

Research on the Necessary Value Orientation of Contemporary Chinese Education

【作者】 薛忠祥

【导师】 戚万学;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 当代中国,教育作为满足其服务的价值主体之需要的一项社会性活动,其价值是“被给予”的价值,而不是“给予”的价值。因此,教育的价值来源于它的效用价值并且以教育的工具价值为取向或主导。这样,无论是选择社会价值取向还是选择个人价值取向,无论是选择科学主义取向还是选择人文主义取向,都属于教育的工具取向。教育工具价值取向的根源在于它的现代性后果,在于它的社会历史时代,在于主-客二分的认识论。教育的工具价值取向是一种片面价值取向,它必须在彼此对立的社会价值取向和个人价值取向、科学主义取向和人文主义取向中选择其一,必择其一的结果是对另一方的忽视,因此,偏差产生了,教育上的争斗也产生了。要消除这种教育价值取向的偏差,用一方去克服另一方是不可能的,因为这总会产生偏差。于是有更多的人转向了“整合论”,企图在对立的两极之间能够彼此兼顾。但整合论并没有克服教育工具价值取向的产生根源,也就不能找到对立的两极可以通约的有效基础,因此也就不能保证它的选择能够产生预期的效果,最终还是陷入偏差纠纷。随着时代的发展和人的自主意识的觉醒,工具取向的教育价值必须转向——转向能够避免偏差纠纷的“教育本身”价值取向。教育本身价值取向就是以人的自我生成为教育的价值取向。人的自我生成是教育本身,人的自我生成价值取向就是教育本身价值取向。人的自我生成价值植根于人的“自成”目的价值。作为一种自成目的价值,它就是价值本原,它决定效用价值而不是相反。这种人的自成目的价值的理论基础在于人道价值论和生存论现象学价值论。人的自成目的价值必然决定了属人的教育价值的自我生成性,教育价值的自成性就是作为有意识的、自觉自由的人的自我生成,其通俗表述就是人的自我教育。然而,在教育工具价值的遮蔽下,人的自我生成被“他者”所控制,人的价值只有成为一种客观的效用价值才是有价值的;同样,“属人”的教育价值也只有具有某种效用价值才是有价值的,教育价值也就变成了能够量化的、客观的各种效用价值,并由此导致了各种纷争。要克服教育价值偏向就必须走出教育的工具价值取向,而要走出工具价值取向就必须克服它赖以产生的根源。现实的社会提供了克服教育工具价值赖以产生的根源的条件:市场经济使计划经济解体,从而解放了人本身;知识社会的到来使得信息技术成为个体解放的平台,为人的自我生成提供了前所未有的自由;同时知识社会是以创新引领的社会,而创新点的突破总是体现为个人的自我生成,因此人的自我生成不仅成为各种教育样式成功的前提,也成了引领社会进步的先行动力;人的自我生成不仅能够导致创新,而且把这种创新变成了一种知识产权,所以人的自我生成在把创新奉献给社会的同时,也同时使人获得了个人利益。人的自我生成成了社会价值和个人价值满足的中介。人的自我生成价值作为教育本身价值,是科学知识、技术和人文精神的教育价值来源。无论是科学知识,还是人文精神,都必须通过人的自我生成才能成为教育价值。也就是说,人受到环境的制约,而人又是能够改变环境的,而改变环境的根本在于人的自我生成,经由自我生成,人拥有了更多、更新的素质。人的自我生成的路径在于视域融合——视域融合把人的自我生成展现为一个历史过程。人的自我生成价值取向是当代中国教育的应有价值取向。作为应有的教育价值取向,它不仅能够克服二元对立下的偏差纠纷,而且,作为教育价值本原,决定着教育的效用价值。在一定条件下,经由具有某种结构、功能的人的素质对社会或者个人需求发生作用,而这种作用的发生,对于人的自我生成是没有多大影响的;反之,人的自我生成价值越大,它所能够提供的可能的效用价值也就越大。仅凭这一点,它也就可以作为应有的教育价值取向了。人的自我生成价值取向具体表现为:尊重人的自我生成;依赖人的自我生成;为了人的自我生成。作为应有的教育价值取向,表现在各种教育样式之中。在学校教育样式中,表现为学生作为人的自我生成和作为人的教师的自我生成,同时也是学校里面其他各种人的教育意义的自我生成。作为人的学生的自我生成的核心就是以人的自我责任、自主方法、自美其美为核心的人性的生成。而作为人的教师的生成的核心就是对于学生作为人的自我生成知识的获得与运用,以及专业化素养的不断生成。如此,师生作为人都能够自我生成,同时在自我生成中获得成长。凭借学校所提供的各种资源,学生不仅能够凭借自我生成把这些资源变为教育资源,而且凭借自我生成所带来的新的素质、新的视域走出校门,和更广阔的自然、社会、他人、人生和新的自我打交道,从而能够继续凭借自我生成提供创新成果,创造新的价值。因此,自我生成价值就成了人的创新精神、实践能力和终身学习能力的代名词。教师不仅作为人能够自我生成,而且作为教师能够帮助学生自我生成。在学校中,教师和学生都是教育者,因为他们都是人,他们都能够自我生成。只不过学生的自我生成过程能够被有专业素养的教师所把握,因此他需要教师的指点并且在教师的指点下对自我生成过程产生自我生成意识,等到有一天,他能够自主地把握自我生成过程,教师的教育使命才算是告一段落。所以,教师的主要任务是以系统的知识、技术、活动方式为媒介在与学生打交道的过程中,认识、把握学生的自我生成规律,指导学生自我生成的过程。在这一过程中,系统的知识得以获得并转化为学生的素质,技能被熟练掌握而转化为各种能力,师生交往和各种人的交往活动中所带有的人文价值、品性、观念也会被学生的自我生成转化为自身的人文精神,如此,学生作为人的教育的目的得以实现。凭借自我生成,人成为天然的教育者;也凭借人的自我生成,教育价值成为一种给予价值,教育工具价值就成为一种被给予价值,成为教育本身价值在一定条件下的应用形式。教育价值从此作为和政治价值、经济价值、道德价值等并列的价值门类,而不再是它们的附属,并且凭借自身产生的成果成为社会利益和个人利益需要满足的前提。如此,教育真正成为一项人可以把生命奉献给她的终生事业,而不再单纯是作为某种直接的有用的工具而获得价值。人的自我生成价值一旦成为中国人的应有的教育价值取向,就会使当代中国人在全球化生存境域中不断创新;就会在可供选择的各种教育样式面前坚持正确的教育价值取向而不盲目;就会在科学主义的工具理性下不丧失人的尊严,在虚无主义的平庸庸俗面前保持崇高的气质和高尚的人格。这样,当代中国人就会不必去依赖被给予的各种社会属性获得做人的尊严,而是凭借自我生成就足可以诗意地生活在全球化的中国大地上。

【Abstract】 As a social activity to meet the need of the value subjects, the value of contemporary Chinese education lies in the fact that it does not just give, but is also given. So the value of education comes from usefulness to lead the value orientation of education. Whether to choose social value orientation or to choose individual value orientation; or whether to choose scientism or to choose humanism, belongs to the tool orientation of education which roots in the modernity, the era and the subject-object epistemology.The tool orientation is one-sided. It must choose one from the social value orientation, individual value orientation, scientism and humanism, which are opposite from each other. The result is that the other side will be surely neglected. Then, the value deviation appears, and the conflict of education as well. There is no possibility to eliminate this deviation by choosing one side to overcome the other, because of the deviation, which makes more people turn to Integratism where they try to eliminate the opposite. But Integratism not only can not overcome the source of the tool orientation of education, but also cannot find the common base for the two opposite sides. So it can’t ensure the desired effect and results in the deviation fight in the end. With the development of society and the wake of human’s self-awareness, the value orientation of education must turn, from the value orientation of education as a tool, to the value orientation of education-itself.The value orientation of education, in itself, is the value orientation which makes the generation of human-being by himself to be the value of education-itself. The generation of human-being-itself is education-itself. The value orientation of generation of human-being itself is the value orientation of education-itself. The generation of human-being itself roots in the value of the aim of generation of human-being itself. As a purpose of self-value, the value of it is primitive, which decides the effectiveness of the value and not the opposite. The basis of the value of such a person is the theory of generalized theory of value, the value of the humanitarian situation and the value of survival.The value of the human’s being self-goal inevitably determines the self-generation of the education which is the consciously and automatically generated. To put it simply, just human’s self-education. However, masked by education tool value, human’s self-generation is controlled by others. Human’s value only then becomes one kind of objective utility value and the education value then turns into all kinds of utility value that is objective and can be quantified, thus lead to various disputes. To completely eliminate the deviation of education value, we must go out of the education tool value orientation. But going out of the education tool value orientation can be realized only by overcoming its source which it is based on.The realistic society has provided us with the root condition in which we can overcome education tool value: the arrival of the knowledge society enabled the information technology to become the platform of individual liberation, which provides unprecedented freedom for the self-generation. At the same time, the knowledge society is the society led by innovation, and the breakthrough of innovation is highly represented by self-generation, therefore human’s self-generation also becomes the force to guide the social progress. Human’s self-generation can not only foster the innovation, but also turn this kind of innovation into one kind of intellectual property rights. Therefore human’s self-generation makes people obtain the personal interest while offering the innovation to the society. Human’s self-generation becomes the bridge between social values and the individual value satisfaction.Human’s self-generation value as the education value itself, is the educational value source of the scientific knowledge, technology and the humanities spirit. Only through human’s self-generation can the scientific knowledge and the humanities spirit become the education value. That is to say, human is restricted by the environment, at the same time, change the environment, and the basis on which human change the environment lies in human’s self-generation. Through self-generation, the human will have more renewal qualities. The way of Human’s self-generation lies in the visual fusion, which makes human’s self-generation develop into a historical process.Human’s self-generation value orientation becomes the one that Contemporary China should have. It not only can overcome the deviation dispute under the dual opposition, but also determine the education utility value. Under certain condition, by some kind of structure, the person’s quality functions on the social or individual demand. But this does not have strong influence on human’s self-generation. Otherwise, the bigger human’s self-generation value is, the more possible utility values he can provide. Only for this, it can become the educational value orientation. Human’s self-generation value orientation is concretely manifested by respecting human’s self-generation, and relies on human’s self-generation, for human’s self-generation. As education value orientation which we should have, it lies in each kind of education style.In the school’s educational style, it is showed by the students’self-generation as human-being, teacher’s self-generation and other each kind of person’s education significance self-generation. The core of the student’s self-generation is human’s self-responsibility, the independent method, self beautified human nature generation. But the core of teacher’s generation is the acquisition and application of the knowledge of self-generation knowledge that they have .The result is teachers and students all can self-generate, simultaneously grow in the self-generation. With all kinds of sources that the school provides, students not only can turn these sources into educational source. By the new quality and new review generated by self-generation, students come out of the campus to interact with wider nature, society ,other people and new ego, thus with the new innovation generated by self innovation to create more profits. Therefore, the self-generation value has become human’s innovation spirit, practice ability and the lifelong learning capability pronoun.As a human-being, the teacher cam not only self generated, but also help the students to self generate. In the school, both the teachers and the students are educators, because they are human and can self generate. The students’self-generation is guided by the professional teachers, so, they need the teacher’s guidance to gain self generated sense. Only when the students master the process of self-generation can the teachers have a halt.Therefore, teacher’s primary mission is to take the system knowledge, the technology, the active way as the medium to know the rule of students’self generation and instruct the students’self generation. In this process, systematic knowledge converts into student’s quality, and the skill is well grasped to convert into all kinds of ability. In the interaction between teachers and students, the humanities value, the moral character, the idea turn the students self generation into humanities spirit, consequently, the goal that students are the teaching aim will be fulfilled. Therefore, by self-generation, human becomes the natural pedagogue.Also by human’s self-generation, the educational value becomes a given value, and the education tool value becomes one kind to given value, applicable form of education itself value. The education value hence become the value standing side by side with the political value, the economic value, the moral value and so on , but no longer attachment to them. It becomes the premise to fulfill the social benefit and the personal interest. So, the education truly becomes a life-long cause that people can devote his life to, but no longer some kind of direct useful tool to obtain the value.Once human’s self-generation value becomes the value orientation which the Chinese should have, it will cause the contemporary Chinese to innovate unceasingly in the globalization survival boundary territory; to persist the correct education value orientation in all kinds of educational styles; to maintain human’s dignity under the scientific principle tool rationality, to keep the noble personality at the nihilism. Thus contemporary Chinese will not have to rely on others to win dignity. The self-generation will surly make us live a poetic sentiment life in globalized China.


