

【作者】 万杰

【导师】 吴义勤;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 当我们试图进入二十世纪中国历史的迷宫时,“革命”是不可失却的牵引线索。现代革命话语作为外来话语,从二十世纪初来至中国的那一刻起就作为建构现代民族国家的方案而被赋予更多的正面价值甚或曰被神化。而世纪初国人对现代革命话语的接受是与传统革命话语交合杂揉在一起的,现代意义上的革命与造反、起义、复仇等概念范畴的混同是世纪初革命话语的另一特点,这种混同主要缘自两方面的原因:其一为接受语境的制约;其二为现实功利性的策略。“革命”与“复仇”的话语链接就是在这种历史背景下发生的。从生命本能层面而言,复仇是生物体之间竞争求存的自然现象,是生物界强弱转换、互为制衡的产物。儒家思想的崇孝与墨家思想的尊义使中国传统的复仇观念几乎将复仇等同于正义的伸张,或是必须承担的伦理义务,因而对其持着完全肯定的态度立场。复仇作为仇恨情欲催发的自卫本能,革命在与其类同性比附中,可以获得自身的“自然化”;而复仇作为儒家思想所肯定的伦理义务与墨家所倡扬的维护社会正义的方式,又可以使革命话语具有某种合传统道德性,而无论自然化还是道德化都指向了革命话语接受效应的最大化诉求和最有效地吸纳革命力量的目标。革命与复仇的话语链接由章太炎开启,后为中国无产阶级革命的理论建构与宣传方式所承续并被意识形态化,成为现代革命话语在中国语境中变异的主要形式之一,从复仇意识的角度而言则可谓是传统复仇观念在现代革命语境中的新变。在革命话语尤其是无产阶级革命话语逐渐成为主流话语的历史途程中,革命话语对复仇意识的借用、规训的理路逐渐权威化、模式化,这在关于革命的文学叙事中有着最为鲜明的呈现。本论文的研究对象即为革命复仇叙事,是指从复仇与革命的关联角度切入关于革命的发生、革命的起源、革命主体的动机及革命的效用等问题阐释而形成的一种革命叙事模式,归属于革命叙事范畴。本论文的出发点与归宿就是试图对革命复仇叙事作为一种革命叙事模式所蕴含的“形式的意识形态”进行研究,描述革命复仇叙事如何成为无产阶级革命话语支配下的经典革命叙事形态的历史演变轨迹,揭示其中隐藏的叙事张力与话语悖论。革命复仇叙事是十七年革命历史小说的经典形态,复仇作为革命话语的合法组成部分,成为革命前史,几乎是关于革命的起源、革命的动力等革命史叙事必须回答的问题的唯一合法的解释。革命话语借复仇的合传统道德性证明自身的合道德性,复仇也借助革命话语的权威而获得完全的现实合法性,二者之间形成了类似循环论证的逻辑关系,而这种革命复仇叙事可以于鲁迅的革命小说中寻到源头。经由二十年代中后期的普罗文学与三十年代的左翼文学、四十年代延安文学的演变而至十七年革命历史小说中达至其盛,同时也走向僵化与模式化,而在后革命时代的革命与复仇的叙事链接中,二者之间的相互消解的关系拆解了革命复仇叙事模式中的互证关系,达成对革命话语的别离。鲁迅开启了中国现代文学史中的革命叙事。鲁迅的革命叙事中主要呈现了两类生命个体,他们分别被宏大叙事命名为革命的先觉者和革命的后觉甚至不觉者。先觉者与革命的关联超越于个人功利而源自一种救世情怀,革命力量的附体使他们沉浸于类似于神之子的自足自满的境界中,但对不觉者即革命拯救对象的仇恨感的降临和个体生命牺牲的疼痛感使救世者向复仇者转化,使神之子还原为人之子。不觉者与革命的关联源自一种原始的复仇冲动,然而这种复仇并不是返施于加害者,而是转以凌弱的方式复仇,并不能建构复仇的主体性与正当性。至此,鲁迅的革命叙事提供了两种革命起源说:“救世说”与“复仇冲动说”,后者被后世袭模、套用与改编,特别是二十年代中后期兴起的以蒋光慈为代表的普罗文学在叙事思路上很多都承继了鲁迅的革命复仇叙事所提出的话题,同时作出了不同的阐释,在这种带有“隐密”性质的论辨中达成无产阶级革命话语的历史出场。无产阶级革命话语必须击碎复杂的社会关系链,才能建立二元对立的社会结构模式,这就需要借助认同机制的作用,在建构复仇者/革命者的主体性的同时,确立其共同的敌对者,范畴的形成造就了认同,命名的完成同时是阵营的建立,早期普罗小说展现了革命发动者如何借用人们的个体仇恨并进行转换,如何对他们进行同为被支配阶级/复仇主体身份的建构与命名,从而使革命参与者达成认同的过程。革命参与者们的仇恨目标并不一致,然而经过革命话语的转换,将贫富不均的社会制度指认为造就所有不幸的根源而成为仇恨的统一目标,乡间的富有阶层就成为具体的复仇对象。“处境的劣、道德的善”的无产阶级革命道义论在叙事中通过“论证”达成自身的建构,却又不免裂隙与悖论的存在。1942年毛泽东发表的《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》成为中国无产阶级革命文学的法典,它的出现使此前对革命与革命文学的个人差异性理解失去合法性,如何将权威的文学思想转化为叙事实践便成为此后革命文学作家发挥创造才能的唯一合法领域。延安文学叙事逻辑、叙事结构的简单化与雷同性表明了叙事成规的已然建立。展现革命对无力完成复仇的复仇者的巨大救助力量成为这一时期革命复仇叙事的目的与价值所在。革命道义论的建立使早期普罗文学中已经呈现的阶级对立更成为从道德、人格到命运的全面对立,复仇几乎是被支配阶级的必然属性,是其朴素的革命理念的显征,革命主要以帮助实现复仇的神奇力量降临于叙事,而绝望中的复仇者的复仇完成正见证了革命的神力。延安文学中的革命复仇叙事已然进入培育神话的阶段,而早期普罗文学中的复仇者/革命者与私欲密切相关的仇恨已被作为不光彩的起点而被剔除。十七年革命历史小说在用规范化的无产阶级革命话语建构历史世界的同时面对的是一个旧秩序走向崩毁的世界,这是革命历史小说进行叙事建构的起点,而目标则是完成对历史的革命道义论阐释,革命历史小说的作者们都有着寻找革命起源、追问历史脉络的冲动,而几乎都不约而同地将“复仇”视为革命的起源。叙事上则多从“复仇”开始,构建了从复仇到革命的发展历程,或正与此革命起源论相契合。十七年革命复仇叙事在复仇与革命二者的结合转换关系上有两种处理方式:其一,以“复仇”作为叙事起点,在“革命”的助力下复仇得以完成,而后复仇者即成为坚定的革命者。其二,“复仇”同样是叙事的起点,而复仇过程与革命进程有着同一的关系,复仇的失败与成功、曲折与顺利对应着革命发展的高潮与低谷。十七年革命历史小说中,复仇对象与革命对象,复仇主体与革命主体的同一,即阶级对立的道德化与仇恨的天然化、简单化,大致沿袭了延安文学对复仇与革命的处理策略,但长篇小说所要求的巨大丰富的生活内容使过于简单化的处理策略有时难以得到实施,因而出现偏离叙事规范的情形,虽然最终都回归到叙事规范,但“偏离”的存在表明了叙事规范背后的革命话语的裂隙与悖论。史诗性追求带来的英雄情结与复仇者形象之间存在着冲突,史诗时代英雄背后的共同体已然消失,革命英雄一定程度上意味着对本能的超越,而复仇者则与自然情欲有着天然的关联,复仇者如何成为革命英雄构成了十七年历史小说的叙事难题。从学理层面而言,无论是植根于自然情欲与自卫本能的复仇,还是作为儒家伦理义务的复仇,与社会政治领域的革命都有着截然的分域,将二者作同一化处理的是革命话语的逻辑,但存在着“完全同一化”与“同质异阶”这两种不同的处理策略。如果复仇与革命之间被处理为同质异阶的关系则必然带来二者一定程度的冲突与不相契合,与前者如何向后者转换的问题。即使是将复仇与革命作同一化处理的革命叙事,也无法完全遮蔽二者之间的差异带来的叙事张力。首先这种张力体现于传统与现代之间。“革命”作为建立现代民族国家的方案输入中国,与自由、平等、民主、共和等理念与体制的现代性诉求本为一体,而在历史的现实革命进程中,现代性理念与现代体制的真正内核被弃置。而后对应于民族主义思潮的兴起,革命理念来自西方而又表现出对西方文明的否定的俄国革命对中国革命的原型效应日益呈现,革命话语的民族化获得了合法性和话语权威性,革命叙事中传统伦理道德也由被质疑转而成为被借重与肯定同时又被修订的存在。革命主体由离家出走的个体革命者替换为饱含着家族复仇冲动的革命者。法律作为文明社会的产物在革命复仇叙事中现身,但都是以偏私的形象与无法维护复仇者的意愿的无用形象存在,最后复仇的爆发冲毁了法律的尊严。其次革命复仇叙事张力体现于自然与道义之间。革命复仇叙事模式的演变形成过程中呈现了复仇从自然性到道义性的侧重与嬗变,这不是说复仇行为能脱落其自然本能特性,而是叙事的道义论要求着对复仇自然性的遮蔽,逐渐道义化是革命复仇叙事中关于复仇的修辞策略。而革命复仇叙事中,复仇的自然性向合传统道德性的变异承载了两种革命话语逻辑。其一、革命经由复仇的自然本能性将自身自然化;其二、革命意欲脱离与自然复仇本能的结合而获得超越私欲的公利性形象。革命复仇叙事的张力还存在于进化论的革命话语与复仇的循环性之间的冲突。革命复仇叙事中从复仇到革命的转换主要有三种修辞策略:进步论、成长论与拯救论。“革命+恋爱”叙事模式在早期普罗文学中曾盛极一时,如果模仿“革命+恋爱”的构词与概括方式,我们不妨将革命复仇叙事转换为“革命+复仇”的命名,可以说,“革命+恋爱”与“革命+复仇”叙事模式构成了二十世纪中国文学关于革命的两种典型修辞形态,而随着革命文学叙事规范的建立,后者更具有合法性。

【Abstract】 When we attempt to enter the maze of Chinese history of the twentieth century, "revolution" is the traction clues which are never lost. Winning among disputing with reforming remarks since the early of the century, the bleeding of the following revolution has got worse and worse after reaching the peak of perfection. The emotions of history are transferred to the dispirited feeling of the farewell to the revolution from excitement , which just became a century recurring. Among the changing ,transformation, contradiction of the foreword and afterword of historical recurring, the logic of revolutionary remarks and its paradox can come to light. Modern revolutionary remarks as a foreign language, which were thought of as the program of constructing modern nation-state, have been endowed with more positive values, or even said to be deified, since the beginning of its coming to China in the early twentieth century .The revolution of Modern sense confuses with the concepts of rebellion, revolt, revenge, which is another feature of the revolutionary remarks at the beginning of the century ,and another appearance of the mixture and disorder of the modern Chinese remarks .This confusion mainly comes from two reasons: The first is the constraint of accepting the context; The second is the strategy of the actual utility. The former is the common situation and traditional pattern of thinking in the cognitive process, to some extent, which seems difficult to avoid. The latter is mainly the actual and utilitarian selection whose desire is to form alliance to fullest possible extent, which is intentionally equivocate. The remark link of "Revolution" and "revenge" happened in this historical background. The revenge is an awareness and behavior,which is promoted by hatred and sexual passion,and seeks the hit on the flesh or the spirit to eliminate the hated object .As for lives’instinct level, revenge is a natural phenomena of competing and survival between organisms, and the product of biosphere ,where the conversion between the strong and the weak,the checks and balances of each other happen.The research Object of this thesis is the narration of revolutionary revenge or the narration of revengeful revolution,which means,at the angle of the association between revenge and revolution ,to penetrate the problems about revolutionary occurrence, revolutionary origin, the motivation of the main revolutionary body ,and revolutionary effect. These narration form a narrative pattern of revolution, which is attributed to the category of revolutionary narration. The source and final settling place are an attempt to study the narration of revolutionary revenge as a formal ideology contained by the pattern of revolutionary revenge, is to describe the revengeful narration of revolution how to become the historically evolutionary track with the narrative form of classic revolution dominated by revolutionary remarks of proletariat, is to reveal the narrative tension and remarking paradox hidden in them.Lu Xun has opened the revolutionary narration of the history of modern chinese literature . The novels of <The True Story of Ah Q>,<Medicine>,<Disturbance>,<The Story of Hair> etc. have to some extent involved in the revolution of 1911 from the front or side aspect. The favourable turn of individual life in the revolution is the penetrating perspective used by LuXun in the revolutionary narration. The entanglment and Interlacement between the standpoint of individual life and grand narration have formed internal tension and logic paradox of narration.In the Lu Xun’s narration of revolution two kinds of individual life have mainly been shown,which were named by grand narration as the prophet and aftersensation even unconsciousness of the evolution with separately.The grand narration precedingly plundered the real experience of them as a individual life, and only when the revolution came frustrated or the death approached,the painful sense of a individual life passed through the hard shell of the grand narration,and came to be presented.Unitl now, Lu Xun’s narration about revolution have provided two kinds of theories about the origin of revolution: "Theory of Salvation " and "Theory of revengeful impulse ". The latter was followed,applied mechanically ,and adapted, especially the proletarian literature sprung up in the middle and late twenties which was to take Jiangguangci as the represent has mostly inherited Lu Xun’s topics put forward in the revengeful narration of revolution in the narrative ideas,at the same time, it has made a different interpretation. This has got the historical appearance of proletarian remarks about revolution ,in this debates with the character of“secret”.Proletarian remarks about revolution must smash the complex chain of social relationship,and then set up the structure pattern of society of dualistic contradiction, which is necessary to have the aid of the mechanism of agreement.When the principal position of avenger / revolutionary is constructed, at the same time, to establish their common hostile people. The "identity" as a narrative link in Jiang guangci’s novel of <The roared Land> almost constitutes the vast majority of the narration. The characters coming up one by one, the completion from the conflict to the identity between them, was just the establishing process of revolutionary alliance . The identity was created by the formation of category.The completion of naming was simultaneous with building the camp. The novel demonstrated the mobilizer of revolution how to borrow the individual hatred between people and convert them, how to construct and name their identities which are both the dominanted class and the main body of revenge .So that it was a process in which the participants of revolution reached a identity.Mao Zedong’s<The Speech at the Yan’an Forum on Art and Literature> published in 1942 has become a code of revolutionary literature of Chinese proletariat. Its appearance made the different understanding of each person about revolution and revolutionary literature lose its legitimacy before. how to transform authoritative thought of literature into the practice of narration has since then become the only legal field where literary writers of revolution develop and create their talents. The oversimplification and duplication of narrative logic and structure of Yan’an Literature indicated that the narration established practice had already been set up .It has displayed that the tremendous power of relief avengers who had not the ablility to complete the revolution became the purpose and value of revengeful narration at this period.The historical novel of the revolution with seventeen years constructd the historical world with the standardized remarks of proletarian revolution,at the same time,it confronted with a world from an old order to a collapse, where natural laws and the most basicly ethical relationship sustained the society exempted from falling apart. This is the starting point of the narrative construction of historical novel, and the goal is to complete the explanation to the moral theory of historical revolution . The authors of the historical novels of revolution all had the impulse to look for the origin of revolution, inquire about the vein of history, and they almost simultaneously regarded "revenge "as the origin of revolution. In narration they mostly began with "revenge",and constructed the path of develop from revenge to revolution,or that just accorded with this original theory of revolution. The revengeful narration of the revolution with seventeen years has two handled ways in the combination and conversion relationship between revenge and revolution: First, "revenge" was taken as the starting point of narration. The revenge has come true under the help of“revolution”,since then avenger became firm revolutionaries. Second, "revenge" was simultaneously taken as the starting point of narration, but the process of revenge and revolution had the same relationship. The failure and success, complications of an event and smooth of revenge corresponded to the climax and bottom of revolutionary development.The develop of revengeful wish and its final realization had not independent value of narrative in itself.Their existence was a carrier of carrying the revolutionary history .The means of revenge and the timing of completion, the victory or defeat of the result must all take the authoritative remarks as the guide and destination.From the aspect of academy whether it is rooted in natural desires and instincts of self-defense, or Confucian ethical obligations, the revenge is completely different from the revolution in society and politics. The two are thought of as the same in the logic of revolutionary remarks, but there is two different treatment strategies which are“completely the same”and“homogenous but different stratum”. If the relationship between revenge and revolution is thought of as homogenous but different stratum .That is bound to bring about a certain degree of conflict and incompatibility between them, and the problem how to convert from the former to the latter. Even the revolutionary narration in which revenge and revolution are treated as the same, the narrative tension brought by the difference between them can not be completely obstructed. First of all this tension is embodied in between tradition and modernity.“Revolution”brought in China as the scheme of establishing modern nation-state is integrated with the wodern appeal of free, equal, democratic and republic concept and system, but in the historical and realistic process of the revolution, the real core of the concept of modernity and modern system was discarded.Secondly, the narrative tension of revolutionary revenge is embodied between nature and moral. Among the evolution and formation process of the narrative pattern of revolutionary revenge, the particular emphasis and evolution of revenge from naturalness to morality are showed. This is not to say that the revengeful action can come off its natural instinct characteristics, but the narrative moral requires the shelter of revengeful naturalness, gradually, the morality is a rhetorical strategy about revenge in the narration of revolutionary revenge. The variation of revenge from naturalness to traditional morality carries two kinds of logic of revolutionary remarks in the narration of revolutionary revenge. First, the revolution naturalizes itself via the natural instinct of revenge. Second, the revolutionary desire is away from the combination with the natural instinct of revenge and gets the image beyond selfish utility. The former is carried more for the early revolutionary literature, respect for lives’power of natural desire and its ration and legitimacy on expression; the latter is carried for revolutionary literature which is after the period of Yan’an, shows strong wishes which make revolution“transcend worldliness and attain holiness”,invites people to prostrate themselves in worship and offer up a sacrifice. The narrative tension of revolutionary revenge, also exists in the conflicts between the evolutionary revolution and revengeful circular. In the narration of revolutionary revenge the conversion from revenge to revolution mainly exists three rhetorical strategies :progressive theory ,growth theory and rescue theory .The narrative pattern of“revolution + love”has been very popular in the early proletarian literature, if imitating the way of word-formation and generalization of“revolution + love”,we might as well convert the narration of revolutionary revenge into the denomination of“revolution + revenge”. It can be said that the narrative pattern of“revolution + love”and“revenge + revolution”constitute two typically rhetorical forms of Chinese literature in the twentieth century, and with the norm of revolutionary literature narration establishing, the latter has more legitimacy.


