

【作者】 杨东柱

【导师】 贾高建;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 社会资本问题是20世纪80年代出现,特别是90年代以来形成的一个国际热点问题和前沿问题。这一问题之所以能引起国内外学界和社会的普遍关注,不仅与社会资本概念本身的跨学科性和具有独特的解释力有关,同时也与当今社会发展的现实不无关系。社会资本是多门社会科学共同关注的对象,各门社会科学都从不同角度对之进行了广泛的研究,并取得了不少成果。但是,这些研究大多数集中于对社会资本的应用研究,而很少涉及社会资本的基础理论问题。为此,本文将立足于社会哲学层次,对社会资本的基础理论问题作一尝试性探讨,力求深化对社会资本的认识。全文分为导论、正文部分和结束语三部分。导论:说明了研究社会资本的意义、理论界关于社会资本研究的进展以及本课题的研究定位、研究内容和研究方法。第一章到第六章为论文的正文部分。第一章:社会资本的界定。本章从考察资本范畴的历史演进入手,说明了资本的内涵是随着时代的变化而逐步变化的。社会资本是继实物资本、人力资本、文化资本之后出现的又一个新概念。这一概念的产生,不仅丰富了资本的内涵,而且也突出了社会关系的功能和作用问题。对于社会资本,不同社会科学有着不同的理解。从社会哲学层次而言,社会资本就是能够为特定主体带来回报的社会关系资源。第二章:社会资本的基本属性、特征和分类。本章首先分析了社会资本的基本属性,认为社会资本是主体性与客体性的统一、绝对性与相对性的统一、稳定性与变动性的统一;社会资本作为一个历史性存在物,能够为人们带来一定的回报。它还是一种无形资本和公共物品,具有非均衡性。社会关系网络、规范和信任这三个要素的相互联系构成了社会资本这一有机整体;着眼于不同的角度对社会资本进行划分,就形成了社会资本的各种类型。第三章:社会资本的功能。社会资本不仅具有积极功能,而且具有消极功能。就积极功能而言,社会资本能够通过社会整合、社会支持、社会控制等途径促进社会发展和人的发展;就消极功能而言,社会资本能阻碍社会发展与人的发展。而要预防这一消极功能的发生,不仅要提高社会资本存量,而且要加强对外交往。第四章:社会资本的生成、演变及运作。社会资本作为社会关系资源,它的生成与社会关系是同步的。现实的人、物质生产实践和交往实践以及人的需要共同构成了社会资本的生成依据。社会资本的演变经历了血缘关系和地缘关系型社会资本、公民关系型社会资本和网缘关系型社会资本三个阶段。社会资本的这一演变过程具有渐进性、累积性和阶段性特征。社会资本的运作要经历投资、维护以及弱化和消失三个阶段。第五章:社会资本的评价。社会资本的评价就是指社会主体对自身与社会资本之间所形成的效用关系的一种反映或评判。评价社会资本应遵循主体性原则、科学性原则、实效性原则和系统性原则。社会资本的评价尺度具有多样性,但从宏观上可以区分为客体尺度和主体尺度;在评价社会资本时应该把个体评价与群体评价相结合、定性评价与定量评价相结合。第六章:转型期中国社会资本的现状及其构建。本章认为,当前中国社会正处于双重转型时期,这一特定的历史发展时期使得中国社会资本的形式具有了多样性,主要表现为传统社会资本形式与现代社会资本诸形式并存于当前中国社会。构建转型时期中国的社会资本,不仅要引导和发掘传统社会资本,而且要鼓励和发展现代社会资本,特别是公民关系型社会资本。为此,应该培育公民意识和公民精神,培育公民组织,建立和完善社会规范,培育公民之间的相互信任。结束语:总结全文,说明本文的创新与不足。

【Abstract】 Social capital problem came up as an international hot issue and cutting-edge issue in 1980s and 1990s. The reason why this question attracted people’s attention is that the concept of social capital is interdisciplinary and unique and social capital is related with the realities of social development nowadays.Social capital is more than the social sciences which many social scientific subjects have carried out from different point of view and made a lot of results. But most of these research focused on appliance of social capital and were rarely associated with the basis of theoretical issues of social capital. So the thesis is going to attempt to explore the basis of social capital theory and to deepen the understanding of social capital.This article is composed of three parts, i.e. the introduction, the text and the conclusion.The introduction makes description on the meanings and actuality of the study, study positioning, study content and study methods.The text is from Chapter one to six.Chapter one: The Definition of Social Sapital. According to the history of the evolution of capital, this part thinks that the connotation of capital changes with the times. Social capital is a new concept after physical capital, human capital and cultural capital. The concept not only enriches the connotation of the capital but also emphasizes the function of social relations. For the concept of social capital, different social sciences have different understanding. From social philosophy, the concept of social capital is the social relations resources that can bring much reciprocation for subject.Chapter two: The Basic Attributes, Characteristics and Classificationn of Social Sapital. First this part analyzes the basic attributes of social capital, thinks that they have subjectivity and objectivity, absolute and relative, stability and change and as a historic being, people can be able to return from them. In addition, social capital is intangible capital and public goods, has the non-equilibrium characteristic. In social capital, network of social relations, norms and trust are the three elements. Because of different perspectives into social capital, various types of social capital comes into being.Chapter Three: Functions of Social Capital. Social capital has not only active functions but also negative functions. Actively, social capital can promote social and human development through such means as social integration, social support, and social control; negatively, social capital may restrict social and human development, for which prevention needs both the increase of the stock of social capital and the enhancement of international communications.Chapter Four: The Generation, Evolution and Operation of Social Capital. As a source of social relation, the generation of social capital follows up that of social relation closely, and basises itself on realistic human being, material production praxis, communication practice, and human demand. The evolution of social capital has experienced three stages:the social capital of blood and regional relationship, the social capital of citizenship, the social capital of network affinity. The evolution of social capital is gradual, accumulative, and progressive. The operation of social capital will experience thress periods: investment period, maintenance period, weakening and disapearance period.Chapter Five: The Evaluation of Social Capital. The evaluation of social capital means the social subject will retain a utility relationship between itself and social capital based on its reflection or judgement. The evaluation of social capital should be subeject-oriented, scientific, effective, and systematic. In the macro sense, the evaluation of social capital may be based on objective measure and subjective measure, although in other senses, its measurement may be multi-dimensional. While examing social capital, we should combine both individual evaluation and group evaluation, qualitative evaluation and quantitative evaluation.Chapter Six: The Situation and Construction of Chinese Social Capital in the Transformation Period. It holds that, Chinese society today is in a period of double transformation. In such period, Chinese social capital has many forms which mainly manifest on that all forms of traditional social capital and modern social capital co-exist in Chinese society today. Therefore, in order to construct the social capital of Chinese transformation period, we should not only guide and excavate tranditional social capital, but also encourage and develop modern social capital, expecially the social capital of citizenship, for which we should cultivate civil awareness, civil spirit, mutual trust between citizens, and establish civil organizations, and all kind of social regulations.Conclusion: It’s a conclusion of this paper, and it explains the innovations and defects of this paper.

  • 【分类号】C912
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】2532

