

【作者】 吴琳

【导师】 杨秋宝;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着信息社会的到来,全球信息产业结构由硬件主导型向软件和服务主导型发展,软件及信息服务产业已成为21世纪全球的第一大产业。近年来,随着跨国公司的战略调整以及系统、网络、存储等信息技术的迅猛发展,软件外包市场步入高速发展的快车道,一跃成为软件和信息服务产业中最有发展前途的领域。印度和爱尔兰等国家凭借为欧美企业提供软件外包服务,从相对滞后的欠发达国家转变为全球信息产业大国和国际软件外包中心,并从中获得了巨大的经济利益。随着全球产业转移步伐的加快,中国正凭借其高效便利的基础设施、充足优质的人才资本以及稳定的投资环境,逐渐成为国际发包商首选的外包选地之一。但是,相比印度、爱尔兰等国,中国软件外包产业无论从产业规模还是政策推动上,都存在明显不足。随着全球软件外包市场竞争日趋激烈,中国软件外包产业面临着来自各方的巨大挑战。如何在软件外包产业的国际竞争中崭露头角,抓住机遇实现突破,全力促进软件外包产业的发展是目前我国亟需解决的重要课题。一个国家产业的发展,很大程度上依赖于产业国际竞争力的提升。从这一角度出发,研究如何发展软件外包产业,就是要寻找影响一国软件外包产业国际竞争力的关键因素,以及提升产业国际竞争力的基本方法和途径,从而形成完整的软件外包产业的发展理论。探讨如何提升一国产业国际竞争力,最通用的解释是波特的“钻石模型”,即决定产业国际竞争力的重要因素在于需求条件、要素条件、相关支持产业和企业战略结构竞争四大要素,政府作为和机遇则在其次。但是,由于波特的“钻石”模型倾向于解释经济发达国家条件下的产业国际竞争力问题,对于发展中国家的软件外包产业的借鉴作用则存在一定的局限性。近年来,国内外有一些学者对发展中国家软件产业发展的关键因素相继做过一些研究,其中,较有代表性的观点是,决定发展中国家软件产业发展的关键因素主要有人力资本和费用、海外关联和移民、政府政策、企业集群等。但是,这一结论应用于软件外包产业又未免过于宽泛,且针对性也不强。因此,利用以往的研究成果深入探讨软件外包产业的发展,借鉴合理的部分,裁减或修改不适用的结论,对于软件外包产业的成长具有重要的理论和实践意义。沿用波特的思想,在吸纳相关研究成果,并充分考虑软件产业、外包特征的基础上,本文对波特提出的六大要素做出了调整,以期能够满足软件外包产业发展的实际要求。经过详尽的研究和阐释,本文得出结论,一个国家,尤其是发展中国家要能在软件外包产业的国际竞争中崭露头角,必须从五项因素来进行把握,这五项因素,一是需求条件,即国内和国际市场对承包商提供软件产品或服务的需求如何;二是信任条件,即企业之间拥有的社会资本状况;三是生产要素条件,即一个国家在软件外包产业竞争中有关生产方面的表现;四是国家软件外包战略,即国家对软件外包产业实施有利于国家产业竞争优势形成的中长期的政策表现;五是产业集群,即相关企业集聚在一起形成的竞争形态。当然,软件外包产业的发展是一个系统工程,不可能仅仅依赖单一要素,任何一个要素的功能发挥通常与其他要素的状态密切相关。也就是说,影响产业竞争优势的关键要素联结成一个动态体系,在这个体系内,各个部分彼此相互牵动,相互作用,其合力决定整个产业竞争力的强弱。本文认为,在五大关键因素中,作用于需求条件的关键因子有:企业外包风险以及市场需求取决于生产要素的组成;挑剔型客户的培养得益于产业集群的壮大;国家软件外包战略科学决策,引导本土的预期需求/细分市场需求;信任是国内市场国际化的关键要素。作用于信任条件的关键因子体现在:产业集群内企业的合作与发展强化了企业间的信任;软件外包的需求特性催生企业间的信任。作用于生产要素条件的关键因子在于:内部竞争激烈的产业集群刺激高级生产要素的创造;需求条件影响生产要素投资的优先顺序;国家软件外包战略引导投资生产要素的结构和比重。而软件外包战略与其他关键要素之间的关系是:市场预期需求是国家软件外包战略制定的前提;国内生产要素条件是战略制定的基础。至于软件外包产业集群与其他关键要素之间的联系则反映在:信任增强产业集群内企业的竞争力;国内企业国际化推动产业集群升级;知识共享融通推动产业集群创新;打破集群锁定,国家软件外包战略助推集群升级。综合各要素之间的相互关联,本文提出了软件外包产业发展的五要素模型,旨在用以指导软件外包产业的发展,提升软件外包产业的国际竞争力。根据五要素模型中各个要素之间的相互作用,本文一般性地提出强化并提升软件外包产业发展五要素的基本途径和方法,即通过减少软件外包风险,增加软件外包需求;通过加强企业外包关系管理、强化企业质量管理、充分利用移民资源、发挥软件行业协会的作用以及加强知识产权保护,建立并维护企业间的信任;通过人力资源优势的培养、基础设施的建设以及资金的投入,创造企业所需的高级生产要素;通过权衡多方因素,制定有利于国家长期竞争优势的软件外包战略;通过全球价值链治理、网络治理以及建立集群内的互动学习机制来促进软件外包产业集群的升级和发展。以上阐释的软件外包产业发展的关键五要素,体现五要素相互作用的五要素模型,以及强化五要素的途径和方法等三部分内容,已经基本建立了一个分析软件外包产业发展的基本框架,构建了一个相对完整的软件外包产业的发展理论。印度、爱尔兰是国际主要的软件外包承接国,在软件外包产业发展的五要素框架下来分析印度、爱尔兰的发展历程,一方面,它们成功的经验能对软件外包产业发展理论提供有力的支撑,另一方面,它们存在的不足和挑战也能对软件外包产业发展提供有益的补充。在软件外包产业发展五要素的分析框架下,观察我国软件外包产业现状,可以发现,中国软件外包产业面临企业多且散、集群聚而不合,人才结构不合理,投融资环境建设滞后,知识产权保护力度不够、盗版严重,行业协会功能欠缺、服务能力低下,软件外包产业扶持政策没有落到实处等一系列问题。针对这些问题,本文对如何发展我国软件外包产业提出对策建议,指出我国软件外包产业应实行利基战略,我国应建立高校、专业IT培训机构和IT企业三结合的软件人才培养引进模式,强化行业协会在集群治理中的职能,以及从三方面来促进产业集群的升级,即利用全球金融风暴打破集群锁定的时机,加快产业升级;完善集群内知识分享机制,提升产业集群的集体学习能力;提高承包商的议价实力促进本国软件外包价值链升级。

【Abstract】 With the advent of the information society, the global structure of information industry is transformed from hardware-oriented to service-oriented; the industry of software and information services has become the largest domain of the world in 21st century. In recent years, keeping the pace of rapid development of international corporations on its strategy adjustment and information technology such as system, network, storage, the market of software outsourcing is on fast track and becomes one of the most promising domains of the industry of software and information services. Take India and Ireland for example,enterprises of these two countries provided software outsourcing services in Europe and America, not only for the unprecedented streak of profits, but also the chance to lift itself from nation poverty, and the golden opportunity to become international center of software outsourcing and the global power on the industry of software and information services. At present, the transfer of industry is accelerating all over the world. By means of effective, convenient infrastructure, ample, talented human capital and stable investment environment, China gradually turns into the first choice of international companies. At the same time, the deficiency exists in software outsourcing industry of our nation compared with India and Ireland, either the scale of industry or policy promotions. Industry of software outsourcing in China is now confronted with severe challenges. As a result, the question of how to facilitate the development of this industry cries out for solutions.The development of nation industry largely depends on the elevation of international competitiveness of the estate. From this point of view, the research of how to facilitate is the research of finding out the key factors that take essential effects on international competitiveness, and fundamental approaches to lift, formulating an integrated theory of development of industry of software outsourcing.The generally accepted explanation of this question is Porter’s Diamond model which argues that the four important factors of demand conditions, element conditions, supporting industries and enterprise strategic structure govern its international competitiveness. The factors of Governmental action and chance influence less. Yet Porter’s Diamond Model is apt to explain the issues of industrial international competitiveness on condition that happened in developed countries. But for developing countries, the quotation is of limitation. Chinese scholars have done some researches on the key factors of development of software industry in developing countries. One of the representative standpoints considers human capital, fee, overseas association, immigration, government policy, industry cluster as the essential elements lead to the development of software industry in China. Still, the conclusion of taking software outsourcing industry as a branch of software is too broad to focus. Hence on the basis of the research production discarding the dross and selecting the essential is good for growth of software outsourcing industry theoretically and practically.Based on the theory of Porter’s and related research findings, accounting for characteristics of software outsourcing industry, this paper rectifies Porter’s six factors in order to meet the actual demands of software outsourcing industry in developing countries. Through detailed investigations and explanations, the conclusion made by is that a country, especially developing country, has to focus on five aspects to make good winning in the international competition of software outsourcing market. These five aspects are as follows: the first element is demand conditions, namely, how software products and service is needed in both domestic and international market. The second one is trust conditions which mean the social capital enterprises own. The third one is factors of production that represents the performance related to production aspect. The forth one is national software outsourcing strategy which is related to the mid-term and long-term policies favors software outsourcing industry in market competition. The last but not the least, enterprise cluster is a kind of competition form that all corporations related are assemble.Generally speaking, the development of software outsourcing industry is a systematic project. It can not be achieved by any single factor. The performance of functions of each element is closely correlated with others. In other words, all key factors that can influence industrial competitiveness join a dynamic system. Each part of the system acts or reacts on each other. Industrial competitiveness rests with resultant force of the system. The research suggests that among these five key aspects, the influential factors of demand conditions are: risk of enterprise outsourcing and market demand which based on the composition of factors of production; the cultivation of critical clients are due to industry cluster in full strength; scientific strategy on software outsourcing of the nation guide demands of domestic perception and market segments; trust is essential to internationalization of home market. The influential factors of trust conditions are: the inner cooperation of industry cluster enhances the trust between them; demand features of software outsourcing advance the trust between them. The influential factors of trust conditions are: internal competitive industry cluster activates the innovation of factors of production; demand conditions work on priority of investment on factors of production; national software outsourcing strategy conduct the structure and proportion of investment on factors of production. The relationship between software outsourcing strategy and other key factors is that demand of market perception is the precondition of generating strategy while factors of production are the basis. As for relationship between industry cluster and other key factors, trust enhances the competitiveness of enterprises in it; internationalization promotes upgrading of industry cluster; knowledge sharing drives innovation of industry cluster; breaking lock of industry cluster, national software outsourcing strategy boosts upgrading of industry cluster. Synthesizing the correlation of factors, this paper proposes a model of five factors about the development of software outsourcing to make guidance.According to the correlation of factors in five factors model, this paper figures the fundamental approach and solution to strengthen and upgrade the development of software outsourcing as follows: reducing risk of software outsourcing to increase demand; enhancing relation management, quality control of software outsourcing, taking advantage of immigration resources, software guild, strengthening protection of intellectual property rights, building and maintaining the trust among enterprises; creating advanced factors of production the enterprise needs by means of cultivation on human capital, infrastructure and cost input; generating national software outsourcing strategy conducive to long-term competition based on balancing many-sided factors; promoting upgrading and development of software outsourcing industry cluster by means of administration on global value chain ,network and foundation of interactive learning mechanism in cluster.By now, these three parts, including five key factors, five key factors model which represents the correlation of them, and fundamental approach of enhancement, consist of a framework of analysis formulating a relatively integrated theory of software outsourcing industry.As the major software outsourcing contractor in the world, India and Ireland are analyzed under framework mentioned above. On one hand, their experience strongly proves the theory; on the other hand, their limitation and challenges can also be a beneficial supplement.With analytical framework to review software outsourcing industry in China at present, we find that, the industry itself faces a lot of problems such as limitation of integration, irrationality of personnel structure, lag of investment environment, lack of intellectual property protection, hypo function of guild, deterioration of service ability, rubber check of industrial supporting policy and so on. To all of the problems, this paper advises that the whole nation should generate niche strategy, build training and introducing model combining universities, professional training organization and corporation, enhance function of guild on cluster management to increase trust among enterprises. Besides, there are three ways to promote upgrading of industry cluster which are break of cluster lock by taking advantage of global financial crisis to hasten upgrading; integrity of knowledge sharing mechanism to step up the learning abilities of industry cluster; enhancement of bargaining power to heighten value chain upgrading in software outsourcing industry.

【关键词】 外包产业集群外包战略
【Key words】 outsourcingindustrial clusteroutsourcing strategy
  • 【分类号】F426.672
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】2007

