

Theory and Practice Research of Olympic Sepectators’ Service Marketing Strategy

【作者】 张茵

【导师】 何振梁;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 北京2008年奥运会提出了“人文奥运”、“绿色奥运”和“科技奥运”三大理念,如何将“人文奥运”从抽象的理念落实到可操作的实际行动中,成为学界研究的重点。本文以奥运会参与规模最大的群体一现场观众作为切入点,通过对服务营销学和消费者行为学的研究,对奥运会观众需求及观众服务实践特点的归纳总结,构建了奥运会观众服务营销策略框架。在此基础上,对悉尼和雅典奥运会观众服务实践进行分析,并对未来奥运会观众服务营销策略提出启示。借助焦点团体座谈会形式对北京奥运会观众服务需求进行了调研,分析了北京奥运会观众服务营销面临的现状和提出相应对策,并在在京举办的第一项测试赛中进行检验。通过访谈问卷调查了观众对测试赛时观赛经历各环节的服务评价,为测试效果提供有力依据。通过研究,本文认为:1.奥运会观众服务营销策略框架包括门票销售、观赛服务过程、公共信息服务、服务人员管理、形象景观、城市服务六方面内容。其中,观赛服务过程策略是决定观众满意度的关键性因素。2.往届奥运会观众服务对奥运会观众服务营销策略框架的每一方面都提供了经验和教训,并从九个方面为北京奥运会观众服务营销策略的构建提供了启示。3.北京奥运会观众分为五大类型、具有四方面特征,其现场观赛主要动因包括三方面,其追求的赛场气氛可以划分为四个层次,其对观看北京奥运会担心主要集中在五个方面。这些需求和特征为北京奥运会观众服务营销策略构建提供依据。4.垒球测试赛的成功实践证明了北京奥运会观众服务营销框架的合理性和可行性,并为北京奥运会观众服务营销策略实践提出以下启示:第一,奥运会公共信息应做到简明易懂、准确一致、以人为本和整合发布,确保观众在赛前知晓相关比赛信息和要求。第二,场馆和城市内形象景观保持一致性,营造整体奥运氛围。第三,在服务团队内专业领域分工细致的情况下,加强不同服务领域间的信息沟通,确保服务质量。第四,优质高效的观众服务需要以完善的硬件设施为基础,它不仅能直接满足观众的需求,还能在赛时节约软性服务人力的投入,方便软性服务的提供。观众需求对场馆及其周边环境提出的硬件设施要求需要尽早引起工程设计部门的重视,提前纳入设计施工计划。本文进一步提出了以客户需求为导向、组建专业运行团队、界定清晰的职责分工、进行深入细节管理和广泛实施观赛文明宣传教育等五方面的建议。

【Abstract】 The three themes of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games are "People’ s Olympics,Green Olympics and High-tech Olympics" It has become the hot topic in the academia how to realize the abstract People’ s Olympics with practical and feasible actions.This dissertation chooses Olympic spectators,the largest participants in Games,as the breakthrough point to construct the framework of Olympic spectator’ s service marketing strategy with the theory of Service Marketing and Customer Behavior,based on the analysis and debriefing of both the Olympic spectators’ requirements and spectator service practice.Based on such a framework,the practice of spectator services in previous Games,Sydney and Athens in particular,is analyzed and gives some inspirations to future Games.Furthermore,a survey in the form of Focus Group has been conducted to study the requirements of spectator service in Beijing Olympic Games.With the support of the survey, challenges faced by the Beijing Olympic spectator’ s service marketing are analyzed and then the corresponding strategies are developed.Finally such strategies are tested during the first test event held in Beijing for the 2008Olympic Games.Referring to the experience and service standard of Olympic Spectators,a questionnaire is designed to study spectators’ evaluation for the service in test event,aiming to provide strong evidence for testing effect.The conclusions are as follows:1.The framework of Olympic spectator’ s service marketing strategy includes six aspects:ticketing,service process in venues,public information,staff management,look and image,city service.Among them the aspect of service process in the venue plays a key role in satisfying spectators.2.The practice of previous Olympic spectator service provides experience on each aspect of the framework of Olympic spectator’ s service marketing strategy.Furthermore the inspirations including nine points are mentioned for the Beijing Olympic Spectators ’ service marketing strategy.3.Beijing Olympic spectators whose main motivation for watching the Games on the spot involves three aspects,can be defined in five categories and enjoy four characters.The atmosphere in the venue preferred by the Beijing Olympic spectators can be divided in four levels. The worries for watching the Beijing Olympic Games mainly focus on five aspects.The above characters and requirements of the Beijing Olympic spectators provide solid basis for developing the Beijing Olympic Spectator’ s service marketing strategy.4 The successful practice in the test event proves the rationality and feasibility of the framework of Olympic spectators’ service marketing strategy.The comments for further improvements are as follows:The Olympic public information should be easy to understand,consistently accurate,spectator-oriented,integrated and come to the spectators in advance.The look and image in both venue and city should be consistent in order to create the Olympic atmosphere in unity.It is necessary to enforce smooth communication among different functional areas of the team under the premise of specific work division. Efficient spectator service with high quality,guaranteed by complete and superb facilities,could meet the spectators’ requirements on the one hand and save the labor cost in Games time on the other hand.Hence, construction designers should draw great attention on the facility and infrastructures required by spectator service in the venue or surrounding areas as early as possible,and take it into the designing and construction planning.6 The education and polite manner for spectators should be focused on in order to show the spirit of new Beijing. Based on the above conclusions,the dissertation proposes further suggestions for the effective implementation of spectators’ service marketing strategy of Beijing Olympic Games from five aspects,including customer orientation,a professional team,clear responsibility definition,detail management and the campaign to improve citizens’ manners and raise their civic spirit.


