

【作者】 刘小军

【导师】 康绍邦;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 国际政治, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要对有关中国海权的问题提出了一些思考。海权,对于中国人而言,是一个复杂的命题。这表现在三个方面。从感情上讲,海权曾经见证过中国人在海洋活动方面的辉煌与骄傲;海权也曾经是列强凌辱中国的手段和工具,带给中国无尽的伤痛与屈辱。从理论上讲,海权概念对于中国是一个舶来品,自然受到英文语境与中文语境不同的影响。从发展过程看,海权是一个古老名词,但是它随着时代的发展而发展,其内涵在不断扩展,外延部分也受到越来越多的因素影响。也就是说,不同的国家在不同的历史阶段和不同的社会背景下,对于海权有着不同的理解。而在现实操作层面上,海权问题又是一个中国人不得不做出理论回答的问题。因为,历史上,海权曾经对中国的国家命运产生过至关重要的影响;而当代中国的国家发展也已经显现出对海权的迫切需要。因此,本文将主要回答下列问题,什么是海权?海权对中国历史有着怎样的影响?古代中国为什么没有成为海权国家?海权对于当代中国有着何种意义?当代中国为什么需要海权,需要怎样的海权?中国海权与西方传统海权之间有着何种区别?构成中国海权的要素包括那些?围绕这些问题,本文共分为四章,除去引言和结语等部分。第一章将对海权的概念做出界定,从而明确海权概念中所包含的海洋权利(sea right)、海洋利益(sea interest)、海洋权益(sea right and interest)、海上权力(sea power)、海上力量(sea power)、海洋霸权(sea hegemony)、制海权(command of sea)、海洋战略(marine strategy)、海军战略(naval strategy)等因素的含义以及这些因素之间的关系。同时,第一章还将对海权与地缘政治理论、与某些国际政治理论因素之间的关系做出分析。第二章主要介绍中国海权的历史演变,以时间顺序作为分析的脉络,探寻出海权与中国国家命运之间的联系。第三章将从中国海洋经济的发展、维护中国国家安全、维护中国主权和领土完整的角度,阐述海权对于当代中国的重要意义。第四章首先明确当代中国海权提出的现实背景;随后分析中国海权与传统西方海权之间的区别,并且提出坚持和平发展道路是中国海权发展的必然选择;然后对中国海权发展的要素做出界定;最后,提出笔者关于加强和维护中国海权的一些对策和建议。

【Abstract】 This essay has offered some thoughts mainly on the subject of china’s seapower.Seapower, it is a complex subject to Chinese people. This complexity is reflected on three aspects. Emotionally,seapower has witnessed Chinese people’s glory and pride of sea activities;Seapower has also been a means and a tool used by various Powers to insult China, and brought China endless grieve and humiliation. Theoretically, seapower is an imported concept in China, which naturally has been affected by the difference between the English and the Chinese language environment. From the process of development, seapower is an ancient word, yet it has grown with the times development, with its connotation expanded, its extension has also affected by more and more factors. From the reality operational level, seapower issue must be addressed theoretically by China. Because, historically, seapower has had crucial effect on China’s state destiny; and the modern China’s nation development has shown signs of the need of seapower.Hence, this essay is mainly trying to discuss the following questions, What is seapower? How has seapower affected Chinese history? Why has not the ancient China become a seapower country? What meaning seapower is to modern China? Why does modern China need seapower, and what kind of seapower is needed? What is the difference between Chinese seapower and the traditional western seapower? What are the key elements that formed Chinese seapower? Based on these questions, this essay is divided to four chapters except the foreword and the conclusion. The first chapter is to define the concept of seapower, in order to clarify the meaning of factors such as sea right、sea interest、sea right and interest、sea power、sea power、sea hegemony、command of sea、marine strategy、naval strategy, etc., and the interrelationship among them. Moreover, the first chapter will also analyze the interrelationship between seapower and Geo-political theory and with Factor in international political theory. The second chapter mainly covers the historical changes and developments of Chinese seapower, will approach the subject of the connection between seapower and the State destiny of China, the analyze is furthered in the order of historical timetable. The third chapter is to prove the significance of seapower to modern China from the aspects of the development of Chinese ocean economy, ensuring nation security of China, and defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China. The fourth chapter firstly is to define the background of raising the issue of modern China’s seapower; then the analyze will concentrate on the difference between Chinese seapower and traditional western seapower, also emphasized that the direction of peaceful development is the inevitable choice of Chinese seapower development; further definition of the key factors to Chinese seapower development; at last, it has put forward a few solutions and suggestions from the writer on strengthen and defending Chinese seapower.

  • 【分类号】D820
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1503

