

Research on Development Mechanism of Convergence on Logistics and Finance

【作者】 孙寿亮

【导师】 李文兴;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 产业经济学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 进入全球化经济时代,物流业与金融业作为国民经济运行中的两个重要行业,存在着日益密切的相互协同、相互支持的发展关系。论文运用定性分析与定量分析相结合、共性分析与特性分析相结合以及系统分析的方法,对物流业与金融业的协同发展形成的经济效益、作用机制及演化规律进行了深入的分析与研究。从物流业与金融业协同发展的根本利益出发,物流增值服务成为物流业盈利的关键,其显著的特点是:物流业通过金融业的支持快速发展并提高了物流服务的规模和效益;同时,金融业在物流业的快速发展的过程中,得到了较高的投资回报,并且进一步拓宽了金融业务的服务广度。美国次贷危机引发了全球金融市场的动荡和经济的衰退。我国金融业需要调整信贷结构,加强风险防范,开展金融创新,增加业务收入。物流业与金融业协同发展有助于金融业分散风险,保障银行稳妥经营,提高收益水平。论文研究的目的是:利用相关的理论研究构建物流业与金融业协同发展系统,通过对其协同成熟度和物流金融价值链模型的研究分析,提出我国物流业与金融业协同发展的有效运行机制。论文研究分为三个部分。第一部分(第一、二章)明确了构建物流业与金融业协同发展系统的必要性及协同发展系统的内涵与模式。物流业与金融业协同发展系统并非两个行业的完全融合,而是由物流业与金融业部分职能紧密结合形成的新的经济运行系统,与原有行业并行不悖。根据物流业与金融业协同发展系统的内涵与模式将其划分为宏观、微观和创新三个层面,并分别进行了分析与论证。论文第二部分(第三、四、五章)研究了物流业与金融业客观存在的支持关系、依存关系与效益关系,奠定了构建物流业与金融业协同发展系统的理论基础。本文运用投入产出分析法,论证了物流业具有较低的中间投入率,偿债能力强,以及金融业对物流业存在日益加深的支持关系。同时,运用系统动力学模型模拟物流业与金融业协同发展系统的动态反馈关系,明确了物流业与金融业在宏观、微观和创新三个层面上都是相互依存的;与此同时,当前的经济局势和拉动内需的经济政策会促进依存关系的深化。分析了物流业与金融业协同发展所产生的经济效益,论证了两者的协同发展通过竞争效应、创新效应和扩散效应促进我国相关产业结构合理化的调整与发展;还提出和构建了物流金融价值链提升理论及其模型。论文第三部分(第六、七、八章)对构建物流业与金融业协同发展系统成熟度模型进行实证分析,证实我国物流业与金融业的协同发展程度仍处于初始级,正在向成长级迈进。为了促进两者协同发展的深化,本文构建起物流业与金融业协同发展的机制序列,从风险控制、信息协调、耦合发展方面入手,确立了协同发展综合机制。对我国相应的政府管理部门、物流企业和金融机构提出了对策和建议。经过实证研究,进一步揭示和论证了物流业与金融业协同发展的作用机制及演化规律。论文研究的主要创新点:(1)发展了物流业与金融业协同发展的理论研究范式。(2)分析了物流业与金融业协同发展的经济效益体系。(3)建立了物流业与金融业协同发展的协同成熟度模型。(4)提出了物流业与金融业协同发展的相关机制与策略。

【Abstract】 In the globalized economical time,logistics and finance take critical parts in the national economy,between which there are obvious mutual coordination and interaction relations.This article utilizes three method-the qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis,the general character and the characteristic analysis as well as the system analysis method- to research the coordinated mutually economic efficiency,function mechanism and evolved rule between the logistics and financial industry.According to the fundamental interests of logistics and finance coordination development,value-added services have become the key of the logistics profit,and its outstanding feature is that:the logistics develops fast and enhanced its delivery service scale and the benefit with the support from finance;simultaneously,in the fast development process of logistics,finance obtained high investment repayment,and has further expanded the financial service breadth.Recently,the U.S.sub-loan crisis has caused major financial market turbulence and global economic decline.China’s financial industry needs to adjust the credit structure, strengthen the risk guard,carry out financial innovations,and increase revenue.The logistics and finance coordination development is helpful to reduce finance risk, maintain safe operation for the bank,and raise the income level.The research goal of this paper is:to construct logistics and finance coordination development system with correlation theories,based on the analysis of coordination maturity and logistics and finance coordination development system value chain model, to propose effective operational mechanism of logistics and finance coordination development for our country.The paper is divided into three parts.The first part(includes chapter one and chapter two) made clear about the necessity of construction of logistics and finance coordination development system and found out the connotation and pattern of coordination development system.Logistics and finance coordination development system is not the complete integration of two industies,but the new system formed by the close union of logistics and the financial industry partial function,which is compatible with the original profession.According to the connotation and pattern,this article divided the logistics and finance industry coordination development system into macroscopic,microscopic,and innovate stratification,and then carried on discussion separately.The second part of this paper(includes chapter three,chapter four and chapter five)researched on the support relations,interdependence relations and benefit relations, and has constructed the theoretical basis of this paper.This article utilized the input-output analysis method and demonstrated the logistics had a lower rate of intermediate input,as well as a excellent repayable ability,so there is a more deeper support relationship between logistics and finance.Simultaneity,the article analysed the dynamic-feedback relationship of logistics and finance coordination development system by using the system dynamic model,to point out that logistics and finance rely on each other on three levels which are macroscopically level,microscopically level and innovational level.What’s more,the current economy condition and policy of stimulating domestic demand will improve the reliable relationship.The article analysed the economic benefits existing in the logistics and finance coordination development system,and analysed that cooperated development can improve our industry structure to be more rational and higher by competition effect,innovation effect and diffusing effect. Besides,the paper has constructed the value chain promotion theory and model of the logistics and finance coordination development system.The third part of this paper(includes chapter six,chapter seven and chapter eight) constructed a maturity model of the logistics and finance coordination development system and carried out demonstration analysis.It concludes that the logistics and finance coordination development system is still in the initial stage and is striding forward to the growing-stage.In order to promote the coordination development,this paper constructed the mechanism lists of coordination development on logistics and finance and established the coordination development integrated intensive mechanism, including the risk control mechanism,information harmony mechanism and coupling development mechanism.The suggestion to government,the logistics enterprise and the financial organ has been proposed to promot the coordination development.Finally, undergoes the empirical study,the paper has revealed and proven the logistics and the function mechanism and evolved rule of the logistics and finance coordination development system.The main research innovation spot of this paper includes:(1)The paper has discussed and developed the fundamental research model of the logistics and finance coordination development system.(2)The paper has researched and analyzed the economic efficiency system of the logistics and finance coordination development system.(3) The paper has studied and proposed the maturity model of the logistics and finance coordination development system.(4) The paper has offered and discussed the development mechanism of the logistics and finance coordination development system.

  • 【分类号】F252;F830;F224
  • 【被引频次】45
  • 【下载频次】3368
  • 攻读期成果

