

【作者】 韩芳

【导师】 胡希宁;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的不断进步,制度与经济发展之间的关系已经被人们越来越关注。前者属于生产关系范畴,后者属于生产力范畴。生产关系必须适应生产力发展,同时又对生产力产生作用,主要表现为“推动”和“阻碍”两个方面。因此,我们应最大程度地发挥其积极的一面,避免其消极的一面。对此,惟一有效的办法就是进行创新。如何有效地进行制度创新,是一个至关重要的问题。对此,国外学者已经进行了较多的研究,国内学者也结合中国的具体国情做出了一些研究,提出了一些观点。但是,中国地大物博,区域发展差距较大,我们必须结合具体的区域发展环境才能更好地深入研究国内的制度创新。为此,笔者选取了改革开放后至今三十年浙江经济发展中的制度创新作为研究对象,旨在探索和总结其制度创新相对成功的原因所在,主要目的有两。其一,希望能够为通过制度创新推动浙江经济可持续发展提供一定的理论指导意义;其二,希望能够为其他省市区域的制度创新研究提供一定的参考和借鉴作用。总的来说,就是通过对省域制度创新的研究来进一步深化和拓展中国经济制度创新的研究,同时也有助于更好地认识和处理微观主体、市场和政府三者之间的关系。本文通过历史唯物辩证法,对浙江经济的制度创新进行了理论分析、实证分析和规范分析;通过相关理论的比较研究和历史文献分析对制度创新进行了相对静态和相对动态的分析,其间也运用了社会学、政治学、心理学、行为学等学科的思想和观点,最后得出的基本观点主要有:1、制度创新的研究必须结合具体的“时空”特征,只有结合一定的历史和空间特征才能真正地了解、认识和把握制度创新。2、制度创新形成的动力主要来自四个方面:(1)矛盾的普遍存在;(2)竞争的普遍存在;(3)外部性的存在;(4)不确定性的存在。这是一个抽象的结论。具体地说,这四方面是随着“时空”的变化而变动。譬如,改革开放初期,浙江的制度创新动力主要来自五个方面:(1)改革带来的潜在收益巨大;(2)社会主义市场经济建立的需要;(3)人地资源矛盾严峻;(4)计划经济力量薄弱;(5)改革不确定性的存在。而在新的阶段下,浙江制度创新动力主要来自经济全球化、知识经济、海洋经济和国家区域开发战略和自身经济发展等带来的机遇和挑战。3、浙江经济制度创新的影响因素主要有三个方面,分别是民间市场微观主体,市场和政府。而这三种因素又分别受到非正式制度、生产力发展程度和利益集团的影响。浙江经济制度创新的相对成功之处就在于根据“时空”的特征变化,正确地处理好了这三种力量之间的关系,即成功地选择了合适的制度创新路径。4、浙江经济制度创新的路径可以归纳为三个层次,依次形成了以下几条路径:(1)微观层面:中央政府供给主导型;微观主体主导准需求诱致型;地方政府主导需求诱致型和微观主体主导需求诱致型相结合;中央政府供给主导型和地方政府需求诱致型相结合;(2)中观层面:从单个增长极到多个增长极联动创新;从“点”到“点、线、面”相结合的创新;从农村向城市的创新;以“浙江人”为载体的创新扩散;以“产业转移”为载体的创新扩散:(3)宏观层面:即从生产领域向交易领域,再向分配领域,最后向消费领域的创新扩散的路径。5、下一阶段浙江经济制度创新应注意三个问题,分别是(1)必须认清现有的制度创新动力(面临的机遇和挑战),原有的制度创新动力已经弱化;(2)制度创新的关键点之一在于影响制度创新形成的三种因素之间的“协调互动”,即选择好合适的创新路径,处理好创新主体之间的关系;(3)制度创新的关键点之二在于提高“制度的生产力”,最终目的是提高社会生产力,惠及人民。6、旨在提高“制度生产力”的制度创新机制,关键在于处理好四个方面的关系:(1)创新区域开放型文化;(2)建立和完善现代市场经济体系;(3)构建服务型政府:(4)防止政府失灵。我们要做的不是创新具体的制度安排,而是创新“制度创新”的环境,引导内生制度自身演化和变迁朝着我们理想的方向发展,其次是做好创新外生制度与内生制度相互配合的工作。制度创新只是经济发展的一种手段和工具,并不是我们的终极目标。有效的制度创新基本上是一个渐进的过程,因为,任何制度创新,都必须遵循内在制度的自我演化规律,不然就会导致失败。所以,我们既要通过制度创新来促进经济发展,同时也要避免无效甚至是负效的制度创新。全文正文部分共有五章:第一章,系统回顾了国内外学术界对制度创新的相关理论和研究思路、方法;第二章,对改革开放以来发生在浙江的一些主要经济制度创新进行了阶段性述评,分析了制度创新的经济绩效和特点;第三章,着重分析研究了浙江经济制度创新的动力和主要影响因素;第四章,着重分析了浙江经济制度创新形成、发展和扩散的基本路径;第五章,着重指出了今后一个阶段浙江进行经济制度创新需要引起注意的几个问题,并提出了一个促进制度创新的机制构建。本文对浙江经济发展中制度创新的研究只是对浙江经济研究的一个开始,随着浙江社会经济的进一步发展,本文的研究内容需要不断改进和完善。

【Abstract】 With the continuous advancement of the society and economy,the relationship between the institution and economic development has been the growing concern.The former belongs to relation of production,the latter belongs to productive forces.Relation of production must adapt to the development of productive forces,while acts on the productivity at the same time, performances as "push" and "hinder" in both directions.Therefore,we should play a positive side actively to avoid its negative side.So,the only effective way is to build the systems of institutional innovation.How to build the effective system of innovation is important.In this areas,some foreign scholars have more studies.Domestic scholars also combine the China’s specific national condition to make a number of studies.However,we must consider the the regional development gap in China.So,I select the "three decades since reform and opening-up economic development in Zhejiang Province institutional innovation system"as my study object.This article wishes to explore the reasons of the relative success of institutional innovation in Zhejing.This article has two main purposes:first,providing theoretical guidance to Zhejiang Province which through institutional innovation to promote sustainable economic development;second,provide a reference to other provinces and cities in the region that also hope to innovate institution to promote regional economy.Overall,this article studise the institutional innovation of the province to deepen and expand China’s institutional innovation in economic areas,and contributes to a better understanding of relationships of micro-main,markets,and the government.In this paper,I use the history-materialist dialectics,theoretical analysis,empirical analysis,normative analysis,comparative study of theory,historical analysis,relatively static and relatively dynamic analysis.I also use the sociology,political science,psychology,behavioral science disciplines.The basic point of view are:First,the research of institutional innovation must combine the "time and space" features. Only the combination of certain features of the history and space,we can understand and grasp the system of institutional innovation truly.Second,the innovation power come from four aspects:(1) the prevalence of conflicts;(2) the prevalence of competition;(3) the existence of externalities;(4) the existence of uncertainty;(5) uncertainty of reform.This is an abstract conclusion.Specifically,these four aspects change when the "space-time" changes.For example,when the reform and opening-up began,Zhejiang innovation power came from five aspects:(1) an enormous potential benefits from the reform and opening-up;(2) the effective function of a market economy needs innovation;(3) shortage of resources;(4) less investment and control from country;(5) the uncertainty in the process of reform and market buliding.In the new stage,the innovation power come mainly from the economic globalization,knowledge-based economy,the marine economy and national regional development strategy and the opportunities and challenges that come from economic development.Third,the main factors of the economic institution innovation comes from three aspects, namely,market micro-main,market and government.The thrust of these three were also subject to the informal system,the development of productive forces and interest group constraints.The reason of relative success of institutional innovation is correctly handling the three forces relationship with the "space-time" changes,that is,the success is to choose the right path of innovation.Fourth,the path of economic institutional innovation can be classified as three levels:(1) micro-level:the central government-led supply;micro-main demand-led type;local government demand-led and micro-main demand-led type;the central government-led supply and local government demand-led;(2)meso-level:individual growth to a number of growth innovation; from the "point" to combination of "point,line and plane" innovation;the innovation from rural to urban areas;"Zhejiang" people as the carrier of innovation diffusion;"transfer industry" as the carrier of innovation diffusion;(3) The macro level:from the production areas to the trading areas, and distribution areas and finally to the consumer areas.Fifth,The next stage of economic institutional innovation in Zhejiang Province should pay attention to three issues,namely(1) must recognize the existing power of innovation clearly(the opportunities and challenges),the original power of innovation has been weakened;(2)the key point of innovation is the "coordinated interaction"t of the three thrust of the institutional innovation;(3) the second key of innovation is to improve "the productivity of the system ",and the ultimate goal is to improve the social productive forces.Sixth,the innovation mechanism should handle the relationship well between the four areas: (1) opening regional innovation culture;(2) the establishment and perfection of the modern market economy system;(3) construction of services-government;(4).to prevent the "government failure"We have to do is not the innovation of specific institutional arrangements but the innovation of "system innovation" environment,and guide the evolution of within institution to our ideals;secondly,to do a good job between innovation of exogenous institution and within institution. Institutional innovation is a tool of economic development,not our ultimate goal.Effective institutional innovation is a gradual process.Because any innovation must follow the law of self-evolution,or will lead to failure.Therefore,we should not only through institutional innovations to promote economic development,but also to avoid ineffective or even negative effect of institutional innovation.There are five chapters:the first chapter reviews the related theory,research ideas and methods from abroad and domestic;the second chapter reviews the institutional innovation since the reform and opening-up in Zhejiang and analysis of performance and features;the third chapter focuses the analysis of power and thrust of institutional innovation in Zhejiang;the fourth chapter focuses on the path of formation,development and proliferation of institutional innovation;the fifth chapter pionts a number of issues which Zhejiang Province should pay attention to in the next stage and proposes a mechanism to promote institutional innovation.This paper is only a start in researching the economic development of Zhejiang,with the further development of socio-economic,the studies of this paper need to improve continually.

【关键词】 浙江经济制度制度创新
【Key words】 Zhejiang economyInstitutionInstitutional innovation
  • 【分类号】F127
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】838

