

【作者】 雷鸣

【导师】 房福贤;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 以人与自然关系作为叙写中心的当代生态小说,蔚然成观的现实背景是日益严重的生态危机。而生态危机的真正内在根源是现代性的文化危机,正如安东尼·吉登斯所说:“粗略一看,我们今天所面对的生态危险似乎与前现代时期所遭遇的自然灾害相类似。然而,一比较差异就非常明显了。生态威胁是社会地组织起来的结果,是通过工业主义对物质世界的影响得以构筑起来的。它们就是我所说的由于现代性的到来而引入的一种新的风险景象(risk profile)。”从这个角度看,既然生态危机的根源是“现代性”,那响应于严重生态危机的中国当代生态小说,在揭示生态危机的现状,探寻生态危机的根源同时,必然蕴涵着对现代性问题的思考。通过对当代生态小说的研究,可以发现:当代生态小说通过严峻的生态危机现状的揭示,生态危机发生根源的探察,呈露出了一个不可移易的事实——生态危机的发生,往往与对世界的“祛魅”、人的主体性、工业化和科技等现代性的几个维度密切勾连。与之相应,生态小说的作家们当然地亦对这些引致生态危机的现代性维度表现出反思与超越的态度。同时,当代生态小说作为一种审美表意实践活动,呈现出与社会现代性的一种向背的张力状态。基于此,本论文把当代生态小说定位于一种现代性反思话语,把它们置于对现代性质疑与反思的视阈之中,进行全面剖析与深入考察。而以往由于理论的成见,对生态文学的研究多从生态学的角度来挖掘文学中生态思想的内蕴,限制了对这一文学现象的认识。而把当代生态小说与现代性问题联系起来考察,揭示出生态小说的现代性症候,不但能提升对生态小说这一小说样态的认识;更为重要的是,能助益于我们深刻彻悟生态危机发生的内在深层社会机制和文化肌理,从而充分体认中国现代性的复杂性,提示和警醒我们在中国现代性设计中需要审慎对待的方面。导论部分主要剖析生态危机发生的现代性根源,指出生态文学的出现与繁兴的最重要的现实原因是日益严重的生态危机。在此基础上,结合中国的文化语境,对生态小说的内涵予以厘定。本文认为,生态小说侧重于表现人与自然的关系,并由此来揭示人类所面临自然生态危机及其背后蕴涵的深层的人类文化危机,同时以生态系统整体为价值基础,对自然、人的整个生命系统中进行道德关怀和审美观照,吁求人与自然、他人、自我相互融洽和谐,从而达到自由与美的诗意栖居的小说。真正意义的生态文学诞生有特定的现代性发展背景,有些小说即使有生态学思想的涵容,也并非真正意义的生态小说,故中国真正意义的生态小说,是出现在新时期以后,即是在我国现代性追求的最为活跃高涨期,并造成严重的生态危机的历史情境下出现的。所谓中国当代生态小说,就是指新时期以来的生态小说。以此为衡器,中国当代生态小说的成长概貌呈现为阶段性特征:1980年代中后期的孕育萌芽期、1990年代的迅速发展期、从新世纪至今的集约井喷期。其中尤以西部作家的作品为多,这背后沉潜着文学生产场域所支配的问题结构。第一章着重分析当代生态小说通过叙写自然世界的神性,追求自然的返魅,构成了对现代性的“世界的祛魅”的一种反拨。在现代性的“祛魅”世界里,自然摆脱了神性的笼罩,彻底成为一个可以由科学方法加以解剖的,由数学加以计算和由技术加以操纵的,没有任何深刻的东西,不具有任何主体性、经验、感觉的存在。正是在“祛魅”的理性精神烛照下,自然内在的神秘性和魔力遭到放逐,人们由此也失落了对大自然的谦逊与敬畏的情怀,有的只是统治、征服、占有的欲望。论文认为,当代生态小说正是基于现代性对“世界的祛魅”的破坏后果的思考,渴望重拾自然世界的神性,着力于自然的返魅,以表达自然万物有其自身的经验、价值和目的,从而激发对自然的敬畏。具体而言,第一,还原自然的自在原始性,赋予自然一种主体性言说。自然已不再被用来标识事件场景和烘托人物心境,或者成为移情、隐喻和象征的主要载体;而是以无比瑰奇的自在原始样貌,氤氲着浓烈的神秘,慑服人的心灵。第二,冲决以人为价值尺度的评判标准,颠覆性地改写重塑着各类动物形象,赋予它们以灵异的色彩,它们一样有自己情感,一样有自已的生命价值和尊严。第三,讲述大量远古的与自然相关的神话故事,神话中包孕的敬畏自然、尊重自然的观念被重新演绎,神话中的一些观念与禁忌被合理化和神圣化,以此唤起人们遵守历史习俗,感受自然的神秘,尊重与敬畏自然。第四,对传统宗教文化热情关注和着力表现,侧重于开掘内蕴于中国原始宗教、民间宗教以及道教、佛教中的共同内容或主题显示——自然信仰和自然崇拜,吁求培育自然返魅的精神氛围。本文主要从以上四个方面探察了当代生态小说对自然“返魅”的书写,认为这恰与现代性的“祛魅”构成一种悖反,突显了当代生态小说的反思现代性的立场。第二章探讨当代生态小说在揭示生态危机的现状与深层原因时,所表现出来的对现代性的“主体性”质询拷问的姿态。本文认为,当代生态小说的许多文本呈示了生态危机加剧的直接原因,就是由于现代性的“主体性”膨胀所致,对“主体性”进行了彻底的反思与批判。第一,欲望主体的幽暗。作为标示人的主体性确立的重要维度的“欲望”,成为了引发生态危机的核心因素之一。生态小说表现了在人性深处里的无边欲望之壑与生态危机发生的直接关系,批判了人作为欲望主体,戕害自然、破坏生态的黑暗一面。第二,理性主体的虚妄。人类正是凭依着理性的力量,促动人类自以为是成为世界的“唯一主体”地宰制一切,破坏、掠夺着自然。在当代生态小说中,我们则看到作家抑或直接通过理性无从解释的自然或生命现象的原生态叙述,抑或塑造许多先知先觉的具有预测能力的神秘人物形象,从而全面而深刻戳露出人作为理性主体的虚妄性,表达对理性万能的神话的怀疑,这种怀疑必然显示着对主体性的一种拷问姿态。第三,科层主体的残缺。供职于现代科层体制中的人员的思维方式和价值选择,无可置疑地会被这种现代性科层机制所框范,生态小说表现了现代科层制中的服从上级、追求绩效等与生态危机发生的密切关联,透露出现代科层体制的残缺与局限。第四,主体间性的至美。与主体性不同的是,“主体间性”则是不再把自然看作客体,而是当作互为平等交往的主体,生态小说以人与自然的关系是一种“主体间性”关系为基准,努力形塑与颂赞具有“主体间性”思想的人物。第三章主要阐释当代生态小说毕现了工业化与科技发展所裹挟而来的负质效应。工业化与科技的飞速进步,构成了现代性的主导性成果。但现代工业文明与现代高科技,在发展进步的炫目光芒下,许多令人担忧的阴影已触目惊心地浮现,现代性的进步神话,是一场文明的苦旅。由于盲目工业化及无条件地尊崇科技,所伴生的自然环境的恶化、传统诗意的破碎、城乡对立中的农民生存贫困、未来忧患等令人胆颤心惊的现代化恶果,已经大爆炸似地次第呈现,袒示出一幕幕忧伤的图景。论文认为,当代生态小说通过展示工业化对自然的戕害、重新审视城乡不平等关系、书写历史“存在之链”的断裂以及人类未来隐忧的“恶托邦”等四个方面,全面检视了工业文明与科技发展给中国社会带来的“进步陷阱”。这也正是当代生态小说的一种现代性的症候反应,彰显了其对现代性予以反思与批判的态度。第四章参照建设性的后现代主义理论对当代生态小说寻求人类诗意栖居的美好家园——“生态乌托邦”进行分析。论文认为,当代生态小说基于现代性带来的种种弊害的纠正,同时对中国现代性不可逆转与赖以生存繁衍的生态环境正面临着极其严峻的挑战的明确认识,致力于营构超越现代性的一种理想生存境界。这种理想生存境界瞩目于摆脱现代性困境,但不弃绝现代理想,呈现为人与自然和谐共存的生活图景;人与人去功利化、原子化的亲洽关系;自我忠实于内心生活,漠视世俗功名与物质享乐;文化的多元共融共生等特质。这种理想生存境界与建设性后现代主义的有机关系共同体、与自然呈现为主体间性、多元共生等主张完全贴切一致,体现了当代生态小说超越现代性的一种后现代性姿态。第五章从审美层面对当代生态小说的缺憾进行探析,进而讨论了生态小说提高艺术品格的问题。本文认为,一方面,当代生态小说执著于真实而导致了想象的偏枯。由于拘囿于生态事件再现的真实感,文本尽管不乏生活的实感,却因为作者未能发挥各自“灵感”去对真实事件进行更大程度的提炼、加工和改造,更没有将富有个性化的艺术想象最大限度地融入生态叙述中,作品由此失去了深远的艺术韵味和魅力。另一方面,由于共同的“生态焦虑”母题的制约,大部分生态小说存在着形象塑造趋同与普泛的悲剧程式之弊。文本塑造的形象,缺乏多色泽和立体感、无法呈示充满异质感的、令人惊奇的、超验感的审美景观。同时,生态小说清一色的呼天抢地的悲哭,虽然以裸露直接的沉痛式追问来表达小说的生态主题,力图追寻悲剧给人以震惊体验的审美效应,但是悲剧的哲学意蕴升华还显得的功力不足,悲情之外触摸不到深层的生态哲理幽思。第三,生态小说以其不回避的勇气揭示了可怕生态危机的现实问题,但也正是受问题意识的制导,它们基本停留在生态问题暴露批判的表象层,停留在危机的展示上,超越的部分薄弱,对因生态危机可能透视出来的丰盈的现实启示缺乏探掘,于是作家的笔下不时透着问题焦虑与局促,缺乏雍容的气象,文化意蕴难免显得稀薄。第四,生态小说为有效地传播生态理念,而耽嗜一种宣传视阈规约下的写作。由于对传统的正邪“二元对立”叙事模式的承袭与明白无误、一望了然的训导语言编码,引致了文学所必备的诗性失落与意蕴的偏狭。总之,生态小说毕竟是文学而不是生态学,它们既是生态的,更是审美的,改变目前生态话语的表述方式,让生态理念的创作意图进行审美中介转换,建构意蕴丰盈的价值系统,这是生态小说最大限度地凸现自我的功能价值与提高艺术品格的最佳途程。结语对于当代生态小说的现代性反思所表现出来的偏至进行了探讨。本文认为,虽然当代生态小说对现代性种种负质效应的洞见和言说,是准确而及时的,有着相当大的平衡意义与警示意义,能够对现代性的“破坏性”创伤无节制地扩张,提供必要的制约和良性的张力,但现代性在中国当代的命运不是一味批判与拒斥便可以了结。在前现代、现代、后现代不同发展模态并存于中国的现实限度下,无论现代性在当下展示出自身的何种局限性、风险、消极后果,现代性只能依旧是中国当代主体和当代社会根深蒂固的、安身立命的内在支撑。生态小说在生态危机的寻根过程中而展开的现代性反思,在一定程度上轻忽了中国的现实和历史语境,似乎不加辨析地在横向移植西方后现代的生态文明话语,对现代性的批判走入了情绪化、简单化的误区,对现代性有妖魔化指认之嫌。未来的生态小说应该在神性与理性、自然伦理与人文精神、后现代的超越与中国现实根基几个方面的关系中,持一种更为独特视角与审慎立场,以寻求最佳的平衡点。

【Abstract】 Real background of modern ecological novels, taking relationship of human being and nature as center of narration, is increasingly serious ecological crisis. Real inherent source of ecological crisis is modern cultural crisis. As Anthony Giddens said:“Ecological crisis we are facing now seems to similar to natural disasters suffered during modern age. However, difference becomes clear through comparison. Ecological threat comes from effect imposed on material universe by industrialism. They are what I have said, new risk profile introduced by modernity.”From this aspect, now that modernity is the root of ecological crisis, Chinese modern ecological novels, which correspond to serious ecological crisis, reveals current situation of ecological crisis, search for source of ecological crisis, embody thinking of modernity.Through study, we can find out that ecological novels present a solid truth by revealing current situation of ecological crisis and searching for source of ecological crisis: ecological crisis is associated with factors, such as the disenehantment of the world, industrialization and technology closely. Correspondingly, writers of ecological novels surly take a reassessment and beyond attitude toward these factors as well. At same time, as practice of aesthetic and ideogram, modern ecological novels present a kind of tension state that support or oppose social modernity. Based on this, this thesis will analyze fully and review deeply ecological novels, which are regarded as reassessment words to modernity.Due to prejudice of theory, most of studies of ecological literatures formerly dredged up ecological meaning from perspective of ecology, which has restrained understanding of literary phenomena. Revealing modern phenomena of ecological novels by combining modern ecological novels with modern problems can not only promote understanding of ecological novels, but also help us to better understand inherent social mechanism and cultural texture that result in ecological crisis, which is more important. Through these, we can fully aware of complexity of China’s modernity, and are indicated and warned to be circumspect in some aspects in designing China’s modernity.Introduction part: analyze modern source of ecological crisis, point out that the most important realistic reason for emergence and boom of ecological literature is increasingly serious ecological crisis. On this basis, combined with China’s specific cultural context, through discriminating meaning of ecological novels, this thesis thinks: ecological novels emphasize relationship between human being and nature to reveal natural ecological crisis human being is facing and human being’s deep cultural crisis behind ecological crisis. At same time, taking ecological system as value basis, ecological novels appeal to nature, others, self to be harmonious, so that freedom and beauty can coexist. Birth of ecological literature with real significance has specific modern developing background. Although some novels have ecology idea, they can not be called real ecological novels. Real ecological novels emerged after China entering new period, during which pursuit of modernity in most active stage and caused serious ecological crisis. China’s modern ecological novels mean ecological novels emerged since new period. Based on this, development of China’s modern ecological novels presents periodical characteristics: during mid-late 1980: budding period; 1990: fast developing; till now: intensive bursting period. Most of writers of the literary works come from west, behind which hide the wrong structure under the authority of literature producing Field.Chapter one emphasizes analyzing narration of deity of natural world and pursuit of nature’s“back to charm”to disapprove of“charm dispelling”. During modern world of“charm dispelling”, nature got rid of deity, became a thing that can be analyzed by scientific method, calculated by mathematics, and manipulated by technology, without any profound thing, experience and sense. Under the guidance of rational spirit, inherent mystique and magic of nature are sent into exile. Therefore, human being only has desire of governing, conquest, possession, instead of feelings of humility and awe to the nature. This thesis thinks that based on the consideration of destructive result caused by modernity, modern ecological novels hope the nature can go back to deity world to express that everything has its own experience, value and purpose so that human being can be inspired to be in awe of nature. Specifically, first, revert nature to the primitive world and grant a kind of subjectivity to the nature. Nature is no longer used for identifying episode scene or coordinating with the mood of characters, or as main carrier of empathy, metaphor, symbolization. Instead, nature overwhelms the soul of human being by strong mystery bring by glory of its primitive appearance. Second, ecological novels change the judgment standard that take human being as measure of value and reinventing images of all kinds of animals and grant spiritual color to the animals,they have their own feelings, living value and dignity. Third, ecological novels tell a large amount of stories with elements of natural myth, in which concepts of in awe of nature and respecting nature come back again, some concepts and taboos of myth are rationalized and glorified to recall human being to abide by historical customs, feel the mystery of nature, be in awe of and respect nature. Forth, ecological novels manifest and pay close attention to traditional religion culture, and emphasize finding nature belief and natural worship, which are common contents or subject of primitive religion, folk religion, Taoist and Buddhist, call for forming the atmosphere to put nature back to charm. This thesis searches to nature’s“back to charm”presented by modern ecological novels mainly from above four aspects, which is reckoned contrary to“get rid of charm”, and highlight the position of challenging modernity. When revealing current situation and deep reasons of ecological crisis.Chapter two shows question to subjectivity of modernity. This thesis thinks expansion of subjectivity of modernity is the direct reason for what have deepened ecological crisis, which has been presented by many modern ecological novels. This thesis completely rethinks and criticizes subjectivity. First, darkness of subject of desire. Desire is important indication of establishment of subjectivity of human being, and is one of the core factors for causing ecological crisis. Ecological novels present direct relationship between endless desire and ecological crisis, and criticize the improper behavior of human being, such as do harm to nature, destroy ecology and so on. Second, vanity subject of rationality. Human being depends on power of logos to dominate everything, destroy and spoliate nature. We can see from some of ecological novels that writers fully and deeply disclose the vanity of human being , who is as the subject of logos, through narration of natural or living phenomena that can not be explained by logos, or figure magical characters with ability of forecasting, doubt mythology of logos’omnipotence. Third, the main body of Bureaucracy is incomplete. The way of thinking and value selection of the people who work in the modern Bureaucracy will definitely be restrained by the modern bureaucracy. Ecological novels represent the phenomena of absolutely obeying the superior and purchasing performance, which has a close relationship with the ecological crisis. It also reveals the limitation and deformity of the modern Bureaucracy. Fourth, inter-subjectivity is too splendid. Differ from the subjectivity, inter-subjectivity is not taking the nature as objectivity any more. It is the principle part of equal footing and communication. Taking the“relationship between human being and nature is a kind of inter-subjectivity”as the basic principles, ecological novels make great efforts to build the image and praise the characters of inter-subjectivity.Chapter three mainly explains that modern ecological novels fully reveal negative effect brought by industrialization and development of technology. Industrialization and rapid development of technology form leading results of modernity. However, under the light of development and progress, many worrying shadows have emerged shockingly. Because human being blindly industrialize and do homage to technology unconditionally, evil consequences of modernization, such as worsen of natural environment, crash of traditional poetry, poverty of farmer, mood of worried about future and so on, have showed one after another. This thesis thinks modern ecological novels roundly scan“advancement trap”brought by industrial civilization and technology development, which is refection of modernity of modern ecological novels, highlight the attitude of modern ecological novels: reassessment and critique.Referring to constructive theory of late-modernism, Chapter four analyzes nice homestead -----“ecological Utopia”, which modern ecological novels are seeking. This thesis thinks: modern ecological novels make efforts to build ideal living environment that beyond modernity, based on correction of various harms done by modernity, and clear cognition that China’s modernity and ecological environment, on which human being depends is facing serious challenge. This kind of ideal living environment pays attention to get rid of predicament of modernity, but not to give up modern ideality, and presents some particularities, such as living picture of harmonious coexistence of nature and environment, friendly relationship among men, intergrowth of multicultural, and so on. This kind of ideal living environment and opinions of constructive late-modernism are completely in concordance, which present a kind of gesture of late-modernity of modern ecological novels that beyond modernity.Chapter five probes into defects of modern ecological novels, comes up with the discussion on enhancing character and morals of art. This thesis thinks, on the one side, some of modern ecological novels adhere to reality, so that lead to exhaustion of image. Although texts are not short of true feeling of life, due to standing on reappearance of true feeling of ecological affairs, writers were not able to exert respective“inspiration”to abstract, process and alter real affairs, thereout, novels lose their far—reaching artistic charm. On the other hand, due to the constraints of the mother subject of common“eco-anxiety”, most of the ecological novels have defects in the image building. Those images are too similar and overrunning with a pattern of tragedy. The images built are not rich and stereoscopic enough. They cannot present the aesthetic view which is filled with sense of reality and quality, surprise, and sense of experienced. At the same time, the ecological novels are all too sorrowful. Though they expressed the ecological theme directly and grievously, and purchase the aesthetic effect which the shocking experience brought by tragedy, the philosophical implication of tragedy seems inadequate. We cannot get a deeply thoughts of ecological philosophy beyond the sadness. Third, ecological novels reveal the terrible reality of ecological crisis with straightforward courage. But it is just leaded by the recognition of problem; they basically remain in the layer of revealing ecological problems and the display crisis. They can never surpass the basic layers. They still lack of deeply digging to the abundant reality inspiration that viewed by the ecological crisis. Forth, ecological novels’inheritance of traditional mode of narration becomes effective strategy of ecological concept diffusion. In brief, after all, ecological novels are literary culture, and not ecology. They are as much aesthetic as ecological. Changing present express manners of ecological words and establishing multiple value system are the best way for ecological novels to highlight function value and enhance artistic style by the greatest extent.The epilogue discusses the extremes of reassessment and critique to modernity of modern ecological novels. This thesis thinks, although insight and words of various negative effects of modernity are exact and timely, have meaning of equilibrium and warning, and are able to provide destructiveness of modernity and immoderately expansion with necessary restriction and benign tensile force, fate of modernity in contemporary era in China can not be ended by animadversion and repulsion. No matter modernity shows whatever, limitations, risks, negative consequences, modernity still be deep-rooted inner support of China’s modern subject and society. When reassessing and criticizing modernity, ecological novels ignore realistic and historical context to a certain degree in the course of searching for root of ecological crisis, and transplant western words of postmodern ecological civilization without analysis. Criticism to modernity goes into mistaken idea of emotional mindset and simplification, which is suspected of demonizing modernity. Prospective ecological novels should, when dealing with relationships between divinity and rationality, between natural ethics and humanism, between beyond late-modern and foundation of reality of China, have a unique perspective to seek for best equalization point.


