

On the Literature Thoughts of Jorge Luis Borges

【作者】 陈博

【导师】 李衍柱;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 博尔赫斯是享有世界声誉的阿根廷著名文学家、批评家和翻译家,是继塞万提斯之后公认的给予二十世纪世界文学以最大影响的西班牙语作家,也是为拉丁美洲文学赢得世界关注的著名作家。博尔赫斯一生创作了大量的诗歌、散文和小说,在当今世界文学史上产生了重要的影响。他的文学思想非常丰富,许多国际著名的文学家、思想家、哲学家都曾受到他的影响。因此,研究他的文学思想,具有重要的现实意义和价值。博尔赫斯作为一个有世界影响的文学家,国际上很早就展开了对他的研究,且已形成一定的规模。在我国,从1979年正式引介博尔赫斯到中国,三十年来,对于他的研究不计其数,而随着他的中文版全集的出版,更是引起了高校不同研究方向的研究生群体的重视和青睐,他们纷纷以他为选题展开研究。从目前国内出版的学位论文和国内研究者的成果来看,可谓蔚为大观。令人遗憾的是,国内迄今为止还没有一部博士学位论文,更没有一部学位论文对他的文学思想进行全面、系统的研究。基于此,本文立足国内现有的研究成果,同时结合他的英文著作以及国外研究他的相关资料,在认真细读其作品的基础上,深入探讨其文学思想,试图廓清其文学思想的全貌,彰显其文学思想的意义和价值,进而丰富我国的博尔赫斯研究,并期望对博尔赫斯文学思想的探讨能够有所补益。本文在研究中,分别采用了文艺心理学、精神分析学、文本细读,叙事学等多元视角。在研究中,重视理论剖析和材料实证,除了考究他的作品外,还综合运用他的传记、书信等相关材料,进行综合研究;同时,利用无限的回溯还原,力求多侧面、多角度、多层次地挖掘博尔赫斯文学思想的内容、意义和价值。此外,强调比照分析,力求展示博尔赫斯文学思想的魅力,如第一章引入萨特作为比照对象,从而凸显博尔赫斯文学思想的深刻与伟大。在具体的阐释中,将采用循环阐释的方法,以不同的视角、不同的方面揭示博尔赫斯的文学思想与创作、理论与实践的紧密结合,突出其作为一个天才式创新型文学家的一面。本文的导言主要概述博尔赫斯文学思想的重要价值,梳理博尔赫斯文学思想的研究概况,提出本文的主要内容、方法、创新点和逻辑框架。第一章主要研究博尔赫斯文学思想的形成和发展。在研究中,将博尔赫斯的文学思想分为五个阶段,第一个阶段是从1899——1914年,主要探讨博尔赫斯童年的阅读与“作家梦的缔造”,重点研究博尔赫斯是如何走上文学之路的;第二个阶段是从1914——1921年,主要探讨博尔赫斯的求学与交游,以及在欧美现代哲学与文学的熏陶下正式走向文学之路;第三个阶段是从1921——1930年,主要研究作为阿根廷极端主义文学运动旗手的博尔赫斯在阿根廷极端主义文学运动中的作用以及相关的理论建树与诗歌创作实践活动;第四阶段是从1931——1960年,主要研究博尔赫斯的散文随笔和小说创作的丰收;第五阶段是从1961——1986年,主要研究作为享誉世界的文学大师“博尔赫斯”地位的确立。在此基础上,展示博尔赫斯的文学思想由古典主义→表现主义→极端主义→现代主义→幻想主义→现实主义的发展之路,当然这个文学思想的历程只是一种大致的描述和简单的勾勒,博尔赫斯的文学思想其实是非常复杂的。第二章主要探讨博尔赫斯文学思想的哲学基础与宗教渊源。博尔赫斯是一位博采众家之长的文学家,他的文学思想受到希腊哲学以及贝克莱、休谟、叔本华、尼采的哲学思想的影响;同时,他的文学思想还受到诺斯替教、喀巴拉教义、苏菲派、佛教以及道家等中国神秘文化的影响。在这些思想的影响下,博尔赫斯形成了唯心主义思想和神秘主义的文学风格。细致地梳理和分析博尔赫斯文学思想和这些思想之间的关系,有利于我们更加清楚地理解和认识博尔赫斯的文学思想。第一章和第二章构成了本论文的上编,着重分析博尔赫斯文学思想的发展脉络及其理论渊源,从而为下编探究博尔赫斯文学思想的内容、贡献、影响和意义奠定了基础。第三章主要探讨博尔赫斯文学思想的出发点。博尔赫斯认为“世界是一个谜”,对宇宙、对世界、对人生的困惑促使博尔赫斯产生了许多思考。普列汉诺夫说,对生活的理解是进行一切审美判断的基础。因此,首先要分析博尔赫斯对现实生活的认识。博尔赫斯对现实的认识是辩证的、二分的,他肯定现实生活的客观性,反对将生活和文学对立,认为艺术是生活的一部分;同时,他认为人的精神世界是虚幻的。他将对现实的认识化为一个个文学镜像,共同表达出他对现实的思考。在他的笔下,宇宙是无限的,是“通天塔图书馆”;世界是虚幻的,是“特隆”迷宫;人的存在是一个谜,一个梦。第四章主要探讨博尔赫斯的作家论。他认为,诗人是“创造者”,作家是“一个不断做梦的人”。他的梦与创作为弗洛伊德关于“作家和白日梦”理论提供了例证,同时又推动、丰富和发展了“作家和白日梦”理论。博尔赫斯笔下的梦有多种,它们有着不同的来源。噩梦是经常困扰博尔赫斯的梦,它为博尔赫斯的创作提供了灵感的来源、素材和创作的动力。第五章主要探讨博尔赫斯对文学观念的革新。他认为,文学是“严肃的游戏”。在他的理论视域中,文学游戏一是模仿的游戏,一是幻想的游戏。他游戏的对象不仅有文学形象,还有时间、迷宫等哲学游戏。此外,他还认为文学是“有引导的梦”,在思维方式上,他强调想象和艺术思维,主张“用心做梦”。在写作方式上,他提出“岛屿似的”创作形式,反对作家干预作品,要求作家忠实于梦和想象,让“主题寻找作者”。第六章主要探讨博尔赫斯关于书和作品的理论。他认为,书是“记忆和形象的延伸”,作品是虚构的百科全书,是对宇宙世界、人生的象喻。他的审美理想是追求宇宙的不朽和永恒,因此,他的作品具有“无时间性”的特点。第七章主要探讨博尔赫斯在文学文体上的贡献。这些贡献主要是:简洁的语言风格、融现实和虚构于一体的文体风格以及文类文体的创造和丰富。第八章主要探讨博尔赫斯的文学叙事理论和实践。他认为自己作品不朽的是叙述,评论家也一致认为他的一个重要贡献就是对创作技巧的丰富和发展。他将自己文学叙事的基点放在文本互涉之上,通过模仿、戏拟、拼贴等后现代的文学手法,进一步消解了传统叙事;同时他在叙事中对无限叙事、对话等的强调,使得他的叙事具有向柏拉图回归的倾向。这样,就从内容到形式、从理论到实践,系统、深入地探讨了博尔赫斯文学思想的内容、贡献和意义。第九章主要探讨博尔赫斯文学思想对西方后现代主义和我国作家的影响,进而确定博尔赫斯文学思想的地位和价值。博尔赫斯的文学思想丰富独特,具有玄思的魅力和创新的特性,不断启示着人们去研究和探索。

【Abstract】 As a world-famous Argentine writer, critic and translator, Jorge Luis Borges (1899—1986), second to Cervantes, is not only recognized as the greatest Spanish writer who greatly influenced the 20th century world literature, but also the important writer who won the Latin American literary world concerned.In his life, Borges wrote many poems, prose and fictions, which have had important impacts on today’s world literary history. His literary thoughts are very rich and influenced many world-famous writers, thinkers and philosophers. Therefore, the study of Borges’literary thoughts will have important practical significance and value.In the world, Borges’study began many years ago and has formed a certain scale. In 1979, Borges’works were firstly translated and introduced to Chinese readers. Since then, three decades have passed, the studies on Borges are numerous and brilliant. Especially, with the Chinese versions of his complete works published, more and more graduate students choose Borges as their dissertation topics. Unfortunately, there is no dissertation for the degree of Doctor in Philosophy so far in our country and there is no one dissertation studying on his literary thoughts comprehensively and systematically. This dissertation attempts to clarify the complete view of his literary thoughts, to demonstrate the significance and value of his literary thoughts by basing upon the available research achievements in China, at the same time, by combining with his originals as well as the related materials abroad. Therefore, this work can enrich the studies on works of Borges in China. We hope this dissertation will be helpful to the exploration of Borges’literary thoughts.This paper adopts the multiple perspectives such as the literary psychology, psychoanalysis, text reading and narratology. This paper attaches importance to the theoretical analysis and empirical materials. In addition to the investigation of his woks, the author also employs other related materials such as his biography, letters etc. for a comprehensive study. At the same time, the author endeavors to display the content, significance and value of Borges’literary thoughts from multi-side, multi-angles and multi-layered by using endless backtracking and reduction. Moreover, the author emphasizes the contrast and analysis to reveal the charm of Borges’literary thoughts. For example, the author introduces Jean Paul Sartre as the contrastive object in Chapter One, thus demonstrating the profoundness and greatness of Borges’literary thoughts. In the specific discussion, the author will adopt the method of argue in circles to reveal the close link of his literary thoughts with literary creation as well as theory and practice from different perspectives and aspects, giving prominence to one side of him as a genius and creative man of letters.In the introduction, it focuses mainly on the significant value of Borges’literary thoughts, carding the research survey of his literary thoughts, thus posing the main content, ways, creative points and the logic framework of this study.Chapter One mainly shows the formation and development of Borges’literary thoughts. In my study, we divide his literary thoughts into five phases. The first phase is from 1899to 1914, which mainly disputes Borges’childhood reading and his“creation of a writer’s dream”, focusing on how he has become a writer. The second phase starts from 1914 to 1921, which mainly presents his pursuit of study and making friends as well as his true literary road under the influence of contemporary western philosophy and literature. The third phase begins in 1921 and ends in 1930, which mainly probes his function in Argentine extreme literary movement as a spokesman of Argentine extreme literary movement as well as his achievement in the relevant theories and his poetry creation. The forth phase initiates from 1931 to 1960, which mainly argues the establishment of his status as a literary master enjoying world-renowned fame. Based on all mentioned above, this work illustrates the development of Borges’literary thoughts from classicism to expressionism, from extremism to modernism, from fantastic doctrine to realism. However, this literary thought course is simply a general outline. As a matter of fact, Borges’literary thoughts are very complicated.Chapter Two argues the philosophy basis and religious origin of Borges’literary thoughts. Borges is a man of letters who collects abundantly the merits of the numerous family and his literary thoughts are influenced by the Greek philosophy as well as the philosophy of Berkeley, Hume, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. Meanwhile, his literary thoughts are also influenced by Gnosticism, Kabbalah, Sufism, Buddhism as well as the mystical Chinese culture, such as Taoism. Under the influence of these thoughts, Borges has formed the idealistic thoughts and the mystical literary thoughts. If we analyze the relationship between Borges’literary thoughts with the above-mentioned thoughts carefully, it will be beneficial for us to understand and comprehend Borges’literary thoughts more clearly.Chapter One and Chapter Two constitute the first volume of this dissertation, which mainly focus on the developmental process and theoretical origins of his literary thoughts. Therefore, it lays the foundation of studying the content, contribution, effect and significance of Borges’literary thoughts in the second volume.Chapter Three mainly analyzes the starting point of Borges’literary thoughts. Borges holds that“The world is a mystery”. The confusion of the cosmos, the world and the life urges him to ponder a lot. Plekhanov once said that the comprehension of life is the foundation of conducting all the aesthetic judgment. Therefore, it needs firstly analyzing Borges’understanding of real life. And that his understanding of reality is dialectical and dichotomous. He confirms the objectivity of real life, opposes to making life and literature contradictory, and believes that art is one part of life. Simultaneously, he deems that the spiritual world of human beings is illusory. He makes the understanding of reality reduce to the literary mirror images, which jointly convey his thoughts about reality. In his works, the cosmos is immensely, which is a“Babel library”; the world is illusory, which is a“telong”maze; the existence of human being is a mystery, a dream.Chapter Four mainly discusses topics on Borges and his works. He holds that a poet is a creator and a writer is“a person who dreams constantly”. His dream and creation provide good examples for Freud’s theory on“writers and daydreaming”, meanwhile, promoting, enriching and developing the theory of“writers and daydreaming”. Borges has described a variety of dreams, which have different origins. Borges is often obsessed by nightmares, which have provided him with inspiration, materials and drive for his creation.Chapter Five chiefly focuses on the innovation of literary notion by Borges. He assumes that literature is a“serious game”. In his theory, literary games for one thing are imitative games, for another are fantastic games. The objects what he has played with are not only literary images but also philosophic games such as time, mazes and so on. In addition, he also believes that literature is a“guided dream”. Concerning with the way of thinking, he places emphasis on imagination and artistic thinking, claiming that“dreaming mindfully”. On the writing style, he puts forward the writing form of“island”, opposing that writers should not interfere with the works, and demands that writers should sticks to the dream and imagination, letting“the theme look for writers”.Chapter Six primarily talks about the theory on books and works by Borges. In his view, books are“the extension of memory and images”; works are the fictional encyclopedias, which are the metaphors of the cosmos, the world and the life. His aesthetic ideal is the pursuit of the immortality and eternality of the universe. For all this, his works have the quality of“timelessness”.Chapter Seven mostly demonstrates Borges’contribution to the literary form. These contributions are as following: the concise language style, the literary style connecting reality and fiction together as well as the creation and richness of literary genres.Chapter Eight largely displays the literary narrative theory by Borges and his works. The immortality in his works what he thinks is narration. The critics also deem that one of his important contributions is his enrichment and development to the creation techniques. He lays his literary narration basis on intetextuality, by applying the postmodern literary techniques such as imitation, parody, collage etc., furthermore, slacking the traditional narration. Meanwhile, his emphasis on the infinite narration and dialogue in his narration, which makes his narration have the tendency to the return to Plato.Hence, this dissertation has systematically and in depth probed the content, contribution and significance of Borges’literary thoughts from content to form and from theory to practice.Finally, as part of my conclusion, Chapter Nine principally deals with the influence and enlightenment of Borges’literary thoughts to western post-modernism and Chinese writers, therefore, to establish the status, and value of his literary thoughts.Borges’literary thoughts are abundant and unique, with the characteristics of speculation and innovation, which constantly urge people to study and explore them.

【关键词】 博尔赫斯文学思想迷宫游戏文体叙事
【Key words】 Jorge Luis Borgesliterary thoughtsmazedreamgameliterary stylenarrative

