

【作者】 侯晋封

【导师】 胡希宁;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 农民工是我国经济发展中一支重要的产业大军,为我国的社会主义建设作出了巨大的历史贡献。在我国从传统农业社会向现代社会转变的过程中,必然要有大量的农民要向非农产业转移,从而产生了农民工的就业问题。我国总人口中有70%左右是农民,决定了我国农民转移就业问题必然是一项相当艰巨的任务,在人类历史上是绝无仅有的。研究中国农民工的就业和流动问题,意义非常重大。我国农民工的出现最早在改革开放初期,人数随着城市经济的发展逐渐上升,2006年,农村外出从业农民工达1.32亿。他们中很大一部分流向了城市的建筑业到沿海劳动密集型企业,成为廉价劳动力。可以说,是农民工的劳动支撑了中国经济的高速发展。但是,长期以来,农民工的社会地位的不高,他们的权利、利益长期被社会忽视,他们的需求很少被社会关注。这么庞大的一个社会群体,如果不能在社会生活各方面享受应有的当家作主地位,必然会产生一系列社会问题。2008年全球金融危机的爆发,造成大量农民工返乡,出现了大规模的农民工就业难题,农民工就业就成为党和政府和社会各界关注的一个重要问题。在党的十七大提出“工业反哺农业、城市支持农村”和统筹城乡发展的大背景下,维护好农民工合法权益,保障农民工就业权利,促进农民工有序流动,对于全面推进我国经济和社会和谐发展、解决好“三农”问题都具有重大现实意义,需引起高度重视。本论文首先运用马克思关于经济发展理论对农民工流动就业问题进行了思考和分析,指出了农村劳动力转移背后的深刻的经济社会原因,以及政府在处理农民流动就业方面应当发挥的积极作用。同时,结合西方发展经济学理论,通过对城乡二元结构、工业化和产业结构发生重要转变模型分析,揭示了农民工流动就业过程中存在的问题和难点,提出了政府在制定政策时应当统筹兼顾,既要考虑农民工向二、三产业的合理流动,也不可忽视农业内部的吸纳。接着,通过考察我国农民工流动就业的历史和现状,重点分析了我国农民工流动就业的特点和存在的主要问题,以及对农民工流动就业的发展趋势的判断。并通过对历史的总结和分析,得出二元户籍制度、土地制度不完善、社会保障缺失和城乡劳动力市场分割是造成农民工无序流动的主要原因。论文在明确了农民工流动就业的原因和问题之后,又对世界主要发达国家农村劳动力转移情况作了深入考察,总结他们成功的经验和不足教训。提出我国当前情况下,要站在经济社会科学发展的高度,借鉴发达国家的经验和教训,同时要从我国实际出发,从战略、制度方面着手,综合解决农民工流动就业问题,促进农民工合理有序流动。最后,在上述指导思想下,进一步明确解决农民工流动就业的着力点首先是破除制度障碍、完善政策保障,保证农民工作为正常工人因该享有的一切权利。同时,论文特别指出要辩证看待农民工在金融危机冲击下被迫失业返乡现象,如果政府能够为返乡农民工提供切实优惠的条件、制定适当的政策,充分利用好他们在城市积累的资金和经验,引导他们走上回乡创业的道路,就不仅能够有助于解决当前我国的大量农民工失业问题,还能够有力的促进现代农业发展和新农村建设,推动当地经济发展和社会进步。

【Abstract】 Off-farm workers are an important industry ranks in the economic development of our country, which has made greatly historic contribution to our socialism construction. During the transition from traditional agriculture society to modern society, there must be abundant farmers moving to non-agricultural industries, which leads to the employment issues of off-farm workers. Farmers account for 70% of the total population in our country, thus it means the employment issues of off-farm workers undoubtedly is an uphill task, and it is one of a kind. It is of utmost importance to study the employment and movement issues of off-farm workers.Off-farm workers firstly emerged at the beginning of reform and opening-up in our country. Its number increased by the development of urban economy, reaching to 132 million in 2006, and most of them floated to building industry in the cities and labor-intensive enterprises in coastal areas and became cheap labor power. It can be said that it is off-farm workers that support the high-speed development of Chinese economy. But, ever since a long time ago, their social status has been low, and their rights and benefits have been omitted by our society, and their needs have lacked attentions. If such a huge social group can not enjoy their due status as the master of our country, there must arise a series of social problems. In 2008, the global financial crisis broke out, lots of off-farm workers returned to the countryside, and there appeared the employment problem of a large scale of off-farm workers, which became a hot issue the Party and Government and all social circles paid a lot of attention to. The 17th National Congress of the CPC put forward that“industry rewards agriculture and city supports countryside”, under the background of which and balancing urban and rural development, it is realistically meaningful and needs to be taken seriously for promoting the harmonious development of economy and society in our country and handling well the problems facing agriculture, rural areas and farmers to protect effectively the legitimate rights and interests of off-farm workers, Guarantee their right to employment and guide their orderly flow.The dissertation first utilizes the theory of economic development of Marxism to explore and analyze the problems of employment and movement of off-farm workers and finds out the deep-rooted economic and social causes after the transition of the rural labor and points out that the governments should play an active role in employment and movement of off-farm workers. At the same time, together with western theory of economic development, it, by analyzing the dualistic structure in urban and rural areas, industrialization and the transitional model of industrial structure, reveals the problems and difficulty during the progress of employment and movement of off-farm workers, and puts forward that when the government work out policies, it must take into consideration off-farm workers’moving to the second and third industry and taking them in the agriculture itself.The dissertation focuses on the characteristics and the existing problems of the movement and employment of off-farm workers and its tendency by inspecting its history and the present situation. The author finds out that the main causes for disorder movement of off-farmer workers are the dualistic household register system, imperfect land system, lack of social security and labor market division of city and countryside.After clarifying the causes and problems of the movement and employment of off-farm workers, the dissertation studies the transition of countryside labor power in the main developed countries of the world and sums up their experiences and lessons. It puts forward that under the current situation of our country, we should adopt the scientific development of economic society, learn the experiences and lessons of the developed countries, and at the same time, we must solve the problems of the movement and employment of off-farm workers and promote off-farm workers’orderly movement in according to the concrete condition of our country and through strategy and system.Finally, with the direction of the above ideas, the dissertation further makes it clear that the essential way of solving the movement and employment of off-farm workers firstly should break out the obstacle, complete policy guarantee and assure all the rights that off-farm workers should have as normal workers. Meanwhile, it points out particularly that we should take the phenomenon of off-farm workers being forced back to the land by the shock of financial crisis dialectically. If the government can provide beneficial conditions, work out proper policies for those returning to the land, make good use of their funding and experience they had gotten in the cities, and guide them to establish their own business in the countryside, it can not only help to solve the problem of the employment of off-farm workers, but also promote the development of modern agriculture and the construction of New Countryside and push forward the local economy development and social progress.

【关键词】 农民工流动就业
【Key words】 off-farm workersmovementemployment
  • 【分类号】F249.2
  • 【被引频次】34
  • 【下载频次】3149

