

The Attention Economic Analysis of Professional Sport

【作者】 李伟

【导师】 秦椿林;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本文首次利用“新经济”理论之一——注意力经济学对职业体育进行了分析。研究主要分为5个部分,第1章为导论;第2章对职业体育的注意力经济属性进行概述;第3章讨论职业体育注意力经济中的产品性质;第4章讨论职业体育注意力经济市场结构的特征;第5章讨论职业体育注意力经济市场中“赢家通吃”现象。之所以这样安排,旨在回答以下问题:(1)上个世纪90年代以来职业体育产值增长的本质是什么?(2)为什么大众媒体与职业体育之间有产业融合的趋势?(3)为什么西方职业体育组织的垄断地位能够在全球范围内加强?在回答以上问题的过程中,本文所做的研究创新之处在于:在研究方法上,第一次从“新经济”的视角尝试性的研究了职业体育注意力经济活动的基本问题,并期望构建一个初步的分析框架;在研究内容上,本文将90年代以来的“新经济”背景和体育产业发展联系起来,指出职业体育注意力经济模式在当代职业体育的发展中居于主导作用,并区分了两种经济相态——服务经济和注意力经济,研究成果如下。(1)本文论证了职业体育的注意力经济属性:职业体育所提供的产品可以以信息的形式在大众媒体上传播来获得消费者的注意力,并通过注意力的二次“售卖”获得收入,这是一种典型的注意力经济模式;(2)初步探讨了职业体育注意力经济的市场构成,指出大众媒体是职业体育注意力经济的交易场所,媒体、企业、观众、职业体育组织共同构成了职业体育注意力经济的市场关系;(3)论述了职业体育注意力经济中的明星体制的特点,体育明星的经济价值、角色转变和市场等问题;(4)根据注意力资源的获取方式,归纳了两种职业体育注意力经济的运作模式:捆绑型和转接型,并分析了两种模式的特点;(5)分析了职业体育注意力经济的收入性质——在零和市场上的租金收入,指出职业体育注意力经济的收入是由注意力购买者向职业体育组织所进行的财富转移;(6)分析了体育服务产品理论的来源、特点和局限性,指出信息形式的体育产品和作为信息消费形式的注意力产品是注意力经济模式中基本的产品形式,并研究了两种产品价值来源、特点和需求与供给的特性;(7)论证了职业体育注意力经济的市场结构的垄断特征和可竞争性;(8)分析了职业体育联盟的垄断性的经典解释“共生性”,并根据注意力经济中“赢家通吃”的规律研究了职业体育注意力经济的正反馈机制。

【Abstract】 This thesis for the first time applies attention economy to analyze professional sport.The thesis is composed of five chapters. (1)introduction,(2)the attention economic characteristics of professional sport,(3) the analysis of attention economical product of professional sport,(4) the attention economical market structure of professional sport,(5) the analysis of the cause of "Winner take all phenomenon" in professional sport.The structure is so made to explain and inquire into(1) what is the essence of the professional sport industry growth since 1990s?(2) Why there is an amalgamation tendency between the media industry and professional sport?(3) What is the cause of Monopoly in attention economical market of professional sport?More than answer these questions,this thesis is the innovation part to study work as follows.In research method,this thesis for the first time uses the theory system and research method of "New Economy" to explore the basic problem within professional sport.This new angel of view is more overall in internal and hopes to build an initial analysis frame.In research idea,the main conclusion of this thesis is that attention economic model has become the main drive of development of professional sport.The basic viewpoints of the dissertation are summarized as follows:(1)This article explores the attention economic characteristic of professional sport.The products of professional sport attract audiences’ attention by mass media,and gain profits by "double sellout" accordingly;(2) This article explores the market components of professional sport from the angel of attention economy.The mass media is the transaction area of professional sport.The market relationship is composed of media、enterprises,audiences and professional sport organizations;(3)This article discusses the star system of professional sport,including the value of stars,the role transaction of stars and star market;(4)This thesis concludes two modes of professional sport: Combination Mode and Transferring Mode,and analyze characteristics of each mode;(5)This article analyses the earning essence of professional economy-----earnings in zero-sum market.This article has pointed out that the profit growth of professional sport is a result of the fortune transferring of the attention buyer;(6)This article analyses the origin、characteristic and shortcomings of service product theory,and points out that the information product has become the basic product form of professional sport;(7)This article explores the monopoly and frivolousness of the market structure of professional sport;(8) this article discusses the classical explanation of monopoly—the "Symbiosis",and analyses the positive feedback effect under the discipline of "winner-take-all".


