

Information System Synergy Governance Theory and Its Application

【作者】 谢祥

【导师】 关忠良;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着信息时代的到来,信息系统(IS)能够从不同层次和角度支持企业的生产经营活动,企业也开始认识到信息系统对于企业生存与发展的重要性,所以,IS项目逐渐成为众多企业投资的新热点。但是,关于“IT/IS悖论是否存在”的大讨论以及众多IS项目的失败案例又时刻在警示着企业:IS投资有风险,IS建设需谨慎。因此,如何提高IS项目的成功率,如何确保IS价值的实现已经成为企业在其信息化进程中最为关心的问题之一。本文提出的IS协同治理理论为企业优化其信息化建设,促进IS价值的实现提供了一种新的思路和一套切实可行的治理方法。IS协同治理理论以IS协同为主要研究对象,指出IS与企业内部的关键资源要素形成协同关系是IS价值得以实现的前提,并且IS与这些关键资源要素产生的协同效益是IS价值的根源,加强对IS协同的治理是企业提高IS应用效果,实现IS价值的必要且可行的措施。本文的主要内容和创新点包括:1.本文基于协同论、熵理论和竞争优势理论,利用矩阵推导和模型演化分析从不同的角度论证了IS协同治理的必要性和可行性。这一部分的主要创新点有两个,一个是从信息熵的定义出发,通过数学推导,在探讨“负熵原理”成立的条件的过程中,论证了提高信息质量的重要性,进而明确了IS协同治理的必要性。另一个是通过构建IS态度的演化模型,分析IS与各关键资源要素的协同作用对IS态度演化的影响力,从而论证了IS协同治理的价值和可行性。2.提出了IS协同治理基本理论框架。本文首先从企业资源中筛选出5种关键资源要素:企业战略、组织结构、业务流程、企业文化和人力资源,并将其界定为IS协同的主要对象。接着,本文通过对IS与各关键资源要素的相互作用——IS对现有关键资源要素的支持作用和IS对关键资源要素变革的促进作用的全方位、多角度的分析,找出了IS与各关键资源要素形成协同关系的条件,并据此,提出了若干治理IS协同,促进IS与关键资源要素形成协同关系的有效措施。这一部分既是本文的核心内容,也是本文理论创新的关键所在。3.构建了多层次的以IS协同度为对象的IS协同治理评价模型。由于IS与企业关键资源要素的协同程度能够间接反映IS价值实现的程度,所以企业能够使用该评价模型进行IS价值的评价工作。IS协同治理评价模型内容丰富,采用了不同的方法评价IS与各个关键资源要素的协同度,例如IS与业务流程、文化以及人力资源的协同度评价主要是采用基于AHP的模糊评价法,IS与组织结构的协同度评价则是利用了结构熵的概念,而基于波士顿矩阵的IS与企业战略协同度的评价更是一种全新的尝试,多种评价方法扬长避短、优势互补,使得该评价模型既具备了科学性、全面性、普适性等特性,操作和使用还极为方便、快捷。IS协同治理评价模型是对IS协同治理理论的有益补充,也是本文应用创新的主要内容。4.本文利用IS协同治理评价模型对某企业的IS建设进行了综合评价,评价结果与企业的现实相符,不仅反映出企业IS价值实现的基本状况和IS协同治理措施对IS价值实现的作用,也反映出企业IS建设中仍然存在的不足之处,为企业进一步优化IS指明了方向。该实证分析既详细介绍了IS协同治理评价模型的使用方法,又证实了该评价模型的价值和可操作性。

【Abstract】 After entering into the information era,Information System(IS) is able to comprehensively support the production and management of enterprises,and the enterprises begin to know about the role of IS in the survival the development of enterprises,so more and more enterprises increase their invest in IS projects.But,the enterprises is alarmed to take cognizance of the risk of IS investment and be cautious to IS projects by the debate whether the“IS Paradox”exists or not and the cases about the enterprises turning to bay only for the failure of IS.Therefore,how to increase the successful rate of IS projects and how to maximize the IS value are the key issues during enterprises implementing IS.The Information System Synergy Governance Theory put forward in this dissertation provides the enterprises a new idea and a new method to optimize their IS implements and improve the actualization of IS value.This theory focuses on IS Synergy,and points out that the synergic action between IS and enterprise resource is the condition of obtaining IS value and the synergic effect from this synergic action is the source of IS effect.Governing IS Synergy is a necessary way to improve application effect of IS and obtain more IS value.The main contents and the creative points of this dissertation are as shows:A.Analyze deeply the necessity and feasibility of IS synergy governance,based on Synergy Theory,Information Entropy Theory,Competitive Advantage Theory,matrix operation and the analysis of evolution of the attitude to IS.There are two creative points in this section,one is verifying the necessity of IS synergy governance by the definition of information entropy,another is verifying the feasibility of IS synergy governance by the evolution model of the attitude to IS.This section lays a foundation for the later research.B.Build up the frame of IS synergy governance theory.By analyzing the relative literatures,the dissertation confirms that there are five enterprise key resource elements: business strategy,organization structure,business process,enterprise culture,human resource,which are the main synergic objects of IS.And then,the dissertation analyzes the interaction between IS and each key resource element respectively,and confirms the conditions of whether IS can form synergic relation with such resource element or not. Based on these conditions,the governance measures about how to improve the synergic degree between IS and key resource elements are put forward.This section is key content of academic creativity of this dissertation.C.Set up a IS synergic governance evaluation model.The synergic degree between IS and key resource elements can reflect the degree of realization of IS value indirectly, so this evaluation model focuses on the IS synergic degree.This evaluation model, which is based on Entropy theory and other evaluation theories,shows the method to compute the sub-synergic degree between IS and each key resource element and the method to sum up these sub-synergic degrees to enterprise IS synergic degree.The evaluation model is both scientific and agile.This section is key content of applied creativity of this dissertation.D.Lastly,an enterprise is analyzed by IS synergy governance evaluation model. The analytic result,which accords with the actuality of this enterprise,shows the basic status of realization of IS value and the role of the measures of IS synergy governance in promoting the realization of IS value,and points out the direction for optimizing IS in the future.This case proves the evaluation model is valuable and universality.

  • 【分类号】F270.7;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】895
  • 攻读期成果

