比赛表明,与世界强队之间的比分差距明显缩小,竞技能力显著提高,体能训练监控指标远远超过预期目标,体现出一定的速度优势,防守反击和六打五得分能力有较大提高,但在防守方面的进步并不明显,与世界强队之间仍存在较大差距。为进一步提高训练过程控制的精确性,笔者建议:1)加强对世界女子水球运动发展趋势的动态分析,提高施控主体对运动训练专项特征的认识水平;2)重视运动员的施控主体作用和运动智能的培养,逐步实现从被动的执行战术到主动地设计、运用战术的转变;3)继续扩展施控反馈信息的来源,注意吸收团队外部的信息;4)加强对运动员个体的研究

【Abstract】 In order to get better prepared for the Olympic Games of 2008,and to complete the goal of controlling the transferring of the present state of athletic ability,the present study,based on cybernetics,theories of management and training procedure,designs and carries out the plan of controlling the procedure of Women’ s Waterpolo Team’ s training during 2005-2006,in which the methods of interviewing,video-taking, comparative analysis,mathematic statistics,and logical induction have been taken.The controlling of the training procedure refers to the activities that the subjects have taken to intervene into the transferring of sportsmen’ sathletic ability with the purpose of fulfilling the desired goals.The subjects of controlling are made up of managers,coaches, researchers,and medical staff,with athletes together.The objects being controlled is the athletic ability of sportsmen.The controlling models are mainly composed of five aspects:diagnosing of the situation,setting of the goal,working out of the plan,organizing of the performing,and evaluating of the results.The present study finds out that the game of waterpolo has a high requirement to the sportsmen’ scomprehensive stamina.The best athletes around the world average 25 years old.They have great competence in skill, which is shown as great upholding ability,swift and changeable passing skill,and various means of shot.In the layer of tactics,they also display active consciousness of creating opportunities for shot attentively,well-balanced formation both externally and internally, all-the-round countering ability,and diverse systems of tactics.When it comes to the aspect of psychology,their advantages are chiefly shown in definite motivation for tactics,strong desire for winning,keen ability for observing and analyzing,and strong willpower.In contrast, waterpolo athletes in China are relatively younger and weaker in stamina, basic skills and tactic ability in real competition.What’ s more,their lack of confidence and relatively lower training load are also the reasons why they are still have a long distance to go compared with those strong teams in the world.In order to find out where the Chinese National Team falls short compared with those advanced teams and gradually reduce it,the present study designs and filters the major content of the annual training of stamina,tactic ability,as well as the athlete’s psychological bearing ability,which will provide a basis for particular training plan.In real organizing and performing of the plan,the training of stamina must always be kept in a high level of load.Meanwhile,the training of techniques must focuses on how to improve their ability of mastering comprehensive skills,of quick attack,and of positional attack and defense.In the aspect of psychology,the training attaches more importance on the fostering of the athletes’senses of water,the ball,and their understanding of tactics.All of the desired targets will be achieved by effective interference before the competition.During the process of training,the way of dynamic supervision has been taken,together with several other index,on the load of training,which,combined with reinforced management of the team,will provide a tough basis for the carrying out of the training.Through this effective controlling of the process of training,the National Women Waterpolo Team has achieved her desired resul ts.In the latest international competition in 2006,the team’s loss to strong teams has been reduced apparently.The athletic ability of the national team has been greatly improved,and the supervising norms of stamina training are far beyond the expectation as well,which finally turns to be the superior speed in competitions and better ability of counterattacking or goals in the situation of 6 on 5.But in the field of defense,the improvement is not as obvious as that in the attack.There is still great distance between Chinese team and other great teams in the world.In order to further improve the accuracy of the controlling in the training procedure,the writer puts forward several suggestions as followed:1)to strengthen the dynamic analyses of the developing tendency of international women’s Waterpolo game,and deepen subjects’ understanding of the specific characteristics of sports training to change their concepts;2)to pay more attention to the athletes’ effects as the subjects of controlling and to develop their sports resourcefulness,to change gradually from carrying out tactics passively to design and perform the tactics initiatively;3)to broaden the sources of information feedback continuously, especially these from outside of the team;4)to strengthen the research in accordance with the athlete’ spersonal characteristics.


