

Studies on Characteristics of Environment Development for Chinese Competitive Basketball and Countermeasures in the Period of Social Transition

【作者】 贾志强

【导师】 杨鹏飞;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 社会转型期,竞技篮球运动作为中国竞技体育和篮球运动发展整体系统中的一个组成部分,要迅速发展,就迫切要求不断优化自身内部环境和更好适应外部环境。本研究的目的就是用系统的观点,全面了解我国竞技篮球运动管理组织现状,从理论层面对转型期影响中国竞技篮球运动的发展环境的主要因素进行系统的研究,并在此基础提出优化转型期竞技篮球发展环境的对策。本文以非介入性研究法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、系统分析为主要研究方法。研究结果:一、我国竞技篮球运动发展的外环境主要特征:1、世界各国竞技体育管理体制表现为:自下而上构建组织;政府不直接插手体育组织内部事务,社会组织办竞技体育的积极性高,依法实现层次管理。2、世界竞技篮球发展表现出科学化、产业化、社会化和国际化等特征。3、社会转型期“举国体制”是我国竞技体育基本特征;我国竞技体育体制改革具有政府主导下的探索性、渐进性和过渡性特征。4、中国政治稳定、经济增长、文化需求,推动竞技篮球事业的持续发展。二、社会转型期我国竞技篮球运动发展的内环境主要特征1、行政组织管理特征表现为:(1)篮球运动管理中心具有较为明显的行政特征。同时具有政府部门和社会团体的双重职能。(2)我国竞技篮球管理的系统的动力机制是多元化的;国家利益仍是体育管理系统的首要动力;经济利益逐渐成为管理系统的重要动力来源。(3)在社会转型期我国篮球改革中,在管理制度方面具有创新空间。2、转型期我国竞技篮球竞赛管理特征:国家篮球运动管理中心掌握篮球竞赛管理的组织权和管理权。体育系统仍作为我国竞技篮球发展的主要力量与教育系统争夺竞赛市场。体育、教育系统的纵向结构较为明显,而横向结构紊乱,系统之间缺乏有效联系。3、转型期我国竞技篮球训练管理特征:(1)体育系统篮球训练纵向组织结构分为高级训练、中级训练和初级训练形式教育系统分为大学、中学和小学阶段等三个层次;职业篮球俱乐部产权形式表现出层次众多、投资主体呈现出多样性和复杂性的特征。(3)现阶段我国篮球训练组织系统横向层次表现出:体育、教育和社会系统在组织实施过程中表现出体制的问题,即篮球资源合理配置。4、转型期竞技篮球人力资源管理特征:后备人才资源开发对象的复杂性;开发过程的系统性;开发内容的全面性:开发手段的专业性;篮球教练员岗位培训管理体系形成呈现渐进特征。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of competitive basketball,a component in the overall system of the Chinese competitive sports and the sport of basketball,calls for continuously optimizing the internal environment and better adapting to the external environment in the period of social transition.Based on the systematic opinion,this dissertation generally reviews the status quo of the administrative organizations of athletic basketball,systematically studies the main factors affecting the developing environment of Chinese basketball during the social transition and puts forwards countermeasures to optimize the developing environment.Literature review,expert interview,questionnaires, systematic analysis,logic analysis and mathematical statistics are adopted as main methodologies.Research findings:1.Main features of external environment of Chinese basketball development.1) the administrative system of competitive sports in the world is characterized as organizations established from below; governments don’ t intervene the internal affairs of sport organizations; social organizations demonstrate enthusiasm in managing competitive sports;2) Competitive basketball worldwide is characterized as being scientific,industrialized,socialized and internationalized.3) The "Whole-nation system" during the period of social transition is the basic trait of Chinese competitive sports;the restructuring of Chinese competitive sport is featured as exploring,progressing and transiting led by the government.4) Stable political situation,booming economy and cultural demand in China promote the consistent development of competitive basketball in China.2.Main features of internal environment of Chinese basketball development during the period of social transition 1) The managing features of administrative organizations can be shown in:a) Basketball Administrative Centre has not only obvious administrative traits but dual function as a governmental body and social body.b) The power mechanism of the administrative system of Chinese competitive basketball presents a feature of plurality;the national interest is still the primary motive of the sport administrative system; economic interest has gradually become the key motivation in the administrative system,c) The administrative rules and regulations of basketball has a great space to be innovated during the period.2) The features of event management of basketball during the period are as follows:the National Basketball Administrative Centre takes the sole responsibility for organizing and administrating basketball matches.The sport system is still the main force in the development of Chinese competitive basketball,competing for the market with the educational system.The longitudinal structures of the sport system and the educational system are relatively evident while the lateral structures are confusing.No effective connection exists between the systems.3) The features of basketball training management during the period are as follows:a) The longitudinal structure of basketball training in the sport system is divided into advanced-level training,medium-level training and primary-level training.The educational system is divided into 3 levels:university,high school and primary school,b) The property right in the professional basketball clubs presents the characters of varied levels,diverse and complex investors,c) at the present stage, the lateral level in the Chinese basketball training system shows problems with the system,namely,appropriate disposition of the basketball resources,appear in the process of administration and implementation in the system of sports,education and the social system. 4) Features of human resources management in the period:complexity of exploring the reserved human resources;systematization of the developing process;contents of the overall development;professionalism of developing methods;the on-post training system of the basketball coaches is progressive gradually.


