

Study on the Key Technology of Morass Permafrost Subgrade of Qinghai-Tibet Railway in Tanggula Mountain Area

【作者】 段东明

【导师】 魏庆朝;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 论文通过对国内外冻土湿地路基研究现状的调查分析,在查清唐古拉山北麓冻土湿地工程地质条件基础上,开展了以路基失稳发生机理和工程处理措施为核心的冻土湿地路基稳定性关键技术研究。通过高原冻土湿地路基稳定性数学模型分析、试验段实体工程冻土地温和路基变形观测和基于观测数据基础上的理论预测计算,提出影响高原冻土湿地路基稳定性的主要因素,对保证冻土湿地路基稳定性的地基处理措施及其效果和保证工程效果的施工关键技术进行了重点研究,最后还对影响唐古拉山地区冻土湿地路基稳定性的重要因素(地温)进行了长期预测。总结出保证需要高原冻土湿地路基稳定性的两方面重要措施:一是路基整体稳定性,二是控制影响列车平稳运行的路基变形。路基基底换填和采取能够抬升多年冻土上限和降低土体温度的特殊路基结构,是从以上两个方面保证高原冻土湿地路基长期稳定的具体措施,并提出了与此配套的施工关键技术。从典型断面和相邻断面的地温和变形数据及稳定性评价结果来看,目前采用的主动保护冻土措施能够保证冻土湿地路基的稳定。

【Abstract】 After investigating the engineering geology in the north of Tanggula Mountain in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,study on the key technology which is attributed to principle and engineering measure on stability of morass permafrost embankment is carried through on the basis of reference of the literature about such area in the paper.Through analyzing the mathematics model on morass permafrost embankment,comparing the information about temperature and deformation from test section with that from entity embankment,and forecasting the future temperature on the base of information from field observation,the influences on the stability of morass permafrost embankment are put up,thus,the key technology about construction which is attributed to foundation treatment to ensure the stability of morass embankment,the effect of measure of engineering structure is laid emphasis upon.The issue of stability of morass permafrost embankment could be divided two parts,namely,entire stability of embankment and deformation in order to ensure train operate normally.Consequently,underpinning at bottom of the foundation and the other measures which can raise the artificial permafrost table or reduce the ground temperature are key measures to ensure stability of the morass permafrost embankment on the basis of above two aspects.Similarly,it is important guarantee to insure the stability of such embankment for the mating construction in morass areas.


