

【作者】 龚双红

【导师】 杨秋宝;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 政治经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 由于新技术革命的推动,世界范围内许多产业的发展已经或正在从大批量、标准化的生产方式向更加灵活、个性化、小批量的生产方式转变,从而使专业化中小企业不断涌现。同一产业或相关产业部门中的大量专业化企业和相关机构,通过彼此间紧密的生产合作或市场交易网络形成产业集群,这逐渐成为一个世界性的经济现象。改革开放以来,我国东南沿海不少地区正是依靠产业集群的集聚效益取得了经济上的极大优势,如广东的专业镇,浙江的专业化产业区以及“块状经济”等。产业集群的快速发展促进了我国产业结构的升级,提高了就业水平,推动了区域经济的快速发展,从而提升了我国国家竞争力。但是,目前我国大部分产业集群仍主要依赖于低成本优势参与市场竞争,产品技术含量低,模仿多于创新,产品雷同,在价值链中大都定位于价值量很低的加工制造环节,只能获得较低的附加值,存在“逐底”和“锁定”现象。这一方面使产业集群内的企业在短期内容易陷入价格的恶性竞争,在国际贸易中频繁地遭受制裁;另一方面,从长期来看,又会面临来自那些更具价格优势区域企业的竞争和威胁,极易被它们所取代。因此,在激烈的国际竞争背景下,产业集群发展也如逆水行舟,不进则退,只有及时进行升级的产业集群才能保持和获得新的竞争优势。由此,本文将我国产业集群升级问题作为研究对象。导论部分介绍了论文写作的理论和实践背景,并对国内外关于产业集群升级的研究,作了简要回顾和梳理。第一章主要对产业集群进行理论考察。介绍了产业集群的有关基础理论,包括产业集群的涵义和性质、特征和类型,形成机理和竞争优势等。第二章对产业集群升级进行一般性分析,明确整个论文的核心概念。首先界定产业集群升级的涵义,指明产业集群升级与产业升级的联系与区别,认为产业集群升级应包括技术创新能力升级、内部组织结构升级、主导产业升级及外向关联升级等四个方面,然后对产业集群升级的模式及其影响因素进行了分析,在本章的最后一节,初步设计了产业集群升级评价指标体系,以期为进一步量化产业集群升级提供框架基础。第三章分析我国产业集群发展状况。首先简要介绍我国产业集群发展的基本情况,概括我国产业集群发展的主要特点和重要作用,然后以制造业为例,对我国产业集群现状进行实证分析,制造业中各行业的数据再次证实了我国产业集群发展的有关特点。接着指出当前我国产业集群发展中存在强竞争优势与低附加值并存的矛盾,并对产生这一矛盾的原因进行了分析,最后提出,为解决这一矛盾,我国产业集群发展的未来出路在于及时升级,从而说明了我国产业集群升级的重要性和迫切性。第四章至第七章具体分析如何促进我国产业集群升级。第四章分析产业集群升级的主要动力:集群创新。在介绍创新内涵的基础上分析了集群创新的主要特点,论证了集群创新与产业集群升级的关系,即集群创新是产业集群升级的主要动力,随后针对我国产业集群创新不足的现状,提出了增强我国产业集群创新能力的若干措施,主要包括构建区域创新系统、推动集群创新;产业集群内企业进行合理定位,提高创新绩效;加强产业集群技术学习,促进创新成果扩散等。第五章和第六章依次分析产业集群升级的内部和外部途径。第五章主要从产业集群内部治理的角度分析如何促使我国产业集群升级。分析了产业集群治理的动因和必要性,介绍了产业集群治理结构和治理机制,并探究了当前我国产业集群分工网络、社会关系网络及交易网络发展中存在的一些问题,以及为实现我国产业集群升级所须采取的集群治理措施。第六章从产业集群嵌入全球价值链的视角来分析我国产业集群升级的外部途径。首先介绍了全球价值链的动力机制和治理模式,随后分析了全球价值链的片断化与地理集聚性的内在关系,接着说明产业集群的空间等级特征,并认为这一特征是造成我国许多经济发展不合理现象的原因所在,指出我国产业集群未来的发展之路就是不断从全球价值链的低端朝着高附加值环节攀升。在本章最后一节,提出了我国产业集群在全球价值链中升级的四大战略:产业转移战略、产品差异化战略、集群品牌带动战略和技术创新战略。第七章主要是分析政府如何实施产业集群政策来促进我国产业集群升级。首先介绍产业集群政策的涵义,指出它与传统产业政策的联系与区别,说明产业集群政策实施的必要性和有效性,以及产业集群政策与产业集群升级的关系,然后介绍产业集群政策在欧盟与日本等国家的实践状况,随后对我国所实施的产业集群政策进行回顾分析,并与国际经验进行对比,在此基础上,明确了我国当前促进产业集群升级的一些政策选择:发展生产性服务业,促进产业集群升级;整顿市场秩序,为产业集群升级营造良好的竞争环境;推进产业集群向生态化、循环经济型发展;推动产业集群跨区域融合;与国际经济组织建立合作关系,推动我国产业集群升级。

【Abstract】 As a result of the new technological revolution,around the world the production modes of many industries have been or are being from high-volume,standardized to more flexible,personalized and small-batch,which lead to the emerging of small and medium-sized specialized Enterprises.Industry clusters arose through close mutual co-operation or market transaction networks between a large number of specialized enterprises and relevant institutions in the same industry or related industries,which has gradually become a world economic phenomenon.Since reform and opening up, many areas of the southeast coast of China have made great economic advantages depending on the clustering effect of industrial clusters,such as professional town in Guangdong,specialized industrial park and "massive economy" in Zhejiang,and so on.The rapid development of industrial clusters has promoted the upgrading of China’s industrial structure and the rapid development of regional economy,improved the level of employment,and enhanced our national competitiveness.However,the majority of industrial clusters in China still mainly rely on low-cost advantage to participate in market competition,with products with low technological content,imitation more than innovation,and similar products.The products are located in the very low value,can only get lower value-added,and there exists "pursuing end" and "locking" phenomenon.In the short term,this will make enterprises of clusters fall into a vicious price competition and suffer trade sanctions frequently in the international trade;in the long term,this will make enterprises of clusters face competition and threat from enterprises of regions with more price advantage,and be replaced easily.Therefore,in the context of fierce international competition,the cluster development is like riding a boat,forward or backward,and only the timely upgrade can industrial clusters maintain and gain new competitive advantages.Therefore,the article selects the upgrade of China’s industrial cluster as a study.Introduction:to introduce the theory and practice background,and briefly review and sort the research both at home and abroad on the upgrading of industrial cluster.Chapter 1:to study industry clusters theoretically.Introduce the relevant basic theories,including the meaning and nature,characteristics and type,and formation mechanism and competitive advantage,and so on. Chapter 2:to generally analyze the upgrading of industry cluster,and make the core concept of the entire paper clear.First of all,define the meaning of the upgrading of industrial clusters,point the differences between the upgrading of industrial clusters and industrial upgrading,and the upgrading of industrial clusters should include technical innovation,internal organizational structure,leading industries and export-oriented industries.Then analyze the upgrading modes and influencing factors. Lastly,preliminary design the evaluation system of the upgrading to provide a framework for the further quantitative of upgrading.Chapter 3:to examine the development of industrial clusters in China.Firstly, briefly introduce the development of industrial clusters in China,summarize the main characteristics and important role,then calculate and analyze the data of manufacturing industry to confirm the conclusion I have made on the features of the development of industrial clusters.Then point out the existence of paradox,namely "strong competitive advantage with the low value-added co-exist",and analyze the reasons deeply.Finally point out that the future of sustainable development of industrial clusters in China lies in the timely upgrading which is important and urgent.Chapter 4 to Chapter 7:to research how to promote the upgrading of China’s industrial clusters.Chapter 4 mainly explain that innovation is the driving force of the upgrading.Analyze the main characteristics of cluster innovation based on the introduction of the meaning of innovation,and demonstrate the relationship between cluster innovation and cluster upgrading,namely cluster innovation is the original driving force of cluster upgrading.Put forward to measures to enhance abilities of cluster innovation based on the lacing of cluster innovation,including building a regional innovation system to promote cluster innovation,making enterprises locate reasonable to enhance innovational performance,strengthen the technological learning and promote products of innovation diffuse.Chapter 5 and chapter 6 analyze the internal and external channels of cluster upgrading.Chapter 5 mainly analyze how to upgrade China’s industrial clusters from the perspective of internal governance of the cluster.Research the motivation and necessary of upgrading,introduce the cluster management structure and governance mechanisms,explore relevant problems existing in the current division of network of China’s industrial cluster,social relations networks,trade networks,as well as some measures to realize the cluster upgrading.Chapter 6 analyze the external channels of promoting cluster upgrading from the perspective of making clusters embed in the global value chain.Firstly,introduce the governance modes and dynamic mechanisms of the global value chain,followed by an analysis of the inherent relationship between the fragmentation and geographic concentration of global value chain,the next explain the spatial grade characteristics,and believe that this characteristic can explain many unreasonable economic development in China,and point out that the future of China’s industrial cluster development is to go up high value-added segments from low-end.In this chapter,put forward four strategies on the upgrading of China’s industrial clusters in global value chains:industry transfer strategy,product differentiation strategy,the cluster brand strategy and technological innovation-led strategy.Chapter 7:mainly analyze how to implement cluster policies to promote the upgrade of China’s industrial clusters.First introduce the meaning of cluster policies,, analyze difference and relation between the cluster policies and traditional industry policies,the necessary and effectiveness of the industrial cluster policy,the relationship between cluster policies and cluster upgrading,and the industry Cluster policy in the European Union and Japan.Then review the implementation of China’s industrial cluster policy,and compare it with international experiences.Next point out the policy options:to develop producer services to promote clusters upgrading,to rectify market order to create a good competitive environment for cluster development,to develop the eco-cluster and cycle economic cluster,to promote the cross-regional integration industrial cluster,establish cooperation with international organizations to promote the upgrade of our cluster.

  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】32
  • 【下载频次】3291

