

Service Modeling and On-Demand Integration of Virtual Service Value Net

【作者】 苟娟琼

【导师】 李学伟;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 管理与技术的融合与互动是信息系统学科最基本,也是最难解决的问题。服务经济和以SOA(Service Oriendted Architecture,面向服务的结构)为核心的服务计算技术的发展,以及多变的经济环境,催生了服务科学、管理与工程(简称服务科学)学科的诞生,对这一问题提出了新的要求和新的思想方法,即如何构建由客户服务价值驱动的,具有松散耦合结构特征和动态整合运行特征的服务系统,并借助信息技术寻求服务创新。本文分析了基于IT的经济管理系统的元素、结构、整合等演进特征,提出虚拟服务价值网的概念,用以代表具有面向服务特征的数字化服务系统,将研究视角从传统的以功能为导向的系统耦合转向以系统结构为导向的系统解析,以本体及语义SOA理论方法为核心,研究虚拟价值网的分解与合成,基于本体论、企业建模、符号学和服务计算等领域的思想方法,提出虚拟服务价值网的服务建模方法,研究了基于服务组件的网络同构与动态整合方法。主要研究内容包括:(1)提出基于IT的社会经济系统演进阶段模型。基于经济管理和信息技术领域的研究成果,从系统科学角度,研究基于IT的面向服务的经济管理系统的演化特征,对比分析社会经济系统和信息系统在互动发展过程中,系统的元素、结构、整合和演进等特征,在总结其系统相似性的基础上,提出基于IT的社会经济系统演进阶段模型。(2)提出虚拟服务价值网的概念,并解析了网络的需求和结构特征。虚拟服务价值网由客户以及为客户提供服务的相互合作和竞争的组织群动态整合而成,具有高度灵活性和适应性的价值网。通过研究个性化服务的需求特点、信息技术及其所带来的虚拟信息世界的作用,社会经济系统的整合本质与动态整合需求,本文将虚拟服务价值网进一步分解为生产和服务两个子系统,以及物流网、组织网和信息网三个网络,提出在系统分解之上不断重构的动态整合观。(3)提出基于本体的服务建模和服务组件设计方法。针对虚拟服务价值网所具有的较强的动态性和虚拟性等特征,本文分析对比了传统企业建模、服务建模和本体在建模领域的应用,在分析虚拟服务价值网中技术系统、组织管理和服务的关系基础上,重点研究了本体建模中的层次性设计,提出了以技术链为基础,以服务为导向的,基于多层次本体集成的服务系统建模方法论,并分析了相关的技术方法。(4)提出基于网络同构的虚拟服务价值网的动态整合技术方法。针对虚拟服务价值网的构造和发展过程中的系统再造与整合,设计了系统的网络同构化结构,提出系统动态整合的策略、方法及集成化管理,分析了不同的集成化管理与服务创新的方式,以及网络结构的分析方法。研究了基于语义SOA的信息网动态整合技术方法,包括集成管理器、流程整合服务器的内部结构和实现技术,以及如何借助信息网实现其他网络的集成化管理。(5)在基本理论研究的基础上,在产业供应链和交通信息服务领域进行分析和实证研究。提出了面向服务的供应链动态整合模型,以联泰成衣供应链为案例,通过面向服务的联泰成衣供应链的整合策略与网络结构分析,集成化管理与动态整合的模拟,验证了基于服务组件的面向服务供应链整合策略。从建立面向公众的数字化交通服务系统的角度,研究交通信息服务系统的动态整合问题,在交通信息服务及其动态整合需求的基础上,分析交通服务系统的特征,建立交通信息服务本体,以及基于SSOA的动态整合系统。验证了不同领域虚拟服务价值网的形成,以及服务建模和动态整合的理论方法。

【Abstract】 The fusion and integration between management and technology is the most fundamental and difficult issue in the information system field.Service economy,computing technology development,and changeable economic environment gives birth to the service science,management and engineering(called as service science) subject,and proposes new requirements and methodology for this issue, namely how to construct the service system featuring the loose coupling structure and dynamic integration operation.Meanwhile,the information technology is used for service innovation.This dissertation analyzes such evolving characteristics as elements,structure and integration of the economic management system and information system in the application of the information technology in the economic management area,proposes the concept of the virtual service value network,which stands for the digital service system with SOA structure and guides the research from the traditional function-oriented system coupling to the analysis on the system structure-oriented digital service system,and solves the decomposition and synthesis of the system with the related theory of ontology and semantic SOA.Based on the methodology in the enterprise modeling,ontology,symbolism and service computing area,this dissertation proposes the service modeling method for the virtual service value network,studies the network isomorphic and dynamic integration of the service components.The main contents cover:(1) This dissertation studies the evolving characteristics of the service-oriented economy management system based on IT technology.With the research achievements in the economy management and information technology area,from the view of the system science,the dissertation compares and analyzes the element, structure,integration and evolving characteristics of the system in the interactive development of the social economy system and information system,and proposes the evolving phase model of the social economy system based on IT by summarizing the system similarities.(2) The dissertation proposes the concept of the virtual service value network,and analyzes the network requirement and structural characteristics.The virtual service value network integrates the organization dynamics in the mutual cooperation and competition between customers and the services provided for them,which features high flexibility and adaptability.Through studying the requirement characteristics of the personalized service,information technology and the role of its caused virtual information world,and integration essence and dynamic integration requirements of the social economic system,this dissertation further divides the virtual service value network into the production and service sub-system,logistics network,organization network and information network,and proposes the idea of continuous reconstruction and dynamic integration based on the system decomposition.(3) This dissertation proposes the service modeling and service component design method based on the ontology.For the strong dynamics and virtualization of the virtual service value network,this dissertation analyzes and compares the application of the traditional enterprise modeling,service modeling and ontology in the modeling area. Based on the analysis on the relation between technology system,organization management and service in the virtual service value network,this dissertation focuses on the research on the hierarchical design in the ontology modeling,proposes the technology chain-based,service-oriented,and multi-layer ontology-integrated service system modeling methodology,and analyzes the related technical methods.(4) This dissertation proposes the technical method for the isomorphic structure and dynamic integration of the virtual service value network.For the system reconstruction and integration in the construction and development of the virtual service value network,this dissertation designs the isomorphic network structure of the system, proposes the strategy,method and integration management for the dynamic system integration,and analyzes the different integration management and service innovation modes,and network structure analysis method.This dissertation studies the SOA-based dynamic integration technical method for the information network,including the integration manager,internal structure and realization technology of the process integration server,and how to realize integration management of other networks via the information network.(5) Based on the research on the basic theory,this dissertation analyzes the supply chain area as the traditional industry and city transportation area as the service industry, and studies the actual cases.This dissertation proposes the dynamic integration model for the service-oriented supply chain.Taking the Luen Thai Clothes supply chain as one case,via analyzing the integration strategy and network structure of the service-oriented Luen Thai Clothes supply chain,and simulating the integrated management and dynamic integration,this dissertation validates the service supply chain integration strategy based on the service components.From the view of establishing the public-oriented digital transportation service system,this dissertation studies the dynamic integration of the transportation information service system.Based on the transportation information service and dynamic integration requirement,this dissertation analyzes the characteristics of the transportation service system,and establishes the transportation information service ontology and SSOA dynamic integration system.


