

【作者】 杨奕

【导师】 赵长茂;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 金融是经济的中心,农村金融作为现代金融业的重要组成部分,是解决“三农”问题,有效推进农村现代化建设的关键,对农业和农村经济的发展也将起到不可估量的促进作用。现阶段,由于我国的农村金融受到政府、金融机构和外部环境等多种力量的制约,表现出严重的金融抑制。主要表现为农村金融供给机制不健全,资源分配不公,正规金融供给不足,商业性金融在农村金融领域内的功能严重弱化,政策性金融功能不全,合作性金融由于自身条件的限制,难以适应农业和农村经济发展的新变化,非正规金融所具有的制度缺陷也严重影响了它金融支持作用的充分发挥。所有这一切,都需要从全新的视角来审视今天的农村金融制度安排,要从根源上把握农村金融制度创新的方向,创新农村金融制度,加速金融深化,推进农村金融市场良性发展。本文期望提出有一定参考价值的研究成果来推动金融理论界和金融实际工作者更进一步关注农村金融制度安排的研究,具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。本文充分运用实证分析、动态分析和静态分析相结合、比较分析、宏观分析和微观分析等研究方法从需求和供给两个方面对农村金融制度进行详尽剖析,在充分界定农村金融制度的内涵和特征的基础上,通过考察我国农村金融制度变迁的演进历程,审视我国供给与需求的现状,找出制度缺陷,明确指出导致我国农村金融制度非均衡性的主要原因是金融供给抑制。并根据问题产生的根源,有针对性地提出创新农村金融制度的路径选择。本文共分四部分,具体内容安排如下:导论,阐述了本文的研究意义、相关文献综述、框架结构及研究方法及论文创新之处。提出作者研究农村金融制度的背景,对国内外研究农村金融制度的成果进行了回顾和分析。第一部分是制度、金融制度和农村金融变迁。首先对关于制度、金融制度、制度变迁和农村金融制度创新等重要概念的含义、内容及功能进行了阐释;在回顾了1949建国以来的农村金融制度变迁的演变过程后,通过对我国农村金融制度安排及历史变迁,包括制度变迁的背景、制度变迁的主要原因及制度的阐述,对我国农村金融制度变迁进行了深刻反思。这其中包括对制度变迁的特征分析,非均衡性分析,以及成本、效率分析,进而总结了我国农村金融制度变迁的阶段特征,突出强调了农村金融制度变迁是与我国改革发展过程相适应的,是一种自上而下的政府主导的强制性的渐进式制度变迁;我国农村金融制度处于一种非均衡状态,金融组织制度、金融市场制度、金融监管制度均存在明显的缺陷,在制度变迁过程中陷入“低效率陷阱”。第二部分是我国农村金融制度分析。农村金融制度分供给和需求两个方面。农村金融中的需求主体主要是农户和中小企业。根据需求决定供给原理,这一部分首先从需求入手,在分析农村中的农户金融需求状况、农户的借贷行为逻辑和行为选择以及农村中的中小企业的金融需求状况的基础上,又对我国农村金融供给进行分析。结合新制度经济学中的诱致性与强制性制度变迁,路径依赖和产权等基本理论,指出我国政策性金融制度、商业性金融制度、合作性金融制度等正规金融制度的制度供给安排特征及制度供给缺陷,并结合第一部分阐述的我国的农村金融制度变迁特征详细分析了缺陷产生的原因,明确指出导致我国农村金融制度非均衡性的主要原因是金融供给抑制。由于农村正规金融与农村金融需求的背离,迫使我国的农村金融需求主体不得不求助于非正规金融。我国农村非正规金融的成长具有自发性和渐进性的特征,在正规金融所提供的服务越来越不能满足农村中对金融大量需求的情况下,农村中的非正规金融所具有的制度优势,在农村和农业发展中发挥了积极作用,成为正规金融有益的补充。但非正规金融也存在组织形式不规范、监管弱化,缺乏国家法律和政策支持等制度缺陷,会给农村金融的发展带来一定的困扰和负面影响。第三部分是国外农村金融制度及启示。发达国家(美国,德国、法国,日本)和发展中国家和地区(印度,孟加拉)的农村商业性金融制度、政策性金融制度、合作性金融制度都各有自己的特色,它们都因地制宜根据国情建立了各有侧重、各具特色的农村金融制度。各类机构之间职责明确,业务相互交叉,相互补充,政府又对农村金融制度采取了很多扶持措施和优惠政策,还把健全的法律作为制度保障支撑农村金融制度。由合作性金融、商业性金融、政策性金融和农业保险共同促进农业和农村经济发展。孟加拉国乡村银行的成功模式也为我国小额信贷的发展的提供了有益借鉴,第四部分是中国农村金融制度创新的路径选择。这部分是在前几部分的基础上,针对我国农村金融制度的缺陷,借鉴国外农村金融制度经验,提出我国农村金融制度创新的路径选择。论文认为,我国的农村金融抑制,既有需求方面的原因,也有供给方面的原因,但根据我国的具体国情,造成我国农村金融制度非均衡性的主要原因是金融供给抑制。因此,必须要进行金融深化,消除金融抑制,系统化、全方位地进行农村金融制度创新。首先要重塑农村金融组织体系,要重构农村合作性金融,创新农村商业性金融,创新农业政策性金融,规范和引导非正规金融的发展;其次要从构建进退灵活的竞争性市场制度、加快市场利率化改革和建立农业保险市场体系等方面创新农村金融市场制度;再次要创新农户融资制度,农户是农村金融需求方中最小的经济单位,也是农村金融需求的主体,积极创新农户融资制度,提高农村金融市场的融资效率,实行规模化、组织化管理,切实提高还款能力;最后,在对农村金融生态环境的概念进行界定的基础上,突出强调要以制度创新构建良好农村金融生态环境,论文以为可从以下几个方面着手:改善农村金融信用环境;优化农村金融制度创新的政策环境;强化农村金融制度创新的监督约束机制。

【Abstract】 Finance is the core issue of economy development. Rural finance, as a dispensable part of modern finance, is crucial to the solution of“three-dimensional rural issues”. It is a central concern in the rural economy development and plays a key role in the realization of rural modernization. At present, because of the restrains placed on rural economy by government, banking system, and external environment, the potential of rural finance is greatly inhibited. The rural finance system is unsound in supplying, unfair in rationing, unreliable in formal financing. Within the rural finance system, the mightiness of commercial finance is weakened; the capacity of policy finance is limited; cooperative finance, with its own constrains, is uneasy to be adapted to the needs of the rural development; private finance, with its systematic flaws, is unable to reach its full strength. All above show that we need a new perspective to examine current financial system, a new understanding of the future of rural finance to innovate rural financial system, to deepen finance revolution, to facilitate the healthy development of finance market. This work hopes to present some worthy results to motivate further research on rural finance and help gear our financial system to international standards, which has practical significance.Form the angle of demand and supply, this work employs empirical analysis, static and dynamic analysis, comparative analysis, micro analysis, and macro analysis to analyze the rural financial system. On the basis of a thorough clarification of the contents and features of rural financial system, this work reviews the history of our rural financial system, examines the current state of finance demand and supply in rural area, finds out the drawbacks, and puts forward my perception, that is the main reason for the unbalance of our rural financial system is the inhibition of finance supply. Addressing the essential causes, I advise the option of rural financial system innovation.This work is divided into four parts, specifically as following:The introduction states the meaning of this research, reviews former works, settles analyzing framework and analysis method, and presents the background of my dissertation.The first part describes the history of financial system and rural finance. At the beginning, it clarifies the contents, connotations, and functions of financial system, rural finance, the evolution of financial system, and the innovation of rural financial system. During the examination of the evolution of our rural financial system since the establishment China, by the account of our rural financial system and its evolution, it reflects on several important issues of the evolution, which includes the features of the evolution, the reason of unbalance, the costs and the efficiencies. Further, it sums up the features of different states in the evolution of rural financial system. It points out that this evolution is compatible to the revolution of financial system, and parallels the transformation from planned economy to socialist market economy. This evolution has following features: government driven, compulsive, gradual, from top to bottom. Our rural financial system is in an unbalance state, with salient drawbacks in many directions, and is trapped in a low efficiency pitfall. The second part is the analysis of our rural financial system. This system has two sides, which are demand and supply. The demand is composed of farmers, household enterprises, and small and medium-sized enterprises. According to the theory that demand shapes supply, this part starts its analysis from the demand. It analyzes the situation of rural loan needs, the rural borrowing behaviors, and logic behind these behaviors. Then, it analyzes the supply. In the light of the theories of New Institutional Economics, such as inductive and compulsive transformation, path dependency, and property right, it reports the institutional arrangements and inherent flaws of formal financial systems such as policy finance system, commercial finance system, and cooperative finance system. This part, along with the detailed features of our rural financial system in the first part, analyzes the causes of these flaws and points out unequivocally that the main reason of the unbalance of our rural financial system is the inhibition of supply. Because the formal financial sector can not fulfill its part, the potential borrowers have to turn to informal financial agencies. The growth of the informal financial system is spontaneous and gradual. As the formal sector cannot satisfy the needs, informal agencies, with its institutional advantages, play a significant role in the development of agriculture and rural areas. However, the informal financial activities lack formal contracts, lack supervisions, and aren’t rooted in laws. It can bring troubles and negative effects to the progress of rural finance.The third part is on the foreign rural financial systems and their enlightenment to us. Developed countries and areas (such as USA, German, France and Japan) and developing countries and areas (such as India and Bangladesh) have different features in their commercial financial system, policy financial system, and cooperative financial system. They all develop their rural financial systems according to their national conditions. All kinds of financial institutions have clear duties, interacting with and completing one another. Government grants many supporting polices and favorable policies to help rural financial development and try to support rural financial system by perfecting laws. Commercial financial system, policy financial system, and cooperative financial system as well as agricultural insurance all facilitate the rural development. The successful model of countryside banking system of Bangladesh will provide valuable information.The fourth part is on the innovation of our rural financial system. Based on former parts, using foreign experiences, it proposes solutions to amend current flaws and a direction for our rural financial system development.To sums up,the restrains of finance in our rural finance stems from both demand and supply. According to our national conditions, the primary cause of the unbalance in rural finance system is supply restrains. Therefore, we need to deepen finance reform, eliminate financial restrains, and innovate financial regulation systematically and in all dimensions.Firstly, reform the system of rural financial system, reconstruct rural cooperative finance, innovate rural commercial and policy finance, regulate and lead the development of informal finance system. Secondly, innovate rural financial market system by constructing flexible competitive market regulation and building up rural insurance market. Thirdly, innovate rural household borrowing system. Because each family is the basic economic unit of rural financial demand, we should bring healthy elements to rural household borrowing system, enhance the financing efficiency, implement the management in large scale and in good organization, and improve the payback ability. Finally, on the clarification of rural financial eco-environment, stress on the constructing sound rural financial eco-environment by innovation. Innovation should starts from the following aspects: improving rural financial credit environment; endeavoring to create a policy environment for innovation of financial regulation; strengthening the supervision system of innovation.

  • 【分类号】F832.1
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】3371

