

【作者】 田俊峰

【导师】 徐伟新;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 经济决定政治,政治统领社会。构建社会主义和谐社会需要与时俱进的新的政治价值的支持。研究和谐社会的政治价值,需要我们在马克思主义基本理论指导下,立足国情,着眼未来,把握潮流,顺应大势,在多元主体的交往互动关系中深刻理解和准确把握和谐社会的政治价值,正确揭示和谐社会政治价值的发展规律和趋势,构建适合中国国情的政治价值理论体系,更好地促进和谐社会建设和民主政治发展。研究和谐社会的政治价值,一方面可以继续丰富完善关于和谐社会政治价值问题研究的理论成果,另一方面可以用以回答转型时期的中国构建和谐社会面临的现实问题,同时,通过对和谐社会政治价值问题研究的思路和方法,为当前中国政治哲学关于政治价值问题的研究提供一种可以借鉴的视角。基于理论研究和社会实践的需求,论文对和谐社会政治价值研究对象的把握是一种哲学历史的和总体性的视角。研究的思路不是从自由、平等、民主等具体的政治价值观念范畴出发,而是立足于马克思主义历史哲学、政治哲学和价值哲学相结合的层面,在“合作的自由与秩序”的框架和坐标下探究这些具体价值观念背后的东西,揭示和谐社会政治价值的本质。基于研究对象和研究目的的需要,论文坚持普遍和特殊、历史和逻辑、抽象和具体相统一的原则,从共时态和历时态、事实性和价值性、应然性和实然性、合规律性与合目的性、合法性与合理性等不同的向度,努力实现马克思主义唯物史观、价值观、辩证思维方法、结构功能分析方法、系统方法等不同层次的研究方法的有机统一,分析和谐和谐社会政治价值的内涵外延、特征功能、现状格局以及实现途径等。论文主要包括导论、正文(1-6章)和结语三大部分。导言主要说明选题缘由、研究现状、研究思路、研究方法、主要解决的问题和创新以及论文研究的价值和意义。正文分为六章:第一章政治价值基本理论:分析政治价值的内涵、特征和基本范畴。第二章政治价值思想资源:通过对人类社会发展史上政治价值追求的分析和反思,分析和谐社会政治价值研究可资借鉴的思想资源。主要包括西方不同历史时期、中国不同历史时期及克思主义的政治价值思想。第三章和谐社会政治价值的基本理论:分析和谐社会政治价值的内涵、功能、界限和取向。第四章和谐社会政治价值的分析维度:以现实的人作为和谐社会政治价值研究的根本出发点,从人性、自由、秩序、发展的四维向度分析和谐社会政治价值,指出和谐社会政治价值的人本属性、自由真蕴、秩序功用和发展旨归。第五章和谐社会政治价值的现状分析:现状格局分析,从政治价值资源、要素、结构、趋向的角度分析当代中国政治价值的现状,指出当代中国政治价值资源的并存性、政治价值要素的二重性、政治价值结构的多样性、政治价值趋向的转型性;发展路径分析,指出构建社会主义和谐社会政治价值的根本途径是,立足现实,“古为今用、洋为中用”,“中西结合、为我所用”,走内部整合、外部借鉴和改革创新“三路并举”的路子;影响因素分析,指出影响社会主义和谐社会政治价值构建的因素主要有政治价值主体的多元性、政治价值客体的冲突性、政治价值选择的多样性。第六章和谐社会政治价值的实现途径:从政党善政、政府善治、公共行政和公民自治四个合作的方面指明实现社会主义和谐社会政治价值的根本途径。即(1)执政党要提升善政理念,明确角色定位,提高善政能力,讲求善政艺术,实现政党善政。(2)在治理理念上,实现从管治到善治的转变;在治理模式上,实现政府—市场—社会的互动;在治理方式上,实现从单向治理到网络治理的转变,实现政府善治。(3)树立公共理性,培养公共责任,践行公共德行,实现公共行政。(4)培育公民意识,发展公民社会,实现社会主义和谐社会与发展公民社会的互动,提高公民自治能力,实现公民自治。政党善政、政府善治、公共行政和公民自治这四个方面是实现社会主义和谐社会政治价值的四大支柱。其中,执政党善政是基础,政府善治是核心,公共行政是关键,公民自治是根本,这四个方面紧密联系,相互合作,互促互动,共同构成实现社会主义和谐社会政治价值的统一体。

【Abstract】 Economy determines politics, politics leads the society. It is essential for us to study the political value of the harmonious society in order to construct the socialist harmonious society in the transformation period from traditional society to modern society. So we need to understand the political value of the harmonious society deeply and accurately and construct the political value theoretical system which is suitable for the China’s actual conditions under the guidance of basic theories of Marxism based on the national conditions, in order to promote harmonious social construction and democratic politics developing better. Only putting the political value of the harmonious society in the contemporary visual field of Marxist philosophy and studying political value in the relationship among the plural subject’s contacts inter-dynamic relation, could we grasp the trend and rules correctly of the development of political rule of harmonious society so as to promote the harmonious social construction of socialism better. Studying the political value of the harmonious society, on one hand can continue enriching and improving the theoretical achievement regarding the political value of the harmonious society, on the other hand can be used to answer the realistic problem faced in the transition of the harmonious society construction, and at the same time, provide a new different visual angle on thinking and studying method of China political philosophy that can draw lessons from about political value research.On the basis of the demand for theoretical research and social practice, the assurance to the value research object of the harmonious society and politics of the thesis is a kind of philosophy history and comprehensive visual angle. The studying method is not confined to concrete political values categories such as freedom, democracy, justice, etc., but based on the aspect of philosophical history and comprehensive visual angle based on historical philosophy of Marxism combined with political philosophy and value philosophy, which try hard to deeply probe into the essence behind these concrete values and fined the original real meaning and value existing in harmonious society’s politics. Based on the need of research object and research purpose, the dissertation analyze the essential meaning, characteristics, functions, demarcation line, current situation on politics value of harmonious society, and the route to realize it. The dissertation includes three main parts, ie. the introduction, the body part (chapter 1-6) and the conclusion. The introduction part explains the cause to select title, the current research situation, the thinking model, the research approach, the problem to be solved, the innovation, and the value and meaning of the dissertation. The first chapter points out the intension, characteristics and basic Categories of the political value. The second chapter investigate the political value thoughts which can be useful and absorbed for research on political value of harmonious society through analysis and introspection on political value thoughts resources pursued in the human history development including western different historical periods, the different historical periods in China, Marxism political value thoughts, and the comparative analysis between the foreign political value and China’s political value. The third chapter points out the intension, function, demarcation line, tendency of the political value of socialist harmonious society. The fourth chapter analyze the political value of socialist harmonious society from the four-dimension of human nature, freedom, order, development, and point out the essence of human nature, freedom attribute, order function and developing purpose, and then expound the value of the harmonious society’s politics is to realize the inter-dynamic equilibrium development between freedom and order. The fifth chapter analyze the current situation of contemporary China’s political value from the angle of political value resource, elements, structure, tendency, and points out the three methods for China to develop political value of harmonious society, ie. combining the domestic political value resource, drawing lessons from the foreign political value and practicing the way to reform and innovate. The sixth chapter points out the basic route for China to realize the politics value of socialist harmonious society from four aspects, ie. the party charge of the state power, the government, the civil public servant and the citizen, which is the Communist Party’s good at running a country and making good politics, the government’s good at management, the public administration and the citizen’s autonomy regarding as four pillars to realize the political value of socialist harmonious society.

  • 【分类号】D61
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1239

