

The Study on Cultural Discount of Sino-US Bilateral Film Trade

【作者】 薛华

【导师】 周鸿铎;

【作者基本信息】 中国传媒大学 , 传播学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 电影在跨国传播的过程中会因进口市场的观赏者难以认同影片中传递的异国文化内容(如生活方式、价值观、历史、制度、神话、物理环境等)而造成影片价值的折损,这就是电影跨国贸易中普遍存在的文化折扣现象。在当前的国际电影市场中,美国电影始终占据着主导地位,美国电影在出口海外市场时普遍具有较低的文化折扣,而外国电影进口美国市场却会遭遇较高的文化折扣。在中美之间多年的电影贸易历史上,美国电影也占据了绝对优势,中美电影贸易的格局是非常不平衡的,文化折扣正是影响这种不平衡的重要因素之一。本文通过对中美电影贸易中的文化折扣进行研究,系统探讨文化折扣的表象、原因、发生规律,总结认识中美电影在跨国传播中应对文化折扣的经验,提出规避文化折扣的传播策略,及可能存在的问题。正文第一部分是对中美电影贸易历史的概述,这为我们认识文化折扣问题提供了历史视野;第二部分是分析中国文化与美国文化之间的差异性与接近性。文化差异是造成文化折扣的根本原因,而文化接近是规避文化折扣的前提条件;第三部分对美国电影在中国市场的文化折扣进行了具体分析,并将把关人和受众分成文化折扣发生的两个不同层面进行了探讨,在受众层面的分析中,选取了四部具有代表性的美国电影,进行文本分析与受众接受分析,以获得对于文化折扣问题的具体、深入的认识;第四部分对中国电影在美国市场的文化折扣进行了具体分析,研究层次与研究方法与第三部分相同;第五部分建立在以上几章研究的基础上,提出电影跨国贸易中文化折扣的产生原因与规避策略。对于文化折扣的产生原因,本文提出从文化场域中的权力关系;跨国受众的特征;电影文本特征三个方面来认识。在此认识的基础上,本文进一步提出了规避文化折扣的传播策略,包括:文本策略(创造易读性文本、创造可读性文本和创造接近性文本)和宣传策略(变通文化内涵、改变文化身份、强调文化接近性元素、引导受众忽略文化差异或积极看待文化差异)。本文对文化折扣的研究在理论层面上填补了电影贸易和文化贸易研究的一些空白点,对于提高中国电影的跨国传播能力具有应用价值和现实意义。

【Abstract】 A particular film rooted in one culture and thus attractive in the home market where audiences share a common knowledge and way of life,will have a diminished appeal elsewhere, as audiences find it difficult to identify with the style,values,beliefs,history,myths,institutions, and physical environment.The phenomenon is defined as "cultural discount" which universally exits in cross border film trade.In the international film trade,the US films have always occupied a dominant position. The US films generally have a low cultural discount when the films are exported to overseas market,whereas the foreign films which are exported to the US market have a high cultural discount.In Sino-US bilateral film trade,the US productions hold an absolute advantage.The cultural discount is one of the key factors to result in the imbalance situation of the Sino-US bilateral film trade.Based on the study of the Sino-US film trade,this paper examines the behaviour,reasons and principals of cultural discount,sums up the experience in reducing the cultural discount in the Sino-US bilateral film trade,and proposes effective communication and marketing strategy to avoid cultural discount and problems that might exist.The first part of this paper is the overview of Sino-US Film trade history which provides a historical view to understand cultural discount.The second part analyzes the cultural difference and proximity between China and America. Cultural difference is an essential reason to cause cultural discount,and culture proximity is the precondition for avoiding cultural discount.The third part specifically examines the cultural discount of American films in the Chinese film market and discusses the Chinese film gatekeepers and audiences which are categorized as the two different aspects that cultural discount occurred.In the analysis of Chinese film audiences,four representative American movies are selected to conduct text and audience analysis in order to understand cultural discounts concretely and intensively.The fourth part examines the cultural discount of Chinese films in the American film market.The methodology is the same with the third part.Based on above studies,the fifth part puts forward the reasons that cultural discount occurred in cross border film trade and the strategy to avoid cultural discount.This paper attempts to rectify the reasons of creation of cultural discount from three aspects: the power relations in cultural field,the cross-border audience characteristics,and the features of film text.On the basis,the communications and marketing strategy has been proposed to avoid cultural discount.The strategy includes film text strategy and propaganda strategy.The film text strategy is to create easy to read film text,to create readable text and to produce proximal text. The propaganda strategy is to rephrase culture connotation,to change culture identity,to emphasize the elements of cultural proximity,and to guide the audience lose sight of cultural difference and positively evaluate cultural difference.The paper on cultural discount not only bridge a gap in the theoretical research on Sino-US film trade and cultural trade,not also are of great practical and valuable significance to improve the capacity of cross-border transaction of Chinese films.

  • 【分类号】J991
  • 【被引频次】19
  • 【下载频次】2904

