

Pervasive Service Network Basic Research with Resource-Oriented

【作者】 杨冬

【导师】 张宏科;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 互联网高效的分组交换机制、灵活的可扩展性、以及终端强大可参与能力等优良特性,使其成为新一代网络设计的主要蓝本。然而,由于自发、无组织的设计和发展模式,以及网络环境和用户需求的日益变化,互联网的原始设计结构逐渐暴露出许多弊端和不足。本论文分析互联网原始设计结构问题,以新一代网络“基于分组交换,提供普适服务”为目标,提出面向资源(服务、数据)的普适服务网络设计。与传统研究不同,本文是一个自顶向下的系统性设计,将面向资源的设计原则贯穿到了互联网资源处理最主要的三个阶段:注册查询、连接建立、数据传输。论文依托国家973项目“一体化可信网络与普适服务体系基础研究”开展,可以看作是该项目提出的“标识分离映射”模型在解决互联网问题的一次尝试和应用,主要研究成果和创新点如下:①基于“一体化可信网络与普适服务体系基础研究”提出的“标识分离映射”开放模型,首次系统提出自顶向下的面向资源互联网构架(体现在②③④中),并组网构建了完整的原型系统,实现了网页浏览、下载、视频等互联网主要应用;②在资源注册查询阶段,设计实现面向资源的映射系统和统一注册查询机制,解决现有DNS面向主机带来的问题,并通过引入服务标识、连接标识及其映射完善互联网原始分层结构;③在资源连接建立阶段,引入面向资源的优先级子连接设计和协商机制,根据②中的统一资源注册信息以及其它网络信息和用户偏好实现灵活的连接建立;④在资源数据传输阶段,提出基于③中子连接的多连接多路径优先映射机制和面向资源的路径选择机制,从而实现新网络环境下互联网传输层新构架。

【Abstract】 Efficient packet switching transmission,flexible scalability,and powerful end host make Internet be the blueprint of the new generation network.However, because of the design and development with spontaneous as-hoc model,and the changes of network environment and users need,there have been a lot of defects of Internet original design.This paper analysis the architecture shortcomings of Internet,with the object of providing pervasive service on packet network which is also the object of different research of new generation network,and introduces a Resource-Oriented(data,service) network design.Comparing with other researches,our research is a Top-Down system design,and uses Resource-Oriented to three main stages of network resource processing: registration,connection,and transform.This paper bases on the nation 973 project "Fundamental Research on the Architecture of Universal Trustworthy Network and Pervasive Services",the main research results and innovations are as follows:①Based on "Identifier Separating Mapping Theory" of"Fundamental Research on the Architecture of Universal Trustworthy Network and Pervasive Services",this paper firstly introduces a Top-Down system design of Resource-Oriented network,and constructs the whole prototype including Web browse,download,and video on line.②In the resource registration and finding stage,this paper designs and implements the mapping system based on Resource-Oriented and universal registration,which could solve the problems of DNS based on Host-Oriented,and makes Internet architecture integrity using connection identifier and its mapping.③In the resource connection establish stage,this paper presents the connection and priority sub-connection establish based on Resource-Oriented and negotiation mechanism.This design supports flexible connection establish using the registration information,other network information and user preference.④In the resource data transform stage,the paper introduces multi-connection and multi-path priority mapping mechanism and path choosing based on Resource-Oriented, which is a new transport layer framework.


