

【作者】 张东

【导师】 杨春贵;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 人权是人类永恒的话题。尊重和保障人权,是中国共产党的一贯主张;充分享有人权,是中国人民长期追求的理想。中国共产党十分重视人权的实施和保障问题,并为此进行了广泛深入的探索。新民主主义革命时期,中国共产党的主要使命是争取中国人民的生存权、发展权和国家独立权,这也是新民主主义人权理论的集中体现。这个时期的人权思想是马克思主义人权理论与中国社会具体实践相结合的产物,是中国化的马克思主义人权理论的第一个理论形态。中华人民共和国成立以来,国家在尊重和保障人权问题上,曾走过一条十分曲折的道路。建国后短时期内,以毛泽东为核心的党和国家领导集体带领全国人民走上了社会主义道路,中国人民的生存权、发展权、民主政治权、精神文化权、民族平等权等得到了根本性的改变,在发展人权方面取得了巨大的成就。但是,由于当时党和国家主要领导人受社会主义运动“左”倾错误思想的影响,在阶级斗争扩大化思想指导下,从50年代的“反右”斗争到60年代的“文化大革命”等一系列政治运动中,出现了严重损害人格、践踏人权的现象。在社会主义人权理论研究方面,建国以后的30多年中,中国共产党较少谈论人权,在“左”倾思潮严重泛滥时期,甚至认为“人权”是资产阶级观念,无产阶级不应讲“人权”。人权领域成为一个理论研究的禁区,人权研究陷入停滞。1978年以后,我国进入改革开放的新时代,中国人权建设和发展也进入一个全新的时期。坚持以经济建设为主心,不断建立和完善民主政治制度、司法保障制度、社会主义市场经济制度等,大力推进物质文明、政治文明、精神文明和和谐社会建设,人权建设取得了历史性的飞跃。伴随着改革开放和我国人权事业的进步,人权理论研究也得到了日益深入的开展,取得了历史性飞跃。在人权研究领域,随着真理标准的大讨论,打破了思想停滞的局面,人们痛定思痛,对“文化大革命”的反思追踪到一个最根本的现实问题就是人的问题,关于人性、人道主义、人权等问题的讨论开始在理论界展开,一批关于人权理论研究的文章和专著开始出版,对于美国的所谓“人权外交”开始实施积极的正面反击,逐步形成了具有中国特色的社会主义人权理论体系。其主要内容包括:生存权和发展权是首要人权;国家主权是人权的前提和保障;人权的普遍性和特殊性不可分割;个人人权和集体人权相互依存、共同发展;人权需要法制的保障等,中国共产党的人权理论形态逐步完整,体系逐步健全。我国的人权理论研究一方面是中国人权实践的理论总结和升华,一方面是在与西方一些国家的人权斗争中,在与广大发展中国家的人权交流与合作过程中逐步发展、成熟和繁荣的。无论是我国的人权实践,还是人权理论的研究,在不同时期都有其特别强调的重点和突出的特点,这是中国人权理论的特色所在。但在一些主要观点上,中西方之间还存在许多分歧。中国的人权理论需要随着实践的发展而不断深化,还有许多理论问题急需深入加以探讨。就当前人权研究理论界一些重大问题,特别是存在分歧的理论问题尝试进行一些研究和辨析,明确其理论观点,指导人权实践,这是论文写作的初衷。论文就生存权和发展权的时代内涵,生存权和发展权为何成为中国首要人权;国家主权对人权保障的基础性地位,如何妥善处理好人权国际化进程中人权与国家主权的关系,集体人权是否存在,个人人权和集体人权的相互关系;人权的普遍性和特殊性存在的原因,如何从发展的角度处理好人权普遍性和特殊性关系;如何加强人权的法制保障等问题展开论述,力求把中国共产党的人权主张和理论放在中国历史实际和国际人权斗争的大背景下进行互动性研究,尽可能占有更多史料,采取比较分析的方法,梳理出中国共产党在经济社会发展与国际交往过程中促进中国人权事业进步的内在逻辑,探索在这一过程中与西方某些国家存在的人权矛盾和斗争的内在原因,提出笔者的一些观点和思考。在论文最后,着重从方法论上进行总结。中国在人权发展的道路上已经探索出了符合中国实际的发展模式。人权问题涉及到哲学、法学、伦理学、政治学、社会学等学科,从哲学的角度论述人权问题,无论在人权实践还是理论研究方面都要做到“三个坚持、三个力戒”:一要坚持两点论,力戒片面性,任何时候,都要善于抓主要矛盾和矛盾的主要方面,抓好促进和保障人权的切入点。二要坚持历史唯物主义,力戒抽象性,善于把握人权发展的规律性,努力推动人权走上健康发展的轨道。三要坚持理论与实践相统一,力戒凝固性,努力形成理论与实践相互促进、良性发展的良好局面。人权已经成为衡量一个国家文明进步程度的一个重要标尺。《国家人权行动计划(2009—2010年)》的发布实施,必将把我国人权事业发展推向一个新的阶段。

【Abstract】 The topic of human rights is an everlasting theme in human history. Respect for and protection of fundamental human rights is the CPC persistent allegation. Fully enjoying human rights is an ideal that Chinese people long for.The CPC attaches great importance to safeguarding human rights to the people, to his end our party has been making more efforts for the time being. Especially, since the policy of reform and opening up was introduced since 1978, the CPC has made more painstaking efforts in these fields such as building and improving the system of political democracy, judicial support and socialist market economy as so on. In line with the CPC practice in protecting human rights, the party developed its theory on human rights through some stages, which involve the periods of new democratic revolution, socialist revolution and construction, and the reform and opening up, gradually established a system of socialist theories of human rights with Chinese characteristics. The main points of the theory can be expounded as follows. People’s rights to subsistence and development are the foremost rights. State sovereignty is the precondition for the protection of human rights. The universality and particularity of human rights are inseparable. Individual rights coexist and develop along with collective rights. Human rights need the judicial support. After many years’efforts, the CPC made its theory on human rights more perfect.With the title with“A Study of Some Questions about Human Rights Theory in Contemporary China”, the paper develops into five parts. In the introduction, the writer reviews the evolution of the CPC propositions on human rights with four periods. In the period of new-democratic revolution (before 1949), the CPC put forth some general ideas. From 1949 to 1978, the party underwent a zigzag path in the field. Since 1978, the party experienced a historic breakthrough. In the present time, our party has made progress while a lot of major questions need in-depth study. Chapter 1 involves the rights to subsistence and development and focuses on three major questions such as the definitions of the rights to subsistence and development and their characteristics, and the controversies on these two rights between China and West.Chapter 2 concerns human rights and state sovereignty with four points as follows. State sovereignty is unsurmountable and the fundamental guarantee for human rights. The principle of state sovereignty is the most essential norm of international law. At last the writer discusses whether human rights are higher than state sovereignty or vice versa.Chapter 3 is related to individual and collective rights with the following three questions, i.e. the origin and meaning of collective rights, the debate on collective rights and the relationship between individual and collective rights.Chapter 4 discusses the universality and particularity of human rights with the following questions, i.e. the universality and particularity of human rights and their relationship.Chapter 5 refers human rights and legal system with the following four questions, i.e. legalization of human rights, legislation on human rights, establishing and improving the guarantee framework in democracy and politics, judicatory behavior and social securities for the protection of human rights.In the concluding part, the writer sums up some questions about methodology and points that it must follow dual perspective while avoid one-sided approach, materialism not abstract arguments, combination theory with practice not purely theoretical explanation.

【关键词】 哲学人权理论研究
  • 【分类号】D621.5
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1626

