

Research on the Regional Optimization of Higher Education

【作者】 张志刚

【导师】 戚万学;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 21世纪中国经济与社会的发展,迫切要求建构与其相匹配的高等教育体系。高等教育作为当代整个社会发展的基石和轴心,在人才培养、科学研究以及直接为社会服务方面显示出比以往更重要、更直接、更有力的作用,对于全方位提升我国社会政治经济和科技文化的进步,肩负着越来越重要的使命,在可以预见的将来,这种作用将更趋显著。而当前我国高等教育的发展在经过半个世纪的积淀之后却面临着规模与质量的两难选择。从目前的情况看,我国高等教育已经初步形成适应经济和社会发展需要、学科门类比较齐全、形式多样、层次相对趋于合理的教育结构。但是,随着我国经济体制的调整和现代化步伐的加快,以适应计划经济为原则导向的高等教育体系存在着的矛盾也日益突出,高等教育面临着“适应加快改革开放和现代化建设的需要,积极探索发展的新路子,使规模有较大发展、结构更加合理,质量和效益明显提高”的历史性任务。高等教育发展的规律表明,高等教育发展必须根据经济建设和社会发展的实际需要,并综合考虑国家、社会对高等教育事业发展可能提供的条件,实事求是地确定其发展的类型结构、规模速度,实现高等教育发展与经济社会发展的密切结合。1994年国务院在《中国教育改革与发展纲要》中明确提出了对高等教育的要求和实施意见。《纲要》强调指出,高等教育发展要坚持走内涵发展为主的道路,努力提高办学质量。根据我国当前国情,高等教育的学校数量和规模在近几年都经历了跨越式发展,近期这种发展速度逐渐放缓。高等教育在经过外延式发展的原始积累阶段之后,将不得不对现有高等教育体系的结构进行内部调整,内涵式发展将是我国高等教育发展的根本选择。中国高等教育出现的问题是全面的、深刻的、系统的。如何在既有的高等教育资源条件下使高等教育区域发展达到高效、优化,从而提升区域高等教育质量已经成为当代高等教育发展的关键所在。高等教育区域优化,既是我国高等教育不平衡发展所提出的现实要求,也是我国建设创新型国家的战略抉择。从我国具体国情以及高等教育的发展趋势出发,对区域高等教育发展的研究已经非常迫切。中国高等教育的发展,有赖于区域高等教育的发展,而区域高等教育的发展,则有赖于区域高等教育资源的优化整合。我国在高等教育区域优化方面存在着多方面的问题,文章在分析这些问题及其成因的基础上,综合运用系统论、协同论、结构功能论的研究成果,系统分梳了高等教育区域优化的内涵、要素、目标与原则等,尝试建构高等教育区域优化的理论体系,以期对我国区域高等教育的发展有所推进。论文共分八章:第一章高等教育发展的区域性与区域优化概述,意在澄明高等教育区域优化的内容、独特性及其意义。本章首先对高等教育区域优化的相关概念如区域优化、高等教育的区域性、高等教育区域优化进行了界定,在此基础上,本章系统呈现了高等教育区域优化的内容、特点及其意义。第二章我国高等教育问题及高等教育区域优化问题剖析,意在为高等教育优化提供一种明确的实践问题意识,这是论文的逻辑起点。本章从我国高等教育问题到我国高等教育区域发展的问题再到我国高等教育区域优化问题层层递进,较为详尽地分析了我国高等教育区域优化诸方面存在的问题以及这些问题在整个高等教育体系中的重要性,并尝试分析了造成这些问题的原因,为高等教育区域优化问题的解决提供了条件。高等教育区域优化的品质直接影响到我国高等教育的品质。对高等教育区域优化问题的解决,于我国高等教育的健康发展,意义重大。第三章高等教育区域优化的理论依据,意在为高等教育的区域优化建构坚实的理论基础。高等教育区域优化的理论依据有三个:系统论、结构功能论与协同论。本章分别从系统论、结构功能论、协同论的内涵、在管理哲学中的意义以及对高等教育区域优化的启示三个方面揭示了建构高等教育区域优化体系的理论基础。第四章高等教育区域优化的模式与模型,解决了高等教育区域优化“怎么样”的问题。从我国目前所进行的高等教育区域优化研究以及优化实践探索来看,高等教育区域优化一般说来具有三种优化模式,即规划导向型、功能组织型、空间组织型。这三种模式显然并非高等教育区域优化类型与模式之全部,但它们无疑构成了当前区域高等教育的主要优化模式。本章提供了目前高等教育区域优化评价常用的几个数学模型:基于DEA的区域高等教育资源优化配置模型、复合系统整体协调度模型、基于区域集聚的产业价值共享模型研究、中国现代化区域聚类分析。第五章高等教育区域优化的目标与原则,意在分析高等教育区域优化的“应为”。高等教育区域优化的目标包括国家目标和地方目标。文章认为,从性质上来看,国家目标涵盖全体,是对高等教育发展目的的一般性和普遍性规定,具有一定程度的抽象性。而地方目标指向局部,是对高等教育发展目的的具体性和特殊性规定,具有个别性。普遍性是对特殊的抽象和概括,为特殊提供一般性的指导。同时,特殊性是普遍性的具体表现形式。因此,局部目标在根本上不得与全局目标相违背,全局目标的实现要有赖于局部目标的实现,局部目标成为实现全局目标的手段。高等教育区域优化的原则包括因地制宜原则、灵活多样原则、积极差别原则等。本章最后分析了高等教育区域优化的限度。第六章区域优化的高等教育体制创新,意在对高等教育区域优化的机制进行创新性探索。高等教育区域优化的体制创新包括办学体制创新、投资体系创新、管理体制创新等。其中,办学体制创新是关键,投资体系创新是动力,管理体制创新是保障。这三个创新体系的建构,保障了高等教育区域优化的可能性与可持续性。第七章高等教育区域优化发展的实践探索,从发达国家与我国部分区域的经验累积两个维度试图为高等教育区域优化提供事实的参照,并进行经验总结。高等教育区域优化是一个系统工程,它既涉及到区域高等教育内部诸要素之间的优化,也涉及高等教育区域优化发展的顺利实施,需要各方面因素的综合作用。从外部讲,区域高等教育所处的政治、经济、文化诸因素应该为区域高等教育提供最佳的发展条件;从内部讲,区域高等教育诸要素之间应该协调发展,以使高等教育系统能够发挥最佳功能。本章从区域经济与高等教育区域优化之间的相互作用、区域高等教育的合作、区域高等教育社会服务的发挥三个方面总结了国内外高等教育区域优化的宝贵经验。第八章高等教育区域优化的发展策略研究,以先前的理论与实践分析为基础,尝试提出一系列可行的高等教育区域优化的策略。本章首先从经济产业、形成科学园、社会文化、行政政策、人口素质、管理水平、区域高等教育合作和区域职业教育发展等方面分析了高等教育区域优化通常应该注意的几个问题,进而提出了高等教育区域优化的两个途径:积极优化和消极优化。所谓积极优化,即对区域高等教育的结构优化,其特点是从区域高等教育整体水平提升的角度系统地优化区域高等教育的科类结构、层次结构、布局结构等,以发挥结构的整体效能。所谓消极优化,是对区域高等教育结构内部的某一要素进行的优化。其特点是部门性的、要素性的,针对性的。其目的并不是为了提升区域高等教育的整体效能,而是当结构内部某一要素已经不能再满足系统要求时对它采取的一种针对性的优化。消极优化是人们在对区域高等教育的系统认识尚不充分的前提下所采取的一种应对性的优化途径。消极优化是积极优化的必经之路,而积极优化则是区域优化的最终手段。本章最后提出了高等教育区域优化的几个措施,如区域高等教育资源的优化配置、实施区域高等教育特色战略、实现高等教育与区域经济的互动发展等。本研究属于基础理论研究,它不是研究区域高等教育优化的个案,而是尝试探讨区域高等教育优化的一般理论问题,试图把握高等教育区域优化的一般规律。研究对我国高等教育发展来说具有非常重要的理论研究意义与实践价值。论文采取文献研究法和比较研究等方法,以“提出问题—分析问题—解决问题”为思维线索,尝试提出了高等教育区域发展的理论方案。论文认为,高等教育的区域优化虽然具有一定的规律,但并没有一个放之四海而皆准的既定模式,因此必须以发展的视野来看待区域优化问题,既结合多学科的研究成果,也应基于高等教育发展的内在规律。文章在高等教育区域优化的原则、目标以及发展模式等方面作出了一些有益的探索,以期推进当下之高等教育的改革和发展。

【Abstract】 The development of China,s economy and society in 21st century imminently requires constructing the adaptive higher education system. As the footstone and axes of modern society development, higher education plays more important, direct and powerful role than ever in talent cultivation, scientific research and direct service to society, shoulders more and more important mission uplift the all-round improvement of politics, economy, science, technology and culture in China, and the role will become more conspicuous in the near foreseeable future. Whereas, after the accumulation for half a century, the present development of China,s higher education is facing a dilemma between dimension and quality. Viewed from nowadays, China,s higher education has already primarily formed the education structure that adapts to the economy and society development need, with complete subjects, various forms and the tendency to be relatively reasonable. However, with the expedition of economic system adjustment and modernization steps, the conflicts existed in higher learning education system guided by the principle of adapting to planning economy becomes more and more prominent. Higher education is facing the historic task that it actively research new development route to adapt to the need of speeding the pace of reforming and opening to outside world and modern construction, aiming to have dimension go through a higher development, structure more reasonable, quality and efficiency pronouncedly improved.The higher education development rules state that the development of higher education has to confirm its development type and structure, dimension and speed according to the practical need of economy construction and social development, comprehensively put into consideration the possible condition that the nation and society could supply, so as to actualize the close combination of the higher education development and economic society development. In 1994, the State Department stated clearly the requirement and implement proposals to higher education in“China,s Education Reform and Development Compendium”, which emphasizes that higher education development should stick on the route of meaning development, striving for uplifting education managing quality. Based on our nation,s situation, higher education schools have experienced spanning development in quantity and dimension in recent years, but the speed will gradually slow down lately. After the primary accumulation phase of extension development, higher education will have to go through inner adjustment in higher education system structure. Meaning development will be the ultimate choice of our nation’s higher education development.Problems facing China,s higher education are comprehensive, profound and systematic. How to enhance the regional higher education quality under the present higher education resources to its optimization and so achieve the relative balance of higher education among regions has been the key point to contemporary higher education development. Higher education regional optimization is the practical requirement proposed by the higher education development imbalance, and the strategic choice of building creation-oriented nation. With view to our nation,s situation and higher education development tendency, the research into regional higher education development has become stringent. China,s higher education development depends on the regional higher education development; the latter depends on the optimized integration of regional higher education resources. Problems of many aspects exist in higher education regional optimization. On the basis of analyzing those problems and their causes, this paper applies comprehensively the research results of systematic theory, collaborative theory and functional theory, systematically tidy up the inner meaning, essentials, objectives and principle of higher education regional optimization, trying to construct the theoretic system of higher education regional optimization, expecting to boost our nation,s regional higher education development.This paper has eight chapters.Chapter one is the summary of the regional nature and optimization of higher education development, aiming to clarify the content, uniqueness and meaning of higher education regional optimization. This chapter first defines some concepts related to higher education like regional optimization, regional nature of higher education, higher education regional optimization, on the basis of which, this chapter systematically illustrates the content, characteristics and meaning of higher education regional optimization.Chapter two is the anatomy to higher education problems and higher education regional optimization problems, aiming to supply the higher education with clear practical problem awareness, which is the logic starting point of this paper.This chapter starts from our nation,s higher education problems to higher education regional development problems and then to higher education regional optimization, on down the line, and analyzes in detail the problems in some aspects of higher education regional optimization and the importance those problems play in the whole higher education system. The paper tries to analyze the reasons that caused those problems, offering conditions for solving higher education regional optimization problems. The quality of higher education regional optimization directly affects that of our nation,s higher education and has grand meanings for solving higher education regional optimization. Chapter three is to talk about the theoretical foundation for higher education regional optimization, aiming to construct a solid theoretical basis for higher education regional optimization. There are three theoretical foundations for higher education regional optimization: systemic theory, structural function theory and collaborative theory. This chapter exposes the theory foundations for constructing higher education regional optimization from the inner connotation of systemic theory, structural function theory and collaborative theory, the meaning they have in managerial philosophy and the inspiration they have on higher education optimization.Chapter four is about the pattern and model of higher education regional optimization, solving“how-to”matters in higher education regional optimization. Viewed from the research and optimization practices our nation has done in higher education regional optimization, generally speaking, there are three types and patterns in higher education regional optimization, which are guided programming, functional structuring, and spatial structuring. Apparently these three types and patterns are not all the higher education regional optimization can have; but no doubt, they form the principal optimization pattern in regional higher education. This chapter proposes several mathematical models frequently used in higher education regional optimization assessment: comprehensive systematic integrative coordination pattern; research on industry value share pattern based on regional convergence; analysis on China,s modern region convergence type.Chapter five is about the objectives and principles of higher education regional optimization, aiming to analyze the“should-do”in higher education regional optimization. The objectives of higher education regional optimization consist of national objectives and local objectives. This paper asserts that, viewed from property, national objectives crown all and are general and universal specifications to higher education development objectives, having certain abstract quality, while local objectives point to partial area, and are concrete and specific provision for higher education development objectives, having individual nature. Universality is the abstraction and summary of peculiarity, offering general guidance for peculiarity. Meanwhile, peculiarity is the concrete performing form of universality. Therefore, partial objectives cannot run against overall objectives. The realization of the latter relies on that of the former, with the former being the approach to the latter. Principles for higher education regional optimization conclude adjusting measures to local conditions, being flexible with varieties, being active with differences, etc. The end of the chapter analyzes the limitation of higher education regional optimization.Chapter six is about the creations in higher education system with optimized regions, aiming to do some creative research in higher education regional optimization mechanism. Creations in higher education regional optimization system conclude school running system creation, investment system creation, management system creation, etc. among which school running system creation is the key, investment system creation is the motivation, management system creation is the guarantee. The construction of these three creation system ensures the possibility and sustainment of higher education regional optimization.Chapter seven is about the practical research into the higher education regional optimization development, trying to offer factual reference for higher education regional optimization from two dimensions of experience accumulation of developed countries and some regions in China and to summarize the experiences. Higher education regional optimization is a systematic project, which involves not only the optimization of the inner essential factors in regional higher education, but also the comprehensive function of many a factor in the successful enforcement of higher education regional optimization development. Spoken from the outer part, the political, economic and cultural factors in which regional higher education is located should offer optimal development conditions for regional higher education; Spoken from the inner part, the essential factors of regional higher education should develop in coordination, enabling higher education system to exert optimal function. This chapter summarizes the precious experiences of domestic and foreign higher education regional optimization from the mutual action between regional economy and higher education regional optimization, the cooperation of regional higher education, and the actualization of the social services by regional higher education.Chapter eight is about researches on development strategies of higher education regional optimization, trying to propose a feasible higher education regional optimization strategy based on the former theoretical and practical analysis. This chapter first analyzes, from aspects of economic industry, scientific zone, social culture, administrative policy, people quality, management level, regional higher education cooperation, and regional vocation education development, some questions higher education regional optimization usually has to pay attention to, and then proposes two approaches to higher education regional optimization: active optimization and passive optimization. Active optimization is the structural optimization of regional higher education, the features of which are to systematically optimize the subject structure, level structure, distribution structure from the angle of boosting the overall level of regional higher education, in order to exert the overall efficiency of the structure. Passive optimization is to optimize a certain inner factor of regional higher education structure, the features of which are department, factor and pertinence orientation and the purpose of which is not to boost the overall efficiency of the regional higher education, but to optimize a certain factor within structure when it no longer satisfy the system need. Passive optimization is the reactive optimization approach taken under the premise that not sufficient awareness has been given to regional higher education system. Passive optimization is the necessary path to active optimization and active optimization is the ultimate approach to regional optimization. At last, this chapter proposes several measures for higher education regional optimization, such as, optimized configuration of regional higher education resources, characterized strategy for implementing regional higher education, balance mechanism for actualizing sustainable development, the actualization of mutual development of higher education and regional economy.This disquisition belongs to basic theory research, which does not research into any specific case in regional higher education optimization, but attempts to research into general theoretical issues in regional higher education optimization, trying to hold the general rules of higher education regional optimization. Higher education regional optimization research has very important theoretical research meaning and practical value to our nation,s higher education development. The paper adopts literature research method, with“proposing question—analyzing question—solving question”as thought clue, trying to propose the theoretical scheme for higher education region development. The paper holds that there surely are some rules in higher education regional optimization but no given pattern applicable everywhere. As a result, we must look on regional optimization with developing view point, not only integrating the research results of various subjects, but also taking as basis the inner rules of higher education development. The paper does some beneficial research into the principles, objectives and development pattern of higher education regional optimization, expecting to boosting the present higher education reformation.

【关键词】 高等教育区域区域优化
【Key words】 Higher EducationRegionRegional Optimization

