

The Science Inquiry of Primaty and Secondary School Students and the Affect Factors

【作者】 杜秀芳

【导师】 张承芬;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 以科学探究为核心的科学教育已经成为科学教育改革中最受关注的理念之一。学生的科学探究因其具有重要的理论意义和现实意义而受到研究者的重视,科学探究的研究也得到了教育学、学科教学以及心理学等众多领域的关注,心理学领域对科学探究的研究与对科学思维或科学推理的研究是分不开的,并且在科学探究的策略与影响因素等方面取得了大量的成果。但仍然还存在一些不足,如以往研究主要是针对科学探究的不同阶段进行的,缺乏对科学探究全过程的整合研究,对科学探究的评价指标不一致;对学生科学探究的发展特点的研究较少;对影响因素的系统研究较少等。本研究首先对学生科学探究的实质作了深入的理论分析,认为科学探究是一种高级的问题解决活动,具有和问题解决相同的认知机制;其中认知策略是探究的核心;科学探究是一种积极的知识建构活动,建构过程中个体的科学认识论信念、对科学的态度、推理能力等起重要的作用。在这一理论框架的指导下,对小学五、六年级和初中七、八年级学生的科学探究的特点及影响因素作了进一步探讨。实证研究分两部分,第一部分即研究一,采用计算机模拟的自我指导实验探究任务,任务内容为单摆实验和弹簧实验,要求被试自主探究影响单摆摆动频率和弹簧伸拉长度的因素,并以科学探究的全过程为研究对象,以被试探究中的实验设计策略水平、证据评价策略水平以及正确推论结果作为衡量科学探究的指标,系统探讨了小学高年级和初中学生科学探究的特点。第二部分首先对本研究需要的两个问卷进行了进一步的修编,通过研究二和研究三分别考察了学生科学认识论信念问卷与对科学的态度量表的结构和特点。研究四探讨了科学认识论信念、对科学的态度、推理能力、知识与科学探究的关系,并采用结构方程综合考察了不同任务条件下、小学和初中样本中各因素对科学探究的综合影响。研究发现:(1)科学探究中学生所使用的实验设计策略主要有完全设计策略、局部连锁策略、局部控制策略、分离变量水平策略和无策略五种;所使用的证据评价策略主要有:两两比较策略、共同发生策略、理论评价策略和无策略四种。(2)无论是实验设计水平和证据评价水平,还是正确推论数量,均不存在显著的性别差异;但都存在显著的年级差异,表现为:小学高年级学生与初中学生之间,小学、初中与大学生之间差异显著,但五、六年级之间,七、八年级之间差异不显著。(3)任务难度对学生的实验设计和正确推论有显著影响,学生三变量任务中的实验设计水平、正确推论百分比都显著低于两变量任务;在证据评价水平上,任务难度的差异不显著。另外,正确排除的平均数明显低于正确包含的平均数,说明中小学学生作排除性推论比包含性推论困难。(4)本研究中编制的《科学认识论信念问卷》的信、效度较高;问卷所包含的三个因子:知识的来源、知识的确定性和知识的发展性能够较好地解释科学认识论信念的结构;学生的科学认识论信念存在显著的年级差异,但不存在显著的性别差异。总的来说,随年级升高,认识论信念也越积极。(5)对《对科学的态度量表》的分析结果表明,这一工具有效可靠,该量表包括四个因子:对科学价值的态度、对科学学习的态度、对参与科学探究活动的态度和对科学家与科学相关生涯的态度;各年级学生在《对科学的态度量表》各因子得分上,随着年级升高显著下降,年级越低,对科学的态度越积极;在科学学习和科学生涯维度上存在显著的性别差异,男生较女生更积极。(6)科学认识论信念、对科学的态度、推理能力对科学探究均具有显著的影响,其中对科学的态度在认识论信念对科学探究能力的影响中起部分中介作用;在不同难度的任务以及小学和初中样本中,认识论信念所起的作用是稳定的,在较难的三变量任务中,推理能力对科学探究的影响作用最大。本研究的结果对科学教育和教学实践有重要的启发意义,对中小学生科学探究的策略方法的培养应当成为科学教育的重要内容;另外培养学生积极的科学认识论信念和对科学的正向的态度也科学教育的重要途径。

【Abstract】 The argument for science inquiry as the core of science education has gained great emphasis in the field of science education reform. In the field of education, teaching, and psychology, researchers have paid great attention to student’s science inquiry due to its theoretical and practical significance. In psychology, science inquiry was conducted under the labels“scientific reasoning”and“scientific thinking”. There have been considerable researches investigating the psychological mechanism of science inquiry, especially the strategies of science inquiry and the affecting factors. However, there are still questions needing to be explored further. First, the previous research on science inquiry was mainly focused on the seperate stages of science inquiry. It’s still unclear about the characteristics of the whole process of science inquiry. Second, the evaluation index of science inquiry ability is inconsistent. Third, there are only few studies exploring the development of science inquiry. Finally the studies on affecting factors were also inconsistent.This research first made theoretical analysis on the essence of science inquiry. We considered science inquiry as a problem-solving activity that uses the same information-processing mechanisms identified in other problem-solving contexts; The cognitive strategies are the core of inquiry; Science inquiry is an active knowledge construction activity; Individual epistemological belief of science, attitudes toward science, and reasoning ability play an important role in this process. Guided by those theories, the current research investigated the characteristics of science inquiry and the affecting factors, with students of grade 5, 6, 7 and 8 as the subjects.The experiment studies include two parts. In the first part, study 1 was designed to investigate the development of the science inquiry ability in the group of the primary and secondary School student, and how the task difficulty affects science inquiry. We used the self-directed, computer simulated inquiry task, namely pendulum and string task It required the subjects to find the factors that affected the swing frequency of the pendulum and the level of stretch of the string. To evaluate the ability of science inquiry, we analyzed subjects’experiment-design strategies, evidence-evaluation strategies, and results of inference. In the second part, also with the primary and secondary school student as subjects, Study 2 and study 3 were designed to investigate the structure and characteristics of epistemological-belief-of-science questionnaire and the attitudes-toward-science questionnaire respectively. Study 4, using the structural equation method, investigated further how the reasoning ability, the epistemological belief of science, and the attitudes toward science affected the science inquiry. The main findings were as follows:1. For the primary and secondary school students, there were five types of experiment design strategies : global design strategy, partially organized strategy, local chain strategy, focus on single variable level strategy, and no design strategy; there four types of evidence evaluation strategies: couples comparison strategy, covariation strategy, theory based strategy, and no evaluation strategy.2. There was no significant sex difference in correct inference, experiment design and evidence evaluation. But there were significant grade difference. The difference came from the comparison between the primary and secondary school students. But there was difference neither between grade 5 and grade 6 students nor between grade 7 and grade 8 students.3. Task difficulty influenced the process of experiment design and inference. The level of experiment design and the percentage of correct inference in three variables task were significantly lower than those in the two variables task. However, task difficulty did not inflence in the process of evidence evaluation. In addition, the number of correct exclusive inference was much smaller than that of inclusive inference ones. So we can come to the conclusion that it was more difficult for students to make exclusive inference than to make inclusive inference.4. The epistemological-belief-of-science questionnaire used in this research has high reliability and validity. It included three factors: source of knowledge, certainty of knowledge and development of knowledge. Those three factors could interpret well the psychological structure of epistemological belief of science. There were significant grade differences, but no sex differences in the epistemological belief of science. Overall, the higher the grade, the more positive the epistemological belief is.5. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis showed that the Attitudes toward Science Scale (ATSS) had high reliability and validity. The Attitudes toward Science Scale included four factors: attitudes toward science value, attitudes toward learning science, attitudes toward participating in science activities and inquiry, attitudes toward scientists and career related to science. There was significant grade difference in ATSS due to the fact that lower–grade students have more positive attitude than the higher-grade students. Sex difference was only found in attitudes toward learning science and attitudes toward scientists and career related to science. The boy’s score was much higher than the girl’s.6. Epistemological belief of science, attitudes toward science and reasoning ability significantly affected science inquiry. Attitudes toward science partly mediated the relations between epistemological belief and inquiry ability. Epistemological belief of science affected science inquiry steadily inrespective of task difficulty or grade; however, the effect of reasoning ability on science inquiry was larger for the difficult three-variable task than for the easy two-variable task.The implications of the results to science education and teaching are that the science inquiry strategy is important content in science education, and should be paid great importance. Building positive epistemological belief of science and attitudes are also crucial.


