

The Research on Football Players’ Athletic Ability System

【作者】 王锋

【导师】 张廷安;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 我国足球运动目前在训练理论及训练实践方面都相对落后,要想冲出亚洲走向世界,并在国际足坛站稳脚跟,必须用科学求实的态度,吸收足球先进国家成功的经验,反思我们的训练理念和做法,深人研究足球运动的训练规律,才能找出适合我们发展的路子来。运动员的竞技能力是运动训练的核心问题,我国足球运动水平上不去与我们对运动员竞技能力系统认识的偏差有着直接的关系,这个问题导致了我们的训练实践与比赛实际相脱离,使训练不能满足比赛的需要。只有解决好这一问题,才能使我国足球运动水平的提高成为可能。本研究以足球运动员竞技能力系统和构成这个系统的各要素为对象,将理论分析与实证研究相结合,定性分析与定量研究相结合,逻辑推演与群体调查相结合,采用逻辑分析法、文献研究法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、特尔斐法、数理统计法等,结合我国足球运动训练的实践,参照先进国家的足球理念和做法,结合国内专家的意见,重点对足球运动员竞技能力系统进行了构建,确立了足球行动、足球意识和足球意向这三个子系统,继而又确立了体能、技术、战术、智力因素、足球理念、比赛知识、文化素质和非智力因素这八项要素;论证了足球运动员专项竞技能力系统各子系统及各要素间的相互关系;对足球运动员竞技能力系统、子系统及各要素基本特征及训练原则进行了理论与实证研究。试图对我国运动训练理论体系进行充实和完善,以促进我国足球运动训练水平的提高。本研究得出以下结论:1.以往对于足球运动员竞技能力系统的划分主要移植了一般训练学的结构模式,未能体现足球运动专项的特点,导致足球训练内容与比赛实际相脱离。2.足球运动员竞技能力系统是由足球行动、足球意识和足球意向这三个子系统及体能、技术、战术、智力因素、足球理念、比赛知识、文化素质和非智力因素这八项要素所构成。该系统符合足球专项的特点,具备系统的特性。3.对于足球运动员竞技能力系统的此种划分,凸显了足球意识在足球运动员竞技能力系统中的主导作用,明确指出足球专项训练必须重视足球意识的培养。4.足球运动员竞技能力要素训练原则是依据足球运动训练规律确定的,对足球运动员竞技能力各要素训练的基本要求和指导原理。这些原则的确立对于足球运动训练的细化具有指导意义。

【Abstract】 At present,football in China relatively lags behind both in its training theory and in its training practice.Therefore,to accomplish the goal of making Chinese football go out of Asia and go to the world and ultimately gain a firm foothold in the international football arena, we should take a scientific and realistic attitude.We should draw on successful experience Of countries with advanced football development; we should reflect on our previous training concepts and practices;we should make in-depth study of training rules for football.Only in this way can we find a proper way to develop Chinese football.Players’ athletic ability is the core issue for athletic training. The backwardness of Chinese football level is directly linked to our warped understanding of football players’ athletic ability system.The problematic understanding has led to the deviation of training practice away from real matches and thus training has failed to meet the demands from matches.Therefore,it is impossible to improve our football level unless we can solve this problem well.This dissertation studies the football players’ athletic ability system and its element through combination of theoretical analysis with survey research,qualitative analysis with quantities studies.The dissertation adopts logical analysis,literature review,expert interview,questionnaires,Delphi method,and mathematical statistics. The dissertation takes into consideration the practices of football training in China and refers to football concepts and methods of countries with advanced football development.The dissertation focuses on construction of football players’ athletic ability system and established three subsystems which including football movements, awareness and intension,and then give details of eight factors elements of them which means a physique ability,technical and tactical ability, intelligence,football philosophy,competition knowledge,cultural quality and Non-intelligence factors.In this way,this dissertation demonstrated the relationships among those subsystem respective elements of factors.This dissertation aims to enrich and perfect Chinese training theoretical system and to offer reference for promoting and advancing Chinese football training level.The study reached the following conclusions:1.The past division of football athletic ability system often transform from general training model,which can not reflect the special features of football training and went to far away form the real competition.2.Football athletic ability system includes three subsystems which is football movements,awareness and intension,and then give details of eight factors elements of them which means a physique ability, technical and tactical ability,intelligence,football philosophy, competition knowledge,cultural quality and Non-intelligence factors. The system meets the specific characteristics of football.3.This football athletic ability systems highlighted the awareness of players and clearly pointed out the need of special training to football awareness training.4.The training of football athletic ability elements is based on the principle of football training rules set by the football athletic ability of the elements,which meets the basic requirements for the training and guidance of the principle.These principles leads a significant role of the establishment of a football training thinning.


