

Research for the Education System of High-level Student

【作者】 于芬

【导师】 任海;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2007, 博士


【摘要】 高水平运动员培养问题一直是各级体育部门关心的重要问题之一,如何高效益、低消耗地培养高水平运动员已经成为一个亟待解决的问题。本研究通过理论分析与实证相结合,综合运用文献研究、专家访谈、比较分析、历史逻辑分析、案例分析等方法,对高水平学生运动员培养体系进行了全面系统的分析后得出以下结论:1高水平学生运动员培养体系以“人的全面发展理论”和“科学训练理论”为其核心理念。学生运动员具有学生和运动员的双重特性,该体系既要完成对学生既定目标的培养,又要造就高水平的运动员。2高水平学生运动员培养体系以科学训练理论为基础,在训练过程中遵循并综合运用多种己被实践证明行之有效的科学理论,这些理论的运用有赖于教练员和学生运动员综合素质的提高。3长期以来,我国传统的高水平运动员培养体系存在着“培养主体垄断性”、“培养目标单一性”、“培养过程粗放性”、“培养手段强制性”、“培养内容随意性”等弊端。清华跳水队所代表的高水平学生运动员培养体系鼓励开放式的参与和平等竞争,强调科学性,反对随意性,强调高效集约,反对粗放经营,从而有效解决运动员退役安置问题,这是对我国现有训练体制的改良和有益补充。4清华跳水队的高水平学生运动员培养体系具有多重目标,培养的核心目标不再局限于提高运动成绩,而是使训练者在提高运动成绩的同时,获得健全的心理、人格,完整的知识结构、完善的认知能力以及良好的心因技能。并强调学生运动员个人的主观能动性,变运动员的被动训练为主动训练,综合运用多种学科的知识,从而使学生的知识学习与运动成绩的提高挂起钩来。5清华跳水队的高水平学生运动员的培养体系经过近十年的探索发展已经取得了初步成果,为我国高水平学生运动员的培养提供了可操作性的参考模式。与旧有模式相比,清华模式具有明显的优越性。其实践证明,将常规的文化学习与专项的运动训练这两个过程合二为一,从而兼顾人的全面发展与高水平专项竞技能力的培养这两个目标,不仅是可能的而且是可行的。但是这种结合充满了矛盾与冲突,这不仅因为文化学习自身的教育规律与竞技运动固有的训练规律的冲突,还因为思想观念、组织结构、规章制度、社会环境等方面的原因。随着我国社会转型进程的加快,清华高水平学生运动员的培养体系进一步完善的条件正在成熟,这一体系具有可持续发展的生命力。

【Abstract】 Research for the Education System of High-level student AthletesThe education of high-level athletes is always one of the most important problems that sport departments at all levels are concerned with.How to develop high-level athletes in an effective and high productive way becomes a question that needs to solve urgently.This research,through the combination of theoretical analysis and substantial evidence,by using research methods of literature review,expert interview, comparative analysis,historic logic analysis,examples analysis and so on,give the education system of high-level athlete a comprehensive and systematic analysis.The main solutions reached are as follows:1.The education system of high-level athletes is a system founded on the core concept of“a comprehensive development man”as well as“scientific training theories”.Student athletes play double roles: student and athlete.This system aims to educate them as student and bring out high-level athletes.2.The development system of high-level athletes is a system based on the theory of scientific training.During the process of training,a number of scientific training theories that are proved correct and effective will be made use of.However,the applications of these theories need both coaches and student athletes to be improved of all their abilities.3.The traditional training system of high-level athlete in China has five disadvantages:the monopolization of training subject、the simplicity of training goal、the extensiveness of training process,the enforcement of training methods and the being at will of training contents.High-level student athlete training system of Tsinghua University is a good exploration of how to develop the comprehensive developed student athlete on the basis of scientific training theories. It does not only emphasize the athlete specialty of the training subject, but also the student specialty of it.In this system,the student athlete is treated as a comprehensive developed man instead of a one-sided developed man.What’s more,this training process is founded on scientific training theories.4.High-level student athlete education system of Tsinghua University is a system of multi-goals.Excepted the capability of student athletes to win gold medals,What’s more important is that this system enables them to have perfect psychology and character,a sound knowledge structure as well as recognition and reasoning power.5.After ten years of exploration,High-level student athlete training system of Tsinghua University makes progress and can be learned from. Compared with the old system,it has obvious advantages.What we have been doing suggests that education as a student and as a athlete can be combined together.It’s possible to develop people in an all-round way while being a high-level athlete.Of course,there are conflicts between these two aspects because of concepts,organizational structure,rules, and society and etc.With the fast transformation of our society, High-level student athlete education system of Tsinghua University will get more and more perfect and display her sustainable vitality.

【关键词】 高水平学生运动员培养体系
【Key words】 High-levelStudent athleteeducation system

