

A Study on the Modern Chinese Initiation Novel

【作者】 顾广梅

【导师】 朱德发;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 成长小说作为一个小说类型,肇始于西方启蒙主义时期。20世纪的现代中国也产生和形成了有自己特色的成长小说。本文采用发生学、文化学和叙事学相结合的综合研究方法,对从五四到解放30年时段的中国现代成长小说进行初步的整体勘探。本文共包括绪论、正文和结语三部分,正文部分共分五章。绪论首先根据国内外学者的研究成果界定了成长小说的概念内涵,并为厘定筛选文本而进一步对中国现代成长小说进行了要素分析,避免遗漏和误选。其次,通过对中国现代成长小说的研究现状、选题意义的探讨,意在指出目前的研究缺憾,国内学者对20世纪中国成长小说的研究集中在当代这一时段,而对现代成长小说的整体把握和个案分析都明显欠缺。从整体上宏观把握和认真梳理中国现代成长小说已经势在必行。再者,提出本文具体的研究方法和研究任务。由于论题本身的性质,自然会涉及哲学、心理学、文化学、社会学等方面的内容,而研究的体例和框架又决定了论文还会涉及发生学、叙事学、主题学、文化研究等学科,这就更需要利用各学科所长而避其所短的综合研究视角才能有效地驾驭论题。第一章中国现代成长小说的发生。这一章主要采取探源和发生研究相结合的方法,既探讨现代性语境下成长问题的提出,又以此为切入探讨中国现代成长小说发生的历史原因和个人动机。第一节考察了成长问题在中国传统文化语境中的历史性缺席,并对成长小说在中国叙事文学传统中的匮乏进行深度溯源。第二节以西方成长小说为参照系,论证了现代性语境下成长问题的提出,指出五四个人主义话语作为现代成长小说发生的价值原点。第三节从“新人”的公共形塑考察中国现代成长小说的方向和规约。采用文化研究的方法,选取各时代的重要期刊杂志或报纸考察论证了五四新人、革命新人、民族新人和翻身新人的理论塑形,指出这四种新人集中代表社会理性所期待的理想人格,并直接影响和开启现代成长小说对“新人”的想像。第四节集中论证了作家的主体意图,从小说家讲述自己的成长故事和虚构(或纪实)他人的成长故事两方面考察中国现代成长小说发生的个人动机。第二章中国现代成长小说的嬗变轨迹和叙事类型。这一章主要以史学和叙事学相结合、宏观与微观相结合的综合理论视角梳理分析了中国现代成长小说30年来的嬗变轨迹和叙事类型。第一节将从五四到解放30年时段的中国现代成长小说划分为开端、爆发和收获三个阶段,各个阶段呈现出不同的叙事特征和主题内涵。由于五四作家集中于对传统人格的剖析和反思,更多的人物形象是因袭着传统文化积弊的病态的老中国儿女,“新人”的成长想像还是一个奢侈的话题,所以五四开端期的现代成长小说在叙事上尚显稚嫩,数量上也不够丰富,但已基本具备成长小说的主题内涵和叙事特征。左翼革命爆发期的现代成长小说在数量上明显增多,并呈现出“民族寓言”式的写作趋势,主要表现为:个人成长与外在重大社会事件的关系越来越密切;成长主人公逐渐大龄化、生理意义上的成长被忽略,精神发育成为这一阶段成长小说的重心;叙事结构和模式逐渐趋同化、固定化。由于个人的成长越来越被视作民族国家历史本质的象征,成长的方向也越来越合历史目的性,因而这一阶段的成长小说已经开始被规约为“教育叙事”。抗战收获期的现代成长小说数量也很丰富,其主题内涵、叙事模式除了承袭爆发期的诸多特点外,还出现了“改造式”的成长主题内涵和叙事模式。成长主人公主要以小资产阶级知识分子或农民的形象出现,在主体构建上按照社会秩序的规约进行以“新我”换“旧我”的精神改造。第二节根据成长主人公是否完成成长仪式,将现代成长小说划分为三种叙事类型:在路上的成长迷梦、被放逐的成长幻灭和到达“远方”的成长神话,由此相应产生出三种类型的成长主人公形象,即迷梦型、幻灭型和神话型成长主人公。在对叙事类型的分析过程中,本章着重对三种类型成长主人公形象进行还原式分析,以期得到对成长人物面貌和作家创作心态的完整把握,避免把作家作品打散后只能作为零星例证出现的缺陷。第三章身体成长:中国现代成长小说的诗学维度之一。这一章主要从文化学的角度论证了中国现代成长小说中所展示的身体成长之谜。第一节探讨了身体的时间神话,指出个人成长时间与历史时间的融合,历史时间被分解在个人成长时间里,个人成长时间也在参与历史时间的建构。借用巴赫金的小说诗学理论,提出中国现代成长小说中的“成长时空体”和“道路时空体”两个文化和审美概念。另外,探究了指向未来的先行性时间遮蔽一次性的个体生命时间以及有限性的个人成长时间,并将成长主人公的时间观与价值观、历史观的建构相联系,归纳出三种类型:进化论时间观的坚定型、指向过去和个人时间的不彻底型、从过去到未来的转变型。第二节探讨了身体的空间实践。运用列斐伏尔的空间批评理论,首先分析了身体成长的空间行为模式——成长主人公逃离家庭空间而闯入社会空间,指出由于家庭空间的封建文化内涵使之对成长个体具有了“异己性”,并且在革命意识形态话语系统里,家庭空间和现代民族国家完全成了截然对立的矛盾关系,顺利成长的前提是舍家为国,甚至是“毁家”为国。女性成长主人公对“父亲之家”和“丈夫的家”进行了双重逃离。其次,分析了身体成长的空间逻辑——开放自由的空间位移和空间拓展,成长主人公正是在了解、接纳和屏弃各种空间的过程中,不断审视调整身体、自我与空间的关系,在社会阶级、性别、文化、经济等各种因素的基础上重构自己的社会身份。空间本身已经作为社会建构,参与到主人公身体成长与身份认同。再者,分析了身体成长的四个典型表征空间——监狱、军队、会议和街道(广场),指出表征空间是想像和探索成长主题的重要手段,并分别揭示其所蕴涵的独特象征意义和审美意味:监狱空间指向身体挣扎与精神超越,军队空间指向身体驯服与新我诞生,会议空间指向身体生成与自我建构,街道(广场)空间指向身体展演和精神狂欢。第三节探讨了身体欲望的话语转移,揭示出身体欲望作为被启蒙理性唤醒催发的主体意识的主产品,是如何在时代大风歌的变奏下,围绕“革命”这一总体性变革目标进行分配重组和重新叙述的。同时,还揭示出身体欲望的话语转移能否成功进行,直接影响着成长主人公的顺利成长。以历时性的分析框架分别考察了开端期身体欲望与社会理性的初步调适、爆发期身体欲望和革命指令的矛盾冲突和收获期身体面相的多样化。第四章心理成长:中国现代成长小说的诗学维度之二。这一章运用拉康后现代精神分析学的主体生成理论,考察了心理成长的三个阶段。第一节探究了镜像阶段对母亲镜像的辨识与想象性认同,主要出现三种情形:一是在神话型和部分迷梦型成长小说里,母亲镜像既是被超越、被颠覆的小他者,又是难以割舍的根性诉求;二是在部分神话型成长小说里,母亲镜像帮助成长主人公心理成长和精神成长;三是幻灭型成长小说里,母亲镜像成为无法逾越的心像误认。这三种母亲镜像认同对主人公的心理成长产生了不同作用,抗争式的母亲镜像认同既使成长主人公积极建构起主体性,又使之难舍与生俱来的根性弱点;精神同盟式的母亲镜像认同加快了成长主人公主体建构、自我确认的过程;仰望式的母亲镜像认同则使成长主人公的主体建构受到阻碍。第二节探究了后镜像阶段对父亲镜像的拆解和审视。中国现代成长小说生动回应了五四时期文化先驱者对个性解放、人格自由所做的文化构想,将其具象化为“父”与“子”相冲突对抗的生活场景和心理图式。由于父亲镜像对儿子和女儿的心理投射作用不完全相同,本节从“父与子”和“父与女”的不同角度分别论之:一是“叛逆—归来”之子对父亲镜像的再拆解、再审视,其中选取四个代表性文本具体分析了封建暴君型、阶级仇人型、原罪型和现代民主型四种父亲镜像;二是逆女对父亲镜像的反抗和颠覆,这主要从争取婚恋自由、确立现代民族国家意识两个方面进行分析。第三节探究了成长主人公在后镜像阶段送走了血缘父亲,迎来了崭新的“象征之父”。这个代表新的秩序和法则的“象征之父”以成长主人公的启蒙者、教育者形象出现在其心理成长的关键时刻。成长主人公对“象征之父”的接纳,首先是从对启蒙者面像的想象性认同开始的,本文归纳并分析了五种启蒙者面像介入方式:从欲望化到“去欲望化”、男主女从式、序列化、“群众”、“公家人”等。随后,启蒙者传达“先行掌握”作为象征性导引,不同时期启蒙者的“先行掌握”不同,从个人主义话语、革命意识形态话语到民族主义话语,这和社会文化语境的变迁紧密相关。相应地,成长主人公对启蒙者的他者话语进行了象征性认同,只有被他者话语询唤为说话主体,成长仪式才能真正完成。第五章精神成长:中国现代成长小说的诗学维度之三。第一节从新知识与新教育的领受考察了精神成长的文化内涵,分析成长主人公知识建构的三种方式,指出现代传媒和现代学校作为新型的教育途径对精神成长的催发作用,同时检视了学校作为意识形态机器的教化功能,以及由此对精神成长的阻碍和负面影响。第二节从意义和信仰的找寻考察精神成长的文化内涵,运用弗兰克尔的意义学说分析意义意志、意志自对精神成长的重要作用,指出现代成长小说中信仰找寻与精神成长相等同,信仰成为成长主人公意义世界中最关键的一维,由此成长故事一定意义上成了信仰故事,本文对这种特殊的中国式成长现象从心理学、社会文化学进行了多角度的原因分析。另外,结合文本细读阐释了找寻意义和信仰的精神产品——痛苦体验。结语“成长”抑或“生成”?探讨中国现代成长小说所展示出的“成长”一定程度上演变为“生成”。原本自然意义和生命存在意义上的“成长”因为现代中国社会转型和更迭的巨大牵引力而演变为带有强烈规训意味的“生成”。成长主人公身体成长、精神成长和心理成长都表现出经受社会文化模造的“生成”特征。由此成长主人公的形象塑造和成长故事的讲述具有了社会文化的示范意义,但也因此出现主题内涵的单一化、叙事的模套化、程式化和审美风格的重复单调等缺憾。指出成长小说不应忽视生命原初意义上的“成长”,更不能完全以意识形态修辞来规约成长的“因”与“果”。本论文的学术目标和创新点在于:1、根据选题的性质,选取跨学科的综合研究视角,主要运用文化学、发生学和叙事学的研究方法,对中国现代成长小说进行整体把握和文本细读,这是本文的方法论创新目标;2、重新发现并解读被文学史忽略了的众多现代成长小说文本,如王统照的《一叶》、张闻天的《旅途》、冯铿的《最后的出路》、张天翼的《齿轮》、苏雪林的《棘心》等等,以期对中国现代成长小说的全貌作出令人信服的探察,这是本文还原历史的创新目标;3、从身体成长、心理成长和精神成长三个诗学维度考察了中国现代成长小说中蕴涵的“成长之谜”,为成长小说的研究提供新的理论范式和切入点,这是本文的理论创新目标;4、始终坚持纵(历时)、横(共时)两个向度相交叉结合来考察中国现代成长小说的发生和嬗变、叙事类型和诗学维度,这是本文的写作范式创新目标。

【Abstract】 The initiation novel, as a novel type, originates during the Western Enlightenment. In the 20th century, modern China has also given birth to its own kind of initiation novel. In this thesis, the general research method, combining geneticism, culturology and narratology, is applied, and a preliminary exploration of the modern Chinese initiation novel, which stretches a period of 30 years from the May 4th Movement to the liberation of China, is conducted.This thesis includes three parts: introduction, content and conclusion. The content isdivided into five chapters.IntroductionAs for introduction, first of all, the concept and connotation of the initiation novel are defined by the research findings of some scholars at home and abroad, and further more, the factor analysis of the modern Chinese initiation novel is conducted for the sifting of text, in order to avoid omission and false drops. Secondly, the probe into the current situation and the significance of the selected subject of the modern Chinese initiation novel is intended to point out the deficiency existing in the current study. The research done by domestic scholars on the Chinese initiation novel of the 20th century is mainly focused on the contemporary era, while it obviously lacks of a whole grasp and case analysis on the modern initiation novel. So a macro-grasp and serious sort-out on the modern Chinese initiation novel as a whole is imperative. Furthermore, specific research methods and research mission are proposed in this thesis. Because of the nature of the topic, facts involved in philosophy, psychology, culture, sociology and other subjects will be referred to naturally, and geneticism, narratology, thematology and cultural studies will also be covered determined by the structure and framework of the research, which also required the appliance of a comprehensive research perspective, which makes it possible to use the advantages of these subjects and to avoid their weaknesses, to effectively examine the topic.Chapter I the Genesis of Modern Chinese Initiation NovelThis part discusses. In this chapter, the method, combining the exploration of the genre’s origin and genesis, is adopted to discuss the occurrence of genesis in the modernity context and, on this basis, to probe into the historical reasons and individual motives of the genesis of the modern Chinese initiation novel. Section I studies the historical absence of the genesis in the Chinese traditional cultural context, and traces the profound reason for the lack of the initiation novel in the Chinese narrative tradition. Section II, setting the western initiation novel as a frame of reference, the bring-up of its genesis in the context of modernity is demonstrated, pointing out that the origin of the genesis of the modern initiation novel is the May 4th movement individualism discourse. Section III, according to the public shaping of the "new people”, the direction and statute of the modern Chinese initiation novel is inspected, using the method of cultural studies, selecting the important journals or newspapers in different times to demonstrate the theoretical modeling of the“new people”during the May 4th movement, the revolutionary“new people”, the“new people”during the War of Resistance against Japan and the liberated“new people”, pointing out that these four kinds of new people are representative of the ideal personality expected by the social ration and they have exercised great influence directly on the imagination of the new people by the modern Chinese initiation novel. Section IV demonstrates the main idea of the authors, studies the personal motives of the genesis of the modern Chinese initiation novel from the perspectives of the novelists’own genetic stories told by themselves and the stories of other people, either fictional or real.Chapter II the Development and Narrative Type of the Modern Chinese Initiation NovelThis chapter mainly analyzes the evolution and narrative type of the modern Chinese initiation novel during a period of 30 years from the major theoretical perspectives, combining historiography, narratology, macro-analysis and microanalysis. Section makes a brief review of the modern Chinese initiation novel during the 30 years from May 4th movement to the liberation. This period will be divided into three parts: the beginning stage, the outbreak stage and the post-harvest stage, and each stage shows different narrative characteristics and thematic connotations. Since the writers in the May 4th movement focuses on the analysis and reflection of the traditional personality, many characters created are“old”sick Chinese suffering long-standing disadvantages of the traditional culture, the imagination of the genesis of the "new people" is still a luxury topic. Because of this, the modern initiation novel at the beginning of the May 4th movement is still immature in the course of narration, the quantity is also not rich, but the thematic connotations and narrative features are fundamentally derived. The modern initiation novel in the period of the left-wing revolutionary outbreak increased distinctly, and there was a writing trend of“National Allegory”mainly manifested as: the relationship between individual development and major social events becomes closer and closer; the genetic heroine grows gradually older and the significance of physiological genesis has been overlooked; mental genesis becomes the focus of the initiation novel in this phase; the narrative structure and pattern grow gradually convergent and immobilized. Since the individual genesis is increasingly regarded as the symbol of the nature of the country’s history, and the genetic direction is also more and more toward the historic purposiveness, thus the initiation novel of this phase is often defined as“Educational Narrative”. The initiation novel in the harvest period during the War of Resistance Against Japan is also very rich in quantity, and there comes a new type of genetic connotations and narrative patterns—“transformation”type, which possesses many features in the outbreak period. The genetic heroine appears in the image of petty-bourgeois intellectuals or farmers, and conducts a spiritual transformation from the“old self”to the“new self”according to the rules of social orders in the aspect of subject construction. Section II, in accordance with whether the genetic heroine had completed the genetic ceremony, the initiation novel is divided into three types: the dream on the way of genesis, the exiled genetic disillusion and the genetic myth getting“far-away”, which correspondingly produce three types of genetic heroine images, that is, dream-type, disillusion-type and the myth-type. In the analytic course of the narrative type, this chapter focuses on the reductive analysis of the three types of genetic heroine images, with the view to obtain a complete grasp of the genetic figure’s outlook and the author’s writing attitude, and to avoid the deficiencies that the author’s works could only occur as sporadic examples after breaking-up.Chapter III the Physical Genesis—the First Poetic Dimension of the Modern Chinese Initiation NovelThis chapter mainly demonstrates the mystery of the physical genesis displayed in the modern Chinese initiation novel from the perspective of culturology. Section I discusses the time myth of the body, pointing out the harmonization of the individual genetic time and the historical genetic time, i.e. the historical time is broken down at the time of the individual genetic time, and the individual genetic time is also involved in the construction of the historical time. Referring to Bakhtin’s novel poetic theory, the cultural and aesthetic concepts of "the space-time body of genesis" and "the space-time body of road" are proposed. In addition, the exploration of the leading time pointing to the future, the one-off individual lifetime of time and the limited individual genetic time is conducted. And linking to the construction of genetic heroine’s sense of time, sense of worth and sense of history, three types are summed up: firm-type believing in Darwinism, incomplete-type pointing to the past and individual time and conversive-type from the past to the future. Section II examines the spatial practice of the human body. Applying Lefebvre’s space criticism theory, first of all, an analysis of special behavior patterns of the physical genesis is given—the genetic heroine flees into the social space from the home space, pointing out that, because of the feudal connotation of the home space, it possesses foreignness to the genetic individuality. And in the revolutionary ideological discourse system, the relationship between the home space and the modern nation-state has become completely contradictory and diametrically opposite. The prerequisite for the smooth genesis is abandoning the home for the country, or is even" destroying home "for the country. And the female genetic protagonist carries out an escape from both the "father’s home" and the "husband’s home". It also offers an analysis of the special logic of the physical genesis—open and free space displacement and space expansion. It is in the course of knowing about, accepting and rejecting all kinds of spaces that the genetic heroine constantly examines and adjusts the relationships of the body, self and space, and reconstructs his/her own social identity on the basis of all kinds of factors such as social classes, gender, culture, economy and others. The space itself has participated in the course of the physical genesis and identification of the genetic heroine as a social construction. Furthermore, an analysis of four typical characterizing spaces of the physical genesis—the prison, the army, meetings and the street (plaza), pointing out that the characterizing spaces are important means of imagining and exploring the subjects of genesis and reveal separately their unique symbolic meanings and aesthetic meanings which they implicate: prison space points to go beyond the physical and mental struggle, the army space to tame with the new-born self, the meeting space to the physical genesis and self-construction and the street (plaza) space to the physical and spiritual carnival shows. Section III discusses the discourse transfer of the physical desire, revealing how the physical desire, as a main product of the subject consciousness waken up and catalyzed by the Enlightenment and Reason, in a changing time, conducts distributing restructuring and redescription focusing on "revolution", the overall changing target. At the same time, it also reveals whether the discourse transfer of the physical desires succeeds or not, acting as a direct impact on the smooth genesis of the genetic heroine. Using the diachronic analytical framework to separately inspect the initial adjustment of the physical desire and social rational in the beginning period, the conflict between the physical desire and revolutionary directions in the outbreak period and the diversification of physical appearance in the harvest period is also explored.Chapter IV the Psychological Genesis—the Third Poetic Dimension of the Modern Chinese Initiation NovelThis chapter uses the generation theory of Lacan’s post-modern psychoanalysis, investigates the three stages of the psychological genesis. Section I centers on the distinguishing and imaginary identification of the mother’s mirroring in the stage of mirroring, mainly in three situations: First, in the initiation novels of myth and some dream-type, the mother’s mirroring is a little other being surpassed and subverted, and it is difficult to give up the demands of the root; secondly, in some myth-type initiation novels, the mother’s mirroring helps the mental genesis and the spiritual genesis of the genetic heroine; thirdly, in the disillusion-type initiation novels, the mother’s mirroring becomes an insurmountable mirror-image mistake. These three identifications of a mother’s image create different functions: the mother’s mirroring identification of the protest-style makes the genetic heroine actively build his/her subjectivity while it makes him/her feel hard to discard the inherent weaknesses; the spiritual alliance-type accelerates the course of subjective construction and self-confirmation of the genetic heroine; the look-up-type hampers the subjective construction of the genetic heroine. Section II explores the dismantling and examination of the father’s mirroring taken in the post-mirror stage. The modern Chinese initiation novel lively responds to the cultural concepts of personality liberation and freedom proposed by the cultural pioneers in the May 4th movement stage, and visualizes these concepts into living scenes and psychological schema in which there exists the "father" and "son" conflict. As the psychological projection of the father’s mirroring on his son and daughter is not exactly the same, this section discusses separately from the different perspectives of the“father and son”and“father and daughter”: First, the“treason-return”son re-splits and reexamines his father’s mirroring, selecting four representative texts to conduct a specific analysis of the father’s mirroring of the feudal tyrant-type, the class enemy-type, the original sin-type and the modern democratic-type. Second, it discusses the resistance and subversion of the mirroring of the treachery daughter’s father through an analysis from two aspects: fighting for Marriage Freedom, and establishing modern national state consciousness. Section III explores that the genetic heroine in the post-mirror stage says good-bye to a father by blood, and ushers in a new "symbol of the father." The“symbolic father”representing new orders and rules, appears in an image of a torchbearer and educator at a crucial moment of their psychological development. The genetic heroine’s acceptance of the“symbolic father”begins with the imaginary identification of the appearance of the torchbearer first. This thesis summarizes and analyzes five interventions of the enlightener’s appearance: From the lust to the“no lust”, male masters vs. female obeys, serialization,“the masses”, the "official person" and so on. Subsequently, the enlightener conveys“to grasp in the first instance”as a symbolic guidance, and there are different“to grasp in the first instance”of the enlightener in different periods, which are from the discourse of individualism, the discourse of revolutionary ideology, and the discourse of nationalism. They are closely related with the social cultural context. Correspondingly, the genetic heroine identifies symbolically the otherness discourse of the enlightener. Only is the genetic ceremony interrelated as the speaking subject by the otherness discourse, can it be completed completely.Chapter V the Spiritual Genesis: the Second Poetic Dimension of the Modern Chinese Initiation NovelSection I studies the cultural connotation of the spiritual genesis from the perspective of the recipience of new knowledge and new education, analyzes the three ways to construct the genetic heroine’s knowledge, pointing out the catalysis of the modern media and modern schools, as new ways of education for the spiritual genesis, and simultaneously examines schools’indoctrination function as an ideological machine, and the obstruction and negative effects on the spiritual genesis. Section II studies the cultural connotation of the spiritual genesis from the searching of meaning and faith, analyzes the significance of the will to meaning and the will itself for the spiritual genesis, using Frankel’s doctrine of meaning, pointing out that in the modern initiation novel, the search for faith is as important as the search for the spiritual genesis, and that faith becomes the most crucial dimension of the genetic heroine’s world of meaning. So, the initiation tale becomes a faith tale in a certain sense. This thesis conducts a multi-angle analysis on the reasons for this special Chinese genesis from the perspectives of psychology and socio-culturology. In addition, through a close reading of the texts in question and their interpretation, this section aims to dwell upon the spiritual products of meaning and faith—painful experiences.Conclusion:“Genesis”or“Generation”?It is found that the genesis shown by the modern Chinese initiation novel is put into a "generation" to some extent. The genesis in the sense of nature and life existence has become a generation with a strong sense of discipline because of the huge traction for the transformation and transition of modern Chinese society. The physical, spiritual and psychological geneses of the genetic heroine have shown a“generative”feature out of the socio-cultural mode. So the genetic heroine’s image-building and the account of the genetic tale not only possesses a social and cultural significance of demonstration, but also results in some obvious defects such as the single subject connotation, the narrative stereotype, stylized and repeated monotonous aesthetic style. It is pointed out that the initiation novel should not overlook the genesis of the original meaning of life, nor should it restrict, with the ideological rhetoric, the“cause”and“effect”of the genesis. The academic goals and innovation points of this thesis are as follows: 1. Based on the nature of the topic, and from the general interdisciplinary research perspectives of culturology, geneticism and narratology as the researching methods, this study aims to have an overall understanding of the modern Chinese initiation novel. And this is the innovation objective of the methodology in this thesis. 2. Re-discover and interpret a number of the modern initiation novels neglected by the literary history, such as Wang Tongzhao’s A Leaf, Zhang Wentian’s Journey, Feng Keng’s The Last Way Out, Zhang Tianyi’s Gear, Su Xuelin’s A Thorn Heart and so on, with a view to reveal, convincingly, the whole picture of the modern Chinese initiation novel, which is the innovation target to restore the history of the genre in this thesis. 3. Study the“mysteries of growth”reflected in the modern Chinese initiation novel from three poetic dimensions which are the physical genesis, spiritual genesis and psychological genesis, and provide a new theoretical paradigm and a starting point for the study of the initiation novel. This is the theoretical innovation goal of this thesis. 4. Insist on studying the occurrence, transmutation, narrative patterns and poetic dimensions with the longitudinal (diachronical)and transverse (synchronical) dimensions which are of cross-combined. This is the innovation goal of the writing style in this thesis.


