

The Study of Industrial Cluster & Regional Logistics’ Cooperation Mode

【作者】 薛辉

【导师】 欧国立;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 产业经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 产业集群是当代区域经济发展中的一个普遍现象,成为一个国家或地区获得竞争优势的重要途径。产业集群的竞争优势和创新优势来自聚集于特定地域的各主体之间的互动和集群内外相关主体之间的协作,地理上的聚集为集群内外各主体之间的相互作用及协作匹配创造了环境和条件。产业集群与区域物流的协作既涉及产业集群企业竞争力的提升,也关乎区域现代物流业的发展。本文正是从这个角度出发,以交易费用理论为基础,对产业集群和区域物流系统进行深入研究,揭示二者的协作模式,整合产业集群内外部的各种生产要素,形成产业集群的合力与集体效率,这对于产业集群竞争力的提升以及区域物流的完善具有重要意义。产业集群内,彼此相互关联的上下游企业综合了物流系统将产品的包装、运输、装卸、仓储、保管以及由此所发生的信息管理和传递的所有过程。集群的网络化结构,实现了运输、物流的一体化;空间集聚效应降低了产品的运输、库存成本;集群的人脉关系产生的信任和契约机制,加快了资金流、信息流的传递。因此,这种集群化的作业,使得企业的运作成本明显降低。在一个产业集群内部容易形成贯通运输、仓储、包装、加工的综合作业系统的物流链。产业集群内部的各个企业所形成的原材料从供应商到制造商变为产品再到分销商、零售商最终转移到客户的供应链关系,使得集群内部的各企业同步运行、相互协调,保障了物流链每个环节的连续性。同时,物流链的每个环节又可以作为节点,连接具有供需关系的不同企业,形成集群内的分拨网络系统,建立起各企业生产、需求之间紧密的联系。通过产业集群与区域物流的协调运作,提升集群竞争力,促进现代物流业的形成。论文应用交易费用理论研究了产业集群与区域物流的协作模式,并通过建立灰色关联模型定量研究了区域物流对于产业集群的支撑作用,随后结合我国及国外产业集群的实际,对于各种模式分别列举分析了相应的典型产业集群,并提出策略性建议。论文的主要内容和结论有如下几个方面:第一,对国内外产业集群与区域物流协作的相关研究进展进行了综述,并在相关理论研究的基础上,提出了产业集群与区域物流协作模式研究的理论基础,即交易费用理论。通过分析产业集群的交易性质以及区域物流的系统性特征,论文运用交易费用理论来解释二者的协作模式。第二,分析了构建服务于产业集群物流体系的必要性。阐述了产业集群物流的内涵及特征,通过分析产业集群物流服务体系的建立,提出了产业集群物流的整合能力是提升集群竞争力的主要手段之一。重点论述了区域物流的构建和发展对于产业集群的基础性作用。第三,论述了服务于产业集群的区域物流的形成及发展。在分析产业集群对物流需求影响的基础上,剖析了服务于产业集群的区域物流的形成机制及形成路径,根据区位条件、产业依存度以及集群企业的功能关联把服务于产业集群的区域物流发展模式归纳为三种,即区位导向型、依附型及功能关联型。第四,阐释了产业集群与区域物流的交融关系。在二者相关性分析的基础上,阐述了产业集群与区域物流的共生发展关系,进而按照产业集群生命周期的原理,分别从集聚期、扩散期、衰退期三个方面论述了产业集群与区域物流的交融关系,动态地阐明各个时期集群企业及物流企业的表现以及相互作用关系。第五,从交易费用的角度论述了产业集群与区域物流的协作模式。从交易费用的角度,按照影响交易费用的三个因素(即资产专用性、不确定性及交易频率)对物流的交易性质进行分析,论述了产业集群与区域物流的四种协作模式。第六,从定性和定量两方面详尽论述了产业集群与区域物流协作模式的具体表现,并进行了实证分析。在引入产业集群价值链模型的基础上,阐释了三种具体表现形式(即自营物流模式、物流外包模式及物流联盟模式)的内涵,根据产品特点、企业实力、物流成本及服务能力分析了选择不同模式的原因及适用条件,从定性的角度给出了协作模式的决策模型。在实证分析时,首先对区域物流对于产业集群的支撑作用进行了实证研究,选取了相应的指标建立起灰色关联模型,并进行了显著性检验;然后分别以不同典型产业集群为例证,对三种具体表现形式进行了实践的映证。

【Abstract】 As a middle organization between enterprise and market,industrial cluster is the space industrial organization which is of specialization and network.The competition advantage and innovation advantage of industrial clusters don’t come from aggregation of enterprises,but from the interaction between the main in specific region and the collaboration both inside and outside of industrial clusters.Geographical clusters create environment and conditions for the interaction and collaboration.The cooperation of industrial clusters and regional logistics refers to improvement of industrial clusters’ competitiveness and development of modern regional logistics.From this angle,on the basis of Transaction Cost Theory,the thesis puts an in-depth study on the industrial clusters and regional logistics,reveals their cooperation modes.By means of integrating the internal and external production factors,the composition of forces and collective efficiency come about which pose great significance on the improvement of industrial clusters’ competitiveness and perfecting the regional logistics.In the cluster,the inter-related upstream and downstream enterprises integrate all processes of logistics system including packaging,transport,handling,storage,custody, information management and delivery.The network structure of cluster realizes the transportation and logistics’ integration;the effect of spatial concentration reduces product transportation and inventory costs;trust and contract mechanisms based on connections in cluster accelerate cash flow and information flow.Hence,the cluster operations significantly make operating costs lower.It is easy to form the logistics chain including transportation,storage,packaging and processing.The supply chain relationships of raw materials,suppliers,product manufacturer,distributors,retailers and eventually customers,which are formed by enterprices of industrial cluster,make the cluster enterprices synchronous operation and mutual coordination,protecting every aspect’s continuity of the logistics chain.At the same time,every aspect of the logistics chain can be used as nodes to connect different enterprises with the relationship between supply and demand,form cluster’s distribution network system and set up close ties between production and demand of enterprices.Through coordination of industrial cluster and regional logistics,competitiveness of clusters can be enhanced, propelling the formation of modern logistics industry.The thesis applies the Transaction Cost Theory to explore the cooperation modes between industrial clusters and regional logistics.Through gray relational model,it makes quantitative analysis about the supporting role of regional logistics to industrial clusters.Then combined with the actual industrial clusters home and abroad,it analyzes the corresponding typical industrial clusters according to the cooperation modes,and brings out strategic recommendations.The thesis’s main contents and conclusions are as follows:First,it reviews the research progress of the cooperation of industrial clusters and regional logistics home and abroad,and brings out the theory basis of the cooperation mode.By analyzing the transaction nature of industrial cluster and systemic characteristics of regional logistics,the thesis adopts the Transaction Cost Theory as the theory basis.Second,it analyzes the necessity of the construction of industrial cluster’s logistics system.The dissertation expounds the connotation and traits of industrial cluster’s logistics,attaches the importance upon the establishment of industrial cluster’s logistics service system,and proposes that the integration ability of industrial cluster’s logistics is one of main methods to improve the industrial cluster’s competitiveness.It discusses the basic role of establishment and development of regional logistics to industrial cluster.Third,the dissertation analyzes the formation and development of regional logistics serving clusters.After exploring the effect of industrial cluster to logistics demand,it analyzes the formation mechanism and path of regional logistics serving industrial cluster.According to the location condition,industry dependence and function association of cluster enterprises,three development patterns are summarized: location-oriented,dependent and function association.Four,it sets forth the blend relationship of industrial cluster and regional logistics. On the basis of correlation analysis,it analyzes the Symbiotic relationship between industrial cluster and regional logistics.Then according to industry cluster life cycle principle,the thesis disserts the blend relationship from three sides:aggregation period, proliferation period and recession period.In this part,the performance and interaction of industrial cluster and regional logistics in three periods are brought dynamically.Five,it discusses the cooperation modes of industrial cluster and regional logistics from the transaction cost.From the angle of transaction cost,according to three factors affecting transaction cost(asset specificity,uncertainty and transaction frequency),it analyzes the logistics’ transaction nature,focuses on the choice of the cooperation modes,and explores the application of four modes respectively.Finally,the dissertation analyzes the cooperation modes’ specific performance of industrial cluster and regional logistics from qualitative and quantitative aspects,and conducts positive analysis.After bringing in analysis of industrial cluster value chain,it sets forth the connotation of three specific performance:self-logistics mode,logistics outsourcing mode and logistics alliance mode.According to the product features, enterprise strength,logistics costs and service ability,it gives the reason and application condition for choosing different modes,and comes to decision-making model from qualitative angle.In positive research,in the first place,it analyzes positively about the supporting role of regional logistics to industrial clusters,sets up gray relational model by choosing corresponding indicators,carries out test of significance;then for instance of different typical industrial clusters,the dissertation analyzes three specific performance practically.

  • 【分类号】F270;F252;F224
  • 【被引频次】33
  • 【下载频次】3465
  • 攻读期成果

