

Fading Away the Villages

【作者】 许玉庆

【导师】 王万森;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 村庄是诸多文学意象中十分重要的一个。自古至今,中国文学中出现过许多独具特色的村庄意象。文学村庄承载了不同时代作家对世界的独特体验,体现了他们文化建构与自我建构的美学理想。本文立足于新时期社会转型这一特定语境,试图对改革开放30年来文学中的村庄意象进行细致考察,以发掘其独特的文学价值和审美内涵,并反思现有村庄意象的局限性,从而为村庄书写拓展出一片新的天地。绪论该部分主要对选题意义、研究现状、创新点、研究方法等问题展开论述。本文认为,村庄意象构成于乡土文学、都市文学和小城镇文学研究的基础之上。以意象理论来阐释文学村庄是一种尝试性研究。它既不同于传统乡土文学的题材研究,也不同于乡土叙事、“农民进城”等叙事学关注,而是在意象批评视域中形成的一类整体性探究。论者认为,新时期文学中的村庄意象体现了对传统村庄意象的传承与创新。该研究可以结合当下文学、文化研究中的相关成果,运用意象美学、叙事学、文化学、社会学和民俗学等理论,对文学村庄的结构特性、文化特性、审美特性和象征意蕴做出深入解读。在此基础上,进一步探索都市、小镇等皆可使用的社区意象研究模式,以促进意象理论的当下转型。第一章意象与村庄界说本章主要对“意象”、“村庄”两个概念的内涵、历史沿革做出相应的界定,以确保论述中理论阐释的科学性。文中主要探讨了两方面的问题。(一)意象理论与当代文学批评意象是在中国传统文化土壤中成长起来的一个美学范畴,至今已拥有上千年的历史。自近代以来,文化转型导致了中国传统文学创作与文学批评的重大变革。传统意象批评面对当下文学现实显示出了极大“不适应”性,实现其现代转型实乃当代文学的迫切要务。此外,西方现代意象研究也给我们以启发,例如康德、韦勒克、庞德等美学家、作家在意象研究方面的创见,尤其是后现代主义理论中有关“破碎的意象堆积”、“幻象”的论述,对于打通中西意象批评领域研究不可或缺。文中对中国文化与意象、文化转型与意象、当代批评与意象等问题做了认真梳理和建构性尝试。(二)村庄与村庄意象史该问题是进行村庄意象研究的又一前提和基础。只有对村庄概念做出全面、清晰的界定,才能确保研究的科学性与文学性,因为社会学与文学中的“村庄”内涵存在着一些显著差异;对村庄意象发展史进行梳理,是为了寻求古典文学与现当代文学之间村庄发生学的不同,因为只有将新时期文学中的村庄放在整个文学意象史中考察,才能对其创作特征、成就与局限做出科学的判断,进而发现全球化时代村庄意象的创作趋向。所谓“远逝的村庄”,是从社会转型的角度对传统村庄没落的一种形象化表述。第二章作家与村庄意象本章主要运用传记学、心理学、“外部研究”等理论来分析作家与村庄书写的关系。根据新时期文学村庄书写的现状,本文主要在两个方面做出深入的探究。(一)作家与村庄情结这是新时期文学村庄研究中的一个重要问题。新时期文学中有相当一部分作家出身于农民,或者有过一段村庄生活的经历,与村庄的特殊情感导致了他们笔下的村庄各具情态、内涵独特。童年记忆、成年后的情感皈依影响着作家村庄理念的形成和变革。(二)作家与村庄想象在新时期文学中,村庄意象经历了一个从单一化到多元化的变革历程。这主要是受时代语境和作家文学观的影响所致,作家从对启蒙立场、“写真实”等文学观念的反思出发,思考村庄转型中的困境,挖掘村庄历史文化内涵,致力于人类精神家园的构建,从而在村庄意象的创新方面取得了很大突破。第三章村庄意象的构成本章主要借鉴文艺社会学、民俗学、乡村调查等方面的理论,分析村庄意象的结构特性(或者也可称作村庄意象系统,因为村庄是由一系列意象构成的有机体,包括房屋、树木、民俗等多重意象类型)。依据村庄社区构成特性,本章拟从三个方面展开论述。(一)物态意象这是村庄世界的“显在”形态。具体而言,文学村庄一般由自然意象、建筑意象、动物意象、粮食意象、农具意象等物态意象构成。它们是村庄世界的物质呈现,蕴含着作家丰富、独特的美学思考。(二)精神意象它是村庄世界的“隐性”构成。特别是民俗文化意象,隐藏着民族文化的特性和发展轨迹。本章主要对宗教礼仪习俗、岁时人生民俗、游戏歌谣民俗等意象进行探讨。它们是村人生产、生活的精神领地,是地域文化、村庄个性的集中体现,对村庄人物性格、行为方式的形成起着决定性作用。(三)人物意象独特人物的塑造是村庄书写的核心部分。本章依据转型期村庄社会的特性,将村庄人物分为外来者、变革者、权力者、老者等类型。青年变革者也就是传统村庄社会的叛逆者,他们承载着转型期村庄变革的特殊使命,演绎着一场场韵味独特的命运悲喜剧,成为新时期文学中最具特色的人物意象;村庄权力者在新时期村庄中是一个极为复杂存在,他们身上既承袭了传统宗法文化的衣钵,又有的着现代村庄文化建构者的种种作为;外来者是村庄异质文化的播火者,身处村庄转型期的他们常有着悲剧性的人生遭际;老者是村庄传统文化的传承者和维护者,在新时代来临之际,他们大多依然固守在传统文化的大门内拒绝接纳现代文化的曙光,但也有一些村庄智者已经向现代社会迈出了他们坚定的步伐。第四章村庄意象的特性本章主要借鉴文化地理学、乡村社会学、叙事学等理论探索新时期文学中村庄意象的文化特性和审美特性。这是一个多世纪以来几代文学工作者为之倾心的课题,也是中国现代文化建构与美学创新的难点所在。(一)文化特性它具体体现为村庄文化的闭塞性、泥土性和地域性等三个方面,并决定着村庄意象的其它属性。首先,传统村庄是一个自成体系的社区形态,在漫长的历史发展中村庄文化逐渐形成了固步自封、拒斥新异的特性。村庄文化的闭塞性新时期文学中有着独特的体现,是当下村庄文化转型中的一个难题。其次,泥土性是村庄文化的根本属性。村庄社会的衣、食、住、行、伦理、道德等领域无不散发着浓郁的泥土气息。第三,地域性是村庄在自然地理、民情风俗方面体现出来的特性。高原、平原、雪山、荒漠等地域中的村庄存在着显著差异,这些不同赋予了文学强大的生命力和个性精神。此外,本文还涉及了当下村庄文化的碎片化特性。(二)审美特性文学村庄的建构创造出了一些独特的叙事范式,如“走进”、“走出”叙事、意象叙事等。传统文化与现代文化存在着本质上的差异,用吉登斯的观点看,现代性社会是与传统社会断裂的。这一差异所造成的文化冲突促成了新时期文学“城乡冲突”叙事的极大繁荣,“走进”、“走出”模式在现代文学基础上有了较大突破;村庄书写在美学上的另一重要突破是意象叙事结构的繁荣,它的出现既是传统意象美学影响的结果,也与当下日益“符号化”、“破碎化”的文化语境催生有着内在关联。这是一种散点式的“空间叙事结构”,也是社区文学独有的一种叙事结构,是新时期文学村庄书写对叙事美学做出的独创性贡献。第五章村庄的象征意蕴象征性是中国意象美学的重要特征之一。本章以象征意蕴作为村庄研究的视角,对新时期文学中村庄的美学内涵进行了深入探究,认主要体现在以下三个方面。(一)“家”的隐喻对于大多数中国人而言,村庄就是“家”,是日常生活中的“家”,也是精神世界的“家”。在童年记忆中,村庄常常带有梦幻般的诗意色彩;在成人世界中,村庄往往是人们心灵的寄居地。在早期的诸种文学形态中,村庄的“家园”意蕴就已经成为一个重要文学母题。随着现代工业文明的来临,作为精神家园栖息地的村庄意象越来越受到中外文学关注。本文主要从童年记忆、“家”的追忆和精神家园三个角度展开论述。(二)民族的象征身处社会转型中的作家表现出对民族国家命运的极大关注,因此,村庄在新时期文学中常常被赋予了民族国家的象征意蕴,美国学者安德森的有关民族“想象的共同体”的理论和詹明信有关“第三世界民族国家的寓言”论述揭示了村庄书写中的这一特性。因为村庄承载着传统民族精神和民族文化的丰富内涵,在反思民族国家问题上有着其它社区意象所不具备的优势。(三)历史的寓言依据詹明信的理论和中国社会发展的特性,村庄历史其实就是民族历史的缩影。新时期文学中“村庄史”写作是对处于转型期民族历史的寓言式解读,我们从中既可以看到中华民族的百年沧桑史,又能窥探到民族文化变迁的种种奥秘。结语村庄,一个没有终结的美学命题新时期文学30年间,村庄意象的塑造实现了突破性进展,但是在哲理性探索、艺术形式建构和话语创新等方面依然存在着明显的不足。这些问题的存在直接导致了村庄意象原创性的匮乏。依照现有文学村庄的创作实绩看,“乡土文学终结”、“村庄终结”等论断的提出为时尚早,实际上是对西方“终结论”的移植。无论是对中国文学来讲还是从文学本质角度着眼,作为一个社区意象,村庄书写应该始终与人类自身的认知程度保持同步,是人类永恒的精神家园。

【Abstract】 Village is one of the extremely important types of images. There are many unique images of village in the Chinese literature since the ancient time. The image of village bears writers’individual and unique life experience in different eras, and embodies their cultural construction and construction of aesthetic ideal. Based on the specific cultural context with our society transforming into another type, this thesis tries to make deep investigation on the image of village during the past three decades after the opening and reform, so as to probe into its inherent literary value and aesthetic connotation, and seek new space through the study on achievements and limitations of writing of village.IntroductionThis part focuses on discussion about signaficance of the research, literature review, innovation and research methodology. The study on the image of village is based on local literature, local stories and urban, small town community literature. It is a tentative study by interpreting villages of literature with the image theory. It not only differs from traditional research of local literature, but also differs from study on narrative literature and“farmers go to town”narration. Actually, this comprehensive research is done with traditional Chinese critical theory—image. The author holds that image of village in New Age literature embodies the inheritance and innovation of traditional image of village. Thus, it seems to be creative to deeply explore the literary composition characteristics, cultural characteristics ,literary characteristics and aesthetic idea of village in literature, through combining with the achievements of present, literary and cultural study and theory of aesthetics, narrative study, sociology and folklore. On this basis, exploration on a community image study mode which both suits to metropolitan and small towns can be implemented, so as to make the image of traditional critical theory renew vigor in current literature study. Chapter I Definition of the image and villagesThis chapter mainly gives the literary implicature and history of the two concepts:“image”and“village”, and their change with time, which will ensure interpretation of the theory scientific. This thesis mainly relates to two issues: (1) The theory of image and the criticism of the contemporary literary Tt is a aesthetic category stemming from traditional Chinese culture for thousands of years in history. Literature innovation and criticism have changed greatly by the cultural transformation since the modern times. Faced with the“unfitness”of current literature reality, the socalled traditional image criticism just makes its modernization transformation inevitable for the contemporary literature. In addition, the western modern researchs also give us some inspire for the the studies of image, such as Kant, Wellek, Pound etc. Especially the postmodern theory, it is very important to the communication betwween the western theory to oriental theory by the the theory of image in“broken up”and“illusion”. This thesis tries to make clear and systematise the following several relevant problems: Chinese culture and image, cultural transforming and image, current criticism and image. (2) Villages and the history of the image of village The study provides precondition and basis for study on village. Only if we have a comprehensive understanding of the concept of village, so as to give a clear defination of relevant theory can we achieve smooth and strong study, because“village”in sociology differs from that in literature; A historic study of the images of village in literature is to seek for the differences of villages between classical literature and contemporary literature. Only if putting the villages of New Age literature in the historic development of the literary image can we provide the basis for making scientific judgements for the characteristics of its achievement and limitations, and further get the tendency of the creation in literary of the the images of village in the era of globalization. The so-called "fading away villages" provide an aesthetic expression from the angle of village’s composition and changes.Chapter II Writer and the image of villageThis chapter analyzes the relationship between villages and creation of writers with the theory of biography, psychology and“external study”. In view of the status of literature in the new period, two issues will be maily discussed: (1) Writers and the love knots of village This is an important problem in New Age literature. Lots of writers in New Age are born in rural areas, or once have experienced a period in villages. Their feelings toward villages directly lead to the description of characteristics and the unique connotation of village. Description of their childhood experience and the adult sense of emotion all have a profound impact on the formation and change of their writing; (2) Writers and the imagine of villages The changing process of the image of village is from the single to the wide range in New Age literature. This is done by the impact of literatural writer and the Age. Starting from reflection on traditional enlightenment and composing real literature, writers have made great contribution and efforts to creative in how to face the plight of villages, studying historic connotation, content and constructing human’s spiritual home.Chapter III Composition of the image of villageThis chapter analyzes characteristics of the structural system of the image of villages with iterary sociology, folklore, countryside survey. (Or can be referred to as image systems, because the world of village is consisting of a series of imagery, such as house, trees, folklore, etc.) (1) Image state The world of villages is composed of explicit material. In particular, the world of village is generally composed of the basic image system such as natural image, architectural image , animal imagery, food imagery and tools imagery , which are the material carriers of village image, and have a unique cultural, aesthetic connotations of the writers; (2) Mental imagery It constitutes the "hidden" culture of the world of villages. Especially, the image of custom contains the psychological characteristics and development of the whole nation’s culture . Villagers’production, life and spirit all rely on imagery such as religious ritual practices, folklore, games and songs, which play a decisive role in the shaping of people’s personalities, behavior; (3) The unique characters They are the core for the village writing. Based on the characteristics of the villages in the transitional period, we may divide the image of village characters into outsiders, reformers, village power, carers and other types. Young reformers are traitors, carrying a special mission in reformimg period, deducing the fate of the unique charm and thus become the most distinguished characters of literature in the New Age; The manager of villages has the complexity of the composition in the New Age, being not only the traditional family and village tyrants who are hostile to the modernization of villages, but also constructers of modern countryside; Outsiders are broadcasters of heterogeneous culture, and usually with a tragic outcome of destiny in a transitional period of society; Carers are the inheritors and defenders of the culture in village, who are still stuck in the traditional sector of society in the new dawn of time refusing to accept a glorious new era, but some villagers have already made a wise move toward the gate of modern society.Chapter IV Characteristics of the image of villageThis chapter mainly studies the cultural and literary characteristics of the image of village of literature in New Age from the perspective of cultural geography, rural sociology and narrative study, which is a fundamental problem concerned by several generations of literary creators in the past century and is a difficulty for the construction of modern culture and literary innovation. (1)Cultural identity It is occlusive, regional and soil for the the culture of village and determines the other attributes of the images villages. Firstly, traditional villages are in a state of self-occlusion community form, who stick to themselves and reject the new culture-specific characteristics in a long-term development. This can be embodied of the literature in the New Age, and has become root causes for cultural transformation and cultural conflicts; The culture of soil is the fundamental characteristic of the the culture of village. The clothing, food, shelter, transportation, ethics, and morality in the village all distributed a strong atmosphere of soil; Regionality is geographical differences between villages. Plateau, plains, snow-capped mountains, desert are caused by a variety of natural and geographical characteristics of villages in different regions. In addition, this chapter is also related to the debris characteristics in the culture of village.(2)Literary identity A lot of the unique narrative patterns are created frequently during the construction of the villages of the literature, such as“in”,“out”narrative, etc. The cultural pattern is entirely different between the traditional village and the modern city. The cultural pattern is entirely different between the traditional village and the modern city. That is to say, there is a fracture in them by the points of Mr. Giddens. The narrative for“urban-rural conflict”is very prosperity today for the clash of cultures by transformation of society. So, the narrative patterns of“in”or“out”have become common as the form of aesthetics in the New Age. The narrative structures of image have been emerging frequently as another major gain during this time. It is not only the influence of the traditional aesthetics of images, but also the influence of increasingly "symbolic" and "broken" expedites. The“space narrative structure”with the scatter-style provides a unique aesthetic narrative for the community literature. This is a major creative contribution by the aesthetic image of village in the New Image of Literature.Chapter V Symbol meaning of villagesThe Symbol implication is one of the important characteristics of the aesthetic image of China.This chapter will have an in-depth analysis for the symbol meaning of the image villages and thinks that there are three aspects in the symbol meaning of the image of villages in the New Age Literature. (1) Metaphor of“home”Village is the“home”for daily life and spiritual world. If the village of the childhood memories is a dreamy with the poetic color, the village of the real world is the home for adults. This has become a everlasting literary motif in the ancient literature of China. The spirit home of the village is a natural connotation for the literature between Chinese and foreign because the great development of the modern industrial civilization, especially caused a departure from their homes on the land by industrial civilization. (2) The symbol of the nation-state The social and cultural transformation must lead to the reflection on the traditional culture for the writer. In this time, the image of villages is looked as the nation-state in the literary world. The theory of“The Fable of the Third World”that is writed by Mr. Jameson and“The imagined community”that is found by Mr. Anderson in the United States tells us the aesthetic characteristics of the villages.The village of the literature in the New Age has an important functions for the excavation and reflection on the national spirit and traditional culture. (3) The fable of the history We can easily find that the history of the village by Jameson’s theory. The history of China during the transition is described in the fable by the history of villages in this time. We can find out the path of China for the 20 century, which is a unique vision to spy on the process of national history and the hidden soul. And we can be able to find how to become modern step by step for the villages in the conflict culture between Chinese and Western. ConclusionThere have been substantial expansion of the constituion of villages, cultural identity and symbol meaning in the 30 years in the New Age. The the lack of philosophy of the writings of village still exists. And the innovative is obviously insufficient in the art form and discourse use. These are all constraints for the original of the image of vollages, so the so-called“The end of Native Literature”and“The end of the village”are essentially transplantation of“end of theory”from the Western in the context of the existing creation. In terms of whether Chinese literature or the literature of the human, the village should be the awareness of human self-synchronization and the timeless home of human beings.

【关键词】 新时期文学村庄意象象征社会转型
【Key words】 New Age LiteraturevillageImageSymbolSociety transforming

