

Competitive Value of Artistic Expresstion Power in Artistic Evaluation Event and Its Cultivation

【作者】 姜桂萍

【导师】 田麦久;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 艺术表现力是艺术评类项目中重要的竞技能力之一,在艺术评分类项目比赛中具有重要的竞技价值,相对薄弱的艺术表现力水平,限制了我国运动员比赛成绩的进一步提升,提高我国运动员艺术表现力水平已势在必行。本研究通过艺术评分类项目运动员艺术表现力的研究,阐述艺术表现力在艺术评分类项目中的竞技价值,从而丰富该类项群运动员竞技能力结构的内涵;总结提高运动员艺术表现力的培养途径,为提高其竞技水平提供理论依据。本文采用文献研究方法、专家访谈与问卷调查法、录像观摩与分析法、现场观察法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法等方法,对花样滑冰、花样游泳、艺术体操、技巧、健美操等项目运动员的艺术表现力的相关内容进行研究,得出以下结论:1.艺术表现力在艺术评分项目中的竞技价值体现在提高参赛评分、满足鉴赏需求、实现自我目标三个维度上。2.在艺术评分类项目比赛中运动员良好的艺术表现力具有提高比赛评分的重要作用。艺术评分类项目优秀运动员的竞赛成绩中,艺术表现分约占其总分的25%——50%。上世纪80年代至今,各个艺术评分类项目竞赛规则艺术评分变化的总体趋势是:艺术分从无到有,分值不断提高;艺术评分内容更加具体,要求不断细化;艺术表现力在艺术评分项目中的重要性逐渐加强。3.在艺术评分项目比赛中,良好的艺术表现力可以使观众在观赏比赛中得到美的震撼,获得审美满足。通过对观众在欣赏时感受到的人体美、运动美、音乐美、服装美等,体现出艺术表现力在满足观众鉴赏需求方面的竞技价值。4.艺术评分类项目比赛中运动员的良好表现力有助于实现参赛者奋斗与追求的目标。运动员在比赛中所体验到的表现欲望的满足、情感需求的满足、意志需要的满足、实现自我超越愿望的满足等对于参赛者自我目标的实现具有重要的竞技价值。5.艺术表现力的影响因素包括运动员自身因素和规则影响等。运动员自身的文化修养、生活经验、个性特征、舞蹈基础、音乐素养、表演能力等影响着艺术表现力水平,竞赛规则对艺术表现力的发挥起着规范与引导的作用。6.艺术表现力的培养应从多方面进行,其中舞蹈、音乐、表演是其的重要部分,在培养过程中可通过一般培养与专门性培养两种途径进行。在艺术表现力培养过程中,还应注重运动员的文化修养。提高运动员的文化修养应做到从制度上保证,从方法上力行。

【Abstract】 Artistic expression power is one of the important competitive abilities and has high competitive value in the events containing artistic points.The comparatively low level of artistic presentation is a restriction on the promotion of sportsmen’ s scores in our country, so it is urgent to raise the level of their artistic presentation.Based on the study of artistic presentation of the sportsmen in the events containing artistic points,this paper elaborates the competitive value of artistic presentation in these events,thus enriching the connotation of the structure of competitive ability;and it sums up and explores the ways to raise the level of sportsmen’ s artistic expression power,thus providing a theoretical foundation for raising the level of artistic expression power.Related contents of artistic expression power,which are competitive value of artistic expression power in events containing artistic points and the cultivation of sportsmen’ s artistic expression power,of the sportsmen in these events such as figure skating, synchronized swimming,rhythmic gymnastics,acrobatic gymnastics and aerobics have been studied by means of literature review,interviewing experts and questionnaire,video watching and analysis,observation on the spot,logic analysis and statistics.The following are the conclusions:1.The competitive value of artistic expression power in the events containing artistic points is reflected in the following three dimensions: increasing the scores of the sportmen,meeting the audience’ s need for appreciation and achieving one’ s own aim.2.The good artistic presentation of the sportsmen plays an important role in raising their scores.The points given for artistic presentation hold 25%to 50%of the whole scores for excellent sportsmen in the events containing artistic points.From 80s in last century till now,for these events,the overall trend of the changes of artistic points in the competition rules is:the artisic points are sing,and at the very beginning there was even no artisi(?) content of artistic point becomes more specific and the requirements becomes more detailed;the importance of artistic presentation in these events is enhanced gradually.3.Good artistic presentation in these events can thrill the audience and meet their need for appreciation of the beautiful while watching the events.From the physical beauty,movement beauty,musical beauty, costume beauty sensed by the audience,the value of artistic presentation can be found lying in the aspect of meeting the need of audience’ s appreciation.4.Good artistic presentation of the sportmen in these events helps them to achieve the aim they strive for.The satisfaction of expression desire,mental need,will need and self transcending expressed by the sportsmen during the matches shows the great value of artistic expression power in the aspect of sportsmen’ s self satisfaction.5.The factors influencing artistic presentation include that of sportmen themselves and the rules.Cultural cultivation,life experience, characters,quality in choreography,music,acting and so on of the sportsmen will affect the level of their artistic presentation;and competition rules guide and lead the play of artistic presentation.6.Many aspects should be cultivated to improve artistic presentation,in which choreography,music and acting are the most important part.During the process of cultivating artistic expression power,both general cultivation and specific cultivation can be adopted. At the same time,more attention should be paid on sportsmen’ s cultural cultivation.To enhance sportsmen’ s cultural cultivation,regulations should be made to guarantee it and all the rules should be carried out strictly.Key Words:artistic expression power;events containing artistic points,:competitive value:cultivation


