

【作者】 朱虹

【导师】 戴木才;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 “社会中介组织”这一概念在我国的广泛流行,是从党的十五大明确提出要“培育和发展社会中介组织”开始的。迄今为止,我国对社会中介组织研究在许多方面已经取得了重大进展,研究成果日渐成熟。但是,无论国内还是国外,从研究方法层面而言,实证分析多于价值分析,社会中介组织伦理问题的研究尚处于起步阶段。随着改革开放的日益深入,社会中介组织也日益发展。深入探讨社会中介组织伦理问题,是确保社会中介组织健康发展,并借此推动社会领域发展的必然要求。与社会领域的诸多其它概念不同,人们对社会中介组织概念的理解从未达成一致,根据当前各种学者提出的各种定义和管理实际中的使用情况,我们认为,所谓社会中介组织,就是指介于企业、政府和个人以及社会与经济主体之间,按照一定法律、法规、规章或根据政府委托建立的,在经济、政治、社会发展过程中起沟通信息、提供服务、平衡冲突、协调各方行为的社会组织。它既不属于政府机构,也不是企业,是一种非政府性的社会组织形式。根据其经营目的和经营行为,可将其分为营利性社会中介组织和非营利性社会中介组织。近年来,社会中介组织由于在分担政府部分职能,保障公民权利和新时期伦理道德建设等方面发挥了积极作用,人们对它的赞誉不绝于耳。但同时也应看到,社会中介组织在“权力崇拜”、“金钱至上”等价值观念的不良影响下,也面临着掩饰不住的伦理困境,出现了角色美德缺失、从业人员的道德失范、道德评价标准失范、道德控制机制匮乏等伦理失范现象。这就需要我们把工作的重点放在如何培育社会中介组织的伦理精神,加强社会中介组织伦理建设,更好地发挥其独特的伦理功效上来。加强社会中介组织伦理建设应以价值认同作为出发点和落脚点,价值认同与实践选择具有同一性。社会中介组织伦理建设是人们自觉、主动的,有目的、有意义的伦理实践活动,它的每一次实践行为都以既定的价值观念为思维框架或实践背景,因此,我们应该在破与立当中做好社会中介组织核心价值体系建设。我们认为,诚信、服务与责任是社会中介组织核心价值准则;客观、公正是社会中介组织基本价值准则;人道、民主及效率意识是其他价值准则。此外,伦理制度是加强社会中介组织伦理建设的必要保障。因为,没有社会中介组织伦理的制度化就无法展示具体的、明确的伦理要求,社会中介组织伦理就会成为抽象的存在。没有社会中介组织制度的伦理化,那么合乎制度要求的行为就可能同时是违背伦理制度、道德规范的行为。在这种情况下,加强社会中介组织伦理建设只能成为一句空话。这就要求我们在加强社会中介组织伦理法制化建设,完善执行机制,形成道德监督网络的同时,建立健全道德教育机制,道德信息公开和道德回报等制度。但制度作为文化形式的一种,从来就不是抽象的存在,而是存在于具体的历史的社会现实之中,有其自身产生、发展和消亡的过程,因此,制度对社会中介组织伦理建设的作用又是有限的。这不仅表现在伦理制度设计的失当会对社会中介组织伦理建设产生消极的影响,而且伦理制度的内生性也决定了其对推进社会中介组织伦理建设的有限作用。因此,对社会中介组织伦理建设的德性论意蕴追问,就显得十分必要。我们不能指望一个德性弱化的从业个体,在世俗物欲的诱惑面前,能够保持一种精神高傲和坦荡的道德追求;我们最可期盼的还是由德性所铸成的道德自觉和美好的心灵,让好的行为自然而然地从他们的人格、心灵中生发出来。所以,社会中介组织伦理向德性回归,把社会中介组织伦理建设最终归结到从业主体的德性培养,是当前社会中介组织伦理建设非常迫切而现实的任务。只有这样,社会中介组织才能获得现实的力量,实现可持续发展。

【Abstract】 The concept of“social intermediary organization”widely current in our country, is from the fifteenth Party’s congress. Until now, we have made the significant development on the social intermediary organization in many aspects. The research results are mature day after day. But saying from the research methods, the empirical analysis is more than the value analysis. The ethics research of the social intermediary organization is still in its infancy. Along with the deepening of the reform and opening up, the social intermediary organization also flourishes day by day. The discussion of the social intermediary organization’s ethical issues, is the inevitably requirement for ensuring the healthy development of the social intermediary organization, and impetus the society development.Different from the other concepts of the social sphere, people never achieve to the understanding consistently of the concepts of the social intermediary organization. According to the current definition proposed by a variety of scholars and the management of the actual usage, we holds that, the social intermediary organizations refers to situate between the enterprise, the government and individuals as well as the society and between the economic subjects, establishes under the certain laws and regulations or by the government commissioned, and is the social organization which provide the service , balances the conflict, coordinate all quarters in the economical, political and social development process. It does not belong to the government agencies, and also not the enterprise, it is one kind of non-government’s form of the social organization. According to its management goal and the management behavior, it can be divided into the beneficial social intermediary organization and the non-beneficial social intermediary organization.In recent years, because the social intermediary organization shares the government partial functions, and plays a positive role of safeguard the rights of citizens and promoting the moral reconstruction, the people praise it consistently. But we should also see that the social intermediary organization under the adverse effects of values such as“the money is supreme”, and“the power worship”, is facing the ethical dilemma, presents the phenomenon of ethical anomie which are the lack of the role moral excellence, the jobholders’morals to deviate from the norm, the moral evaluation criteria to deviate from the norm, the moral control mechanism deficiently and so on. So we should focus on how to cultivate the social intermediary organization ethics spirit, strengthen the social intermediary organization ethics construction.Strengthening the social intermediary organization ethics construction should be based on the value of the ethical identity as the starting point and the final goal. The value approval and the practice choice have the identity. The social intermediary organization ethics construction is the people’s aware, initiative, purposeful and meaningful ethics practice. Its each practice all regards some values as the framework for thinking or the practice background. Therefore, we should do well in the construction of the core values system of the social intermediary organization. Integrity, service and responsibility are the core value guidelines; objective, impartial are the basic value criterion; humanity, democracy and the efficiency consciousness are the other value criterion. In addition, ethics system is the essential protection of strengthening the social intermediary organization ethics construction. Because no institutional ethics, we will not be able to show concrete and clear ethical requirements, the social intermediary organization ethics will become the abstract existence. Without the social intermediary organization system’s ethics, the behavior in line with the system request may also be contrary to the ethical system or the moral rules. In this case, strengthening the social intermediary organization ethics construction can only be an empty promise.But the system as a cultural form, has never been the abstract existence, but exists in the concrete, historical social reality. It has its own process of generation, development and demise. Therefore, the role of the system is limited. Not only it is reflected in the improper ethics system design having the negative influence to the social intermediary organization ethics construction, but also the ethics system endogenous decide it limited function. So it is very necessary to ask the moral character. It is the urgent and realistic task for the current social intermediary organization ethics construction. Only in this way, the social intermediary organization can get the power of the reality, achieve the sustainable development.

  • 【分类号】D632.9;B82-052
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】608

