

Study on the Combined Optimization and Coordination Problem of Entities under Intelligent Logistics Condition

【作者】 胡卉

【导师】 张仲义;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 系统工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球经济一体化进程的加快和市场竞争激烈程度的加剧,现代企业面临的形势已发生巨大变化。市场竞争已由企业与企业之间的竞争转变为供应链之间的竞争。随着信息技术、智能技术等科学技术的发展,现代物流正沿着智能化和集成化的方向发展。在智能物流条件下,供应链的运作模式发生了本质变化,业务实体之间信息共享、联合决策,以供应链的整体优化为目标。因此,供应链业务实体之间的优化与协调问题就成为一项重要课题。本文以智能物流条件下供应链业务实体的组合优化与协调问题为研究对象,采用理论与实证分析相结合、定性与定量分析相结合的方法,综合运用系统科学、复杂性科学、管理学、经济学、控制理论等理论方法,对业务实体在智能物流条件下涌现出的新特征进行了系统分析,从实体企业关联关系及供应链系统稳定性的角度重点研究了业务实体的协调、利益分配等问题。首先,本文在相关研究基础上对智能物流进行了重新定义,指出智能物流是物流发展的高级阶段与必然趋势。并应用复杂适应系统理论及方法对供应链系统在该条件下涌现出的复杂性与动态性进行了剖析。其次,本文在研究供应链系统实体企业竞争博弈关系的同时,将关联性分析引入供应链研究领域,提出了实体企业关联性评价模型的构建方法。本文针对传统指标设计中的不足,将企业的评价指标分为吸引指标与互动指标,以合作企业之间的协调与合作能力作为一项重要衡量标准。以仓储与配送企业为实例,本文进行了基于关联性评价的指标体系遴选,以实际数据得出两企业的强相关指标,为供应链企业运作提供决策依据。再次,本文阐述了供应链系统关联稳定性的涵义。基于李亚普诺夫指数稳定性判定的实体企业关联稳定性分析是本文的重点,受非线性动力学中动力系统平衡点稳定性研究的启发,论文借鉴其相关方法对供应链系统的稳定性进行判定,并确定对系统稳定状态起关键性影响作用的指标。论文详细讨论了相关参数对关联指标的影响,并在满足供应链系统稳定性的前提下,探讨了关联指标的稳定范围与各个参数之间的变化关系。本文的研究有助于分析集成供应链管理系统调控机制能否在系统失稳时,使系统恢复到某种程度的稳定,从而对这些机制进行改进,使之达到优化控制。最后,本文研究了智能物流条件下供应链企业利益分配的模式、原则与步骤,将稳定性理论引入节点企业之间的利益分配过程,提出了基于Nash谈判模型与稳定性判定的供应链企业利益分配方法,从供应链集成的角度提出了供应链利益分配应兼顾系统稳定性的论断。只有供应链系统保持稳定,供应链成员才能通过合理的利益分配使系统持续发展,走入良性循环的道路。

【Abstract】 With the development of economy globalization and severity of market competition,modern enterprises face great changes.Market competition among enterprises has changed into the competition of supply chains.With the development of information technology and intelligent technology,modern logistics is developing toward intelligence and integration.Under intelligent logistics condition,the operation pattern of supply chain has changed radically,Supply chain entities share information to each other,make decision together,and take the supply chain optimization as their goals. So the optimization and coordination problem of supply chain entities becomes an important topic to research.In the paper,optimization and coordination problem of supply chain entities under intelligent logistics condition is studied,with combined method of theoretical and empirical analysis,as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis.In addition,related theories and methods are utilized,including system science,complexity science, management,economics,and control theory.New characteristics of business entities under intelligent logistics condition are analyzed systematically.Moreover, coordination and optimization problem of entities is analyzed from the perspective of entity association and stability of the supply chain.Firstly,the definition of intelligent logistics is given,and it is proposed that intelligent logistics is the advanced stage and inevitable trend of logistics.Moreover, the complexity and dynamic character emerged from supply chain are analyzed with CAS theory and methods.Next,competition and game relation of the supply chain entities are studied.On the same time,association analysis is introduced into supply chain area,and association evaluation model of supply chain entities is built.In view of insufficiency of the traditional criteria,criteria of the paper are divided into attractive and interactive criteria, which stress the cooperation and coordination ability of entities.Then the warehouse and distribution enterprise are taken as research example.Finally strongly associated criteria are chosen after association evaluation with actual data of enterprises to help supply chain entity make decisions.Thirdly,research is focused on associated stability.Especially associated stability analysis with Lyapunov exponent is emphasis of the paper.On the basis of stability analysis of nonlinear dynamics system,related methods are introduced to judge supply chain stability.From research,crucial criteria affecting system stability are identified. Then satisfying supply chain stability,influence relations are discussed between associated criteria and related parameters in detail,which helps to study the ability to turn back to stability when supply chain is unstable and to improve the mechanism to optimized control.Stability theory is introduced to the area of supply chain profit allocation,and new profit allocation method based on Nash negotiation model and system stability judgment is built.It is put forward from the cooperation perspective that enterprises profit allocation should guarantee the supply chain stability.At last the paper makes conclusions and gives a brief discussion about future research direction.


