

【作者】 王晓文

【导师】 魏建;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 作为多民族混居的处所,边地是受汉儒主流文化影响较浅的边缘地带,文化构成相对复杂和多样,富有迥异于主流正统文化的民间色彩,凸显出独特的文化生态状貌。如位于贵州、四川两省交界的湘西,四川、西藏交界的川康,滇缅边地,塞外的科尔沁旗草原等等,就是边地文化空间存在的显例,都具有文化和文学的双重阐释价值。沈从文、端木蕻良、艾芜、周文、蹇先艾、马子华、李寒谷等作家,集约式地描写了上述边地的风土人情,表现了这些地区的人生喜怒哀乐及原始自然生态。这种边地文化的独异性,经过作家的艺术加工以小说的形式,建构出一种另类的文化和文学空间。但是,这类小说作为一种具有独特审美价值的文学样式并没有得到文学史的充分估价,只是将其纳入中原主流文学的大框架中进行品评,尤其是在现代性视野中,边地作为“后发地带”更是失去了全面展示自身价值和意义的可能。因此,如果以“边地小说”来涵括命名这类作品,我们将会获得一个新的阐释视界,并彰显边地文化的独特魅力。目前还没有研究者把上述作家的创作置放在“边地小说”的视域进行综合审视观照。以往研究,通常是把这些作家置于不同的文人集团:沈从文是京派作家的创作干将,而且是受到胡适、徐志摩这些“欧美派”欣赏的作家;端木蕻良既是东北作家的代表,也属于左翼作家群,而且他的崛起还有鲁迅先生的提携之功;艾芜和周文同样也是左翼作家,只不过前者在文学史上往往是与他的老乡沙汀连在一起,而后者更多的是以军人作家的特殊身份引起了文坛的瞩目;蹇先艾则是20世纪20、30年代乡土小说派的重要一员。这种把作家捆绑式纳入不同流派的研究路径,化约了文学的丰富维度,尤其掩蔽了这类小说叙写对象的独特性。而如果以“边地”作为研究他们小说内在联系的切入点,更能深入探掘这些作品建构“边地文化”的内在意蕴与创作旨归,对建构完整的文化中国与文学中国具有启示意义。本文将边地小说置于中国现代文学和文化的大框架中,通过边地文化/中原汉儒文化、边地农村/现代都市、边缘/中心、原始/现代等这些价值体系的相互比对,以具体的边地小说创作和已有的研究成果为突破口,沿着边地——生态——生命,从文学反映文化,文化影响文学生成这样的思路对边地小说进行主题把握、文学审美及文化探寻,在此基础上,对边地小说的文化价值和文学意义进行界定。这种研究模式着重从中国现代边地小说审美空间的建构与地缘文化特质来探讨这些特殊的自然人文生态空间,在现代生态理念下提出“边地”这一审美理论视角,注重边地小说的人文价值意义呈现,丰富中国现代文学史的生命体,对调整现有文学史的建构格局提出新的理论参照。本文分五章论述。第一章是对中国现代边地文化空间的全景勾勒及审美意义的阐述。地域文化在中国文化发展的过程中起到非常关键的作用。“一方水土,养一方人”很形象的表明了文化对人性发展的渗透力,反映到文学上就是地域文学的差别。首先,历时性的将中国古代的文学区域勾勒出来,并且就这种区域分布的特点给出简要的说明,以此证明现代边地文化空间存在的可能性。从中国古代文学区域的分布情况来看,中原北方地区长期占据文学中心的位置。随着经济的发达和通商口岸的开放,文学中心才逐渐地向长江流域转移,但是反映东北、西北、西南和北部地区的文学基本上属于边地文学范畴。现代边地小说所反映的文学边地与古代边地文学有地缘相似性。它大体由西南文化边地、东北文化边地与西北文化边地组成。中国作家不同于西方作家,他们有自己独特的空间体验和生命感受,这对中国现代作家的创作影响深远,因此,对边地文化空间的梳理是非常必要的。边地文化空间给中国现代作家提供了另一种有意味的空间审美想象。第二章在大体勾勒出中国现代边地文学的基本范围之后将边地民间的野性魅力体现出来。在这一部分中,不但要凸显边地自然生态的瑰奇之美,而且要突出其边地民间的魅力。边地小说中大量的自然生态描写并非只是作为人物活动的背景,自然在边地文化空间是一种价值的存在。自然生态的边地构成了其自身独特的边地气质。为了将边地的意义阐释清楚,运用对比的方法,将边地农村与现代都市、边地山城与中原都市进行比照,以便更好得突出边地文化的特质以及作家对边地文化的思考。边地的民间魅力主要体现在边地文化孕育的自由生命形态,乡间话语的大量运用以及边地的民间歌谣等具体的载体上。边地作为一种边缘空间存在与处于中国文化中心的中原构成相对的文化空间概念。它远离中心文化的控制,具有自由开放而驳杂的气质,富有民间文化色彩,是民间文化不可或缺的重要组成部分。通过第一章对边地文化空间的绘制和第二章对边地民间的魅力展示表明有必要对边地文化空间进行再深入的探讨。为什么作家倾心于世人眼中那个偏僻闭塞而荒寒的边地世界呢?作家创作的边地小说体现什么样的边地人生传奇?这种边地人生体现出什么样的边地文化指向?第三章就是通过剖析边地人性、边地生命、边地爱情以及边缘族群的守望与怨羡来探讨多元化的边地人生传奇。这些作家借助边地小说这一中介建构边地文化空间并以此凸现自己的文化理想和人文理念。他们对边地人生的倾情演绎体现出强烈的边地生命体验和边地认同意识。在这一章,通过阐释具体的小说文本来剖析边地作家对中国文化母体的反思。自然守护的边地尽管原始荒蛮却是孕育自然人性的温床;热辣的爱情与伤感的结局使悲情的边地凝重而忧郁;边缘族群的抗争与反思增添了边地文化空间新的解读意义。另外,边地作家尽管没有明确倡导现代生态思想,但是他们对自然魅力的肯定却暗合了现代生态观念。在某种意义上具有思想的前瞻性。尤其是沈从文的“优美人性论”与端木蕻良的“大地意识”,更加体现出边地小说所具有的思想深度。第四章在边地文化与中原文化的相互参照审视中反思中国文化的出路。强调不能忽视边地文化的活力因素,需要利用边地文化自由活泼的质素来激活中国文化的母体,使其重新焕发生机和活力,在此基础重铸中华民族的精神魂魄。在这一章,运用杜维明的“对话理论”、现代生态文化观、以及现代性理论对边地小说所传达和负载的文化信息和文学价值进行阐述。文学是文化的组成部分和重要的表达工具。现代作家创作边地小说来反思和审视中国文化,不但从边地文化反思中原文化,而且也从中原文化的视野反观边地文化的优劣。在现代性反思的开放姿态下,秉持“和而不同”的生态文化理念,通过对话交融构筑较为完备的中国文化和文学的多维立体化格局。回归到文学本体是研究现代边地小说的重心所在。第五章从审美的角度及文学史的意义来探讨边地小说。首先,从审美的角度来剖析此类小说的篇章结构、人物塑造和叙事情感基调。边地小说大多以中短篇为主,这样的篇章构建对呈现边地文化空间富有效度。小说人物体现出多向度的指向,彰显边地文化的驳杂繁复。忧郁的情感基调造就了边地小说悲凉的美学效果。这种叙事特征也表明边地作家对于边地文化命运的隐忧。边地文化影响边地小说作家对中国主体文化的思考,也影响到边地小说的审美品格。其次,边地小说所呈现出来的“文学边地”是有意义的。对中国现代文学史来说,边地小说的存在对建构中国现代文学史的多元格局具有丰富和补充的作用。结语部分指出现代边地小说创作为中国现代文学奉献出边地中国的风貌,丰富了中国现代文学的审美建构与叙述样式,提供了多样的中国文化样本和文学体验。可以说边地文学创作为重新审视文化中国,“重绘中国现代文学地图”做出了文学实绩。但是现代边地小说也存在文化定位游移,文化对话的不畅等诸多问题。在当代文学视野中,边地内涵既与现代文学有一脉相承的关系也有自己新锐的时代特质。

【Abstract】 As a multi-ethnic mix of the premises, borderland mainstream is affected the shallow margins by the Han culture, which culture constitutes a relatively complex and diverse, that quite different from the mainstream of orthodox civil color, highlight the unique cultural ecology form. Like located in Guizhou, Sichuan Provinces at the junction of western Hunan, Sichuan, Tibet, at the junction of Chuankang, the Yunnan-Burma border district, north of the Great Wall of Horqin grassland flag and so on, that is, the existence of borderland cultural space of significant cases, both culture and literature of the double explain the value.ShenCong-wen,DuanMuhongliang,AiWu,Zhouwen,JianXian-ai,MaZi-hua,LiHan-Gu and other writers, intensive describes the customs of the borderland, showing the joys and sorrows of life in these areas and the original natural habitat. This unique borderland culture of the oppositism, through the arts writer for the novel form of processing to construct an alternative space for culture and literature. However, such a novel as an aesthetic value has a unique style of literature and literary history has not been the full valuation, but to incorporate them into the mainstream literature of the Central Plains in the broad framework of evaluation, especially in the modern perspective, the border district as a " Strip after "the loss of a more comprehensive picture of the value and significance of its own possibility. Therefore, if the "borderland fiction" to include names such works, we will explain a new vision and underlines the unique charm of borderland culture.They make the contribution with themselves’rich actual creation accomplishments for China modern literature’s development. But, there is none researcher who can critic them by combining them together. According to the former classified standard of literature history they belong to the different writer group: Shen Chongwen is the main creation force of the Beijing writers. He is appreciated by the Europe and America School writers, such as Hushi and Xu zhimo. DunMuhongliang is not only the represents of the Northeast writers but also belongs to the group left-wing writers. The contribution of Lu Xun is helpful to his rise. Ai wu and Zhou Wen both are left wing writers. The former often connects with his fellow townman, Sha Ting, in the literary history. The latter cause more attention of the literary world with a special identity as an army writer.JianXianai is one of the most important local novel school writers in 1920s and 1930s.This is a especial cultural space in all of their novels-“rimland”. Wherever in Xiangxi Rimland, Chuankang Rimland, Dianmian Rimland or Ke’erqinqi Campo, and wherever it belongs to north China or south China in the geographical position, all of they reflects the culture and scene of the rimland which is away from the cultural circle of the central plains. This is the starting point to study the internal relations of their novels. Proposing the concept of borderland try to find the possible supplement and dialog during the two different culture–the borderland culture and the main place’s culture, according to this construction of culture China and literature China’s ecology pattern.The research of borderland novel is not only to discuss this kind of novel own esthetic value and the cultural significance, moreover emphasizes the enlightenment significance to perfect modern China history of literature of this kind of novel This article puts the borderland novel in the big frame of Chinese modern culture and the literature, taking the production of 30 years China modern literature as the reference, Through the borderland culture /central plains culture, borderland rural / modern city, edge / center, original / modern value systems such as the mutual than to specific borderland novels and existing research findings as a breakthrough point, to specific borderland novels and existing research findings as a breakthrough point. according to creation and the existing research results of the borderland novel, basing on this, we limit the cultural value and the literature significance of these novels. This kind of research discusses these special natural humanities ecology space from the Chinese modern borderland novels’construction of esthetic space and the special characteristic of geography culture, Proposing“the borderland”esthetic theory view under the modern ecology idea, Paying great attention to the significance of the borderland novels’humanities value, enriching life body of the Chinese modern literature history, proposing the new theory reference to the existing construction of literature history.There are five chapter of this article.The first chapter draws the spatial outlines to the Chinese modern borderland culture. The region culture plays the very essential role in the Chinese culture development’. The“a side water and soil, raised a side person”indicate the penetrability vividly of the culture to the human nature development, reflecting to the literature is difference of the region literature. Firstly, outlining the region of the Chinese ancient literature timely, and giving the brief explanation on this kind of regional distribution’s characteristic, proving the existence inevitability of borderland culture. Looking from literature’s distribution of China ancient region, the area south of Yellow River northern area hold long-term literature center position. Along with economical development and trading port opening, this center then shifts to Yangtze valley gradually. But the literature which reflects the area of Northeast, northwest, southwest, northern basically belongs to the borderland literature category. There are similarly geographies between the literature reflecting by borderland literature and ancient literature region. It is composed roughly with the southwest culture borderland, the Northeast culture borderland and the northwest cultural borderland. The existence of these borderland cultures provided more possibility to study China modern literature from multi-dimensions, particularly, having the groundbreaking significance to existing pattern’s adjustment of the history of the modern literatured of china.The second chapter is to manifest the fascination of the borderland by the modern ecology thought, after outlining the scope of the Chinese modern borderland literature roughly in chapter one. In this part, not only highlight the natural ecology charm of the borderland, but emphasize its folk charm. The description of the massive natural ecology in the borderland novel is not only to be the background of people’s action, it is one kind of value existence of the borderland culture space. The natural ecology’s borderland constituted its own unique borderland quality. For cleaning explanation of the borderland significance, using the contrast method, compare the borderland countryside, the modern metropolis and the borderland mountain city with the area south of Yellow River metropolis carries, so as to protrude borderland cultural special characteristic and the writers’reflection to the borderland. The folk charm of borderland mainly manifests in the free life shape breeding form borderland culture, massive utilization of folk words as well as borderland folk ballad and so on. The borderland as a opposite culture spatial concept to area south of Yellow Rive, is far away form the control of the central culture ,owing free opening but heterogeneous makings. In the cultural constitution, the borderland and the folk have isomorphic. The borderland should be the indispensable carrier of folk cultural.Through the first chapter of opposite side culture space’s plan and the second chapter of opposite side folk charm’s demonstration indicated that has the necessity to carry on the thorough discussion from the literature angle embarking opposite side culture space. Why does the writer adore that remote unenlightened and the cold and desolate borderland world in the common people eye? What does the writer create the humanities ideal of the borderland novel be? The third chapter analyze the culture ideal of the borderland novel writers. The writers manifest their own cultural ideal and the humanities idea through the literary production. Just like that modern borderland novels. These borderland novel the writers have the intense borderland life experience and borderland approval consciousness. Therefore, discussing writer’s ideal of life becomes important aspect of the research of borderland novel. This chapter explains reconsideration and rebuilding to the Chinese culture of the writers through analyzing the novel context. These borderland writers do not have proposed the initiative modern ecology thought explicitly freely, but their definitely agreed with the natural charm containing the modern ecology idea, in any way, this ideal is Perspective. Especially for the“graceful theory of human nature”of Shen Chongwen and the“earth consciousness”of Duanmu Hongliang, it indicates the depth of thoughts of the borderland novels.The fourth chapter will reconsider possibility of the Chinese culture which can glow the vitality and the vigor as well as necessity of the future nationality morals by the borderland culture. In this chapter, utilizes Du Weiming“the dialog theory”, the modern ecology cultural perspective, as well as the modernity theory opposite side novel transmits and the load cultural information and the literary value carries on the elaboration. The literature is the constituent and important expresses tool of cultural. The modern writer reconsider and to carefully examine the Chinese culture by creating the borderland novel, not only from borderland culture reconsider area south of Yellow River culture, but also reviews the borderland culture from the area south of Yellow River culture. Under the modernity resonsideration’s open posture, grasps“is friendly but not at the expense of principles”the ecologically-conscious culture idea, blends the development through the dialog to consummate the Chinese culture. Construct the borderland culture space by the borderland literature. Activate the Chinese culture using free lively innate nature of the borderland culture.Returning to the main body of literature is the most important thing in studying borderland novel. The fifth chapter discusses the chapter structure, the characterization and the narrative of the borderland novel from the narrative esthetics’view. The borderland novel is mostly composed by the middle-short article, such chapter construction presents rich validity of the borderland culture space. The novel characters embody the multi-dimensional direction and display the heterogeneous, heave and complicated borderland culture. The dumpish emotional keynote brings up the desolate aesthetic effects of the rimland. The narrative features also indicate the secret worries of the rimland writers to the fate of the rimland culture. Borderland culture influence the consideration of borderland novel writer to Chinese main body culture, also affects esthetic moral character of the borderland novel.To the Chinese modern history of literature, the existence of the borderland novel affect the construction of multi-dimensional pattern, which can rich and supply the Chinese modern literature history.The conclusion part pointed out that the creation of modern borderland novel offering the borderland style for China modern literature, enriching the esthetic construction and the narration style of China modern literature, providing the diverse Chinese culture sample and the literature experience. The creation of the borderland literary makes actual accomplishments in examining cultural China carefully, and“redrew the Chinese literature map”. But the modern borderland novel also has many questions such as the cultural localization vacillation, cultural dialog impeded and so on.In the vision of current literature, the borderland concept no only has its inheriting relations with the modern literature but also has its own new sharp time characteristic.


