

Talk about the Football Total Quaulity Management of the Spare Talented Person Development

【作者】 程公

【导师】 杨一民;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 随着社会的发展和变化,足球后备人才培养的内涵也将发生着适应社会的改变。后备人才梯队建设、后备人才培养质量将符合和适用于社会需求。从2008年北京奥运的三大口号“人文奥运”、“绿色奥运”及“科技奥运”中凸显“以人为本"的主题思想,这就要求我们深入分析和探讨后备人才培养的质量理念问题,对足球后备人才培养质量观重新给予客观、全面的界定。中国足球运动水平的发展与提高,亟待着大批高质量足球后备人才辈出。中国足协副主席杨一民教授在《我国足球水平与当前训练问题的思考》一文中指出:直接影响我国足球各级队伍训练质量因素是青少年梯队建设质量不高,各级训练应有专业管理人才,领导层必须时刻过问和管理训练,并关注后备人才培养质量因素。全面质量管理是谋求产品质量改善和提高,旨在让顾客满意和本组织所有成员及社会受益的活动。朱兰博士指出:21世纪是质量世纪,全面质量管理应用在企业管理领域,他的核心理念也将在医疗、教育、文化等领域广泛应用。青少年足球运动训练其本质是一个培养人和教育的过程,也是谋求足球后备人才培养质量改善与提高的过程。虽然足球运动专项培训有着侧重于人的运动能力培养与提高的特殊性,但应结合运动员作为“社会人”的人文社会因素进行全方位的调控。研究的切入点是以质量管理学为理论基础,深入分析与探讨足球后备人才培养的质量问题,丰富和拓展了以往研究中运用运动训练学、运动生理学等作为理论根据的研究范畴。本研究基本内容是在足球学校、俱乐部二、三线队伍中,树立“以人为本”的人才培养理念;用全面质量管理理论阐述和论证足球后备人才培养的质量管理模式与方法;确立足球后备人才培养质量基本要素;在理论层面和操作层面上,构建足球后备人才培养全面质量管理体系框架。研究主要目的是建立起足球后备人才培养全面质量管理理念,提出以顾客为中心(导向),对足球后备人才培养进行全过程管理,坚持持续改进,全员参与及卓越领导的基本操作方法,最终达到提高足球后备人才培养质量水平,扩大足球运动人口资源,规范足球后备人才培养的产业链条,构筑足球后备人才培养全面质量管理理论平台的目标。

【Abstract】 Along with the development and varieties of the society,the content of at hletics development of spare talented person also will have to adjust itself to the change of the orientation of society.The steps brigade construction and nurture for quality of spare talented person,spare talented person will match and be applicable to the social need.Three greatest slogans" the humanities Olympics"," green Olympics" and" science and technology Olympics" of the Peking Olympics in 2008 " make the people center,which demands thorough analysis and inquiry about principle problem of the s pare talented person development of the quality,expand our rese- arch horizons, break the single path that limits itself,develop the quality view to regive to the spare talented person of football objective and overall definition.The development of the Chinese football sport level and exaltation,waits for the lar- ge quantity of high quality football spare powers.The vice- chairman and professor of the Chinese football association,YANG YI MIN at<pondering over problems about the fo- otball level and current training in our country>fingered out:The factor of direct influence on the quality of all our country’s levels of the football troops training is that the quality of the teenager steps brigade construction is not high,the trainings of all levels want the professional managerial talented person,leaders must interfere with and manage the trainings efficiently at every moment,the all levels training must be oriented by the quality of development of the spare talented person.quality management in all aspects is to seek improvement and exaltations of quality in product,the aim is making the customer satisfied and this activity makes all members and society to be subjected to the benefit.Concept of the quality management has been while operating enriched and developed continuously,the masters,ex- perts as well as common quality workers all spare no efforts for it.94 version of the I-SO9000 standard gives definition about overall the quality management as follows:" An organization to take quality as the center,based on whole member participation,the purpose to make the customer satisfied and all members and the society benefit through which the long-term successful management p- ath can be attained".ZHU LAN Doctor pointed out:21 centuries are oriented by quality,the application of overall quality management is mainly in the realm in the business,his core principle also will be in the medical treatment,educate,culture and many other fields as well widely.Essence of the teenager football skill training itself is a course of education of a person.Although the football training lays particular emphasis on the person’s sport ability development and improvement and one,the athletes as "social person",of the socially humane factors should be shown in all around ways.The present problem is the aim of the football clubs and schools goes to different extremes;the foot trainings in the very early stage is contradictory with the knowledge learning;the ways of assessment in all aspects of the young football players backward.All above makes all around development invalid.The basic contents of the origin studies is the talented person’s development prin- ciple that sets up to" make people the center";Pay attention to the process of management,become a set of valid management mode and methods that go;form a set of efficient managerial patterns and ways and Set up the service


