

【作者】 申琰

【导师】 李忠杰;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 国际政治, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 互联网的发展对国际关系互动的内容和形式产生了重要而深刻的影响。国际社会围绕互联网的开发、建设、使用和管理,以及以互联网为工具和手段正在各领域展开一系列博弈和合作。这种新形式的国际博弈与合作已经成为当代国际政治领域一个崭新的也是极为重要的现象。本文第一次明确提出“互联网的国际博弈与合作”这一重大课题,并运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法,在借鉴国内外初步、零散研究成果的基础上,对该课题进行了深入系统和富有前瞻性的探索和研究。论文以互联网在国际政治领域引起的一些基本问题的发展和变化为研究起点,提出了互联网的国际博弈与合作的基本概念,概括和总结了在互联网成为新的时代条件和国际互动新型平台的情况下,国际政治、军事、经济、文化以及科技博弈与合作的发展变化和总体态势,研究了竞争与合作两种因素在互联网的国际博弈与合作过程中的作用和体现,分析了不同领域互联网国际博弈与合作的内容、特点和应对策略,提出了构建和完善国际互联网新秩序的相关内容和设想,并客观分析了中国在互联网国际博弈与合作中的基础实力和地位,并就如何增强我国在这方面的实力和能力提出了相应的对策建议。论文包括导言和九章内容。导言部分提出了互联网国际博弈与合作问题研究的理由及意义;梳理总结了国内外学者对互联网的国际博弈与合作相关问题的研究现状,并对其进行了相应评述;简要介绍了论文的研究思路、基本逻辑、研究方法、框架内容和主要的创新之处等。第一章,互联网的发展与国际政治。该部分主要阐述了互联网的发展、特点和趋势,以及互联网对人类和国际社会发展带来的双重作用,重点分析了在互联网全方位强渗透作用下,国际政治的一些基本问题(如国家主权、国家实力/权力和国家安全等)发生的变化,提出信息主权、信息安全、网络安全、信息实力及对网络疆域利益的维护等都是在互联网条件下出现的新问题和新变化。对这些问题和变化的研究和探索也是进一步研究互联网国际博弈与合作的逻辑起点。第二章,互联网国际博弈与合作的基本问题。该部分为本课题研究设置了总的研究架构,在分析了博弈、合作、国际博弈与合作、竞争与合作思想后,提出围绕互联网的开发、建设、使用和管理而展开的国际博弈与合作已经成为国际政治互动的崭新现象,而且互联网正在成为当代各种国际博弈与合作的重要战略工具,同时互联网这一时代特征也使互联网的国际博弈与合作与其它领域层次的国际博弈与合作相互影响、相互渗透;论文在详细分析了国际博弈与合作的行为体后,依照不同的标准,对互联网的国际博弈与合作问题进行了分类,指出了互联网既有加剧国际博弈竞争性的作用,也有增加关系缓和及国际合作的作用。论文提出了在全球互联互通的条件下,合作博弈能更好地在维护国家利益的同时,照顾到国际社会共同利益的理论假设。第三章,互联网的国际政治博弈与合作。该部分首先研究了互联网的政治功能,分析了互联网对政治的影响,包括网络政治参与不断扩大、国内政治国际化的趋势日趋明显、国家政治安全面临新挑战。论文还研究了信息网络环境下围绕政治问题进行国际博弈与合作的内容、特点和根源,就如何把握好互联网条件下政治博弈中的竞争与合作因素提出了自己的观点,并论述了互联网条件下增强国家政治博弈与合作能力的重要性及主要措施和原则。第四章,互联网的国际军事博弈与合作。该部分从概括总结科技革命推动下的新军事变革入手,探讨了互联网条件下战争形态的改变,区分了信息战、电子战与网络战等概念,并在案例和数据分析的基础上对互联网条件下的国际军事实力对比进行了研究。本章重点分析了互联网条件下国际军事博弈的内容和特点,并探讨了在借助互联网发动战争的国际行为体不断增多的情况下,国家应如何把握当前军事博弈与合作中的竞争和合作因素,掌握制网权和制信息权,更好地维护国家安全。论文还论证了国家在互联网国际军事博弈与合作中占据主动,增强实力和能力的重要性,以及应当采取的对策措施。第五章,互联网的国际经济博弈与合作。该部分首先考察了互联网对全球经济的革命性作用,对比分析了不同发展水平的国家运用信息网络发展经济的现状。在此基础上,该章对互联网国际经济博弈与合作的内容、重点和特点进行了分析,并具体论证以互联网为核心成果的ICTs产业的标准竞争直接关系到国家经济实力的增长,乃至经济霸权的更迭。本章认为通过标准竞争获得的产业领先能力可能转化为产业持久的比较优势,进而影响到上下游产业的竞争绩效及国家经济竞争优势。该章论证了在信息网络环境下,将国际经济博弈的合作因素转化为实际行动的重要性。此外,该章还分析了互联网条件下全球经济发展的不平衡及发展中国家经济的脆弱性及困境,论证了提高国家经济博弈与合作能力的重要性及相应对策措施。第六章,互联网的国际科技博弈与合作。该部分首先分析了科学技术对增强国家实力和提升国家竞争力的重大战略意义,论述了当代以互联网为核心的ICTs对高新科学技术发展的革命性渗透和引领作用,并考察了当前不同发展水平国家的科技实力,尤其是信息技术实力方面的对比。该章论证:获取先导技术和主导产业的控制权和主导权,是在包括国际科技博弈与合作在内的所有领域国际互动中取得优势地位的必然要求,强调以互联网为核心成果的高新科学技术对国际权力分配格局有重大影响,必须警惕发达国家的高科技垄断和科技保护主义,发展中国家要以自主创新为根本,通过增强国家的科技实力和竞争力,提高互联网条件下国际科技博弈与合作的能力,维护国家的科技安全与国家长远发展。第七章,互联网的国际文化博弈与合作。该部分首先分析了互联网对文化传播发展的重大意义,以及对不同发展水平国家的文化发展的不同作用。该章从传播学的角度,对比分析了不同发展水平国家的文化传播力与影响力,以及对构建国家软实力的影响,接着总结和概括了当前互联网国际文化博弈中的特点、内容和趋势,提出网络文化强权是造成发展中国家文化发展困境的重要原因,并研究了如何增强发展中国家在互联网国际文化博弈与合作中的实力能力,以及如何更好地维护国家文化主权和文化安全。第八章,建立和完善国际互联网的新秩序。该部分总结和概括了当前互联网发展中积累的诸如网络恐怖主义、网络犯罪、网络知识产权保护、全球或地区性网络危机等全球性难题,并分析了产生这些问题的技术、法律、监管及社会等方面的原因,指出当前国际互联网秩序中存在的不公正、不合理之处严重影响国际社会在当代国际互动中达成实际有效的国际合作,从而影响解决与互联网有关的全球性新难题。论文提出了完善互联网国际新秩序的设想,以及促进互联网国际合作、推动互联网健康可持续发展的建议。第九章,中国在互联网国际博弈与合作中的实力、地位和对策分析。该部分客观分析和考察了中国在互联网国际博弈与合作中的基础实力、所处地位、面临形势和存在的问题等,并就如何增强我国在互联网条件下进行各领域国际博弈与合作的实力和能力、掌握当代国际互动的主动权、确保互联网条件下国家安全及平衡好国际互动中的竞争与合作因素等,提出了相应的对策建议。

【Abstract】 The development of the Internet brings great and profound influence on the content and form of the International Relations interaction. The international community is carrying out a series of game and cooperation, concerning the exploitation, construction, use and supervision of the Internet, and also in various fields where the Internet is utilized on the instrument sense. This new form of international game and cooperation has become the brand-new and vital phenomenon in the field of the International Politics. For the first time, this dissertation presents the grave problem of the international game and cooperation concerning the Internet explicitly and integrally. This dissertation applies the Marxist standpoint, viewpoint and method, and makes an in-depth, systemic and foresighted study on the basis of reviewing and referring to the exiting research production.From the research starting point of the development and changes of some basic problems the Internet has caused in the field of International Politics, this dissertation sets forth the essential concept of the international game and cooperation concerning the Internet. This dissertation believes that our era is characterized by the Internet and it has become the new platform of the international interaction, then it summarizes the development, changes and general situations of the international game and cooperation in the areas of politics, military, economics, culture and technology under the new circumstances. The effect and embodiment of the two different factors of competition and cooperation in the course of the international game and cooperation concerning the Internet is also the keynote of the paper, and also the content, features and answering tactics in different areas of the international game and cooperation concerning the Internet. In the end, this dissertation advances the content and assumption about the construction and perfection of the new international order of the Internet, and analyzes the basal strength and status of China in the international game and cooperation concerning the Internet, and suggests the corresponding strategies and measures aiming to enhance the national strength and capability.This dissertation is composed of the introduction and nine chapters. The introduction mainly puts forward the reasons and illuminates the significance of studying the international game and cooperation concerning the Internet, rounds up and combs the research status quo the domestic and foreign scholars have accumulated around this theme, and makes certain comments on it. The introduction also makes a brief explanation of the research train of the thoughts, the basic logic, the research methods, the frame of the content and the main initiatives of the paper.Chapter one: the development of the Internet and the International Politics. This part mainly elucidates the development, the features and the trends of the Internet and its double-edged effects on the human beings and the international community. This part puts the emphasis on the changes of some basic issues in International Politics (e.g. national sovereignty, national strength/power and national security, etc.) under the omnidirectional, powerful and penetrating influences of the Internet, and points out that the national information sovereignty, information security, network security, information strength and the maintenance of the cyberspace border are all the new issues and latest changes in the context of the Internet. Investigating and exploring these issues and changes are also the logic starting point of researching the international game and cooperation concerning the Internet.Chapter two: the basal problems of the international game and cooperation concerning the Internet. This part establishes the general research frame for this theme. After analyzing the thoughts of game, cooperation, international game and cooperation and competition and cooperation, this part brings forward that the international game and cooperation, concerning the exploitation, construction, use and supervision of the Internet, has become the brand-new phenomenon in the International Politics interaction, and the Internet is also becoming the important strategic instrument of the contemporary various international game and cooperation. Furthermore, the strong penetrating strength of the Internet makes the international game and cooperation concerning the Internet and those in other areas or at other levels become mutually impacted and penetrated. This part elaborately analyses the actors participating the international game and cooperation, and categorizes the international game and cooperation concerning the Internet by different criteria, then points out that the Internet not only has the negative effect of aggravating the competitive degree of the international game, but also has the positive effect of alleviating the relationship and enhancing the international cooperation. This part advances a hypothesis that under circumstances of global mutual link and communication, cooperative game can better maintain the national interest and at the same time consider the common interest of the international community.Chapter three: the international political game and cooperation concerning the Internet. This part firstly studies the political functions of the Internet, then analyses its effects on the politics, which are the ever-enlarging net political participation, the manifest trend of internationalization of the domestic politics, and the new challenges encountered by national political security. This part lays the emphasis on the content, features and the root reason of the international political game and cooperation in the context of the Internet, and offers the viewpoint about how to well balance the factors of the competition and cooperation in the international political game under the Internet circumstances. This part is concluded by discussing the importance and the measures of enhancing the national capability to deal with the international political game and cooperation in the context of the Internet.Chapter four: the international military game and cooperation concerning the Internet. This part begins with summarizing the New Military Reforms driven by the New Technology Reform, then discusses the change of war form under the net condition, and differentiates the concepts of information war, electronic war and network war, and makes a comparison of the contemporary international military capability on the basis of cases and data. This part places the emphasis on analyzing the content and features of the international military game under the Internet condition, and probing into the problem that under the sophisticated circumstances that the international actors capable of applying the Internet to war aim are ever-increasing, how nation states can better hold the competitive and cooperative factors in the current international military game, grasp the power of controlling the information and the Internet, and secure the national security. As a conclusion, this part demonstrates the significance of having the initiative and enhancing the strength and capability in the international military game and cooperation concerning the Internet, and suggests the appropriate strategies and measures nation states should take.Chapter five: the international economic game and cooperation concerning the Internet. This part firstly reviews the revolutionary effect of the Internet on the global economy, and then compares the current situations in which nations at different developing levels have achieved in utilizing the Internet to boost the economy. On the basis of the above analysis, this part works over the content, emphasis, and features of the international economic game and cooperation concerning the Internet, and elaborates that the standard competition concerning the Icts whose core technology is the Internet is directly related to the rising of the national economic strength and even the alternation of economic hegemony. This part believes that the leading industry capability acquired from the standard competition can be transformed into lasting industrial comparative advantage, and it can influence the competitive performance of the upriver and downriver industries and then the national economic comparative advantage. This part also sees the importance of translating the cooperative factors of the international economic game into practical action under the Internet circumstances. Furthermore, this chapter discourses upon the imbalance of the global economic development, the frangibility and the dilemma of the economy of the developing countries under the Internet condition. Along the train of the thoughts, it is vital for the nation states to take the pertinent strategies and measures to promote their capability in the contemporary international economic game and cooperation.Chapter six: the international technological game and cooperation concerning the Internet. This part firstly analyses the strategic significance of the science and technology in building up the national competitive strength, and the revolutionary penetrating and guiding effect of the Icts whose core technology is the Internet on the development of the high and new technology. Then this part investigates and compares the national technological strength at different developing levels. This part also tries to prove that acquiring the dominant and commanding power of the leading technology and the dominant industry is the inevitable requisite of obtaining the advantageous status in all areas of international interaction but not limited to the international technological game and cooperation. This part stresses that the high and new technology whose core technology is the Internet has the significant impact on the international power distribution structure, and the developing countries must be alert to the technology monopoly and protectionism, and they must take the independent innovation as the fundamentality, improve the international technological game and cooperation under the Internet condition by enhancing the national technological competitive strength and secure the national technological security and the development in the long run.Chapter seven: the international cultural game and cooperation concerning the Internet. This part begins with analyzing the significant effect of the Internet on the cultural radiation and development, and its different effect on countries at different developing levels. From the point of view of the communication theory, this part compares and analyzes the cultural radiation and influence of countries at different developing levels and its effect on the soft power construction. The features, the content and the trend of the current international cultural game are also dealt with in this part. Then this part puts forward that the net cultural power is the main reason of the cultural developing dilemma faced by many developing countries, and they must make a thorough study on how to enhance their cultural strength and capability in the international cultural game and cooperation in the context of the Internet in order to better maintain their national cultural sovereignty and security.Chapter eight: establish and perfect the new international order of the Internet. This part sums up the global problems accumulated in the Internet development, such as cyber-terrorism, cyber-crimes, protection of the intellectual property in the Internet context and the global or the regional network breakdown. This part discusses the technological, legal, supervisory and societal reasons that encourage the above problems and points out that the unfairness and irrationality of the current international order of the Internet badly influences the international community to achieve the practical and fruitful cooperation in the contemporary international interaction to solve the global problems concerning the Internet. This part finally propounds the assumption of perfecting the international order of the Internet in order to promote the international cooperation and the sound and sustainable development of the Internet.Chapter nine: China’s strength, status and countermeasures in the international game and cooperation concerning the Internet. This part objectively investigates and analyses China’s basal strength, status, situation and problems in the international game and cooperation concerning the Internet. This part elaborates some corresponding suggestions and countermeasures in order to balance the competitive and cooperative factors in the international interaction, build up China’s strength and capabilities in the international game and cooperation under the Internet condition, master the initiative power of the contemporary international interaction, and secure the national security development.

  • 【分类号】F49
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2009

