

【作者】 杜保友

【导师】 严书翰;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中国特色社会主义公民社会(以下简称“中国特色公民社会”)是改革开放以后随着我国社会主义市场经济的发展而逐渐生成的国家政治生活之外的社会公共领域。30年来,它从无到有,由弱到强,现在已经成为我国经济社会发展中的一支重要力量,对中国特色社会主义现代化进程产生着越来越重要的影响。2008年,由于公民社会在中国几次重大事件中的突出表现,被媒体称为“中国公民社会元年”。起步于上世纪90年代初的中国公民社会理论研究,在过去的近20年里已经取得很大进展,但与我国改革开放和经济社会发展对公民社会提出的理论要求相比,还有较大差距,其直接后果是中国公民社会的制度环境至今仍未得到根本改善,各类社会组织的发展仍然受到许多人为因素的阻碍。这一问题的根本解决,要求从中国特色社会主义理论体系的高度对公民社会与中国特色社会主义之间的关系进行深入研究,实现中国公民社会的中国特色社会主义化。为此,本文以公民社会概念所蕴含的经济、政治、文化、社会四个方面的含义为基础,以马克思主义为指导,对中国公民社会与中国特色社会主义市场经济、民主政治、先进文化、和谐社会之间的关系进行了较为深入地探讨,并得出如下结论:中国特色公民社会是中国社会发展不可逾越的历史阶段,是中国特色社会主义发展的必然结果,在中国社会主义现代化进程中有着重要作用。因此,要解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进、大胆创新,对中国特色公民社会的发展规律及相关理论与实践问题进行深入研究,逐步建构起相对系统的中国特色社会主义公民社会理论,以为中国公民社会的健康发展提供理论指导。全文由导论和五章正文组成,各部分主要内容如下:导论对本文的研究背景、研究现状、研究意义等作了介绍,重点阐述了科社学科研究公民社会问题的必要性及本文的切入点和研究思路。导论强调,当前中国公民社会实践发展所遇到的困难,需要由科社学科从中国特色社会主义理论体系的层面加以解决,因为当代中国公民社会产生、存在和发展的理论和现实依据都是中国特色社会主义。第一章,首先对当代公民社会理论的基本要点进行了梳理,在此基础上,对中国特色社会主义公民社会的概念作了界定,并考察了中国公民社会兴起的历史过程,分析了其生成的历史必然性和主要特征。本章认为,中国特色公民社会是与社会主义政治国家相对应的分析范畴,是在中国特色社会主义发展过程中形成的以社会主义市场经济为基础、以保护和增进公民权利为主旨、以公民社会组织为主体的,相对独立于政治国家的社会自主领域。它是我国社会主义市场经济发展的必然结果,具有国家推动下的生成与发展、与中国社会主义基本制度相联系、立基于中国的历史文化传统等基本特征。本章为下文考察公民社会与中国特色社会主义的关系奠定了基础。第二章,通过对黑格尔和马克思市民社会理论的介绍,揭示了公民社会的经济学含义。以此为基础,进一步分析了市场经济造就公民社会的内在机理,考察了公民社会在发展社会主义市场经济中的多方面作用。本章强调,要在不断深化经济体制改革的同时,积极培育和促进中国特色公民社会的健康成长,推动中国社会主义市场经济的“升级”与完善。第三章,在简要考察了洛克和托克维尔这两位自由主义思想家的公民社会思想之后,结合现、当代公民社会理论,概括了公民社会与政治国家之间的六种关系模式,揭示了公民社会的政治学含义,即公民社会问题的本质是民主政治,核心是国家与社会的关系。在此基础上,以公民政治参与、服务型政府建设和权力制衡为例,对公民社会在社会主义民主政治建设中的作用进行了分析。第四章,从葛兰西“文化领导权”思想以及公民文化、公民意识等三个维度,挖掘了公民社会的文化内涵,并从“葛兰西‘文化领导权’的再认识及其启示”、“公民文化与先进文化”、“公民意识与人的现代化”等三个方面,分析了公民社会在中国特色社会主义先进文化建设中的重要地位和功能。第五章,通过对帕森斯、哈贝马斯以及柯亨和阿拉托的公民社会思想的介绍,阐述了公民社会的社会学含义,以此为基础,从历史进程、基本价值、构建主体等三个方面分析了公民社会与社会主义和谐社会的内在一致性,并从民主法治、安定有序、诚信友爱、公平正义等几个方面考察了公民社会在社会主义和谐社会构建中的作用。结束语,对全篇进行了总结,并根据马克思的三阶段社会发展理论,确认了中国公民社会的不可逾越性,重申了从中国特色社会主义理论体系层面深入研究中国公民社会问题的重要意义。

【Abstract】 Civil society of socialism with Chinese characteristics (or“Civil society with Chinese characteristics”) is the public sphere of society outside the country’s political life with the gradually going on of China’s socialist market economy after the reform and opening up. In this 30 years, it developes from scratch, from weak to strong, has had an increasingly important impact on the economic and social development of our country and has been playing an increasingly important role in Chinese socialist modernization drive. As a result of the outstanding performance of the civil society in several major incidents, 2008 was known as“the first year of China’s civil society.”Theoretical study of civil society in China, which Started in the early 90’s of last century, has made much progress over the past 20 years, but compared with the requirements of the practice development of the Chinese civil society, it still lags behind. Theoretical study of civil society in the policy of the consequences of This leads to the result that China’s institutional environment of civil society has not yet been fundamentally improved and the development of various social organizations are still subject to a number of man-made factors. The fundamental way to solve this problem is to launch research on the interaction between civil society and socialism with Chinese characteristics on the latitude of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and realize the building of China’s civil society with Chinese characteristics. Based on the guidance of Marxism and the concept of civil society in the economic, political, cultural and social, this thesis explores the relationship of China’s civil society and the socialist market economy, democratic politics, advanced culture and a harmonious socialist society in more depth, and reaches the following conclusions:Civil society with Chinese characteristics is a insurmountable historical stage of China’s social development, is the inevitable result of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics and has an important role in the process of socialist modernization of China. Therefore, we must emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts. We must conduct in-depth research on the laws of development of civil society with Chinese characteristics and theoretical and practical issues related, gradually build a relatively systematic theory of civil society of socialism with Chinese characteristics and provide a theoretical guide on the healthy development of civil society in China. This thesis consists of the introduction and the body, which has five chapters, and the main contents of each part are as follows:In Introduction, the thesis deals with the background, the status and the significance of the research, with emphasis on the need of research on civil society from the perspective of Scientific Socailism and the starting point and research ideas of the thesis. It stresses that the current difficulties encountered by the practice of civil society development in China is to be solved by the subjects disciplinary agency from the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics to be addressed at the level, as the theoretical and practical basis for the the existence and development of contemporary Chinese society is socialism with Chinese characteristics.Chapter I introduces the basic elements of the theoretical study of contemporary civil society, the developing course of China’s civil society and analyzes its historical inevitability and main characteristics. This chapter concludes that the Chinese civil society is the country’s social autonomy relatively independent of the political area, which develops in the process of the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics to protect and enhance the theme of civil rights, which is formed of economic, social and cultural areas and with the private sector, community organizations, public areas and social movements as its structural elements. It is the inevitable result of the development of China’s socialist market economy and has such charateristics as the country-driven generation and development, the combination with the basic system of socialism and with Chinese historical and cultural traditions as basis, and so on. This chapter lays the foundation for the study of the relationship between civil society and socialism with Chinese characteristics in the following parts.Chapter II reveals the meaning of civil society in economics through the introduction of the theory of civil society of Hegel and Marx. On this basis, it further analyzes that the intrinsic mechanism of civil society is the market economy and studies the multi-faceted role of civil society in the development of the socialist market economy. This chapter stresses that we need to constantly deepen the reform of the economic system while actively fostering and promoting the healthy growth of civil society with Chinese characteristics so as to promote the“upgrading”and improvement of China’s socialist market economy.Chapter III makes a brief study of the ideas of the two liberal thinkers of civil society, John Locke and Tocqueville, summarizes the six patterns of relationship between the political state and the civil society from the perspective of contemporary civil society theory, reveals the meaning of the civil society in the political science, that is, its essence is democratic politics, its core is the relationship between state and society. On this basis, it expands the role of civil society in the construction of socialist democratic politics from three aspects: the expansion of the political participation of citizens, the building of service-oriented government and the balance of powers.Chapter IV excavates the cultural connotations of civil society in three dimensions, that is , Gramsci’s“cultural leadership”thinking, civic culture and civic-mindedness and analyzes the important function and status of civil society in the building of the advanced socialist culture with Chinese characteristics from three aspects, that is the“Re - Enlightenment of Gramsci‘cultural leadership’”, the“civic culture and advanced culture”, and the“civic-mindedness with the modernization of man”.Chapter V expounds the meaning of civil society in sociology through the introduction of the thinking of civil society of Parsons, Habermas and Cohen and Arato. On this basis, it analyzes the internal consistency between civil society and the harmonious socialist society from three aspects, that is, the historical process, the basic values and the subject of building. It also introduces the main functions of civil society in building a harmonious socialist society in the following dimensions, that is, democracy and the rule of law, the stability and order, the honesty and friendliness, the fairness and justice.Concluding remarks summarizes the whole thesis and confirms the insurmountability of civil society in China in accordance with Marx’s three-stage theory of social development, and reiterates the importance of in-depth study of civil society in China from the dimension of theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  • 【分类号】D61
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】1846

