

【作者】 邓招华

【导师】 魏建;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 作为一个校园诗人群体,西南联大诗人群一直没有得到应有的重视和充分的研究。甚至连命名都没有获得学界的一致认可。多数研究者将西南联大诗人群视为“九叶诗派”或“中国新诗派”的一个组成部分,没有将其视为一个独立的研究对象。在某种意义上,西南联大诗人群依然是一个被遮蔽的诗人群体。本文力图在历史情境的还原中,厘清、界定西南联大诗人群的具体存在;在对既有的诗歌研究范式的突破中,分析、阐释西南联大诗人群的艺术成就,从而使西南联大诗人群从被遮蔽的状态中凸显出来。在战争的非常环境之中,是西南联大这个具有浓厚文化气息的大学校园的存在,促成了西南联大诗人群的产生。其诗歌创作与西南联大的文化氛围、精神传统、文学传承等文化精神要素密切相关。在这个意义上,我们可以将西南联大诗人群界定为:在西南联大这个相对自足的学院空间中产生,并且与西南联大独立的学院文化密切相关的一个校园诗人群体。正是这学院文化精神要素在诸多方面构成了西南联大诗人群的独特存在,使其成为1940年代的一个特殊的诗人群体。这样,对西南联大诗人群的研究需要我们首先进入具体的历史情境之中,对西南联大的校园环境、文化氛围、精神传统、师承关系、文学讲授、创作活动等方面做出一个基本的历史描述。这既是通过历史细节的刻画和具体场景的展示来接近文学真实的一次尝试和努力,也将为西南联大诗人群的探讨和研究奠定一个坚实的基础。同时,本文对西南联大诗群的探讨落实到现代新诗自我生成的层面上,将宏观的诗学课题与微观的文本分析相结合,在现代诗学的意义上考察西南联大诗歌创作的独特价值和贡献。第一章考察西南联大诗人群生成的历史情境。这主要从西南联大诗人群的学院文化背景以及西南联大的精神、文化氛围等两个方面展开。战争的艰难岁月里,西南联大坚持“学术独立、精神自由”的文化理念,在严峻的现实环境中生成、保持了一种独立的学院文化。正是在这种学院文化的浸染、孕育之下,促成了西南联大诗人群的诞生与成熟。依托于一个自由的学院空间以及一种独立的学院文化,西南联大诗人群获得了一种精神的自由与超越,其诗歌创作超越了当时为抗战而歌、侧重民族情绪与个人情感宣泄的诗歌潮流,也突破了战时功利性的文学格局。无论是诗歌创作中的“知性思辨”,还是“文本实验”的自觉,都显示着抗拒时俗的精神自由的学院文化色彩。正是这种学院文化背景使西南联大诗人群成为1940年代的一个独特的诗人群体。同时,在当时艰难的环境中,西南联大以“刚毅艰卓”的精神,执著于文化的追求、精神的坚守,形成了自身的精神传统。在这种精神、文化氛围中,西南联大诗人坚守文化、艺术的创造与探索,将生活的沉重和苦难、战争的体验转化为人类本位的、更具形而上色彩生命体验与思考,显示出一种深邃的精神向度。这种精神向度在整体上注塑着其诗歌品质。真正意义上的西南联大诗人群由此得以生成。第二章是对西南联大文学教育与文学活动的考察。西南联大诗人群以“学生诗人”为主体,西南联大时期的学习尤其是文学教育与文学接受奠定了他们的文学视野与文学品格。这些学生诗人多数出于联大文学院。这样,对联大文学院中文、外文系的课程设置与文学讲授的考察,为我们透视西南联大诗人的创作提供了一个有效切入点。联大文学院中文系的古典文学研究、外文系的西方文学介绍,在文学素养的培育与文学视野的开拓等方面介入了联大学生诗人的诗歌创作,影响甚至左右着其诗歌品格的生成。同时,联大中文系、外文系都有重视新文学创作的传统,这种传统的存在,助成了联大的文学教育与文学创作更加紧密的关联。西南联大浓厚的文学氛围的另一个突出表现是文学社团众多。众多文学社团的成立、刊物的出现,为广大师生的文学活动包括诗歌创作提供了一个有效的交流平台和文学阵地,有力的促进了西南联大包括诗歌创作在内的文学创作活动。本文重点考察了南湖诗社、高原文艺社、南荒文艺社、冬青文艺社、文聚社、文艺社、新诗社等文学社团。在某种意义上,可以说是这些文学社团支撑着西南联大的诗歌创作活动。尤其是前期的文学社团注重于文学性的探索与追求,营造了一个有助于文学创作与发展的良好氛围。穆旦、杜运燮、罗寄一等许多联大诗人即是在此环境、氛围里成长、成熟起来。第三章论述学院空间中的现代体验及其抒写,这是西南联大诗人群独特的现代经验的重要组成部分,也是其诗歌质地的核心所在。在时代苦难和个体体验的纠合之中,西南联大诗人依托于一个自由的学院空间以及一种独立的学院文化,将广阔的文化资源尤其是异域的文学资源内化为自身的精神资源,由此获得了一种鲜明的现代意识与现代体验。并且,通过将现代体验进行诗意的转化和表达,为现代新诗带来了许多新质。这又主要表现在三个方面:一、现代“自我”的审视;二、爱情的独特体验;三、战争的反思。西南联大诗人对现代“自我”的审视,不但是以“自我”为内核建立起了新的诗歌言说的话语据点,而且成功地回应了新诗包容广阔的现代历史经验的诗学话题。联大诗人充满着分裂、焦虑、虚无乃至绝望的爱情抒写,既体现着联大诗人现代生命体验的广度与深度,也为新诗带来了一种全新的品质。联大诗人对战争的描述更多了一点反思,一点超越性的普遍关怀。这既是他们立足于学院空间对严酷的战争事实的艺术回应,也是他们在惨烈的战争氛围中自我生命体验的抒写,使新诗在回应独特的历史时代经验的同时获得了一种新的诗歌质地。第四章论述西南联大诗人群对现代诗形的探求与建构。这主要考察联大诗人对新诗形式的探求,或者说一种现代诗形建构的贡献。杜运燮对新的“节奏”、“意象”的强调,穆旦“新的抒情”的诗学主张,袁可嘉“新诗现代化”的诗学构想,都表现出对诗歌语言及形式探求的高度关注,是对新诗现代诗形建构的一种新的诗学思考。同时,在这种自觉的诗学观念的驱动下,西南联大的诗歌创作也表现出对现代诗形建构的一种积极努力,并把新诗的表达推到一个新的水平。其现代诗形建构的美学策略主要表现为:一、戏剧化的表达策略,二、知性化的语言策略。联大诗人戏剧化的表达策略,是对新诗流于直接陈述和激情宣泄的表达结症的一次有力纠偏,在诗歌传达的客观性和间接性的美学追求之中,带来了一种具体、客观的诗美效果,并且扩展了诗歌的表达内涵。联大诗人创作中的知性化语言策略是面对现代汉语的自身特质和新诗自身问题而作出的一种诗学选择与实践。通过知性化语言策略的运用,增强了现代汉语的语言弹性以及语言内部的张力,真正激活了现代汉语潜在的诗性活力。这些都表征着一种新的诗艺探索,甚至代表着1940年代诗歌探索的最前沿。本文的结语部分先对西南联大诗歌创作的一种独特形态——朗诵诗进行了探讨。朗诵诗在西南联大后期的流传是一个特殊的创作现象,既是社会激进思潮的直接反映,也与西南联大后期校园文化氛围的转变紧密相关,是西南联大诗歌创作形态多样的一个表现。接下来,阐述了西南联大诗人群的地位与价值。现代新诗以跟传统割裂的姿态出现于历史舞台上,如何在失去传统资源的情境中开拓一个独立的诗美空间,是现代新诗面临的一个中心诗学课题。而正是在新诗如何包容现代经验、拓展独立的诗美空间层面上,西南联大诗人群通过上述独立、自觉的诗艺探索,做出了卓有成效的实绩。在某种意义上,我们可以说,西南联大诗人群突出的意义正在于对现代新诗这一中心诗学课题的一次成功回应。这也凸显出了西南联大诗人群在新诗发展历程中的独特地位和价值。作为一个学院诗人群体,西南联大诗人群构成了新诗发展历程中不可或缺的重要一环。这样,本论文对西南联大诗人群的探讨,是将外部的文学社会学的考察与内部的诗歌形态、创作辨析结合在一起,试图通过这种探讨,一方面,最大限度地逼近历史的真实,展示西南联大诗人群丰富而具体的存在;另一方面,在现代诗学的意义上,把握西南联大诗歌创作的自身价值。最终,使西南联大诗人群的存在得以从被遮蔽的状态之中凸显出来。而这也是本论文的意义所在。

【Abstract】 As a group of campus poets, the poets of National Southwestern Associated University were not attached deserved importance to and sufficiently studied, even the name of the poets group was not unanimously recognized in academic circles. Most of the scholars considered that the poets group of National Southwestern Associated University was not an independent research subject, but a part of“nine leaves poetry school”or“chinese new poetry school”. In a sense, the poets group of National Southwestern Associated University was still neglected. This paper tried to clarify and define the existence of the poets group of National Southwestern Associated University in reduced history environment. This paper also analyzed and interpreted the artistic achievement of poets of National Southwestern Associated University; therefore the poets group of National Southwestern Associated University got more and more attention in the neglect situation.During the war periods, the campus with rich cultural spirit promoted the formation of the poets group of National Southwestern Associated University. The poetic works were closely related to the spiritual cultures, such as cultural atmosphere, spiritual tradition and literature heredity. In this sense, we can identify the poets group of National Southwestern Associated University as a group of poets who grew in the relatively autarky situation of National Southwestern Associated University, and was closely connected with independent campus culture. It was the spiritual cultures that formed the unique existence of the poets National Southwestern Associated University in many aspects and made them become a peculiar group of poets in 1940s. Therefore, we must involve in the concrete historical situations in the study and describe the campus environment, cultural atmosphere, spiritual tradition, succession relation, literary lecture and creation activity in National Southwestern Associated University. This study tried to close the truth of culture by depicting the details of history and showing the specific scene. This study also laid a solid foundation of study and discussion to the poets group of National Southwestern Associated University.The first chapter of this paper investigated the history situation. This investigation composed of two aspects, formation of the spiritual tradition and the campus cultural. In the tough years of war, the National Southwestern Associated University created and remained a special campus culture in austere situation by insisting the culture idea of“academic independence and spiritual freedom”. Impregnated and gestated by campus culture, the poets group of National Southwestern Associated University was formed and grown. It was more important that the special campus cultural improved the characters of poems. The poets kept on holding spiritual freedom and sublimation in the independent campus culture. The poems broke the limit of anti-Japanese war, national emotion, personal emotion and wartime utilitarianism of culture. In the poems, not only the speculative intellectuality but also the consciousnesses of text experiment displayed the spiritual freedom which resisted the secularity. In the difficult situation, National Southwestern Associated University formed the spiritual tradition of itself by keeping the spirit of fortitude and supereminence, persisting in pursuance of culture and insisting of spirit. In this spiritual atmosphere, the poets kept on creating and pursuing the culture to change the hardship of life and experience of war into the thinking and experience of life with metaphysical. These poets displayed a deep spirit direction.The second chapter of this paper investigated the literature education and literary activities of National Southwestern Associated University. The poets group was mainly composed of student poets. The study process of these poets laid a foundation of literary vision and literary character of themselves. Most of the student poets came from Literature Institute Through investigation of the curriculum design and literature teaching in Chinese Department and Foreign Language Department, we offered an effective breakthrough point of studying the poems, which was written by the student poets. In the aspects of education of literary accomplishment and expansion of literature visual fields, all of the classical literature research of Chinese Department and western literature introduction of Foreign Language Department merged into the poems written by school poets. This phenomenon also determined the characteristics of poems. At the same time, both Chinese Department and Foreign Language Department had the tradition of importance attachment to creation of new literature. This tradition made literature education and literature creation connect with each other tightly. Another distinct manifestation of dense literature atmosphere was that there were so many literature communities in campus. These literature communities created an effective communication platform to promote activities of literary creation such as poetry creation. This paper emphatically investigated these literature communities, such as Nanhu poetry society, High-land Art Society, Nanhuang Art Society, Dongqing Art Society, Accumulation Art Society, Art society, New Poetry Society and so on. In a sense, these literature communities supported the activities of poetry creation in National Southwestern Associated University. These literature communities paid attention to study and research on literariness in early stage, therefore, the good cultural atmosphere were established to promote development of literary creation. A lot of famous poets such as Mu dan, Du yunxie, Luo jiyi and so on, who were grown up rapidly in this situation.In the third chapter, the modern experiences and their description in the campus space are discussed, which are the important portion of peculiar experiences of poets group of National Southwestern Associated University, even becoming the kernel of the poem characteristic. Combining the age tribulations and individual experiences, the poets converted the extensive culture resource, especially the exotic literature, into the spirit resource of themselves, based on the free campus space and independent culture. Then, they obtained a vivid modern consciousness and experience. Furthermore, many new characteristics were introduced into the modern poem by virtue of the poetic translation and expression. This may be represented from three aspects: the first was the inspection for modern“selfhood”, the second was the peculiar experience and description for the love, and the third was the description and reflection for the war. In these poems, the inspection for modern“selfhood”not only established new field of poem, but also successfully responded the poetics topic, in which the new poem should include extensive experience of modern history. In addition, the poems written from National Southwestern Associated University were filled with the divisive, worried, nihilistic and even desperate description about the love. These compositions indicated the extent and the depth for the modern life experience of the poets, and also brought up a bran-new feature for the new poem. Furthermore, the poets added up some reflections and common cares on the description about the war, which were not only the art response to the ruthless war, but also the expression of self-experience in the war. Therefore, new poems obtained a new characteristic after responding to the peculiar history age.The fourth chapter introduced the new aesthetics pursuance and expression strategy of the poets of National Southwestern Associated University. This was primarily about the poets’pursuance on the form or the contribution to the construction of new poem. Du Yunxie’s emphasis on the new "rhythm" and "image", Mu Dan’s poetics view on "new lyric" and Yuan Kejia’s ideas about "Poetry modernization" showed great concern on the language and the form of the poem, which were new aesthetic considerations to the construction of the new modern poems. Meantime, with the driven of conscious poetic concept, the new poetic expression had been put into the higher level. This was mainly shown as follows: First, dramatic expression strategy; second, intellectual poetic expression. The dramatic expression strategy brought out objective artifice and extended the connotation of the poems. With it, the disadvantage of new poems that poets spoke frankly and the catharsis was too much had been corrected. The intellectual expression strategy was poetry choice and practice which aim at the particularity of modern Chinese language and the problem of new poems. The characteristics were wit, ironic, paradoxical. The connotation of language was extended by conflicted and incompatible wording. The lingual tension obtained the richer expression of modern Chinese language.The declamatory poem and the special significance of the poets of National Southwestern Associated University in the modern Chinese literature history were studied in the epilogue. The first, the declamatory poem was one of the embodiments of the diversified National Southwestern Associated University poems. The declamatory poem was relative to the changes of the current in the ending of the National Southwestern Associated University and reflected the social radicalism at that time. The second, the significance of the poets of National Southwestern Associated University in literature history was parsed. It is the kernel of the modern poetics that the modern poem would create a totally new kind of taste after discarding the traditional literature. The special significance of the poets of National Southwestern Associated University was that they had responded successfully to the modern poetic kernel and had outstanding achievements by the self-governed attempts of poetic artifices.The intention of this paper was that the poets group of National Southwestern Associated University became clear and outstanding in the modern poetic history. The external literary study was coupled with internal literary study in the paper in order to analyze two contentions. On the one hand, the abundant and material of the poets group of National Southwestern Associated University were unfold furthest. On the other hand, the significance of the poems of National Southwestern Associated University was hold in poetry system.


