

Study on Key Techniques of Charging System for Electric Buses

【作者】 牛利勇

【导师】 周希德; 姜久春;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文直接针对“2008北京奥运会用电动汽车充电系统”科研课题,对纯电动公交充电系统的关键技术问题进行了研究,以便为纯电动公交充电系统的建设提供理论和实践的支持。本文研究了基于纯电动公交车辆参数和充电模式的充电系统容量需求分析方法,根据该方法进行纯电动公交充电系统容量设计,可以避免过度设计,获得最优化的配电容量需求,节约建设成本。本文利用该方法完成了奥运会纯电动公交充电系统容量设计。纯电动公交充电系统的运行,必然对供电网造成污染,但目前尚无专门针对该类型充电系统的谐波分析模型,以用于对充电系统谐波污染的分析、预测及谐波治理措施的选择和设计。本文建立了高频充电机的谐波仿真模型,以及充电站的谐波分析模型,根据纯电动公交车辆参数和充电模式进行了仿真研究,为纯电动公交充电系统的谐波治理提供了依据。近年来,一类全桥移相式零电压零电流直流变换器拓扑受到研究者的重视。该类拓扑适合于使用IGBT器件的中、大功率直流变换器应用。本文详细研究了其中一种使用电容和二极管构成钳位电路的变换器拓扑的工作原理和动态特性,进行了稳态和动态的仿真分析。在研究了其软开关实现特性的基础上,提出了该变换器拓扑主要参数的优化设计方法。由于在该变换器拓扑中,超前桥臂开关器件的零电压开关范围有限,在轻载情况下存在整机可靠性下降的问题,本文研究了两种对其进行改进的方法—辅助谐振网络电路和有源辅助换相电路。根据动力蓄电池充电过程的特性,本文提出了采用CDS钳位电路的变换器拓扑改进形式。本文研究了各种改进方式的工作原理和参数设计方法,并且进行了仿真分析。根据2008北京奥运会纯电动公交充电系统的要求,设计制作了基于以上研究的直流变换器拓扑的纯电动汽车充电机样机。本文给出了充电机主电路的主要参数,以及基于数字信号控制器的数字控制系统的设计过程。通过充电机样机实验,验证了对变换器拓扑的分析结论。同时,在充电机样机的基础上,对变换器改进方式进行了实验,验证了对改进方式的理论分析及在实际应用中的可行性。

【Abstract】 This dissertation aims at the project of "Electric Vehicles Charging System for 2008 Beijign Olympic Games" and studies the key techniques to provide supports for charging system’s construction theoretically and practically.A method for the analysis of the charging system capacity requirement is proposed, which is based on the electric buses parameters and the battery charging mode.By using this method to analyse and predict the capacity requirement before construction,the over design can be avoided and the optimized distribution capacity requirement and the construction cost can be achieved.The design of the abovemetioned project is carried out by using the proposed method.The charging system will inevitably pollute the power supply network.A harmonic simulation model for high frequency chargers and a harmonic analysis model for charging station are proposed,which are useful to the analysis and prediction of harmonic pollution and the design of pollution restrain methods.A simulation based on the electric buses parameters and charging mode is carried out.In recent years,a cluster of full-bridge phase-shifted ZVZCS dc-dc converters has aroused researchers’ interests which suit for medium and large power stage applications using IGBTs.The operating principles and dynamic characteristics of a CDD clamped FB-PS-ZVZCS converter are studied in detail and the steady state simulations are carried out in Matlab/Simulink.Based on the study of the soft switching characteristics of the converter,an optimized parameter design procedure is proposed.Since the converter’s leading leg switches’ ZVS range subjects to some limitation,two improvement methods,auxiliary resonant net circuit and active auxiliary commuting circuit and a modified CDS clamp circiuit are proposed.The operating principles, parameters design method and simulations are proposed.A prototype of electric vehicle charger for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is designed and fabricated,based on the studied converter topology.The major parameters and the digital signal controller based control system are proposed.The experimental results validate the analysis conclusions of the converter.Furthermore,the proposed modified converter is validated by the experiment.


